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Alive as a Converter of Information into Beingness

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    Consciousness in alive uses the sense organs of the living being, its centers that process information, as well as programs that are realized in the form of form-building abilities, which together makes it possible to select out from the incoming information the surrounding that can ensure the existence of a living being, which consists in receiving at least , various sensations, as well as the united consciousness of living beings creates beingness that ensures the development of consciousness in the living.

  And what about things that do not have the ability to feel and think - do they exist or not?
  The answer seems obvious: if you can touch them, then they are. Along with that, according to the logic, in accordance with which only alive is capable of feeling, things must have a significant difference from alive.
  Suppose that all objects of Creation can be reduced only to two categories - the active and the passive.
  Indeed, it is possible to carry to the active all material objects having subjectivity, that is - this or that degree of consciousness allowing them to organize both themselves, and own surroundings, eat, breed and act in this environment, adapting to it for more or less comfortable existence.
  To do this, the active should have a program of its own development and action (genome), certain receptors, centers that process incoming information, as well as form-building abilities, that represent the surroundings in the form, suitable for the existence of this active.
  But all this is impossible without a base, in which the active must be placed and act.
  In a certain simplification and coarsening, the active is similar to the computer program, but a program, which is free in actions and creative, unlike, for example, the artificial intelligence known to us.
  Therefore, the active, being kind of software, cannot do without "iron" - the passive, which, being shapeless and representing matter deprived of consciousness, takes only those forms, which are necessary to the active for own existence and development, that is, the passive makes a background - an environment, ordered in this or that relation for the active, and elements of this environment are structurally connected and interact with each other not on their own, and according to the regularities, determined by the active one, who, time it somehow thinks (processes information), should be recognized as consciousness.
  In turn, one can imagine that outside of time, that is, in a timeless infinity is "located" Everything, in connection with which this timeless infinity can be designated as Uniform, since this Everything, being outside of time, or being unmanifested, is only merged together and hidden the active and the passive, incapable of action.
  In such "state", Everything represents Nothing, or non-existence, and cannot express itself in any way, unless it has a projection in which Everything is capable to be divided in the form of copies of the active and passive in this or that duration, at this, the copies of the active "are engaged" in this projection only in that they derive the passive from a infinity out of time in the form of information copies, that is possible initially only thanks to combining the active with the passive already in the form of alive as certain support of oneself.
  Similar projection of an infinity out of time can only be a hologram [1]: in a holographic picture each particle of the active doesn't lose unity with all infinite set of the active particles and therefore can, in particular, by means of this unity to distinguish, read out and copy using own means things, necessary for own existence, in their in their connection, recognizing them inside an infinity out of time according to own understanding, which this active has how it wants and can, updating each "moment", i.e. discretely, but infinitely, of a holographic projection as the basis for own existence in this information process.
  The particles-copies of the active, i.e., the particles-copies of consciousness, thus, "receive" out of an infinity out of time the copies of things (the passive), which are required for "replacement" (update) by them of previous copies of things.
  This informational process of the interaction of an infinity out of time, where everything is merged, and a holographic projection, where the active and the passive are separated, requires the association of the active and passive in certain artificial form (alive) for the interaction among themselves and with an infinity beyond time. The main difference of alive from everything else is the ability to transform the individual consecutive information copies (the discrete packets of information), similar to pulse signals from a transmitter to a receiver, into a changing decorated picture (current time) like an image on the screen of a television receiver, produced from decoded transmitter pulses. That is, alive is also able to transform the individual pulse signals containing information into continuously changing picture due to a certain inertia of the signal processing, which in the minds of any living being eliminates the pauses between the arriving information packets (positions of the update).
  As a result, for the consciousness of a living being, a changing event world arises in motion - beingness, in which it is already possible to live in own present, but within the framework of a common (external) time.
  In other words, the informational process of interaction between an infinity out of time and its holographic projection cannot do without local, temporary, artificial and programmed formations in the form of the active and the passive, for which, in turn, requires an appropriate environment (beingness), i.e., the macroscopic and the microscopic (dark matter and energy, stars, planets, space, galaxies, radiations, elementary particles, molecules, etc.), that we know.
  The things themselves remain in an infinity out of time in the merged state, as and the active, or consciousness, and along with that through the copies of the active particles (consciousness) manifest as a result in the form of the environment (beingness), which surrounds the particles of consciousness as if from the outside and from the inside, and which in their unity in a holographic projection are the frequency formations with a certain duration.
  That is, in the reality (beingness), manifested through a holographic projection, objects from an infinity out of time do not appear as such, but they are nevertheless present in this reality in the form of copies, which are constantly updated by means of the active of a holographic projection, since through it into alive the packages of information corresponding to its properties (features of the sense organs, information processing centers, form-building abilities-programs) consistently arrive.
  A holographic projection itself cannot but be material. By the definition, it is a frequency formation [1; 2, chapter 2.1].
  As is known, the world of a person is limited by the collection of his sense organs and his apparatus-thinking abilities. In other words, if he had a wider set of sense organs and a more powerful thinking apparatus, a person would have built with the help of the latter some different own environment - with other forms, color, spatial distribution, movement, etc. And all this would also be a reality for him, although the basis from which this reality came from would remain for him all the same unknown, since he is able to use only his own sensitive organs and his own brain, but he is not able to get out of limits of their actions.
  Existence of the things world in the form of the last, true and independent of us (objective) is disproved by the fact that it is being represented by our sensations and it is being formed by an information processing center - a brain for a person, and this world for different types of organisms can be other, and its basis can quite be frequency-wave, on which information is written down.
  However, this frequency-wave basis of beingness is outside the current time of beingness and therefore is extra-spatial in relation to beingness and zero in terms of material balance.
  A similar kind of "formation", as shown above, can be a hologram [1], which is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superposition of several coherent waves, giving a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
  However, this frequency-wave basis of beingness is, as it were, composed of two parts, in which the waves are in antiphase, thus making up a zero integrally.
  Therefore, each such ultrahigh frequency formation separately, the source of which is a timeless infinity (Uniform), contains divided waves of the same frequency, which may have different harmonics.
  Such integral nothingness is nothing but the manifestation of a timeless infinity in the form of a kind of projection, coinciding with an unmanifested infinity in all properties: infinity, zero material balance, the absence of current time and motion, except for the separation of waves, which can be regarded as a prototype of time and space.
  In principle, the closure of these separated wave-like impulse structures can give the current time and space in which material structures of a non-frequency type can be located, changing.
  Thus, the current time, space and moving material structures can appear in the event that it is possible to close individual wave-like impulse structures of a holographic projection.
  Since we ourselves are in the current time, space and change, it can be stated that we ourselves, as alive, are nothing but a performer, converting the divided wave-like frequency structures into the thing (objective) world known to us, that is, beingness.
  Such activity of alive in the creative plan implies its indispensable participation not only in the creation of beingness, but also as the main forming element of Creation, since without alive with its sense organs, information processing centers, form-building abilities, that is, capable of activity on the basis of structured passive compositions, a timeless infinity, or Uniform, cannot manifest.
  In itself, this means the presence of the active and passive components in any living being.
  If we accept as an axiom that there is everything in a unmanifested infinity, then all possible objects in their diversity are hidden in it. But this diversity can be reduced to two entities - the passive and the active.
  The passive includes all objects that do not perceive information, that is, they are able to respond to certain influences, like a photographic film to light, but they cannot interpret (analyze, structure) these changes in any way, turning them into something understandable for themselves, which can be somehow use, that is, into the information.
  In other words, all this variety of passive objects can only carry information, not knowing about it, to those objects that are able to perceive this information.
  This problem can be solved by remembering the basic ability and function of any consciousness - to enliven Uniform, more precisely, to form a changing environment for life, expression and development of oneself in it, forming on the basis of Uniform recognized and connected fragments of things in the form of copies.
  That is, only the living beings are capable of perception, analysis of incoming data - subconscious or conscious.
  Consequently, all things, as such, in a holographic projection are absent - there are only their information copies in it.
  Along with that, as seems, all things exist in infinite Uniform, where from they are "extracted".
  However, in ready form they aren't present there, because in infinite Uniform everything is merged together, separately things aren't present there; it means that is impossible to speak about their existence in timeless Uniform - they are there potentially, but they can be manifested only in copies discretely, i.e. in time, and only in the forms determined by consciousness.
  Only solely active (consciousness) can be "extracting" them in the corresponding forms from Uniform, consistently updating by superhigh-frequency discrete copying.
  Therefore, it is senseless to claim that things in forms known to the human consciousness exist outside human consciousness and pass into it exactly in these forms by means of sensations.
  It is only possible to approve that the environment, surrounding the person, directly doesn't depend on him, but, that, nevertheless it is formed through sense organs of the person arising before him after data processing of sensations by respective centers. Naturally, quality of this Wednesday depends on a set and opportunities of sense organs as well as opportunities of the processing centers of a human organism that makes related it with the ordinary computer which also can't go beyond the programs put in it and other technical capabilities. But, if the computer was self-sufficient, then the computer would claim that all what processed and given out by it, is the objective reality given to it by its sensors. Though, of course, behind this product stand only certain technologies.
  So and behind the person single consciousness stands.
  Copying of things at each updating of a holographic projection of Uniform is carried out sequentially on the basis of what is available, but with high frequency. Therefore, changes of copies of things with each update are minor and tied to the preceding forms. As a result, the high frequency update is reflected in each individual consciousness not chaotic, but orderly processes of change and motion in beingness with observance of the principle of causality.
  All things "are dissolved" in Uniform, they become as the actual only in the form of the copies of a holographic projection which are updated every "moment".
  In other words, things, as such, aren't present around, them don't exist, more precisely, they are presented the material information copies which are manifested by consciousness, and in such forms, order and connectivity, that each individual consciousness in any living being among them can sense, and at this, self-conscious living being can separate itself from the environment, i.e. to think, to plan, to dream, etc.; this phenomenon proceeds thanks to loss of a pause between updates of copies of things for each individual consciousness in the carrier, that automatically "transfers" any living being to the world with objects moving in space and time, known to us according to the technique close to the principle of operation of the 3D-printer.
  Thereby not the environment creates the conscious beings, but single consciousness through sense organs of carriers of all individual consciousnesses forms quite material frequency (holographic) projection on the basis of Uniform, being "converted" on the level of the individual consciousness, which with its side temporarily is "cut off" from single consciousness, to beingness with moving objects, i.e. beingness in general is manifested by single consciousness in its multiple form; "now" of every individual consciousness is manifested by it through own sense organs with hidden help of single consciousness.
  All carriers (components of bodies) of consciousness are also thingness copies, gaining quality of the living being at the time of the birth, and losing it at the moment of death, inasmuch this property the lifeless receives from particles of active (consciousness).
  However, and the particles of consciousness are the copies of the active from Uniform in holographic projection because exactly in similar formation single consciousness can exist in plurality and along with that in unity and eternity, manifesting and acting on the basis of Uniform in the finite infinitely.
  Things exist only in "now" of living beings that doesn't cancel their development anyway. This fact is also reflected in the history, i.e., in that process when there is a recall about previous things and then they thereby fall into "now" of the remembering consciousness.
  Multiple-single consciousness is infinitely itself and it updates a holographic projection infinitely, but discretely, forming beingness through own particles in the form, for example, of Universes at different stages of their development.
  In this process in a holographic projection of Uniform there is no time in our understanding of the ticking clock, inasmuch time is formed only as a product of discrete updating of wave formations with various set of frequencies in the form of duration of updating and duration of a pause between updates.
  Only loss of a pause in individual consciousness of the living being forms time in representation, in particular, of the person, flowing from the future into the last - though there is only one the present ("now"), and in this brief, but eternally updated "now" in individual consciousness are being linked the updated wavy structures into the spatial moving world of things known to us which without living beings, i.e. without beings with consciousness can't be manifested in any case, inasmuch the world without them - simply non-existence.
  As for a person, after his death the thingness beingness doesn't disappear anywhere so how consciousness does not disappear anywhere; consciousness in its individual form becomes by another living being, participating as always in formation of time [2, chapter 1.6].
  Summarizing, it should be noted: as the separate and the independent, things don't exist, being manifested in a certain form only through consciousness. They are manifested by single-multiple consciousness originally in the form of wave high-frequency formations of a holographic projection, - being some kind of prototype of material things known to us, - and then are formed as concrete things through each individual consciousness.
  Like any living being, a person is able to perceive, process and transmit information.
  However, a person differs from all other creatures in that he can act not only adaptively, but also quite consciously, that is, expediently and even creatively, adapting his own environment to his needs and considerations.
  And this means that a person's ability to recognize surrounding objects has the property due to which he can perceive them as a means not only for adapting himself to them, but as a means for adapting them for himself, which requires knowledge of these objects to one degree or another. in accordance with the set goals. And this, in itself, ensures the accelerated development of human communities in comparison with communities of other living beings, limiting themselves only to the use of what is without any purposeful transformation of their own environment, that is, its conscious change.
  In order to recognize himself or any other object, a person must have certain form-building abilities, which are based on the corresponding programs. Then he will find in everything that is displayed, for example, in a mirror, that totality of information that will be reduced for the consciousness of a particular person into the form of what he is looking for, for example, into his own appearance, that is, to receive information. Only this property of human consciousness can lead it to acquire adequate information, in particular, about oneself in the mirror.
  This property of consciousness is realized in the living through the existing set of sense organs in accordance with certain programs.
  The consciousness of any living being, and not only of a person, creates its own world, its own "real", scanning the surroundings through the senses, thereby penetrating locally into the boundless Uniform, which can be used to designate timeless infinity, since everything that exists is merged into a single whole in it - and the past, and the present, and the future - but not manifested, being thereby nothing, although it embraces everything in its non-existence.
  Naturally, no individual consciousness that has a certain level of development can embrace the entire infinite Uniform by the sensations of its carrier body and its understanding; but it can, with the means it has (man has five main senses), and those forms that, in accordance with his level of development and the type of carrier, are provided by a single consciousness, covering in a hologram all individual forms of consciousness outside the current time, to recognize in Uniform things corresponding to his life cycle, and to form his own time by successive irreversible copying through a pause, " transforming" in each individual consciousness due to a pause in it between impulse signals passing through the channels of the sense organs, into a colorful, moving and changing "present", in which this individual consciousness can exist in company with other individual consciousnesses among recognized and copied things , remaining inseparable from its own carrier, at least for the time being in this existence and feeling it [2, chapter 2.1].
  Objects which a person perceives by the sense organs in certain form, are dependent of him, he forms automatically the surroundings and own body in himself - in own processing centers, inasmuch initially the environment is only the high-frequency information copies of things which "are dissolved" in Uniform, and which are updated by consciousness through sense organs of living beings.
  These copies are converted in each individual consciousness, owing to physiological features of the organism perceiving discrete packages of information without pauses between them, in habitual for us things which move and change just because that only among them and in them, but not in the superhigh-frequency wave environment all living beings can abide, change, grow, reproduce and develop.
  However, the objects of beingness aren't produced by consciousness at all as it is represented to the subjective idealists denying objective existence of matter. Actually, the objects of beingness are formed by a person, more precisely, by his consciousness through sense organs, out of quite material high-frequency copies in the form of information packages by converting of incoming pulse signals, containing the relevant information, into a smooth picture of moving things with hidden help of a single consciousness.
  Analog of this process is the ordinary TV with that difference that if on the monitor screen, like a human sleep, move only images of things, converted from pulse radio signals, which aren't a "dense" matter, then in the human consciousness (consciousness of any living being) in the course of consecutive coupling of packages-impulses of information, waves are converted mainly in the corpuscles, i.e. - into the changing world of things, apparently, according to the principle, close to the principle of operation of a 3D-printer.
  If a mole doesn't see the sky, the sun and stars, these objects for it don't exist as owing to absence of appropriate sense organs, so and - lack of the corresponding form-building abilities. Though, of course, both the sun, and stars and etc. don't disappear anywhere, inasmuch they are formed by single consciousness through all set of living beings, as if covering with them everything various living beings. But the present time of a mole, unlike the present time of the person, with these objects, except a near-surface layer of the earth, directly doesn't contact, though it is in their zone.
  In general, in order to get any data, a person has to formulate the object of own desire - consciously or intuitively (the environment is formed by him automatically with the hidden help of single consciousness of a holographic projection of Uniform), then he has to address to where data can be, and scanning this "field" to identify by available means (sensations in conjunction with centers processing of data, or intellect as well as programs configured to recognize only those objects of beingness that correspond to the available sensory organs and the capabilities of the centers processing incoming information) the required objects, which are manifesting as copies in consciousness and which are distributed by him in the form of concrete material objects in a certain order, making up his surrounding, coinciding with the surrounding of the similar beings, chosen by them from the whole set of objects manifested by a single consciousness through living beings.
  Besides, it isn't enough to see in a mirror own image to some living being to recognize oneself in it: of all living beings of only a person can learn himself in a mirror in quality of a self-made being.
  Other living beings don't recognize themselves in a mirror in this quality, i.e., they aren't capable to identify own image with themselves as self-made personality, limiting even for the most highly developed animals by own adaptive individuality, but, nevertheless, they identify according to degree of own reason what is necessary them for deduction of themselves in existence; in other words, these beings live, without understanding themselves, but only sensing, however this ability to sense holds all usual living beings in existence - the living beings don't want to lose own sensations.
  If to return to analogy to a mirror, then its surface by itself is empty - it is nothingness without the relation to something. But this surface is being filled with this or that content in the form of images, if consumers of this content begin contacting with it, allocating on this surface the familiar forms and skipping the unfamiliar, which their consciousness can't decipher. Then this nothingness represents everything that these consumers can identify in it.
  So and timeless, infinite and motionless Uniform responds to the requests of consciousness through the sensations, becoming in consciousness out of Nothingness by Everything, which is not Everything in general, but which presents just what consciousness can understand by own means at the moment.
  Thus, world through the looking glass is some kind of analog not otherworldly, but the true foundation of beingness, inasmuch only from there (from Uniform through its projection) is possible to receive Everything, but only is possible to receive this own Everything, if there is an idea about this Everything, and if there are corresponding sense organs.
  In other words, only into a timeless Uniform can find by scanning the forms, which are clear for consciousness (which it is able to decipher). These forms in the form of copies are manifested in consciousness, becoming for it in a final form not as information-wave matter, but being converted to "dense" surroundings, known to us.
  Time for any living being, in particular, and for the person actually is the information process, during which material objects are identified by consciousness by surroundings scanning by him with facilities which are at its order, mentioned above.
  Incoming to consciousness, more precisely, in its relevant centers, impulses from sense organs (information packages) contain the coded data on material objects, which consciousness was capable to identify. These signals merge in consciousness in a picture incessantly changing surroundings, inasmuch the pause between the impulses arriving one after another is obliterated in consciousness of living being at the expense of a certain duration of processing of every portion of information and arising thereby the delay, doing for consciousness the discrete process of receipt of information as the continuous (a perception threshold).
  Illusion of smooth current of time is created by the fact that consciousness of a person owing to his physiological features isn't capable to notice pulse character of the arriving information.
  Change of the rate of "flow" of time for the specific person, or his own time, can be qualified as change of volume of information processed by his centers or change of the rate of its processing that is not directly related to the "common" time, though each person believes "external" or "common", as if surrounding him, time, as the only possible time. Therefore, the factor of change of the course of own time about which he doesn't know, a person considers as miracle or absolutely inexplicable phenomenon.
  Not only a person, but also each living being forms own time oneself with the hidden assistance of a single consciousness, but all set of living beings representing individual consciousnesses forms the "common", or "external" time, in which each living being dwells.
  Formation of own time by each living being proceeds automatically, more precisely, under monitoring of a single consciousness within the available set of sense organs and form-building abilities of consciousness of this being.
  By means of the last the sense organs recognize necessary fragments of Uniform which turn at first into serial informational packages, and then, after their processing and join, are converted into the current time and things, moving in space.
  The same happens also to the person who on a structure is a primate, but to that difference that target programs of self-consciousness allow him to recognize consciously the hidden features surrounding objects, using them, unlike animals, who do not delve into the essence of the subjects using them purely utilitarianly - for survival, but understanding at once or gradually their appointment, people apply the surrounding objects to own purposes, in every possible way combining and changing them.
  Thereby, a person receives, almost like God, the ability to form the new worlds from the routine objects and objects which are thought up by him, nevertheless, being in "external" time which, in essence, being formed by single consciousness, is a necessary condition (as if the house) for existence of single consciousness already in the divided form - as individual consciousnesses, presented by living beings who find themselves into own time, but within "external" time, which provides a single consciousness by means of all set of living beings.
  1. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
  2. Nizovtsev Yu. M. Everything and nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru.
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