ва-банк - (идти в. / пойти в. образно, в такой критической ситуации городу ничего другого не остаётся, кроме как п.в.): The city is staking its future on projects like the R. casino, a glass shell that stands empty and unfinished, waylaid by a $1 billion shortfall. In July, a development authority allotted $18 million to revamp streets leading to the casino. Facing long odds, the city may have little choice but to double down.
важнее - (жизнь матери должна быть в. жизни плода): the mother's life should have precedence over the life of the fetus;
- (тщательность в. скорости): "Thoroughness comes before speed," he said suggesting that the timetable for introducing the reform may not be met;
what you do is more important than what you say
важно - (было в., чтобы он стоял на своём): many people had suffered enormous anxiety and hardship but for the long-term sake of the country, it was essential for Bill to stand his ground;
- (в. быть в курсе дела): "Don't you trust her?" "Trust isn't the issue. Staying informed is what matters.";
- (в. иметь писаное правило, что...): it is essential to have a written policy that employee theft will result in immediate dismissal;
- (исправление исторической ошибки в. не только для потомков несправедливо осуждённого): such actions by a President may seem unimportant compared with the powers of current events, but correcting historical mistakes matters, not only to the descendants of those who were wronged but to all of us;
- ("Как в. быть серьёзным", т.е. пьеса): The Importance of Being Earnest;
- (как в. полагаться на себя, а не надеяться на авось): the story shows the importance of relying on yourself rather than trusting to luck;
- (в., чтобы заявление было получено во-время): it is vital that the registration form be received in time;
- (в., чтобы): it is important that the public health system be geared up;
- (т.е. с важным видом): смотри файл EMOCII;
важность - (вопрос всемирной в-ти): an issue of global concern;
- (задачи величайшей в-ти): problems of utmost gravity;
- (недооценивать в. национальной баезопасности): to underestimate the importance of homeland security;
- (понимать в. автодорог, школ, парков и другого общественного имущества): he understood the importance in highways, schools, parks and other important public goods;
- (промышленности): in an era of increasing emphasis on industry
важный - (Америка важна для остального мира): I always knew that America matters to the rest of the world; my travels taught me how the rest of the world matters to America;
- (быть в-ым для кого-л): the problem of balancing work and family was weighing heavily on me because of the toll it was taking on the White House;
- (вопрос / дело): no matter of importance fml could be settled without the consent of the 13 states;
- (дела): S., who on matters of gravity, or of little consequence, has always known that he could accept my word, - S. has never asked me if I did it;
- (дела): the President discussed weighty matters with me;
- (дело): I will allow you to perform an essential task for me;
- (дело, т.е. расследование): It is as well that we have no affairs of moment on hand. Then we can devote ourselves wholly to the present investigation;
- (жизненно в., этот человек жизненно важен для нас): he is a man of vital importance to us;
- (жизненно важно для страны): it was of vital importance to his country;
- (жизненно в-ые сообщения): if the papers had been vital he would have been called during the night;
- (заказчики): high-end infml customers;
- (занять в-ое место): how did this far-out stuff get so mainstream?;
- (затевалось нечто важное): they sensed with the perceptive collective nose for danger that had brought them all to this pinnacle that something of importance was afoot;
- (заявление): the President was making an important announcement on television;
- (играть в-ую роль): Russia is very keen to play an influential role;
- (играть в-ую роль, предоставление непрофессионалам доступа к данным играет в-ую р. в установлении доверия): Rather than shun the amateurs, climate scientists might find that giving them access to their data goes a long way to building trust. It might even lead to better science. Another way to build trust might be to toughen up standards on the science itself.;
- (иметь в. вид): he was looking immensely proud and important;
- (качество): courage in the face of unknown is an important quality;
- (лицо): very important person;
- (менее важные тождества): numerous identities of lesser importance can be derived from the above basic identities;
- (навыки важны для поднятия командного духа / чувства коллектива): learn the skills crucial to boosting team spirit, from twirling a baton and leading a crowd in a cheer to singing a fight song and joining a marching band;
- (открытие): economics never produces the momentous discoveries, such as cures for dread diseases, that characterize Nobel awards in the hard physical sciences;
- (перемены): years of momentous change;
- (персона): смотри ниже;
- (поддержка страны вaжна для ведения войны): Syria's support was essential for the conduct of the war;
- (покупатели): high-end infml customers;
- (понимать, как важны автодороги, школы, парки и другое общественное имущество): he understood the importance in highways, schools, parks and other important public goods;
- (принять в. вид): "Well! I can't tarry here all day," the doctor said, adopting his former brisk and self-important manner;
- (проблема): a massive problem;
- (раздел книги важен для дальнейшего изложения): this section is central to much of the later development;
- (расхаживающий с важным видом): swaggering cop;
- (решение): in authorizing the bombing of Hiroshima, Truman knew that he had made a momentous decision;
- (решения): on his own, a senior editor may be able to OK a book requiring a $50000 advance, but an assistant editor might have a $10000 ceiling and need major decisions approved by a senior editor or an editorial committee;
- (с в-ым видом, он с в-ым видом следовал за ним повсюду, как сторожевой пёс): P. was tailing him everywhere like an extremely pompous guard dog;
- (самые важные шаги): the warning symbol emphasizes the most critical steps;
- (свидетель): the United States government maintained it could not legally have held non-US nationals or non-US material witnesses within the territory of West Berlin, even though the airliner had come to rest on a US AF air base;
- (свидетель): Ms F., it is within my power to hold you as a material witness;
- (сейчас важнее всего): of more immediate concern was finding the thing that P. had thrown;
- (событие): they were expecting something momentous to happen;
- (считать выборы самыми важными в жизни): the election that most of them regard as most important in their life-time;
- (теория): the theory expounded in this survey is very important;
- (титул): his title, Special Consultant to the President, was grand enough, but without a specific area of responsibility;
- (цель): hot target infml;
- (часть): the children are the highlight of my day;
- (человек): he thinks to be too important to dine or socialize with me
важный (персона) - person of consequence;
- South Africa's bid to host the World Cup that year is coming up for scrutiny soon - FIFA is sending some of football's grand panjandrums infml to look at the place;
- he had had his eye on a small but exquisite Fragonard, but a shifty grandee infmlin Treasury had got there first;
- (важные персоны): along the route where important public buildings and other palaces and dwellings of the great and good;
- (важные персоны): While in New York I took part in a variety show to raise funds for Irish cultural purposes. All the great and good were there, including Katharine Hepburn and Mia Farrow.
вакансия - a vacancy is an employment position within a company, government organization or nonprofit that has no current occupant;
- a job opening is a position within a company that becomes available for various reasons;
- Job Openings (10 jobs found). This list includes all jobs currently available within our organization to internal candidates.;
- (если во время каникул в законодательном органе появляются в-и): if vacancies happen during the recess of the legislature...;
- there's an opening for a new teller at the bank;
- employers receive hundreds, even thousands, of applications for every open position;
- (у вас есть в. оттого, что кто-то получил повышение, ушёл в отставку или его перевели? / заполнить в-ю): Do you have an opening on your staff due to a promotion, resignation, or transfer? You can fill a vacant position in your department by following these simple steps.
вакуумный - (машины): powerful suction machines for sucking wheat out of the hold of the ship into a grain silo;
- (пылесос): a typical vacuum cleaner produces enough suction to reduce air pressure by around 20%
валандаться разг - I can't tarry here all day;
- we can't be late for the dentist, so quit dragging your feet and get in the car!
вализа - (дипкурьера): the very secret material is carried in a hard-frame despatch box / dispatch box chained to the man's left wrist
валить - (в. в одну кучуобразно): Likening the Bolotnikov rebellion to those smaller and less successful uprisings (Razin and Pugachev), Russian and Soviet scholars lumped them all together as social revolutions or "peasant wars.";
- (в. в одну кучуобразно): stereotypes are bad because they tend to lump a whole group of people together and make them all look bad;
- (в. в одну кучуобразно, не хочу, чтобы меня валили в одну кучу с ними): I don't want to be tarred with the same brush;
- (в. вину на других): he is very quick to lay the blame at the door of infml the others
вам слово - (т.е. например, в парламенте): the floor is yours;
- (т.е. на ток-шоу): over to you
варварский - (завоеватель): a barbaric conqueror of unmatched vigor
вариант - (автомобиль в в-те "люкс"): a deluxe version of the car;
- (брейдинговый в. правила Лейбница мат): our differentials obey a braided version of the usual Leibnitz rule
- (т.е. выбора): смотри ниже;
- (искать новые в-ы, новые формы взаимодействия): we have to look for new ways and new forms of interaction;
- (картины): the first version of the painting;
- (кинематографический в. романа): the novel was adapted three times for the screen, and all versions enjoyed fair popular success;
- (найти тот в. обеспечения безопасности, который будет приемлем для всех): we shall eventually be able to find a way of ensuring security that would be acceptable to all;
- (немецкий в. страницы Интернета): a German version of a Web page;
- (в. осуществления настоящего изобретения, т.е. в патентной заявке): stating that "an embodiment of the present invention" includes a particular structure or feature, is much broader than stating that "the present invention" includes that structure or feature;
- (в. осуществления настоящего изобретения / возможнaя часть одного в-а изобретения, т.е. в патентной заявке): Stating that "an embodiment of the present invention" includes a particular structure or feature is much broader than stating that "the present invention" includes that structure or feature. The connotation of the latter is that the so-described feature or structure is essential to the present invention, rather than being only an optional part of a single version of the invention.;
- (первоначальный / первоначальный): the original version / the original;
- (перевода, т.е. книги ): Garnett's version of Tolstoy's War and Piece;
- (перевода, т.е. слова): experienced translators usually choose one or another way of translation, basing on the content of the context in which a field term is used;
- (перевода, т.е. слова): The word for oil in Sanskrit is sneha. Another translation of the same word is love or affection ;
- (в. подачи налоговой декларации): if you're legally married, you generally have only two options for that year's tax returns - either "married filing jointly" or "married filing separately";
- (политики): if the Arabs won with Soviet support, the the radical course - the military option - would appear vindicated;
- (русский в. ракеты НАТО): the AT-6 antitank missile, the one NATO called "Spiral", actually a Russian version of the NATO Milan;
- (самолёт в в-те истребителя): a fighter version of the plane;
- (сокращённый): a shortened version;
- (в. фронтовой обороны): that was just one more version of theater defense, and of little strategic use;
- (человеческий в. болезни): a human variant of the mad-cow disease;
- (т.е. шахматной игры): Kasparov anticipated this variation
вариант (т.е. выбора): (взвесить в-ы): I pondered Nixon's options;
- (иметь несколько в-ов в запасе): the Soviet leadership tried to keep several options;
- (какой бы в. вы ни выбрали): no matter which option is chosen, advance registration works best;
- (любимый в. при выборе вина): for blowout champagnes my favourite choice is S.;
- (в-ы на выбор): the government has two options: to reduce spending or to increase taxes;
- (не заметить возможный в.): he had overlooked a possible fifth option;
- (определить имеющиеся в-ы расчистки, т.е. свалки): the city and county have agreed to study the nature and extent of the contamination and determine the available cleanup options;
- (оценить в-ы): to evaluate the options;
- (предложенный): for anyone giving a sophisticated dinner party with excellent wine, the best suggestion is to start with a champagne;
- (т.е. при выборе вина): Spanish wines, with the native grape varietals, offer good budget choices;
- (у вас есть разные в-ы): there are various options open to you;
- (у нас сегодня несколько в-ов, т.е. как провести время): we have several options today
варьировать - (в. насыщенность цвета краски): the ability to blend and vary the intensity of the new oil paints was exploited by the van Eycks to achieve a heightened sense of depth and distance
вахта - (нести в-у): the officers would maintain constant anchor watch;
- (нести в-у / стоять в-у/ стоять на в-е, т.е. на корабле в котельном oтделении): Fireman: cares for and operates ship's engineering equipment (such as boilers, turbines, pumps, motors). Records readings of gauges and cleans engineering machinery and compartments. Stands watches.;
- (офицер на ночной в-е): he would cause the night duty officer to absent himself on an errand and take over the watch from him while he was away
вахтенный журнал - (т.е. лётчика): this trip would go into his logbook as time in command, but it really wasn't
вахтовый - (обучать в-ым методом, т.е. детей оленеводов в кочевых школах): to teach on rotational basis
ваш (ваши) - (т.е. единомышленники / сородичи / соплеменники): You know well how much the information you both carry is of value to your kind. You cannot be allowed to cross over to the other side.;
- (и нашим и вашим): the army establishment has adopted a policy of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds;
- (и нашим, и вашим, он пытался угодить и н. и вашим, в результате его пинали с обеих сторон): Before the Judiciary Committee, he performed poorly. On sensitive issues he straddled the fence infml fig, and got kicked from both sides.;
- We've spent our lives looking for weaknesses in one another's systems. But now your own side is going to shoot you.
ваша очередь - (т.е. говорить): over to you
вбивать / вбить - (в. себе в голову): somehow he'd got it into his head that his wife was trying to poison him;
- (в. клин между армией и народом образно): to drive the wedge between the army and the people
вбирать / вобрать - (В традициях ислам властно вобрал [в себя] всё, что счёл совместимым с местными обычаями): through and in tradition, Islam aligned itself authoritatively with all it found compatible in local usages;
- (скупой жест вобрал весь город): her brief gesture took in the whole town beyond the room
вблизи - (в. город грязный и облупленный): close up, the city is grubby and chipped;
- (как кирпич выглядит в.): how the brickwork looked close up and at a distance;
- (в. листва была выцветшей): the nearby foliage was faded and dirty;
- (в. птица представляет собой внушительное зрелище): the bird presents an imposing picture at close range;
- (я видел систему здравоохранения в.): I (former Senator) had cancer, I saw the health care system up close, and I had to get back to fix it
вбок - (глаз косил в.): I had a weak left eye, which had often tilted outward;
- (отступить в.): she stepped sideways / took a sideways step;
- (упасть в.): the girl slumped sideways off her chair;
- (шагнуть в.): he took a sideways step / he stepped sideways
вброс - (дезинформации): feeding widespread disinformation into the system or else concealing true information makes the objective assessment of events and contributory factors impossible;
- (в. ложной информации): fake / false information;
- (произвести в. информации): the undercover operation in the field of cybercrime was intended to inject data into a criminal network to understand how the underground cyber-economy is operating;
- (т.е. фальшивых избирательных бюллетеней в урну): ballot-stuffing;
- (в. эндорфинов в систему): massive flood of endorphins into the system
введение - (т.е. действие): смотри ниже;
= (т.е. вступительная часть): смотри ниже
введение (т.е. действие) - (в. в заблуждение): Misrepresentation is a contract law concept. It means a false statement of fact made by one party to another party, which has the effect of inducing that party into the contract. For example, under certain circumstances, false statements or promises made by a seller of goods regarding the quality or nature of the product that the seller has may constitute misrepresentation.;
- (т.е. в медицине): смотри ниже;
- (в. в транс, методы в-я в т.): the Dionysian Mysteries were a ritual of ancient Greece and Rome which used intoxicants and other trance-inducing techniques, such as dance and music, to remove inhibitions and artificial societal constraints, liberating the individual to return to a more natural and primal state;
- (в. во что-л, т.е. вступление): смотри ниже;
- (в. мяча в игру): after the kickoff, he strutted onto the field;
- (официальное в. в должность): he honors our friendship mightily by asking me to speak at her induction;
- (т.е. установление): смотри ниже
введение (т.е. в медицине) - (буккальное / ректальное / вагинальное / местное, т.е. лекарственного препарата): Nanoparticles may be co-mixed with gums and viscous fluids for purposes of buccal, rectal or vaginal administration. Microspheres may also be co-mixed with gels and ointments for purposes of topical administration to epidermis for transdermal delivery.;
- (в. вакцины в мышцу): The Importance Of Injecting Vaccines Into Muscle;
- (в. лекарственного препарата через желудок): two hours after intra-stomach administration of the drug or a placebo;
- (в. лекарственного препарата через желудок): effects of intra-stomach administration of the drug;
- (при внутрибрюшном в-и, т.е. препарата в организм, ): in mice, per intraperitoneal route, the LD-O (maximum non-lethal dose) in mice is higher than 64 mg/kg, the LD-30 (lethal dose for 30% of the treated animals) is of about 128 mg/kg, and the LD-100 (minimum lethal dose for all the treated animals) is lower than or equal to 256 mg/kg.;
- (при в-и через желудок дозами по 50 и 150 мг/кг действующее начало не оказывает значительного воздействия на ритм сердечных сокращений): upon the intra-stomach administration in doses of 50 and 150 mg/kg the active principle provides no substantial effect on the rhythm of cardiac contractions;
- (в. простагландинa в шейку матки, т.е. роженицам): the study was designed to investigated outcome in women who required vaginal prostaglandin E2 for cervical priming prior to labor induction;
- (путь в-я / введение в мышцу и под кожу): Selecting the best route of administration is crucial to effective vaccination. The two most common routes of administration are intramuscular, which means injecting into the muscle, and subcutaneous, which means injecting under the skin
введение (т.е. вступительная часть) - (в Microsoft Word / Microsoft Excel): Introduction to Microsoft Word / Microsoft Excel;
- (в. в основные теоремы): a concise introduction to the main theorems;
- (в. в основы теории): the introduction to the foundations of quantum group theory;
- (в. в статистику, т.е. учебник): an Introductory Statistics Textbook;
- (в. в химию, т.е. учебник): Introductory Chemistry
введение (т.е. установление) - (в. дворянства в стране): clause 8 prohibits the establishment of nobility in the country;
- (евро): following the introduction of the euro, taxation is expected to become a particularly hot issue as pressure builds on EU governments to harmonise their tax systems;
- (налога): the introduction of a general sales tax;
- (в. новой линейки продукции): introduction of a new product line;
- (в. новой схемы финансовой системы): introducing a new scheme of Japan's financial system;
- (в. системы защиты банковских вкладов): to push back for one year the introduction of a system of deposit protection;
- (в. требований к работодателям): the Republican majority in Congress were opposed to imposing any new requirements on employers
введённый в заблуждение - are suicide bombers "martyrs" or misguided fools?
ввезти / ввозить (т.е. контрабандой) - (наркотики): to use waterways to bring in drugs;
- duty-free molasses smuggled in from the islands in the Caribbean;
- (ковры ввозят бродячие торговцы): the rugs were smuggled into Afghanistan by itinerant traders;
- in the last two years the government has dismantled 10 migrant-smuggling organizations
ввергать / ввергнуть - (в. людей в нищету и страдания): "So you want to start a war to get peace. Are you prepared to commit innocent men and women to all that pain and misery without even giving them a choice in the matter?";
- (милитаристы ввергли мир в войну): the German Nazis and Japanese warlords plunged the world into the war;
- (в. страну в голод): it would be a recipe for a disaster, plunging the country into famine
вверенный - (в-ые его заботам верующие): within the exercise of their pastoral office, the diocesan Bishops must remain solicitous to the needs of all the faithful entrusted into their care;
- (в-ые ей дети): she always worried a lot about the young children in her charge
вверить / вверять - (в. кобыл и жеребят попечению богини): while we beseech the goddess's blessing on our fields of wheat, so the people of the plains commit their mares and foals to her care
ввериться / вверяться - (он вверился не тому, кому нужно было): he put his faith in the wrong person
вверх - (в. брюхом, дохлая рыба плавает в. брюхом): why do fishes, when dead, float on the surface of the water, with the belly uppermost?;
- (бывает ли вам трудно двигать головой в. или вниз?): do you have difficulty fully moving your head up or down;
- (выбросить струю в.): the spout was blasted into the air to a great height;
- (газета лежала кроссвордом в.): on the table lay a copy of the day's Times, crossword uppermost;
- (в. дном): смотри ниже;
- (дорога шла в.): the road led upward;
- (дорога шла в.): the cloverleaf where the road climbed to join the motorway;
- (капот подскочил на дюйм в.): the hood jumped up upward an inch when the catch was released;
- (лифт поднялся в. на 7 этажей): the lift hummed its way 7 floors up to the director's suit;
- (мяч полетел в.): the ball carried high into the air and landed the other side of the fence;
- (надстройки тянулись в. над палубой на 5 этажей): the vessel was 90 metres broad, from scupper to scupper and her superstructure reared 5 stories into the air above her deck;
- (направленное в. давление / толкать в.): the shoe was scientifically constructed with a hidden 1/8 inch shock absorber under the heel that releases its reciprocating resistance power each time you step. As your weight changes to the balls of your feet, the hidden shock absorber generates an upward pressure pushing your body upward;
- (в. ногами): смотри ниже;
- (в. по лестнице): he sprinted upstairs;
- (в. по лестнице): she was bringing her party of sightseers up the back stairs;
- (в. по реке / в. по течению): смотри ниже;
- (положить лист левой половиной в.): he laid the sheet in front of M. so that only the left side of it was facing upward;
- (ракета взмыла в. по баллистической траектории на высоту более 100 000 футов): the missile streaked upward in a ballistic path to a height of over a 100 000 feet;
- (с высоко поднятой в. кормой): if the forward tanks are filled, but not balanced at the stern, she will dive by the nose, her stern high in the air;
- (сила, направленная в.): lift, an upward acting force;
- (смотреть в.): he was staring upward;
- (смотреть в.): "...", he explained, manifestly looking at overheads of the place as he spoke;
- (снизу в., каньон темнел снизу в. ): the rocks changed colors as the canyon darkened from the bottom up;
- (снизу в., подход снизу в.): a bottom-up approach;