высовываться / высунуться - (т.е. рисковать жаргон): few corporate underlings want to be the one to put their neck on the line infm fig and recommend something completely new and "unproven";
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
высокий - (более в-ие голоса): the voices of the group were all performed by B., who sped up the playback to create higher pitched voices;
- (голос): the voice is very high-pitched and sing-song;
- (гора): a high / lofty fml mountain;
- (гора): there are many mountains of snow that are as lofty as the Jungfrau and as nobly proportioned, but they lack the fame;
- (горный пик): red canyons and loft peaks that adorn western landscapes;
- (горы): the soaring mountains of the Hindu Kush;
- (гость, т.е. высокопоставленный / почётный): Speech Of Welcome To A Distinguished Guest;
- (давление): high pressure;
- (дерево): the tallest tree is always the first to be cut down;
- (дом): the house is tall and ungainly;
- (зал с в-им потолком и колоннами): it was a lofty, pillared hall;
- (занимать в-ое положение в организации): he is very high up in the organization;
- (занимающий в-ое положение): a Communist agent high in the civil service;
- (звуковые частоты, т.е. на музыкальной аппаратуре): a 22 function remote control that allows you to control bass and treble and scroll through your iPod menus;
- (т.е. о человеке): A lanky person is not only tall and thin but also a little bit awkward. You wouldn't use lanky to describe a tall, slender person who moves gracefully. Instead use lanky to describe someone who moves clumsily on his long limbs.;
- (качество): смотри ниже;
- (квалификация, при лапароскопии требуется в-ая к. хирурга): laparoscopy requires advanced training on the part of the surgeon;
- (крыша, т.е. с высоким коньком): a high-pitched roof;
- (крыша, т.е. помещения с высоким потолком): mighty pillars upheld its lofty roof;
- (лоб): I was surprised to see the lines upon his lofty brow;
- (место мечети): the muezzin chants aloud from a raised place in the mosque;
- (мнение, быть в-ого мнения о ком-л): President thought very highly of infml you;
- (мнение, быть высокого мнения о ком-л, я понимал, почему они были о нём высокого мнения): he seemed a well-organized man and I could understand the high regard in which M. and S. held him (to hold somebody in high regard);
- (мнение, быть чрезвычайно в-ого мнения о ком-л): she was with him for a long time, and he thinks the world of her;
- (молекулы переходят на более в. энергетический уровень): gas molecules are driven to a more energetic state;
- (на в-ом уровне): I first saw government at a high level over a decade ago;
- (надёжность): the HARM anti-radiation missiles sought out and destroyed acquisition and illumination radars with high reliability;
- (облако/ туча): high cloud;
- (в-ие отметки в отборочных тестах, т.е. в университете): girls who had gone to private boarding schools, lived abroad, spoke other languages fluently and placed out of freshmen courses because of their advanced placement test scores;
- (оценка): he wrote in controlled, ironic prose with a full appreciation of the beauty and the dry humour of the tales he told;
- (положение, занимать в-ое п. в компании): she holds a more elevated position in the company;
- (положение, искусство уже не занимает такого в-ого п-я, как раньше): in Milan, art no longer enjoyed the exalted status it once had;
- (потолок): a building with high ceilings;
- (потолок): the room has a lofty fml ceiling with a large, silent fan;
- (потолок, гостиная с в-им потолком): а lofty sitting-room;
- (риск): the risk was very high;
- (рождение): In the societies where there are strong traditions of monarchy or aristocracy it is common to consider that people belonging to these élite categories are not entirely human. It is for this reason that aristocrats or others of exulted birth, in many traditions, may marry only others of their own kind, as the royal families of Europe have traditionally done.;
- (рост цен до самых в-их величин за многие годы): the climb in the commodity prices to multi-year highs;
- (с в-им содержанием, пища с в-им содержанием белка): consume approximately 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day from a combination of high protein foods and supplements;
- (с в-им содержанием,пища с в-им содержанием углеводов): high-carb / high-carbohydrate foods;
- (с в-им содержанием, сплав с в-им содержанием никеля): high-nickel alloy;
- (с в-ой степенью вероятности имеющие о злокачественности): the study considered women with calcifications highly suggestive of malignancy;
- (самoe в-oe сооружение): Ostankino tower is the highest structure in Moscow;
- (самый в., заплатить самую в-ую цену образно): her battle with Y. was always going to end with one of them paying the ultimate price;
- (скорость): the bomb detonated when the car hit a bump at high speed on the highway;
- (скорость осаждения, т.е. в отстойнике): rapid settling rates allow for high throughput in settler operation
- (старик): a tall old man;
- (стена): a high / lofty fml wall;
- (стены): only a few Bordeaux chateaux actually boast the turrets and tall fortified walls;
- (стены): I saw emerging from the towering walls, vague moving shapes enshrouded in cloth from head to toe;
- (стол на в-их и тонких ножках): delicate silver instruments stood upon the spindle-legged table;
- (табурет): "..." N. said archly, hauling himself erect on the bar stool;
- (температура): high temperature;
- (в-ими темпами): the city grows at a rapid rate;
- (в-ими темпами): we are reducing our nuclear arsenals at a rapid pace;
- (в-ими темпами): research and development have not moved to Slovakia in large chunks the way auto assembly has;
- (тот, кто предложил самую в-ую цену): he sold a controlling stake in the company in a public auction to the highest bidder;
- (точность, винтовка в-ой точности): an expert marksman with his high-precision, hand-tooled rifle;
- (точность, ракеты в-ой т-ти): tactical rockets with nuclear warheads, highly accurate and highly mobile, borne on the backs of tracked vehicles;
- (в-ая точность разведывательной информации): corroborative details arriving in this office indicate the substantial accuracy of the named agent's claim with regard to the location of the factory;
- (в-ие требования к подбору прокурора и судей послужат эффективным средством сдерживания безответственных прокуроров): the careful procedures and demanding qualification for the selection of the prosecutor and judges serve as an effective check against irresponsible behaviour;
- (требования, к работе предъявляются в-ие требования): work is routine but exacting;
- (в-ие требования к технике безопасности): exacting safety regulations;
- (требования, питательная диета помогает игрогам справиться с в-ими требованиями футбола): a nutritious diet helps players get through the steep demands of soccer;
- (уровень): I first saw government at a high level over a decade ago;
- (уровень, более в. уровень понимания рабочими соотношения между их доходом и ростом их компании): greater sophistication among working people about the relationship between their income and the growth of their companies;
- (уровень инфраструктуры): high standards of infrastructure and administrative / institutional framework;
- (уровень): to preserve the excellence of traditional fundamental research;
- (в. уровень технологий обеспечивал превосходство в военной сфере): technological sophistication spelled superiority in the military sphere;
- (уровень, т.е. учащегося): girls have closed much of the gender gap in mathematics achievement, although a larger share of boys continue to perform at the most advanced level;
- (утёсы): the lofty cliffs in the distance compelled them to return;
- (фонтан): the sparkling jets of a tall fountain;
- (характеристики, реактивный самолёт с в-ими лётно-техническими / технико-экономическими / эксплуатационно-техническими х-ами): a high-performance jet aircraft;
- (цель): all that research is aiming at an ambitious goal;
- (цель): according to its corporate mission statement, Google is a search engine company pursuing the lofty goal of organizing the world's information;
- (чин): the great insignia of the KGB special troops had closed in on the country cottage where the group was meeting to plan it operation;
- (шляпа): a towering hat topped with a moth-eaten vulture;
- (штабеля слитков): tall stacks of gold bars;
- смотри выше
высокий (о человеке) - she was tall and slim;
- they were tall and dark of skin;
- (в. и тощий / в. и худой): he was a beanpole a man;
- (фигура): a towering figure was gliding smoothly toward him, hovering over the ground;
- (фигура): his towering frame
высокое качество - (исследований): to preserve the excellence of traditional fundamental research;
- (исследований и преподавания): excellence in research and education;
- (на всех уровнях преподавания): attain excellence at all levels of education;
- (учителя): it is difficult to recruit teachers of quality
высококультурный - (человек): a man of great culture and refinement
высоконадёжный - (замок): high-security lock;
- (конденсатор): we supply high-reliability capacitors;
- (технология): high-reliability technology;
высокообразованный - highly educated people tend to vote more frequently;
- people who are highly educated, have high incomes, and tend to be middle-aged rather than young or old;
- he was a highly literate man with a capable and wide-ranging mind, who wrote brilliantly about the Balkan Wars
высокооплачиваемый - (адвокаты): who but the superrich can afford the legal perquisite of the overpaid and unregulated lawyers that are required for access to litigation?;
- (рабочие места): stable, high-paying jobs;
- (рабочие места): leaders in states and regions throughout this country recognize the immediate and long-term benefits of having a robust technology sector and the high-paying jobs that go with it;
- (рабочие места): technology industries, based on innovation in information technology, bio-science, nanotechnology, and other fields, generate new companies with products and services that are gaining domestic and foreign markets, generating many high-wage jobs, and creating significant wealth;
- (самый в. игрок): highest-paid player
высокопоставленный - (военные, Дж.К. тесно связана с в-ыми в-ыми / светская дама из Флориды завязала тесные связи с в-ыми деятелями армии и разведки): J.K. Closely Tied to Top Brass infml. The Florida socialite forged close ties with top military and intelligence officials in Tampa, hosting lavish parties at her waterfront mansion.;
- (дипломат): a top Western diplomat;
- (дипломат): the British government had done the opposite, breaking the tradition of putting the firm under a senior diplomat from the Foreign Office;
- (лица): смотри ниже;
- (москвичи): upscale Muscovites who formed the core of his following;
- (назначения на самые в-ые посты): hearings for President-elect Donald Trump's Cabinet picks begin Jan. 10, starting with one of the most high-profile nominations: Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general of the United States;
- (пассажиры): the pilots felt pressure from their high-ranking passengers;
- (политики): high-profile politicians;
- (чиновник): смотри ниже
высокопоставленный (лица) - the activists demonstrated before visiting Moscow dignitaries;
- Olympic champions, international dignitaries and special guests;
- throughout the day four secretaries fussed around him, preparing for the Scandinavian and Dutch dignitaries;
- (общественное мероприятие с участием в-ых лиц): this funeral is going to be high-profile public event
высокопоставленный (чиновник) - (в посольстве): I spoke to high-ranking functionaries at the embassy in the hopes that they could help;
- senior Chinese trade official;
- (самый в. чиновник): highest-ranking official;
- (чиновник): he had had his eye on a small but exquisite Fragonard, but a shifty grandee infml in Treasury had got there first;
- if I had my way all high-level Federal officials, elected and appointed, would have to have all their money in US banks
высокопроизводительный - (компьютер): high performance computer;
- (в-ое осаждение и осветление пульпы, т.е. при производстве глинозёма): this flocculant was specifically developed for high performance settling and clarification of digestion liquors and thickening of washed red mud
- (материал): Kevlar is the registered trademark for a para-aramid synthetic fiber. This high-strength material was first commercially used in the early 1970s as a replacement for steel in racing tires.;
- (сплав): high-strength alloy;
- (сталь): great modules of high-tensile steel had swung in from the overhead gantries to drop into preassigned places;
высокорентабельный - (инвестиции): a small but highly cost-effective investment
высокородный - highborn
высокоскоростной - (интернет): high speed Internet service providers;
- (наземный транспорт / поезд): high-speed ground transport / train
высокотехнологичный - (оборудование): to make enemy's high-tech equipment less effective;
- (отрасли): The technology-based industry in Washington state continues its important role in the growth and development of the state economy. Technology industries, based on innovation in information technology, bio-science, nanotechnology, and other fields, generate new companies with products and services that are gaining domestic and foreign markets;
- (шпионское оборудование): billions are spent each year to upgrade satellites and other high-tech spy machinery
высокоэффективный - (конструкция): the company has earned a reputation for high-performance design, easy operation and maintenance;
- (осаждение и очистка): this flocculant was specifically developed for high performance settling and clarification of digestion liquors
высота - (большая в. потолков): with lofty ceiling height, the accommodation includes entrance vestibule and imposing reception hall;
- (т.е. в горах): смотри ниже;
- (в. воды прилива / пресной воды в напорном бассейне): the gates were operated such that a minimum of one gate was kept open on a rising tide up to the point where the tidal water elevation was the same as the headpond freshwater elevation;
- (выбросить струю на большую в-у): the spout was blasted into the air to a great height;
- (высотой 6 футов): a giant spider six feet tall;
- (т.е. звука): смотри ниже;
- (здания): the height of the building;
- (командные высоты, люди КГБ занимают к.в. экономики): the distinction between these two forces (Putin and the government apparatus) is blurring, as the KGB men move into the commanding height of the economy;
- (конвейер может перемещать материалы на разной в-е): a conveyor can move materials at different elevations;
- (летать на малой в-е / на большой в-е): the aircraft could either skim the waves at low level, or cruise at altitude;
- (набрать в-у, о самолёте): the aircraft was on autopilot, programmed to turn, climb and level out at 39 thousand feet;
- (над уровнем моря, горизонтали - это воображаемые линии одинаковой в-ы над уровнем моря): contours are imaginary lines of equal elevation above main sea level;
- (на в-е пять метров над землёй): at a height of five meters above the ground;
- (падение с в-ы): Hazards related to this job (crane operator). Falls from height;
- (регулируемые по в-е подвески автомобиля): height adjustable suspensions for cross-country drives;
- (с такой в-ы образно зло почти незаметно): from that eminence the worst evils are scarcely noticeable;
- (сбросить с большой в-ы): although the fall from bed to flooe was only a couple of feet, he seemed to have been cast down from a great height;
- (сердечный выброс при нагрузке падает при пребывании на в-е): the exercise cardiac output falls during altitude residence;
- (сечения, т.е. в картографии): contour interval;
- (скульптурное изображение женщины в-ой 40 футов): a 40-foot-tall sculptural representation of a woman
высота (т.е. в горах) - (дом стоит на в-е 2000 м.): the house is at an elevation of 2000 metres;
- (на большой в-е): at the high elevation;
- (на большой в-е): heavy work at high altitude;
- (перевала): the height of the pass is...;
- (транспорт кислорода на в-е и на уровне моря): oxygen transport at altitude differs from sea level
высота (т.е. звука) - timbre is what, with a little practice, people use to distinguish the saxophone from the trumpet in a jazz group, even if both instruments are playing notes at the same pitch and loudness.;
- (голос был по в-е такой, как у него / той же в-ы, что у него): her voice was pitched as his own, low, uninvolved;
- (звук нарастает по в-е и силе): the oscillator will emit a single VHF note, rising steadily in tone and pitch to a scream that our ears could not begin to listen to;
- (в. нарастает): as the tonal pitch rises, a dial on the receivers will show the pitch;
- (разница по в-е): interval is the difference in pitch between two musical notes;
- (рояль и орган были настроены на одну и ту же в-у звука): the piano and organ were tuned to the same pitch;
- the scream rose in pitch;
- А clef is a musical symbol used to indicate the pitch of written notes. Placed on one of the lines at the beginning of the staff, it indicates the name and the pitch of the notes on that line.
высотный - (болезнь): information about high-altitude illness from the American Academy of Family Physicians;
- (болезнь): Sometimes people get sick at high altitudes, such as in the mountains. This is called mountain sickness or high-altitude sickness;
- (дом): the 16-story tower block in Banner Lane, Coventry;
- (дом / здание): tower block BrE is the British term for high-rise AmE
выспаться / высыпаться - you would probably do better on an exam if you had a good night's sleep all versus pulling an all-nighter;
- leave the problems for tomorrow, when you've had a good night's rest and are better prepared to deal with them;
- (не высыпаться): millions of people do not get enough sleep and many suffer from lack of sleep;
- (т.е. с перепоя, пока он не выспится): there is a bed to settle him on while he sleeps it off;
- (с похмелья): the show was scheduled for 10 A.M. Saturday morning, time for everyone to sleep off the hangovers and choke down a heavy breakfast
выспрашивать / выспросить - (дальнейшие подробности): you can check that they are giving you a full and accurate account by probing for more detail;
- (у него выспрашивают информацию): he sensed that he was being probed for information;
- Don't tell Jane. Or even your wife. I know she wouldn't mean to tell Jane. But Jane would sense something wrong, and get it out of her.;
- (т.е. обманом): you weren't the first person he wormed things out of;
- (т.е. обманом, у кого-л): he managed to wheedle the location of the documents out of her;
- (продавец парфюмерного магазина выспрашивает покупателей о свойствах их кожии волос, т.е. дотошно): the employee grills customer after customer about skin and hair characteristics and then disgorges detailed information about the products
выставить / выставлять - (аккредитив): to issue a letter of credit;
- (армия может выставить полк младших офицеров): we can field a complete regiment or so of junior officers driving tanks;
- (в Интернете): смотри ниже;
- (второй состав команды): the coach send in the subs;
- (т.е. выгнать, с тех пор Советское правительство пыталось выставить британцев из здания): the Soviet government has been trying to get the British out of there ever since;
- (т.е. выгнать, Северная Корея выгнала инспекторов ООН по вооружениям...): North Korea kicked out UN weapons inspectors from a plant that previously produced weapons-grade plutonium;
- (дозорных у постоянных контрольно-пропускных пунктов): organized criminal interests learned long ago to post lookouts near the permanent checkpoints;
- (т.е. изображать, его выставляли записным / классическим злодеем): throughout the duration of the trial, Dr Murray, the man charged with Jackson's homicide, was cast as the stock villain;
- (т.е. изображать, в. кого-л тираном): his influence was overplayed in the media, which made him out to be a "tyrant.";
- (т.е. изображать, в. кого-л убийцей): the portrayal of Superman in the comic made him out to be a killer, which he is not;
- (коносамент): to make out a bill of lading;
- (на аукцион): her furniture will be put out for auction;
- (на аукцион выставлена коллекция старинных марок): the sale features a private collection of early French stamps;
- (на всеобщее обозрение): смотри ниже;
- (на одну линию суставы ноги): the insole, midsole and arch support provide your foot and ankle with the proper support and angle to help align all the joints of your leg;
- (на посмешище кого-л): to make a laughingstock out of somebody;
- (на посмешище себя): here goes M., off to make a fool of oneself;
- (на продажу квартиру): her ex-husband had demanded that she put the apartment on the market;
- (на продажу дом): is he thinking of putting the house up for sale?;
- (напоказ): смотри ниже;
- (нового защитника на Кубок, т.е. в американском футболе): the Patriots fielded a young new quarterback for the Rose Bowl;
- (неправильный счёт на товар кому-л): if you ever find you've been billed incorrectly for merchandise or a service purchased with your Card, give us a call;