Александрович Никита Сл : другие произведения.


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     That was a usual regular day amongst of many of other regular days. I had lay face-down on my bed and had no a single dream. There was nothing in my head, just a void. A solid void. I tired after day of working. I'm loader with thin, sentimental nature. I've passed exams for entering to university very bad and even didn't end college, just a school, so i had no choice where can i go for a work. Choice was not big. In my body i felt pricks of muscles, like it had a voltage. But i used to it, it was my particular life. In my childhood i dreamed to be rich. Who didn't ever dreamed to be rich? I guess everybody dreamed. But this dream seems so faraway from me.
     I'm just tired. I wanna to live other life, better life, a meaningful life. Yet i noticed that i don't like my own language. Yes, it seems like it is cruel, rude language. Alike of barbarians. I'm not going to say what is my language. Cuz it could provoke influence and ensue indignation. Would i ever had thoughts about suicide? I think everybody had such thoughts here and there, but i'd never shrink my precious, but such a little, life. Life is precious, as a gem, so told me my mother. By the way, i so far live with my parents. Sometimes i bear and take quarrels and fierce arguements to my parents. Oh, how i tired of that all! I put on my head earpieces and start listen to my music. Have to say, I've got a special taste of high-quality music, another than the other have taste in music. It is no so important now.
     I dreamed of other-worldness, and how it would be nice to live up an other live. May be there my life would be better!
     I slept up. Rather say passed out. The last time i didn't see a dream. Lately because of body's pressure on my organism. English isn't my native language, but i noticed how easier it is to speak on any language except of native. Lately i thought about this world, how it is allowed poor people, people that suffered, tortures, etc? How it would be better live in a dream, there is not concerns, not worrying, not bad. And today, fell asleep, i saw fabulous dream.
     I woke up in forest, i looked up for brushwood for heat of my little village house. I was in legal age, adult, but a bit younger than in real life. In real life i got 24 age, here i was only 18 years old. I realised, that it seemingly wasn't just a dream. It might be a real life. I pinched myself, and couldn't get into conscious and wake up. Today and now i realised, i died in real life bodily. Now i can't understand is it good or wrong, what is real, what is fake. I thought, how my parents were full of worrying and disturb, harras and anxiety. I sympathized them. Now i wanted to grip on my new chance to fix my position of looser in my last life to better into next life. There nothing hold on me for my old life. I took brushwood wherever i could find it and hurry back to my old country house. There been waiting me grandpa, he was only one who stayed after death of my parents in new world. Here all seemed much brighter, then in my past life. Yet from far i saw my literally ancient home. And right fore treshold - doorstep, i reflected and turned around and runaway from this old house. Then i thought, what ever hold me in this new world? And would something hold me in my new life? I bodily judge of my life! And i will decide, what life i will live! I changed the feel. If in past life i was like slave or convict, now i got real freedom! Then i hadn't known what exectly i supposed to do, but that decision truly overturned my life. I broke free.

     Chapter 1. A wonderful new world.

     In my mind i remembered this country, what described me my grandfather, was country of magus, wizards. I lived on the suburbs of not too big town, on outskirt of Dark Forest. This country was called Protoginueya. I have no idea why it is so called. I had with myself book of magic, i always bear it with myself. Everywhere and whenever, i vainly tried to reach magic foundation and study up magic spells, how i had said, vainly. But past i hadn't that knowledges i know from my past life. Verily be said, this guy, who body i took, was fool and looser. Maybe it luckily for him i took his body. But i got knowledges of life that guy before me in this body. Maybe in occasion he was died. Oh, i remember. He took some pills, departing to the forest, that one trador sell him. It were pill for headache. Nothing more. Maybe merchant mistook, but generally he killed him, not me - i just took his body. This sounds cruel, but wouldn't life is cruel? Like my past life? Blank timelapse of void life, that was my past life. I had pen-knife in my pocket.
     And i decided lead hunting for sustenance of my life. I was tried on this, cuz i was hunter in my soul. I tried many difficulties in my previous life, so i was experienced. And soon in the forest, that i didn't know title of the forest, i looked out my first victim. It was Silverfur rabbit. And it was craze it my current condition to chase for this game. So i throw away my intention of catching this game and walk afar. I took my time to sit on flat boulder and trying to comprehend magic book, i tried this for a long time, even if i remembered all information of this book i still cannot have usage of my magic spells. I was blank in it, like i hollow circle. But i don't gave up. I found i pond of cristal clear water i could drink, i ain't felt hungry yet. Drunk water and lied down on green fresh grass before of pond and have images in my mind about magic spells. I tried to find where could i mistake and why can't i use magic? This was a country of wizards, warriors was too rare to form the basis of kingdom. And if you couldn't use magic or at least be somewhat good warrior then you would be nothing, null, naught. But this statement didn't stop me from training my body. I knew how to evaluate my body from previous life by sight. I'd making pull-ups and push-ups, squats, and running over the forest. It was slow proccess to evolve body. Wanted to be a bit combat magician. And go on has passed my time. After being in this forest for 3 days i couldn't catch any concrete game. Any good game were too fast for me now. But it isn't frustrate me, cuz i was i little fat, and this was even useful for lose some weight. And I so far can't use spells, magic skills. Maybe manual was false? Fake? I didn't know that, it was all i had. I visually throw out my book, if exectly lied down in my pocket, this book had pocket format, and hungry become watching nature. I thought nature was the better teacher of elements and magic, than somewhat book. I watched water, watched ground, soil, watched wind, the sun and the moon. And felt aura and something slowly changed into me. And i didn't know what. I tried to absorb energy around me, as i watched it in chenese movies. Was trying this for hours and hours. And acknowlege that i could manipulate basic enegry around my hand and felt that!
     I start to feel primordial Magi, so called energy in this new world i got in, but still didn't know my predisposition to element. At forth day of my travel I start to contemplate the Moon, the Sun, basic elements: wing, earth, water, cause i hadn't in access fire, and use Magi to create spell. And i got seccess! It was the Sun, light. I might to shoot by light spell. Light-ray. There stayed little aperture on the tree where spell got in. About 3 cantimetres in diameter and 2 cantimetres in deep. Nobody knows now how happily i felt this thing, i literally was out of myself! I secceeded! Now i could use basic magic spells! I practised this for night long and day long, and studied to remain hole in tree by Light-ray of 5 cantimeters in wide and 4 cantimetres in deep! What an achievement.
     But i can't get enough of it and now tried to use it on wild creatures of the forest. Soon i found my first victim, animal. It was wild boar. Now it seems too dangerous for me, but with my skill it seems not so dangerous. I stretched my fingertip on boar, pointing by my finger on boar, and used spell twice for a while. One blast couldn't be enough to kill boar. Magic light ray flew onto boar and pierced it's head by secondary shot. And killed it. Boar fell down with noise of rose up soil and grass, blow of wind with smell of fresh blood and grass hit my nose. The feeling was amazing. I done that!
     I came to the boar and picked up body and throwed it under the tree, and was trying to burn the bonfire with magic blast. After trice shot this burned out, and i've got good bonfire of leaves and brushwood. I opened up the book and read it again fore the bonefire, night was coming to falling, it was so soon, cause it was evening. And now i realised the sence of this book - i throwed out onto binfire and it became brighter.
     I'm very inventive. I had no woody bars to make body of boar fry on bonfire, so in the forest I found wooden planks and lied it on bonfire, while sliced body of boar in raw steaks and put it on planks. Beforehand moisten planks by water for it not to be burned out before steaks will be ready. And i got it. Roast steaks were ready. In texture meat was a bit rude and viscous, but it was first i ever eat after i got into this world and it seems so tasty. Very tasty. Meal was excellent. After that i lied on warm place before burning out bonfire and fell asleep. My dreams were picturesque and full of light, like stars in the sky. After waking up i felt well-rested and full of energy and self-confident in my future. That was how my way of magician began!
     Then i suggest this dull book suitable only for kindling. The real teachers were for me not books, but the nature personally and myself.
     At the doorstep of morning I rose up and stared at the Sun. Around were blue-white flowers on spiky stems, spikes were black, like roses, but it weren't roses and I didn't know name of this flowers. Only now, fore the extinct bonfire that turned into black coals, I found out this flowers. Around in air flows delicious aroma. I inhale this and felt peaceful state.
     I can't pick it up, cause it was thorny, but I felt it. I stand up making morning exercises, as I used to do it for my body's good state. After my bodybuilding, I start to practise shooting of light rays. Generally spoken, I could shoot by rays any part of my body. But better it worked when I done it by my fingers and hands. Hit came out more concentrated and powerful. How i done that? I just concentrated Magi on my hand, then pressed it at my fingertips, then shot. Where i took magic power? I really didn't know, but I suggest my body was being a vessel of Magi, and i was like cannon. If Magi was powder for gun, i was personally the cannon. Yet I don't know where is core of my Magi, but i think it is on below my belly. And this evening of sixth day of my aventure I decided to check it out. All the day I intensly used magic spells, i had only one spell - magic ray. It was exhausting for my state of body, because Magi in body straightly infuences on life essense. And if Magi in body will be too little, so practicioner could even die, if the last blob of energy will be spent. Was cautious of that and stayed a little bit of Magi in my body and at the evening was squeezed completely cap-a-pie.
     I lied down on the ground, blown, hardly breathing, and looked at my fingers. They were bleeding and covered by bruises. My fingertips were black blue. It was because of too many spells per day. I spent limit and now decided to use only 20 shots of light ray out of my body. It was my limit. Further I could to injure myself and stayed without fingers, it was dangerous business.
     I sit, crosslegged like in meditation, and tried to feel in my body where were flows and currents in my body. I've done equal inhales and exhales and ressurect my mind and body condition. And start to fill up me with energy outside of my body to inside of my body. This deal continues for hours, and now I felt where Magi current from. It wasn't my Dantian, the place beneath of belly. It was literally my heart! My heart was source of my magic power! And now i felt that it isn't normal. As I read form the book, usual place of magic power were exectly belly. I felt, that it was dangerous. Yet I don't knew how, but i felt, it was something special, not particular and usual, and dangerous. I assumed, if I will use too much magic Magi, I could die. And now was the same thing. Now was too exhausted.
     A trickle of blood rolled out of my mouth. The heart start to beat intensly and often. I touched my clothes over my heart, fell down on the soil and passed out. Form now on, in my dim dreams, I decided not to use so much magic power. Lately I came into my consciousness.
     I recovered in 2 days of unconsciousness, on early morning. And I thought about my name and magic rank. I hadn't have magic test for magic power, Magi in my heart, so I couldn't to know what rank I had. But I supposed it was first rank. There were ranks since 0 to 10 rank. Ninth rank deemed as arch magician. They possess power to destroy whole town by a single spell. Now I was far away from that, not yet. Zero rank assumed as non-magical person. An usual human. Mortal. Legends said, if there was a human, attained level beyond of 10 rank, he become immortal with big strength. Colossal power beyond my dreams and dreams of any other simple human! But here, in this world, yet didn't meet such men, reached rank over 10. In history on mainland were a few men, but they're gone, according the rumors on the higher planes. I forgot to say: world on this realm was called plane, like the other higher planes.
     And now, came to normal, I thought how cool would have name of this world! I needed to think out a name for personally myself. Because my name from previous world was strange to listen. My previous name was Jones Cayley. And now, here I wasn't too inventive, I chose Nami Cayley. Full-lenght name is Naminara Cayley. Usually I got to call myself just Nami or Cayley. This is how i decided.
     So, I'm Nami Cayley, gone from my house, left my grandfather I hated, lost parents in this world, have first rank of magus, replaced from my past world Earth where I was just a loader. And need to say, there is nothing to hold me down in my house I left, there were absolutely nothing i appreciate! Here I had ambitions and hopes to my future, behind me was nothing left. There is a saying: when you leave, don't look back. And it is how I did.
     I was with big conceit and ego, but not too confident in my future. Now I could find food, but i was too weak to protect myself.
     I needed to improve myself. My skills, my spells, my body. And i decided to exercise more intensive. And walk farther into the forest to search out more powerful beasts I can fight. And so I did.
     Early in the morning of eighth day of my travel I woke up. Right now I make myself to do morning exercises, and after of a few hours done it. Since I left home and start to do workout I felt my muscles became more hard and powerful. My legs overflowed with strenght. I run over the forest and noticed I began run faster than before. I trained like a usual warrior, and like a magician. I outran over deeper places of forest and found out wild wolves. They were just a pair. They ate out a deer, haunted in chasing, and I once again was convinced of this wild laws of nature: the strong eats the weak. My desire of power grown up.
     I pointed my fingertip onto single wolf and shot. The ray pierced wolf's eyebrow and flew out outside and got into soil. It has got easy. The other wolf immidiately became wary and alert. Another one wouldn't got so easily as other dead.
     'What a pleasure.'
     With leer smile I stared at the last wolf.
     'Or you decided to call up support?'
     He grimmed at me, as he understood my human's words. And darted at me. I shot by couple rays and they missed. Sharp jaws of wolf was already before my face, and I stretched my hands fore it's jaws and catch wolf's muzzle into my arms. He was persistent and tried to bite a good peace of my face. I poured Magi in my arms and fired magic ray into wolf's muzzle, and in conclusion thus killed him. Sounds usually, but it isn't so. It costs all my concentration and efforts to kill him. It is not for wolf's meat, it was akin to training. Bloody training.
     I fell down on my back and creeped behind me and was blown with fear. It was nervous to me to do that!
     I came to deer and with my pen-knife cut out some peaces from the flesh of deer. And burned out a bonfire and made some roasted meal. Ate it and felt that. I was savage. But it was my way to apex of magician. It was cruel, but isn't life so? And I felt also, my rays became more powerful. And from my fight with wolves I acknowledged, how I can use Magi another way. I can pour in into weapon. With myself I had pen-knife, I tried to pour Magi into weapon and it became bright, beamed with light energy. And much sharper.
     Since I lived out my life in forest, I acknowledged more and more about how I can use my potential as magician. A Magician of Light energy. Also I could pour Magi in my legs, but it gave precisely a bit of speed.
     And now i decided to stop my travel into deep of the forest. For my safety. Because with my strength and condition it would be dangerous, very dangerous. I remembered where whereabouts of little pond with cristal clear water and returned there. I sat before shore of the lake and scooped up with my hands cristal transperent water. I drunk it and felt the tide of strenght in my body, as I drunk it. Today I already ate deer's meat and didn't feel weakness and famine. I yet trained my body with exercises and lay down fore the shore of the lake and felt feeling of desire of sleep. Thus I fell asleep.
     At 9 day of my rove I noticed my clothes were ragged. Especially on my pants. I took off pants and lay it aground and with my pen knife cut off bottom part and shortened pants. I assumed soon I needed to walk out to the folks, in the world. At least to buy my clothes. I had no idea how I could earn money to attain that. I adjusted my white-gray cape and, after excersises with my body, continued to walk further into thicket.
     It worth to consider, there weren't phisical distinctions between of magic ranks. It is just shown how much Magi you could devour from outside and how powerful spells you could use.
     I walked and walked, and finally walk out to cave in cliff. I interested and walked to the cave. Eventually here was pitch black, as in the night. I poured light Magi in my hand and lit up space in the cave. I turned around and noticed strange writings similiar to runes drawn on walls of cave. I even didn't try to recognize this and continues my walk into the deep end. Usually under circumstances it was possible to find out something valuable, as a sword, slept dragon of gems. But it was only in fairy tails or novels, walked up to the end of cave I just didn't find anything valuable. Just runes, writings, and dark cave. Absolutely nothing. And now I heared sounds behind me in the start of cave. I turned aroung and found beast. It was black bear, enemy, foe. I now I realised what dangerous situation I got in. There wasn't exit, the single exit was blocked by the this f*cking bear!
     I felt like mr. Death came to me in the form of black bear. He roared angrily and ran at me. Cave was rather small, then spacious. But here was space for maneuver. I gathered all my will and pressed against the wall of cave. Then, when bear throwed himself at me, I evaded hit and ran at full speed on the start of cave. Here I could see white bright light, like light at the end of tunnel after death. But it was my salvation. A single salvation. And I ran out from the cave and didn't turned around to see where was bear - I just hadn't time for this. But I still heard furious roaring behind me. Never yet I got in such a dangerous situation!
     I ran and ran, and after here appeared a little space between me and bear, I turned my four fingertips to bear and shot to the bear by the light spells. It were straight magic rays, and now I realised I could bend it in mid-air. I felt that. At the danger between life and death, I acknowledge something new. These four rays got to the bear, but didn't bear too much damage. One ray got in bear's eye and blinded bear. He roared again. I stopped and pointed else five fingertips on bear. Magic rays bended in mid-air and got to second bear's eye and pierced it's skull behind. Concentrated five rays got into on place, and it was monstruously powerful shot. But he still was alive, though traumatized. I show my pen knife out of my pocket, poured Magi in it so it seems beamed, and rushed onto bear and stabbed knife on throat of bear. Now I knew, he was dead.
     I pressed against the tree and was breathing havily.
     'I could do it!'
     It was insane.
     'F*cking sh*t!'
     I pulled out pen knife from bear's neck, and clean it from the blood over leaves of tree. Something rolled out from the neck of the black bear and I rose it up and caught. It was circle stuff. I stared at it attentive.
     'Magic core!'
     Like in novels I read! It is verily Magic Core! So it was magical beast! Anything became clear to me. It describes how this magic beast was so powerful.
     Now I knew, my strenght was at 2 rank. It means the beast was about 2 rank! Magic creatures also could use Magi to strenghten their's body, as it done black bear. I felt fluctuations of Magi from this core. I lay it on my tongue and swallowed it. And I felt, like my body overflowing with power! And Magi in my body grew up on the other level. Magi in my heart. It pricks in my heart, but I endured it. I touched my clothes in the place where was my heart, and I vomited by black substance. It was dirt got out of my body.
     So, thus I could gain more magic power by eating magic cores. Magic core dissolved in my stomach easily. And I ran away further over the forest.
     In a while I ran out of the forest and it ended. There was a road. I sighed.
     'I never going back, the past is in the past.'
     Now I had third magic rank, and it already wasn't small. My clothes were shabby and worn out, but i got third rank. This worth it.
     I caught my breath.
     'Fine. Here we go.'

     Nami start to go along the road, he thought it could lead him to some locality: human settlements. It could be town or village, he doesn't care. After hours of dull walking he didn't find something. Even carriages weren't passed along the road. Road was covered with little yellow-white boulders and gravel, also with sand. Forward was meadow with dark green grass. He felt hungry, and on remembrance of eadible grass he picked up eadible flowers and start to eat it. Taste was filthy, but it was still eadible, so he ate it, because was very hungry. He found also ears of rye, at least it remember it from his previous world, and used it too. After he felt full of stomach, he went further on the road.
     He walked and walked, hours after hours, and night fell down, began dusk and pitch black night. And he fell asleep down the meadow on the green grass.

     'Never before I felt such freedom. But also loneliness.'

     He touched grass and picked the grass with white flower like a blowball. He smelled it and felt fresh aroma of the grass. It looks like he was alone in this world, maybe because the forest he left was too far from sattlements of human.

     'It feels like I'm free to do whatever I want.'

     Whenever it wasn't so? We own rulers of our life. It were thoughts brought with blow of wind.

     'May be someday I finally find live settlements.'

     It was only start of his way. He was alike Lomonosov who left his family to find the better life. And whirl of wind whispered to him: who is looking for will find it. But what he wanted? Power, strenght, fragile peace? Be warrior, magician, mercenary? Or something special? What does anyone wanted on his way? A long way, called life. Here life could be endless, because lifespan increased due to ranks. Than better rank, then time of life increased accordingly. Those, who overstepped threshold of 10 rank were immortal. He thought, what point was to live such a long life? Till the end of the world. Maybe in pleasures? May be so.
     With so thoughts he again fell asleep, and after went on his way along the empty road. Day after day he walked, and finally found lanterns nearby the road. It was alert bell, that settlement was nearly.

     'I thought I will go mad if I couldn't find somebody alive. Even beasts.'

     Finally! When I found sattlement, I was out of myself with happyness. Yet afar I distinguished carriage. It slowly flows up the road down to me. I hid in bushes, not to provoke some problems akin 'Who am I?' and 'What am I doing here?', waited till carrige passed by and went on my track to the town. Yet from afar I could recognize that it was town. With tall stone walls. It was medieval town. And I caught myself at the thought how could I get over the walls to the town? It was impossible to be done!
     There and here were carriages. Were poor and rich. And I realised how I could get through. I walked nearby poor carriage and there was hay wagon on the trailer, and I quickly jumped into hay stack. And hid. My thought was poor carriage haven't good inspection before passing to town, only surface inspection. And it is how I got in town.
     After that event I climbed out of the carriage unnoticed by the viewers around the carriage and walk up the narrow street. Somewhere I needed to get clothes, and now I didn't know where can I get that. I looked at the small house with backyard, where were hang clothes and stole it. It was black garment and leather pants with a band. I quickly stole it and hid over the corner of prospect and wore it. Clothes were brand-new, and even smells nice. Well, that's not fair, but I had no choise. At least, in nature stayed alive the most agile. Now, walking on the medieval streets with rare people I start to think how I can earn money. Yes, money. Yet nobody could stay alive without it. Maybe rare people, no more. And walking the street I looked out bulletin. On it was written 'Magic Games by the King'. Wow, thought I. Sounds so nice. Could I participate in that? Reward of winner costs 10 000 gold coins. The sum, I supposed, will transfer on account of winner in bank, in safe deposit. Well, nevertheless I could find food from haunting, it wasn't enought for me. The contest was in form of competition and races. Looks hard, but all or nothing, at least I could try. Now I looked good, with my stolen clothes, and it gave me proud of myself. I ain't felt hungry because of last hunt, I looked just nice, I gained third rank of magician and was close to forth. And if I would felt starve I could retern and catch a game in forest nearby town. Everything went well. Pah, will hope it will and so on.
     But nothing goes without a flaw. While a walked and observe monuments of town, worth to notice it was very good, nearly my walked a band of people. They looked like pupils out of some rich academy, magical I guess, cause of emblems of gold bird with crown on it's face on their garment. This looked distinctive. So I by sight acknowledged in them rich children of rich parents, while studied in academy. They also noticed me, as and I them. And it provoked outrage at once. One of trice of them angrily looked at me.
     'You, bastard! Looking for troubles?'
     I saw as a stupid offspring of rich father, who yet didn't know how big is this world. I was overconfident because he looked weak, but I didn't dare to search for problem of power behind him.
     'No, I don't look for problems. I'm sorry, if you wanna hear it.'
     'That is right.'
     He walked away and hid over the street. This was unpleasent, but bearable. And else I need to overnight somewhere this and the following nights before the kingdom's competition, that will be in a month. I break my mind to find an simple answer, at least I could spend the nights in forest nearby, but it was uncomfortable. Although I used to it. And it was ideal, because I could train my body to nature conditions. But I heard from rumors of crowd there was institution with cheap part-time job, called 'Three little things', where I could earn some money for cheap inn. I refused that idea. I needed more intense nature's conditions. Anyway, where if in nature might I train my magic and body? Harden my body and heart, source of my magic power? Would I lived another life before? Even in my last life, where I commited hard work? I used to that pressure on my body.
     Everything went peaceful here in the town. The local guard slowly passed by down the streets and maintain the order. The guard had acute halberds in hands slung over shoulders. Looked formidable. And I ain't worried about it, because people in laws had their own limits. Mainly needed to make myself good and everything will go well.
     I walked on the town for a day, watching attractions, when night slowly fell down. I better liked night than the day, though I had light magic. In night time I could stay alone with my thoughts. And, why I could overnight at a nature? Generally spoken because weather was fine. Since I start my travel into this plane not a single time was a rain, although was once: light rain. I liked rain, especially light.
     And so turned back to the meadow nearby town, to sleep and exercise a bit before fall into dreams. Yes, I was like savage, wild. But I had no choise and it was to my use. I walked out off the town's walls, while guard were asleep on duty, and now I caught a thought: I couldn't get into the town like the way before permanent. So I was forced to stay until the competition out of town. In competition could participate any wanted, so I didn't worried about time. So, came time to wait till the deal.
     For the whole month I practiced my punches. I learned how to pour magic in fists. At first punches were too weak, but lately it became much more stronger! I felt like I could knock out practician on level of fourth! And with pouring Magi on my body I got much more faster then before. That all I earned by my hard work at my body. By fair workout. Yet I didn't used magic rays, with it I became too powerful. I was like universal fighter, I could use distant attacks and near hits by my fists. And also runaway if it was needed, because my speed increased accordingly. Now was at threshold of form my magic energy into things, such as swords, arrows, circle stars around me, concentrating energy inside them and shoot them in enemy. The hits were very strong. Presently could form Magi into one arrow, it was dim and transparent, but in hit very powerful. And I guessed how else I could use it: I can divide in at the end, when I shot the arrow, on 3-4 little light rays. It was amazing, because I could use magic as let me my imaginary! And I sensed like on strenght I was at fourth rank of possessing energy. I didn't know exactly what was my rank, but I sensed like I could to compete with fourth rank enemy. The progress was too fast for me, and the very pleasure. Now I was ready.
     I walked out of meadow, smelling aroma of flowers and felling at myself rays of the Sun. And was going to town's gates for passing in. I wanted to make a trick like before, but it seems to me as no needed. Anyways, because of competition guards let to pass in town without fee and literally for everybody. It was as I noticed yet from afar. And that was great news for me, the person who not that I had something valuable, I had only myself: neither home, nor money, nor connections. But I was fine. And it was the main.
     And went to high wooden gates with guards around it. The inspected passers-by fore accessing to the town, and it was right. Protoguineya, the country, where I was living, was civilized and totalitarian. The country bordered with two powerful the other countries, I didn't know title of it yet. The country ruled by the King, but the main power was in hands of supreme magician, Bokain. As I knew, he was magician of dark arts. It was banned art, everywhere but my country. Yet from small age he showed himself as a great, gifted and talented magus. Forgot to say, sometimes the people who used magic called maguses and the people who don't: commoners. It sounded a bit strange, but bearable.
     The guards fore the gates, as I asked for passing by, by sight let me pass. Generally it was competition, was the condition of so easy passing by. And it was lucky for me.
     I walking over the tangled crowded streets, directed to the competition's stadium. Nobody dared to look at me disdainfully because my muscles and body grew stronger because of my workout. As I must say and my light magic.
     And slowly was coming up to the stadium. Unnecessary information: stadium called Luminous. On the competition, as I knew, will have attandance Bokain himself, bodily, as I guess will estimate practitians had participation in contest. Their's power, strenght and, of coarse, mind. The King himself was absent. Well, alright.
     While I almost came up to stadium a thought occured to me, why do I got here? What the reason did I end up here? In this magical world? Was it possible somebody summoned me here? May be an answer had known by the general magus, dark magician Bokain. I wanted to stand out from the crowd of competition to visit and talk to Bokain. Maybe he knew an answer for my questions.
     It is left one hour till the contest. First of all there was a contest. A contest between participants. As I had known, in beginning of competition judges bolted participants. There was some tasks to be done, after that judges selected people for competition. I had gone to doorstep of gates to stadium, ask guard for how I can participate in competition, they told me and I had passed in the stadium. I sighed, to come here meant to me already much, almost as win. I remember somebody told: it's okay if you lose, defeat is an experience. I agreed with that statement. As for me, it is not enough. I intend to win. Though in my past life I was looser.
     Couple of men lead conducted me to my room and proclaimed to wait until contest. They would notified me when I'll need to go out. I agreed with them. That was small clear room out here, with tiny circled table, two stools around, mirror pressed against the table, and tea-pot on the table, and also with little bed. Now I learned that I could live the life with comfort! Now I was close to it, before I was far. I lay down on the bed, poured teacups with fragrant green tea, clouds of smoke swirled above the cup, stretched my feet and hands, and chill, drinking tasty tea. Although I felt worry before contest, confidence fought the anxiety. At least it prevail over.
     So, everything goes okay, until somebody had knocked over my door.
     'Who is that?'
     'It is me, it is time to go out. On the track to the stadium I'll describe to your task. C'mon.'
     I woke up, displeased over intermission of my peaceful rest, and went with the assistant.
     While we were going through tangled passages of building, he asking and talking to me ceaseless. At a look he was very joyful, even smiled. That was a good sign.
     'How did you rest?'
     'I'm glad of you. So, it is time to make contest. The task of first contest is... sprint. Just run as fast as you can, see? Grades will put from the first place of race till the fifth place. Nothing hard, didn't so?'
     'Have you any questions?'
     Farther we walked in the deathly silence. Maybe the deal was in my short answers, I didn't attach any importance to it. Soon we walked out at the line of run. Around of arena was lines of race, in the middle of stadium arena itself. All were simple, but hard at the same time. More easy to say 'win the race', than done it. Considering, the speed wasn't my adventage. Rather disadventage. I can call myself not slow, but not too fast. And for the future I pointed out for myself to evolve my speed, because light intended to it.
     So, I observed field with running lines around arena in the middle of stadium. Looked at the practicians standing before the start line. Everybody looked serious and there was tension. And I, after pleasure rest, was just didn't ready for rivalry. I was even not too confident into my speed. But I was ready to fight this challenge.
     'Stay before start-line. And wait until the signal will blast. Then run as fast, as you can.'
     I laughed. This sounds easy, but it isn't so.
     'Okay. I understood you.'
     Answered I. Then resilenced.
     After waiting for half of hour, judge began to call out.
     'Ready. Set. Go!'
     'Go, go, go!'
     I ran as fast, as I could, pouring Magi into my feet. This brings absolutely a bit faster me, and it wouldn't be enough. The others run as well. By one there were peals of electricity, making a person much faster then other, and he was a leader, he was first who keep the others behind. Everybody used their magic to gain the speed, as it did I. Generally there were 30 people at contest. I was sixth. I made efforts to keep my position above. But it was anyway hard task. I needed to finish at least fifth to get scores.
     Totally it was need to do three laps around. I competes between fifth and sixth place in contest, because those who ran after fifth contestant, it was naturally monsters. They were monstruously fast. And yet I didn't know them power as magicians or warriors. Second place at the sprint placed warrior, who didn't even use magic, his body was so much strong he no need to use focuses in magic techniques.
     Then I ran out fifth person from the start, was out of breath, blown, tired, but... I could finish contest fifth number. I was very glad. My excercises hadn't gone in vain. I put my hands on my knees, sweat was dropping on the rude surface of run-line. Ugh, I screw it.
     Judges, was looking from the seats under the arch nearby the finish line stand up.
     'Attention all! The first five places will go in to competition, the other... I wish you good luch in the next year.'
     Proclaimed the main judge in long blue clothes with the circle at the chest and cross inside it.
     'Thank you for your participating, those who got in competition, wish you strong nerves and endurance, be patient. The competition check out not only your strength, no matter magus are you or warrior, but else power of spirit.'
     He turned away.
     'Rest in your rooms, the next day will be crucial. The battle will be tomorrow. Wait in your rooms. Our assistants will bring you anything you want. The report it over.'
     And they start to passing out in different directions. All stand up from their seats and did it too. At my face showed a smile. Worth to consider, that competitioners will depart from the others town too. It is only here were just 5 who passed. In sum, I supposed, there will be more than 30 competitioners. And competition will be all day long until the night falls.
     The next day will be day of fight with other magicians and warriors. What did the speed in contest have to do with competition? I don't knew. My assastant slowly walked out to me.
     'Congratulations with passing to next round. Let me conduct you to your room.'
     'Yes, thanks.'
     I let him to bring me to my room, then ask for a bit food. He asked me what do I prefer, then I answered soup and a little meat with green tea. He departed and soon returned with food on the tray. I thanked him and began to devour food, after that leaned back on the bed I daydreamed.
     How far could I gone? The next day's games will be my speciality. As for me, I better prefer to fight than run. I drove away bad thoughts. Would I not prepare for it for so long time? Wouldn't I trained and tempered my body for it? For me fight with wild animals not was the same as fight to real men! Was I ready for it? My mind told me: you are completely ready, but my magical heart: you had never before fought to alive people! It was reasonable. May be I was delirious? So much happened to me, and game over wasn't acceptable.
     But I was okay, really okay. My body's condition was at a height. My skills told me, nothing to worry about. Drive away bad thoughts, and you will be nice, didn't so? Maybe I too much thought. Anyway, for three first positions at the competition was supposed reward. And, anyway, if I could win, I might to make impress at Bokain and people. My life don't ended on it at all. With that my self-confidence grew up, and I was spiritually ready for tomorrow.
     I lay down, stretched my limbs, and fell asleep. When I slept I dreamed about my past life. And... about my future. It was good memories and lovely dreams about my future. It was the good dreams.

     Chapter 2. On the edge of tomorrow.

     The next day.
     So, I was allowed to compete. With uplifting mood, I woke up by calling of my assistant outside my room. My room was only bedsitter, but good enough.
     'What is up?'
     Asked I my assiastant. Everybody was supposed assistant to help out of competition.
     'Not big deal, soon will be new round of competition. Wake up and get ready for new round. I will wait you beneath.'
     'How I can get down? I don't know.'
     It was fair, because I don't realised this crooked lanes of this building.
     'Come with me.'
     I opened the door and went with assistant. Just now I understood how handsome he was: long black hair to shoulders, white skin, deep-blue eyes, good black-gray combat uniform. He was pretty and good.
     While we were getting down the stairs, I asked him.
     'What rank of combat arts you have had?'
     He replied briefly.
     'Are you magician or...'
     'I'm warrior.'
     'Is it a reason why you do yourself only as assistant?'
     'Partly. But mostly you're right.'
     Further we walked in silence, but we already came up. We walked out on the inside of stadium. A crowd of practitians crowded before arena. Them were about 30 persons. And over and over again I felt untouchable pressure above arena. But I was calm. There is only thing I knew for real: I can handle it.
     'Stay here. You will draw lots in form of the balls with number of competitioner. Now I will leave you. Bye. Good luck!'
     With these words he left me and I thanked him for good wishes.
     All I wanted before fight is warm-up. For my best state of body. But morally I already was ready.
     Announcer-judge proclaimed:
     'Come together to me. Now you will pull a lots. It is black balls with number. After that at the screen there will pointed your turn in fight. You, go to me. Take a ball from the sack.'
     Someone came to sack in hands of announcer and pulled a ball. He didn't show number to anybody. After him walked the next guy. And so on, until my turn.
     'Take a ball.'
     I put my hand into the bag, and pulled out the black ball with number 13.
     'Huh? Nice luck.'
     As for me, it was lucky number. Why somebody told it was unlucky number? Now I'm going to show anybody myself and what do I costs! And there isn't such number capable to stop me.
     It was my great motivation, intention to win.
     'The next. The next. And the next.'
     People went to pull lots.
     'Now, we all look at the magical screen.'
     I turned my head and looked at appeared out of nowhere screen. And else I noticed that there is, back from the screen, was a person with black-and-white clothes with different colouring of eyes, it was different tint of eyes. With short pitch-black hairs till the neck, and smart eyes. Wouldn't that was Bokain? He stand fore the throne, with tall spine. Nearly was sitting the man with golden hairs and king's clother with red fur. I realised, even king of Protoguineya has arrived.
     'The first contastants is 22 and 3. Come on the arena.'
     All parted from the big pawned with white-blue stone arena apart, then two brave brawny men walked on the arena. When around the arena appeared magical barrier.
     'Now, announce rules. The one who will lay at the ground more than ten seconds, will lose. If you noticed you can't go on the fight, you can say: I give up, then you will lose too. Anything understandable?'
     Nobody's answered.
     'Good. Now we start.'
     The fight was furious, but I didn't observe it. I did warm-up at the view of all. And, occasionally, attracted more attention than the fight itself.
     'Hey, what he is doing?'
     'Don't ask me, maybe gymnastics?'
     'It looks so strange.'
     'Don't pay attantion to it, he is just mad man.'
     And I didn't pay attantion to them rumors too. I needed it for myself, no more. But my movements really looked a bit strange. So, it is what it goes. When I was concentrated at myself, the King of country and black magician Bokain whispered to themselves.
     'Who is that courageous guy?'
     Pointed King.
     'Now it isn't so matter. How do you thing, we did it? I mean legendary magus of the last millennium? The Saint magician of light? Could we summon him from afterlife to harden our country?'
     Asked Bokain.
     'It is not main question. We did it, there is no doubt about it. You are the best magician of dark arts on the mainland, didn't you forget? But how we could enslave him?'
     'Unlikely we can enslave the person, who can enslave and bury the light within, the Saint magician of the light. Let's do it differently, how we can make us his friends?'
     Reasonably replied Bokain to the king of Protoguineya, Gonder. After a long silence, first one couldn't stand it the king.
     'How do you think, he came here?'
     The king put his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands, thoughtfully.
     'There is a big possibility of it. Let's delight of competition.'
     Answered Bokain.
     'Aren't you paricipant too? I so far don't know why you did so. So, try to get aquantance to this strange guy. He looks similiar.'
     'Yes, I did it for fun. But also for your kingdom. Lately you will know what do I mean.'

     I kept up to practice my execrises observed all, and felt uncomfortably. But it is still bearable. Until it is useful. Unless I saw the same guy as me training in plain sight. And what he had done looked more cringe than even me. Then he noticed me and weakly tottered to me.
     'No, don't come to me! You, sluggish ass!'
     It was my last thoughts until he came to me. He looked very oddly. He rose his hand in gesture of greeting.
     'Hi, how are you? I'm fine, thank you!'
     His short dark hairs sank to his neck. Who is that offspring?
     'I'm... fine. What do you want?'
     'Nothing more, except your attention. Is it too much to ask for?'
     'What, you don't wanna talk to me? Fine, I'll just stand here.'
     I continued to train my body, while he was just standing and looked at me. He looked so weak, a bit skinny body, proud appearence, arrogant look. And he was just looked at me. With a little smile on his face. And it get me out of myself.
     'Who are you? You are participant?'
     He nodded.
     'Yes, you can call me 'final boss', or monster in the flesh. As you wish.'
     I laughed.
     'Are you kidding me? You're looking so weakling.'
     'Think as you wish.'
     I stopped excercises, and sighed. It felt so abnormal. I turned my head around and found out he vanished. That was my first alarm bell.
     The brave man won and screen showed the next contestant. It was me. It was time for me to show myself what I can.
     'Good luck.'
     Said the man I seen before, who prevented me, a strange guy with black hairs.
     'I didn't ask you for advice.'
     I went out to arena and watched at the small boy with icy look of blue eyes that literally shot me down. Even air around him seemed been frozen.
     I prepared my fists in stance learned from past life. The boy slightly raised his hand and in it turn out thin icy sword. He prepared too.
     The announcer gave command and my first fight start.

     Nami didn't haste to rush at the enemy. He pointed three fingertips on his enemy and shot by three powerful rays of light. They weren't transparent, it was dense white light with tint of blue. Like the stars they crushed on the boy that defenced by a icy sword. The guy repulsed attack with couple of slices by the icy sword, but one shot got in his shoulder. Showed his blood. He stood in stance and rushed at Nami. He prapered his hands to take guy's sword, and when the guy swayed his sword in direction of Nami, he stopped his sword and clasped in hands. Pressure of the sword was impossible and hands of Nami trembeled. He put his hand back and formed light arrow in the air, took it and swung at the foe, when he in reply swung it on him. The light arrow and the icy sword collided. With sound clang icy sword cracked and arrow began to dissipate. He pressed start of the arraw and pierced it further into the sword, arrow blasted and debris in form of five light rays got into guy's body, pierced him, but not to death. All happened in the moment, in split minute. The viewers on stands even didn't managed to see full fight. Guy fell down at the pavement of arena bleeding out.
     Nami pressed his hands into knees, blown, then looked around.
     The announcer proclaimed the result.
     'Naminara Cayley won! Bring medical care here for losed guy.'

     Is it I won? So fast? I even didn't managed to think! But it was too intensive. Ahh, nice. That sweat feeling of win. Never shall forget it. I walked out from the stage, went down the stairs lead on the arena, then sit further of crowd of practicians. It was too good not to get injures for my future rounds.
     Somewhere in distance.
     'So, he magician of light? Is it he?'
     Said Bokain in view of participant.
     'But he is still too weak for legendary Saint magician. Something wrong with it.'
     He walked to me and ask me for my health.
     'Are you okay?'
     'Pretty sure of it.'
     'Get ready, the next battles will be much fire.'
     'I know it.'
     In sum there was only three rounds. The third was the final round. People took part in tournament, and again was time for me. Getting away, I closely looked at Bokain. Yet I didn't know who he are.
     'Will not you take part in tournament?'
     He looked at me, like at somebody stupid.
     'No, I'm final boss. Didn't I tell you before?'
     'But it is insane!'
     'Insane is me. Get away.'
     He returned me my word.
     I dressed on my serious view and ironical smile, then... ready, set, go. I walked out on arena, again. Now my heart was beating furiously, and I couldn't to stop it. I took inhale, then made exhale. And it helped, a bit. But helped.
     I stood in my stance, where my palms were fore me like a flow water, but hard. The enemy was warrior of fiveth rank. And he was pupular ranker. The crowd from the stands called out his name. His name was Broot.

     Nami was ready to fight. But not too confident in result of this round. He never fought to fighters, warriors. He decided to keep distance for safety. And it was right dicision. Bokain calmly was looking at the duel.
     The announcer proclaimed.
     'Are you ready?'
     He turned to us. After to crowd at the stands, who looked forward to the duel.
     'People, that is what you waited for. Are you ready?'
     He just caught his fame.
     'Very good. Then here we go. Fight!'
     The main character couldn't be dismissive to fight. He at the start ready light sword in his hands and light arrow behind him. The warrior rushed at Nami. Then the main character let the arrow go into the man's body, it crashed at the final, then it was reason for surface injures of the man. He looked too firm and not too brawny. And he get in his hands a thin long sword with crooked white guard. The first pace of Nami was over. Then he, holding a light sword and hands, run around the arena and shoot by light rays in the man. The disadvantage of fighters was they couldn't fight from distance, and range of attacks was very close. But advantage of them was their speed and agility. While our character was running around the stage, and till the warrior could get closer to Nami, he managed to injure the fighter by many of shots. And fighter bacame weak. It was tactics of leading the close fight. What difference between strategy and tactics? Strategy was planned beforehand, while tactics was thought at the place. Worth to consider, Nami thought this when he had known the rival is warrior. And now he just led it into reality. But man was too fast for him, Cayley already couldn't to run away. Then he clasped in hands light sword and rushed at the man. He was weaker, but had advantage the enemy was already injured and tired. The swords clanged with sparks. Start the confrontation between man's iron sword and light sword of Nami. Cayley wan't opponent to the fighter in rude power, and he knew that. He made a trick, he stepped back, poured all his magical power called Magi into a single blow, then holding the pommel of the light sword hit the enemy with all his strength. He blocked the blow, but got injures and flew on some distance back and rolled on the paved ground of arena. Nami didn't spend the time and rushed at the foe again. The enemy with efforts stood up, but he didn't manage to block fast hits of Nami. The enemy got another injures that was bleeding then pressed against the barrier of arena. He had no choice, he was trapped in a vice. And he shouted he is giving up.
     The match was over. Except for the last match up, this fight was more longer then the last. Now Nami was overconfident into himself. He smiled and thought he could win the last so-called 'final boss'. He didn't know how was looking Bokain. Worth to consider, not so many of people in Protoguineya knew appearence of Bokain. He was a man form the shadows. And he used mighty power of dark arts. That was all that anybody knew about it. Everywhere except of Protoguineya dark magic was banned and chased by everyone at the mainland. It was dreadful and fearful arts that knew not too many of people at the mainland. But, than much banned, then much powerful arts were.
     He climbed downstairs of arena, then looked around. The crowd called out his name. He got his fame and popularity. But as he walked away, Bokain walked to him. On his face appeared a little dark smile.
     'My congratulations, pal. The next fight I'm going to show you why I was called a terrifying magister of dark arts.'

     Now I realised he wasn't just a regular participant. He was something more. At least I guessed so.
     'But, wait! Who are you?'
     'Is it so improtant? The next day I will answer your question. And will suggest you a crucial choice. Have a nice day, because of your choice it may turn out you to be dead. Assistant, conduct him in his chamber.'
     This was the last word from him before he vanished, again. But suddenly appeared my assistant. I pointed for myself he was mysterious. It was possible to chase him, but never catch. And he even didn't take his part in tournament. All of it was too strange to think about for me now. But I had a good news: tomorrow I will know it all. Something whispered to me: tomorrow I will know how did I get here? Why did I get in this world, called plane? And did exist the other worlds beyond of my understanding? All of it I will know soon. And it was a good news.
     Assistant conducted me in my selected room. Not that I couldn't get here by myself, but this passages of the building were too tangled. And he brought me anything I wanted. What considers of food. My room was small, but neat and clean. I looked at the cup of cristal clear water from decanter he brought me. And saw my reflection. Who I became? My parents must be miss me from past life. And I strongly wanted to return back to my past world. Yes, it was not perfect, but still good. And this choise the black-haired man suggested my. What it was? On it will deciding my future life. But I didn't know any answer. I just wanted to be back. The successes was encouraging me. I looked at my reflection again, alredy in the looking-glass. I was handsome young buddy with brown hairs. With black clear eyes and a bit crooked greek nose. With pale pink lips, with calm expression of face. Not bad clothes. Leather pants. And black cape with hood. With white shirt.
     Everything about me was okay. But mentally I was torn by doubts. Did I do a right thing by left my home? I wanted to become the most powerful magician, in this world it was possible. But would the end justifies the means? Is goal justifies the means? If it wasn't something critical, it does. It was logical, but logical left me since I left my home. Not will deciding all or nothing. All-in. The bets are made, let's play on, gentlemen. Games reminds the life, while game akin the game. But life isn't a game. Meaning of life is too huge to put it in framework of only games. In my last game one time I played poker. And I know how important to lie and bluff sometimes. At least I could lie to him tomorrow. If you will not to lie at interview for a work you could not to be accept for a work. If you will not to lie you mother if you did something wrong, you could to be punished. And so on. Different manipulations of speech is a part of our life.

     The next day.

     I woke up early. And in my mind rotated the words 'on the edge' and 'tomorrow'. Now it have the most importance in my life. I was akin on of the edge, and tomorrow will decide my whole life. Such a little, but precious life, as I told. I swung in my head possibilities of how you could win this day, but have no idea. It was impossible, because I didn't know my the next foe. At a close look he looked weak. And I suppose he was a magician. That was all I know about him. I even didn't know his name, what I can say about his skills? I suggested he possess of magic because of he was bodily weak. But may be it isn't so. I thought if I wake up early in the morning the fresh head helps me to think about soon fight, but it didn't. And I over my reflections it was useless.
     Meanwhile and my door knocked with the such similiar sound. It was my assistant, but I didn't know his name yet. Though we were aquantanced so long so far.
     'Come in.'
     Door has been opened.
     'Follow me downside of building. The start is beginning now.'
     I guessed he is about tournament. But phrase was absurd. But didn't argue to him and just complete his suggestion. Before the stadium. I walked out and saw the man standing in the middle of arena. It was he. He was too calm, and stand with overconfidence and tiny smile on his proud face. Yes, he waited me. Pesonally and bodily. He exuded too much power about his body, and from this yesterday's weakness left naught. And I even doubt would I can to fight him? Or maybe am I winding myself up? He was strong opponent I never met before and I felt that. But I had my aces in sleeve too.
     'Go up.'
     I walked to center of stadium, but stopped and turned to my assistant, who slightly smiled watching the man at he stage. Did he know him? I asked.
     'Do you know him?'
     'Yes. But I'm not going to say you who he are. Or will spoil his mood.'
     'Bla-bla-bla. If you don't to say, don't say.'
     I climbed up the stone stairs I felt like the green Mile until the death, and stand on the opposite of my perspective foe. I was serious, but he laughed.
     'It is nice to see you here. And you didn't even try to run away? Good boy. Before I will show you mighty dark arts, I wanna to ask you some questions. It is the reason I'm here. What is your age?'
     'Am I have to say?'
     'Of coarse you haven't. But then you will dead. Be an obedient guy. Don't need to bite a hand I stretch to you to help you.'
     'Then eighteen.'
     'Wouldn't I said to tell truth? I will correct myself. You need to say only truth and nothing except that. See?'
     'Then twenty-four.'
     'Good. Where are you from?'
     'From far village to westbound.'
     'Again lie. Lie-lie-lie. Because it isn't your first place where you came from. Say it aright.'
     It was getting nervously. In me born fear. Did he know? I intentioned to answer truly.
     'From Earth.'
     'What is this?'
     'This is a planet, my homeland. It is like plane. If you want you can call it the plane.'
     'Very good. The last question. Are you legendary Saint-level magician, called Naminara?'
     What? Wait! I didn't know there was I man with the same name! Is it coincidence?
     'Yes, my name is Naminara. I thought out this name, because my is too strange for this plane. But I don't know anything about Saint-level magician! Anything!'
     'And again you have lied me. It is you.'
     'What? I don't remember something such nonsense!'
     'Sure. This wasn't your first life, and even wan't second. Because your spirit is immortal, but memories have ability to fade away. Because your spirit gained so high level you can't die and will reborn again and again till the end of world. But you didn't sence that.'
     I was in great daze. I was absolutely stunned. But arose a cross-question.
     'But... but... where are you know all that from?'
     'Because I summoned you here.'
     My heart start to beating strongly. I felt like different memories rose and flew out from my head. But it seemed like I didn't know it at all. Wouldn't I was a big looser from my past life? A garbage, who left his grandfather in this world? Or in this plane?
     'You haven't thought out your name. You remembered it.'
     'Why did you summon me here? What ever you need? You, moron!'
     'Be polite. Because there are some reasons for it. The magical barrier around arena doesn't pass noise outside. So be calm, this talk stayed cofidential. I will say you. The great last archmage, who died recently, was magician of prophecies. Before he dead, he oversaw a great disaster to our kingdom. He bequeathed, if we couldn't to stand the disaster for 2 years, our saint kingdom and our lives will be in other's hands. We can die, see? And the prophecy is coming! Left not too much as the next ten years until calamity. I'm here to study you up and return your power back. And, maybe, your memories. But now I will test your present strength. Be cautious, I start.'
     Under my back ran goosebumps. Something went wrong, and something was coming. Aura of Bokain cardinally changed. It was cloudy and gloomy weather. But all sky rolled by dark clouds in the moment, in split second. Wasn't seen the end of dark clouds. The people at stands became make rumors. And a lot understood, he has arrived. Unspoken king of Protoguineya, the magician of dark arts Bokain himself. Nami didn't know, but Bokain was living legend akin of Saint-magician Naminara in the past millennium. If Nami was the legend of past millennium, so Bokain was legend in the flesh this millenium. This century. Now and here. He was one step from becoming 'awakened', so called the people who stepped the threshold of mortality and came out of 10 rank. The power of them was just insane and beyond of imagination. They could with one spell wipe out the whole army of three hundred thousands soldiers. He didn't know, but precisely Bokain was being those who didn't let army of two other superstates invade to Protoguineya. And when they tried he stop them personally. Nevertheless he lookad like weak man about thirty years old.
     The lightning dropped out of nowhere, from the black skies, down nearly Bokain, and formed into the lance. Pitch black lance two and half meters in height and thin. It shimmered and crackled with blue discharges along the spear. The one eye of Bokain covered with haze and became black, the other stayed sky-blue. The lightning that dropped broke the blue barrier, along it goes cracks on all barrier, it couldn't stand and broke apart on many of light debris. Bokain prepared his lance and stand into stance, pointed of arrowhead at Nami. Generally they were sworn enemies. Nami was light, when Bokain was darkness. They were irreconcilable. They looked at each other, but Nami couldn't to stand his look.

     When I looked at him, I thought he was weak offspring. But now, looking at him, I think he is real monster in flesh. This aura, this might... how it was possible to fight him? If he will start to fight, I will exactly deadman. No, need to stop him before! I even couldn't to withstand pressure of his aura, it hurt me. It was impossible... impossible...
     I fell down at the ground, knees hit the paved ground of arena. I can't stand contact with his eyes. When I looked at him, I felt pain and pricks in my eyes. I slightly whispered, but so that it would be heard by Bokain.
     'Wait, I give up.'
     Bokain stopped and looked at me, I was with sank head. It was too hard to accept for me. But who will possible to fight him? Maybe in this plane he was strongest. He put the spear away, the lance hung in the air and slowly dissipated on black particles. It was magical spear. He also slowly maneuvered to me and raise up my head by his hands. And told me.
     'You can be weaker than the enemy, but never let yourself surrender so easily. It is my first lesson. Join me.'
     He stretched me his hand for handshake, and I was with uncontrollable tears on my eyes clasp his hand.
     'Come with me. It will be a good life. I'll teach you how to fight until the calamity falls.'
     I stood up and walked with him, don't turning away at the stands. The crowd start to applaud him. The main archmage has arrived. But he someday wasn't so high. Unattainable high. After he told me, in childhood he was a laughing stock. A living garbage. And never expected to grow so sky-high. But after he got something in his life. Yes, something dreadful. And it turned him at 180 degrees. With monstruous efforts he afterwards bacame the man who he is. He wasn't talanted as others, everything was given to him with difficulties. But he walked alone, step by step all further. And he gained. Nailed it.
     Now was my turn to change my life. The the start always began with a little step. In east there is saying: the journey of ten thousand li begins with one step. About that and will be the next chapter of my narration, my friend.

     Chapter 3. The beginning of everything.

     He led me to chamber of the king, where he was sitting. The announcer proclaimed the competition was over. There wasn't a winner. How could be a win in country waited of it's calamity? What celebretions possible to be in it? Of coarse nothing. It wasn't disclosed out loud, but everybody know something was coming. Untouchable pressure was in the air. The second place of tournament was placed by me. The reward was one thousand gold. And it was enough to live my life without limitations during three years.
     The king greet me, as saw me yet from afar.
     'Hi, I've been looked forward you. My congrats, his name...'
     He addressed to Bokain with these words.
     'Naminara. Yes, it is he. This is it as you did think.'
     Gonder stunned.
     'So legends was true.'
     'Yes, it was.'
     'How do you think, could he save us from coming disaster?'
     'As I had known, he is only at forth rank. It is too early to talk something and to pin hopes on him. But I'm going to change that.'
     'Really? With good wishes! Have he home?'
     'No, he ran away out of it. He is rover.'
     'Haha, this is not problem. I can welcome him estate. All for future of Protoguineya! We always cultivate good nuggets.'
     'Yeah, then pick it out and send for the war front.'
     Replied Bokain.
     'Oh, no! Don't be so cruel. We'll take care of them. Anyway, who will change the world, as when we will gone?'
     'Nurture your power and get up your rank and will live as me, for four hundred years.'
     Nami amazed. Did he lived for more than hundred years? Here, in magic world it really was possible.
     'Not everybody could develop such magical power, as you, Bokain!'
     'Sure. Is true.'
     'Fine. You can lead him in your estate. Wouldn't you going to teach him?'
     'Ye, but he have to live with my another pupil. But I think it will good lesson for him. It will keep company to him.'
     'Alright. Is that all you wanna to tell me, Bokain? Or something about deals of the country? I know, you haven't been doing this for a long time. Put it all on my shoulders, but it is your country. If didn't you, this country a long time ago fell by invasion of other countries.'
     'That is all. Then I will take care of him myself.'
     'Farewell, Bokain.'
     Told king.
     'And you don't be sick.'
     They gone, then the king put his chin into his hand.
     'What a good day.'
     He looked out on the window.
     'Is it luck for kingdom?'

     Bokain had mansions all over the kingdom. Even here, in this unpopular town, which I got over to mention, Celestia. For Bokain it doesn't matter where they will be located. And for not to go far Nami said he will be here. They walked down the street, and Bokain bought carriage. They harnessed horses to carriage, it was very spacious. They sit down the carriage, before Bokain hired his personal driver, then departed. The estate was nearby this town, in the near meadov. They ride along the road. Bokain sit calmly and opened a book of magic. I remember yet of use such books, I burned out my. May be, they got to defficult for me, so I couldn't practice tricks from the books? It's possible. Bokain opened aslo the case and gain glasses out there. Did supreme magician had a bad vision? Possibly.
     'Do you wonder would I bad see?'
     'I do. Could supreme magician look bad? Wouldn't there are measures to cure that vice?'
     'Ah, it is because I too deeply dip into magician arts. So I spoiled my vision. Sadly, there no attainable measures to cure that.'
     He went on to read the book. I noticed how peaceful view he had right now. Unlike that terrible look at the arena. And I found it funny. And on my face unnoticed for me appeared a smile. And he looked at me.
     'What? Is there something wrong with my face?'
     'Not big deal. But while you are reading you look so peaceful.'
     'No matter. Keep waiting. We will come to mansion soon. And you don't relax, I took you not because of your beauty eyes, the hard work is coming.'
     And he again stared into to book. I din't even imagined he could to be such a bookworm.
     Soon we were at the place. The driver shouted out we are came. Then Bokain lay down at the soft leather seat of carriage book and went out of carriage by opening the door with me. We were at the territory of mansion. We rode in. And it was very huge. How another could live the first magician of country? If consider that it wasn't some kind of little country! Here in this country was the most big trade turnover and trading with the other two neighbouring countries. Forgot to mention, at south of country was neighbouring anarchic lands of over ten little countries. My country had a borderland with them. The other two superpowers countries were at the left and right bound of my country, divided by mountain range at the left and right sides. Through Protoguineya was flow a big magic river that supplied country to Magi. In Protoguineya was the most dense Magi. The right country Amethyst had big river too, but it flows from south Arctic Moutrains. This is now was explained by Bokain till we were going to mansion.
     We were manuevered through the garden. The big slander green trees were opposite around us. On the right hand was the round fountain. Down us was the paved with white stone road to the general gates to mansion. Everything seemed calm and quiet. And it was peaceful place for me I wanted to live in. Bokain with the kick of his leg opened with rumble gates and confidently looked in. There was hallway with chairs and magical screen on the wall opposite and spiral staircase on the left hand led on upper floors.
     In hallway on the chair was sitting a man of age twenty-five years old and drunk red wine and watched screen. He slowly turned his head and calmly looked at us, as for univited guests.
     'Oh, that is you, master. I've seen everything. You was inimitable. Could you describe me all circumstances in details?'
     'I see you've settled well. But for now that's not going to happen.'
     'Sure. Show him his room. Then gather up on the back training yard both.'
     'If I don't?'
     'Dare you disobey?'
     Bokain raised his hand and in his hand appeared a lance.
     'Do you want I whip you out as before?'
     'No. I obey.'
     The pupil stand up and was going to lead me and show me my room at upper floor. In sum there were three floors of mansion.
     'Okay. Come with me now.'
     Pupil adressed to me, while Bokain took teacup and sat at the heat place of his pupil and watching TV. He conducted me up the spiral staircase. Everything looked expensive and luxurious. Yes, they really lived them life rich. And it is what I deserved. Because for a while a lived and trained in forest, before I generally lived in the hut I ran out.
     'Here is your room.'
     And it was the worst small room. But at least there was a bed and some conveniences. A little table and single chair with no screen. But here was wardrobe with magical spells. It was pretty enough for me.
     He leer at me as if he specially chose the worst room for me.
     'Now go to backyard. There is a little area for thaining. You should be grateful for mercy of Bokain. Yet no one deserved to be his pupil. As for me, I was too gifted to have this honor. But it is not concerns you, weakling.'
     Told he full of scorn. I didn't pay attention for his words. The future will show all and replaced all on it's place. Worth to notice, his apprentice was bald. With deep bright eyes and sly look. He led me to area of training, backyard. There was a green place with circle sand area in the middle. There already stand Bokain. And he start.
     'Well, you should to make some huge efforts to make it your home. My rule: more practise, less lessons on books. You will compete with my apprentice till you can fight him. He is archmage at eight rank. You will never get freedom and will closed here until you could fight me, this is your main task. We will study you till the death.'
     What? Why this sounds so crazy? So, I was enslaved to be at the mansion until I could fight one of them? What a madness! For me, with my thin freedom-loving nature, this was insane task!
     'When you is going at threshold of the death, you start to appreciate life. And looking for ways to attain it. Practise will be tough, get ready for suffering.'
     Pupil of Bokain walked opposite me on sand and cruelly looked at me.
     'I'm magician of the blood. If you will get bleeding a bit deem you're already lose.'
     Bloody magician? Isn't it a banned magic? First of all black magician Bokain, after the blood magician... I didn't remember his name. And now I'm going to ask him for that.
     'What is your name? To fight, you need at least introduce yourself.'
     'My name is Hyper. My magic designed for large scale war.'
     'My name is Naminara Cayley.'
     He is not amazed at all.
     'Yes, I know who you are. But now you are just a garbage.'
     Why it was sound so rude? So offensive.

     Nami created a great light sword in his arms. His magic progress was even in the time he didn't trained. Then created two particles of spheres of concentrated light rays inside. In spheres within were many of light rays. He was ready to fight. Hyper sliced his skin by nail, blood was dripping on the ground, then the blood got to flow out intesely and flew out in the air and formed armour on the Hyper. This looked ipressive. In his hands appeared a big bow to the ground to the feet of Hyper with an arrow showed out of nowhere right to the string.
     Cayley shot by the magic rays out of two spheres like out of machine gun, with the same speed. But shot were limited. There was only ten discharges. Hyper let arrow down at the Nami and then the single arrow sweeped out all other shot by magic rays apart and impacted into Nami's breast. A single arrow was too powerful for him. He was at eight level, while Nami was at almost five. The difference was too big to compare them power in collision of pure magic skills.

     I fell down face down the ground. I flew away far from the place of a combat. And drew a furrow in the soil. I came out the field of sand, here was only bottle-green grass and a single tree. Leaves of tree whispered me: you weak, you looser, like it was before. Like it been in my past life. Maybe Bokain was wrong in me? Maybe I hadn't another past life like Saint-level magician? Maybe it all was just coincidence? I was verily pathetic. I thought, maybe I shouldn't to have started the way of magician? I lost my blood bleeding out from different slashes on my flesh by the red bloody arrow of Hyper. And I already regretted of agreed to suggestion of Bokain. It was hurt.
     Nami hardly woke up, looking at coming Bokain together to Hyper. Yet from afar Bokain start to talk.
     'Now I realise what did you lack. You will train as a warrior.'
     'Your spiritual energy is not bad, but your body is poor. That's your disadvantage.'
     Said Hyper.
     And so on my day's training start from hella excercises. Et cetera the whole damn month.
     At my warrior rank I was only at second. As a magician I was at five rank. When I fell asleep after a day of training, I had ill dreams. I saw the continent full of blood. Wherever I saw only blood and corpses. The rivers of blood. Even houses were painted in this colour and the sky. A heap of corpses. And a warrior in blood, holding the head of Bokain. Then Bokain turned into undead, zombie. The guy who held the neck of Bokain stared at me. I was standing still, shoked and stunned. I just didn't know how to stop it, how to prevent it and save Bokain. In this heap of corpses somebody was undead and woke up. The knight stared at me and cruelly smiled with a brutal smile. And laughed. In this hill of bodies I noticed my parents from my past life and present, my grandfather that I left. The whole country slipped into slaughter caused by a single man. This was his world.
     'What is you gonna do?'
     I didn't understand this question. I was too pathetic, I have had nothing to do. My only wish was to run! Run as far, as I can. It was bad dream or result? I don't know! I don't know nothing! Why are you asking me for?
     'The next is your turn.'
     Knight pointed by his hand at me. His look was arrogant while he was doing this movement.
     'Please don't!'
     I cried out of my mind.
     The rеvoltе undead rushed at me. I took the iron sword from my band and start to slice undead. The first I beheaded one zombie. But it isn't seemed like it had an end of it. The river of undead was hunting me under of the man who jast stood on the heap of corpses and blood. He satisfied the sight. And I didn't remember, how many of undead I beheaded. How many zombies I sliced. How many previous people I had killed. They already wasn't alive. In this insanity I only prayed to wake up! I begged, pleaded, cried. But nothing is happened, like it wasn't nightmare at all. When current of undead wasn't no more lasting, he was coming to me. He walked on the corpses, over the heads of before living people.
     'Don't come near my! You are a monster!'
     He was like he didn't hear me at all. Once a moment and he was standing before me with the same cruel smile on his face. He took my neck and raised me up. My eyes only stared on the deep bloody skies.
     'You wanna die?'
     Was his question.
     'No! Who in a sound mind ever wanted to die!?'
     'Wait for me. It is coming.'
     I was turning into undead by my sight. He kept his word, I wasn't dying. Wouldn't he looked as the man of his word? But there are the thing a lot worse than death. It is to lost your close relatives and to lose yourself. Now I don't knew what is right, what is fake. I was loosing myself. I was turning into undead. The one of his undead army. A grain of sand into space. I was loosing my personality, all myself.
     'Cry, cry, cry!'
     He shouted at me.
     And then I even didn't know who I am at all. Maybe I am nothing at all? Maybe all the people was born to be dead? What was the sense to live the life if in the end you anyway will lose youself by the death? Maybe WE are nothing at all? Does it matter in the end?
     This and many of the other questions swarming in my head. But I didn't know an answer. Would somebody knew? Could somebody to know? But here was nobody to reply.
     Then I died. The last I saw it was a brutal smile on his face. And I realised he was also undead of immortal. So simple, isn't the death complicated?

     I woke up with a cry. And I didn't wanna to die. Yet I didn't know what sign was it, but after I understood all. It foreshadowed troubles and war with undead that continent didn't see yet.
     I cried.
     'Damn! What was that? Bad dream? Nightmare?'
     I stood up. Could I stop this calamity?
     'Or the future? As told me Bokain?'
     At least not yet. I need to bacome stronger. As sronger as I can. Now I couldn't know, how strong I will became. This morning I came to Bokain, while he drunk tea before the screen in hallway. Everything was okay. And I realised it was just a nightmare.
     'Bokain, I wanna become stronger.'
     Were my words.
     'What has pushed you to that?'
     'I had a dream. It was a calamity.'
     'Are you sure of that? Maybe it was just a nightmare.'
     'I'm thinking of it too. But I'm afraid. In this dream I saw your death.'
     There roused a silence for a while.
     'There are not too many people who can defeat me.'
     'Hope of that.'
     'Starting today trains will be more tough, do you know ye?'
     'I'm ready.'
     'That is good.'
     He stood up and turned his head to upper floors of building.
     'Hyper! Come here. We are going to backyard.'
     From the upper floors rang unpleasant voice.
     'What has happened? I'm chilling.'
     'It's not urgent. Fine, I can handle it myself. Go with me.'
     He took apparel from nearby wardrobe. It was something special. It, as I managed to look at this, was magical apparel. With light blue lines all over the clothes.
     'Wear it.'
     He handle it to me and I worn it. Immediately I felt weakness in my body like I couldn't to raise a hand. And all my body poured by gravity.
     'Is it gravity clothes?'
     'But isn't it too cruel?'
     'No way. It is useful.'
     We walked out on the backyard.
     'Here is regulation of severity. Let me put it on half of volume.'
     He did it and I felt like it was hard to move at all.
     'Now we will practise fighting hand-to-hand skills.'
     Bokain began to lead with myself hand-to-hand fight and teach me how to deal.
     'Your task is not to take off it until you gain seventh level of warrior. Till it will become useless.'
     So we trained all the day and night long. Until the night falls. The moon rose up sky-high and shimmered brightly. It was spiritually nice, the forest afar was black and dim. A little haze ran over the ground. This was a good remarkable day and night.
     We were training whole day. It was already night. The Moon shone brightly and was sky-high until it sank over skyline. But we kept to practice the hand-punches and stances. In just one day I learned how to fight. And it was enought for me, I couldn't to kept pace with supreme magician. As I had to know, he was also perfect warrior.
     I fell aground and crept away from Bokain.
     'Please, I can't take it anymore.'
     He nodded.
     'Can we... stop?'
     'Yes, I think you need a rest. Keep a good rest with pleasere. Because tomorrow will be harder.'
     He swung his hand and turned around to get away. This was a useful day. But it seemed like he didn't tired at all. What a great endurance?
     I stood up and tottered to mansion. Need to encircle and walk around to get in mansion, because it was a backyard and it was prette big. It was a good night. I smelt fragrant smell of night air. It was a bit cold, but fresh. And I thought, what if my power was at a peak while the day long? I never noticed it, but it was so, as told me Bokain. While his power was maximum at the night. Because nature elements were changing. Magi was different by elements of nature. Sadly I felt only light Magi. I wasn't universal in this aspect. But thought better to be the best in something single, than surface in all.
     Nami walked in his room, before he climbed at the spiral staircase. Till I walked observed pictures at a floor, in wide passage with carpet underneath me. The carpet was patterned and beautiful, alike the pictures of humans at the floor. And I thought, weren't they relatives of Bokain himself? He never told me about his family and progenitors. The pictures were detailed and precise, like it was drew from the living people, as if the time has stopped at the pictures.
     I opened the oak door amongst of the many of other doors at the floor, and mistook the door. It was flat of Hyper. I even didn't know that he lived neighbour me. At the first look I saw throwed books all over the room. A little blue carpet at the floor with magical circle and patterns. What suprised me was the fact in all books down here were torn off pages. All pages. Like somebody already acknowledged all information of the books and they even been no needed to be read. Forward was slept Hyper himself. Because of interesting I walked down the his table. There was notebook. I opened it and amazed. All pages was written by the simple couple lines. And it were:
     'How I can stop calamity?'
     'Possible ways to stop calamity?'
     'Could Nami stop it?'
     And the last couple of lines.
     'Why HE is so weak, maybe he to be an impostor?'
     'How many time left and can I run away?'
     I by sight understood about who he was talking about. At the book also were written magical formula. A lot of magical formula. I turned at the sleeping Hyper. I even couldn't imaging how much disturb he experienced. I symphatized him. But I didn't manage to left room, when by my noise Hyper woke up. He opened eyes and watched at me, still holding the notebook, and at his face appeared indignation.
     'Wha are u doing in ma room? You, garbage?'
     I confused.
     'Nothing at all. I just came here to check you out. I had some questions, but seeing you sleeping I already have no questions.'
     'About what are these? For example? Nah, you're just invented that in your defense!'
     'No, I really have.'
     'What are that?'
     'How to stop calamity. I think we have not choise left as fight to it. It will concern all of us. All mainland. I saw it.'
     'And how do you know that?'
     'From my dream. I think it is akin of foresight. We will face to undead. And also I saw a knight, who led the living undead.'
     He kept silence.
     'So how we can fight it? Who ever know the answer?'
     'It is hard to describe, but I know. The light cleanses darkness. Only good can fight with the evil one.'
     'What a nonsense! There are different ways to gain power, different ways of magic. Why does light magic can fight darkness? Before you can fight darkness, you must to cognize the dark arts by itself. It is idea. Tomorrow we will teach you dark magic. Begone and good night, don't interrupt my sweat dreams.'
     I turned around to leave the room, when heard his voice.
     'And, never look into alien books.'
     I walked out of room and went to my. Opened the oak door and fell on the bed. And again saw the same dream.

     The people were drawn their hands to the sky. That was my dream. While from afar I saw the knight. At him wasn't alien blood, but he was coming to that people. The one woman ran at him, holding the child on her shoulders. And violently shouted. All the people had their injures and shouted at him, as him was coming.
     'Savior, my lord, save my child! I plead you! Save my child! She has desease!'
     'And me, you, dirty woman! Please save me!'
     The crowd pulled around the knight.
     'Me, me!'
     'No, me!'
     He silently held out his hand and touched the ill child of first woman. And after that the child was healed, but kept transformations. She gradually began to turning into undead. All who was touched this hand was turning into undead. But everybody as if didn't noticed that. The crowd greet him, as a savior. After all there left no one living human, just undead people. Then he looked at me, standing still apart, with his deep-red eyes. The red veins stood out of all his body, from the fingertips to his neck. They shone by the red light. It was similiar like the blood magic of Hyper.
     'Why didn't you beg for your life?'
     'What else I need to ask for?'
     'You're funny. Don't you want to life forever? Yet nobody could step out the threshold of 10 rank. I can give it to you.'
     'I no need to live forever.'
     'Why? Didn't you dreamed to live forever?'
     'I need to live when I'm alive, not when I'm already dead.'
     He outraged, but smiled with his brutal smile.
     'Well, if you're not with me, then you're against me.'
     This time he hadn't done to my anything, just turned back. I saw his back. Short light brown and a bit black hairs like of Bokain.
     'Keep waiting for me. This country do lie to you. It is coming.'
     I rushed at him to touch his shoulder. He was untouchable.
     'Wait, what is coming! Wait!'
     I cought only the haze, dissolved into the air. Felt, like somthing pull me above, then I woke up again. And over and over nightmare. Soon it will bacome a hibit. But I didn't used to it yet. Knight's words made me think, in his words was a point. Something is coming, but what is that? After already nine years something will happen, something large scale. Maybe it will be a reason between the countries. Before I thought, he is enemy of all mainland, this knight. But I mistook. He is just a part of calamity. Something more large is coming, I didn't know what. I was afraid of my future. Of myself. Because haven't anything valuable. Maybe I can find it there, in this calamity plunged the whole continent in the deep end? This were thoughts of madman. And I drove away them.

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