Николаев Макс Стормович : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    ...ну вот...тык сказать...решил попытать себя в английском языке...судить вам...


^Come, darkness, my true and only friend...
come into my room and watch me bleed and crave...
Blow the candles out and let me feel your breath...
Each drop of blood is your caress...^///

She comes to me in moonlit nights,
With kiss...and smile as cold as ice...
My heart's aflame, yet so afraid,
With dread that she will fade away...

I listen to silence, I hear your words,
The candles are out, they say it's a curse...
They say I've gone mad, that I am insane,
That death of a loved one has left me astray...

But She..... she takes my pain away,
She makes a difference, I guess she has a way,
Always in shadows, never sees the light,
She is my sorrow, she is my life...

An Angel with a Demon's eyes,
A Devil with the holy lies,
A song of Death, a song of Doom,
She sings, gets up then leaves my room...

***And when the sun comes crawling out,***
***I see her face no more..............***
***I curse the day, I scream and shout,***
***But there's no hope for me anymore..***

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