Длинный Миша : другие произведения.

Thought about our existence

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  Today is a good day, as all other days in my life. My credo is to always be positive and it arises from the granular level of my existence but sometimes is spoiled by the thinking process which applies number of stereotypes to a giving problem presenting solution that is completely different from the initial reaction based on our reflexes. I've been analyzing my thinking process for a long time and came to the conclusion which doesn't make me very happy but on the other hand presenting an excellent opportunity to become a different me.
  Have you ever had a thought that sparks for one millisecond on the back of your mind when confronted by a certain circumstances? And then you start thinking. And that"s when you apply the logic based on your life experience and a certain rules that relates to the situation. If you analyze a few everyday activities that falls under above description the result will puzzle you. Usually first thought that runs through your mind is on the top of all other solutions to resolve this particular occurrence and it originates from the depth of our existence not involving the thinking mechanism we use for decision making. Have you ever drove and at one moment of your trip had an urge to change the route but didn"t? And then curse like crazy because you got stock in the traffic gridlock? And this is just a little example of thousands of daily incidences where we don"t act on instinct but use our thinking ability to find the best way from the situation.
  It is a common knowledge that we are all born with capability to protect us from the dangers of an outside world and evolve with every generation adopting to surroundings and changes to the mechanics of the universe. It existed for billions of years and has been tested through time within different life forms. The purpose of evolution is still unknown to the human kind. In my opinion we are moving in the wrong direction trying to advance by applying technological progress to achieve ongoing goals and "improve" the way of life. Instead of following the path of the universe and growing stronger by building our inner world using abilities hidden in our bodies, humans became robotic creatures living in imaginary world. This world was created to enslave us and corrupt our minds and the most disturbing part is that we can't escape it! From the time we are born the specific process is triggered to insert us into the system designed for controlling human mind. In old times the fear of unknown did the job - our ancestors couldn"t explain most of the thing happening around them which introduced god as an ultimate creature ruling our existence. Easy concept to understand allowing governing masses. Nowadays many people receive some level of education which scientifically explains various things denying existence of god as we know it. Of course everyone believes in something but it can"t be used as the mind prison anymore. So there is another fear on the table - fear of losing everything acquired over the course of our lives.
  Having money is the new religion. Instrument to purchase anything you desire and of course the main idea is to earn enough to become independent from it. Interesting approach. And there are always shortcuts available like lottery for example which make us believe that luck can change everything opening the portal to escape reality. And by lottery I meant multiple options of getting rich including playing stock market, buying real estate, or investing in potentially profitable projects. History tells us that the majority of gamblers will lose their savings at the certain point due to economical instabilities or when the next financial, real estate or other balloons which are blown out of proportion breaks so fast that you wouldn"t be able to say "oops" before realizing that everything is gone.
  The process of earning and spending money.
  The process of making money called work. From birth we learn that we are destined to work most of our lives serving as a little building block of the corporate world. Growing up we learn that we should be a part of some group of people and collectively reach certain goals. Of course you are motivated by the rich and famous lifestyle illustrations that are thrown in your face by media as a portion of everyday informational traffic that we consume without any doubt altering our minds to accept existing way of life as the right direction to follow. It starts with day care, then school, then college and then finally a work place in which you probably spend most of your life trying to make money to support your lifestyle habits. Lifestyle usually varies based on the amount of the paycheck that lands in your pocket and of course in general exceeds that amount that"s why credit is so widely used in our world to provide finance to people supporting greater lifestyle that they can fund with actual earnings. It would probably be a good thing if our world would be more stable but it"s not. Let say you have a good job and make enough money to pay for the mortgage of a nice house, car loan and many things that you wouldn"t buy if it weren"t for credit. The life is great, money are rolling in so bills are paid and everyone is happy. All of a sudden you lose your job due to a weak economy. Ok, no worries, let"s start looking for something new maybe even better. But job market is also weak and as many of you know sometimes it takes a long time to find something suitable for your skills. Money that were saved for a rainy day are gone and nothing left to pay the creditors. They take your car, your house, the thing you liked so much throwing you on the streets and puts you in the deep state of depression from which it is very hard to come back. But wait....job market is growing, jobs are appearing here and there and finally you are in the office doing your thing and again the paycheck starts coming. You reestablish your credit and begin purchasing everything you need based on your needs....again. The situation will probably repeats itself in a few years and statistically folks who once felt the situation described in this chapter usually end up in the same situation all over again. Just when the next balloon pops.
  World advertising and marketing network that loads our minds with bunch of unnecessary products that we don"t need or setting examples of successful way of life. It also keeps us terrified by reporting mostly disturbing news on daily basis.
  From the childhood we prone to comparing the thing we own to the thing that are owned by the next person. We judge people not by what they are but the way they look and the thing they have. If homeless person accompanied by bad smell and dressed in dirty clothe approaches, you will run to the other side of the street avoiding meeting such but will respectfully greet anyone else. In many occasions if comparing the qualities of these people we might uncover that the homeless person is actually very nice human being and on the other side well-mannered individual dressed in fashionable attire can be a biggest asshole on the face of the earth.
  All those things surfaced when the trade was invented. Before that we were animals living among other animals, abiding laws of nature, hunting to feed and cutting the tree down to make home. Trade brought the greed and the greed grew deep into our lives making us lie and cheat.
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