Аннотация: At the heart of all actions of living beings, including a person, is information. The living being that possesses it in the most acceptable form for survival and development receives an absolute advantage.
The mediator in obtaining truly necessary information from its entire flow at the moment is dissatisfaction with the current environment for various reasons: emerging threats; more pleasant prospects for existence in terms of nutrition, reproduction and dominance; the appearance of a more comfortable arrangement in life.
Dissatisfaction itself is the initial generalization of what all the available senses provide, and it is expressed, including for a person, mostly in an unconscious desire to replace what is available with something new both in relationships and in one's own surrounding in connection with a change in the situation.
That is, dissatisfaction is the result of what all the senses provide every second integrally, and not separately, giving an impetus to management in actions for the sake of changing the situation towards its improvement.
However, an obstacle to survival and getting pleasant sensations from life are other living beings who want the same thing, which, as a rule, is not enough for everyone, or what is available is seized by stronger and smarter ones.
As a result, between all living beings distributed in the corresponding niches, there is a continuous struggle with varying success, during which various changes occur, which are immediately recorded by dissatisfaction, noting the beneficial ones for itself, and trying to instinctively use them.
But the dissatisfaction of all living beings, except humans, operates only within the framework of instincts and reflexes aimed at survival, nutrition, reproduction and dominance in their own environment.
the dissatisfaction does not concern everything else, since the program of actions of living beings is limited to adaptation to a changing environment without attempts to adapt the environment to their own existence, consciously and radically rebuilding it.
Therefore, the relationship between all living beings, excluding a person, is reduced to survival and obtaining, preferably, pleasant sensations within the framework of pure adaptability, where the case is dominated by mutations in the genome, leaving some species of living beings overboard, but making other species more adapted to it.
It is curious that the overwhelming majority of people ignore the opportunity given to them to break out of the limits of adaptability to the vastness of creativity is forced or not, preferring, like animals, only to adapt to their own surrounding in the aspiration for a more pleasant life.
This kind of ordinary people (philistines) who are only interested in themselves make up at least 80% of the population of any country in the world.
In other words, the philistines consciously block their self-consciousness in its altruistic part, focusing on the desire to satisfy their insatiable desire to consume everything that gives them pleasant sensations, ignoring culture and knowledge of the world, which require not just knowledge, but extensive interests and intensive brain work, which, as a rule, is laborious, selfless and not so nice.
Nevertheless, the diversity of people is such that among them there are always persons who act contrary to only one animal desire for the pleasant for the sake of knowing themselves and the world, having in mind, in particular, the distant goal of using the results of this knowledge for the benefit of all living beings. And this desire obscures for them all the difficulties of this path.
Such creative persons are polar opposites to the philistines in their desire not only to satisfy their interests or enhance their own status, but also, along the way, they enjoy bringing something new to society, contributing to its development not so much in terms of consumption, but in terms of making life easier for the sake of introducing an ever-increasing contingent of people to technology, science and art, thereby accelerating the development of society in every possible way compared to the slow development of the natural world.
As a result, the number of the philistines, which in underdeveloped regions reaches almost 100%, gradually decreases, still always constituting an overwhelming majority due to the predominance in human consciousness of its animal component, reflected in the brain, created and perfected in the course of the evolution of living beings for hundreds of millions of years, while the awareness of oneself in the world, that is, in the current time, manifested itself, beginning with the most perfect hominids, comparatively recently, differing by orders of magnitude in time.
It is this time factor, as well as the fact that the natural component of consciousness is responsible for the renewal and functioning of the organism of each cell and as a whole, that prevents the dominance of the altruistic component of its self-consciousness in the human consciousness, limiting itself only to a certain inclination to cooperation, if this is beneficial for obtaining the desired result.
Therefore, the relationships between the natural component of consciousness and the self-consciousness of a person cannot be brought to the complete elimination of the impact on a person of the natural component of consciousness, which, with rare exceptions, prevails in its influence on the human actions.
In this regard, all attempts to separate the animal essence of a person, starting with the removal of monks from the world into cells or the construction of the lovable communism, are doomed to failure, which is demonstrated by historical practice.
Nevertheless, they are fully justified not only by the thoughtlessness of their implementers, but also by an attempt to overcome the egocentrism of natural consciousness in favor of the altruism of self- consciousness, which certainly accelerates the development of human communities in comparison with animal communities many times over, and thereby most significantly integrally enriches self-consciousness.
Thus, similar relationship between the natural component of consciousness and the altruistic component of self-consciousness cannot but be the main driving force behind the development of both self-consciousness and the entire human society, however, hidden so far from the minds of thinkers, who are confident, on the one hand, that society is driven by the struggle of the oppressed with oppressors, and, on the other hand, - natural selection with a certain admixture of artificial selection, which, nevertheless, arises as if by itself as a result of a change in society in cultural or technological relations.
Such confidence leads to certain false solutions, such as those which believe it is possible to establish a "paradise" of life on the planet as a result of a radical (Bolsheviks) or gradual (opportunists of all stripes) reduction of the struggle of the oppressed against the oppressors to nothing; or to establish a correct way of life by adequately regulating selection, separating the "best" from those who are only fit to serve under the guidance of artificial intelligence, and freeing the planet by one means or another from the excess population, which is no longer useful, but only a useless consumption of limited resources and pollution of the environment.
It is curious that such simple solutions to the problem of human existence are again caused not only by stupidity and not by the fact that the dual essence of human consciousness is hidden under the impressive curtain of personality and individuality of a person, but by a completely reasonable solution of the animal essence of a person in the form of his natural component of consciousness, which is always tuned to receive pleasant sensations, and the rest is simply unknown to it.
But this component of consciousness, as has already been shown above, predominates in the human consciousness, and therefore it is difficult to demand anything else from it, although these decisions in themselves are disastrous not only for the development of consciousness as a whole, but also for the human civilization, which could disappear without a trace if it were not for the existence in every cell of the human body of not only a program responsible for the retention, reproduction, metabolism, growth and development of the organism in conditions of adaptation to the environment, but also an additional program, in accordance with which each person is also capable of the opposite - adaptation of the environment to himself, as a result of understanding own place in the world and in time.
This program can never disappear from the human organism. Therefore, any collapse of civilization means only its renewal, that is, the new development of the human communities to similar civilization, etc.
In itself, this means a different attitude of consciousness towards a person and his communities, which are finite in their existence, but capable of endlessly renewing themselves within the framework of their own consciousness, not for the infinite improvement of themselves, since the finite remains finite, as do not improve it, and to change and develop the infinite consciousness by using the most perfect and at the same time the most contradictory final creature in the form of a person.
The contradictory nature of the human communities and their difference from animal communities is also reflected in the fact that the development of the former is already going along a different path due to the duality of human consciousness.
On the one hand, its natural consciousness functions within the framework of the same cruel natural selection of individuals, destroying the weak and others, for example, too smart, for the sake of preserving the stability of the entire population, that is, trying to avoid risk for the sake of the ideas of this or that person, but, on the other hand, this does not always work out due to the counteraction of the altruistic component of human self-consciousness by his own natural component of consciousness. Nevertheless, the collectivism of the natural component of consciousness here, especially in the early stages of civilization development, dominates almost 100%.
However, the altruism of self-consciousness requires equality and brotherhood, that is, justice for all by creating the conditions necessary for the liberation of each individual, and not the dominance of an insignificant minority, like alpha males in a pack, over the majority crushed by horrific living conditions.
Practice has shown a certain effectiveness of the altruism of self-consciousness, since in the course of the development of civilization there is a gradual increase in the number of self-active individuals with a sense of self-worth.
But still, the overwhelming majority of the planet's population remains practically in an animal state of complete insignificance, without the ability to escape from it.
Indeed, the bulk of the philistines, as a rule, passive, because of the load by the monotonous work for survival and nourishment; stagnant traditions; religious delusions; predispositions due to the low cultural level to the negative impact of the active propaganda of information frauds, even more fooling the people; the lack of the adequate education and upbringing, that does not allow these people to use in large quantities social elevators and to set before itself the high purposes: similar sad and gloomy life does not promote transformation of all mass of people into bright, educated, cultural, creative, vigorous and sociable persons at all.
This fact, again, demonstrates a constant predominance in the majority of people and their communities of the animal consciousness, for which the concepts of equality, brotherhood and freedom are absent, however, it is precisely individuals with a prevalence of the animal type of consciousness are always at the pinnacle of power, and their overthrow does not occur for the following reasons.
Among the average inhabitants (philistines) there are always subjects with a somewhat higher level of the lowest (natural) consciousness, which in this case can cause them to strive not only for full, quiet and safe life, but also for domination among their own kind.
Focusing themselves mainly on such properties of individuality as a sufficient share of quick-wittedness; sociability up to servility; a tendency to deception in the form of distortion of information and dexterity in its presentation; acquired professional skills; as well as on such personality traits as a sufficiently strong will; self-confidence; unscrupulousness, expressed in cunning and treachery, as well as a significant share of irresponsibility, expressed in experiments that seem beneficial to themselves, but clearly harmful to the population, these subjects gain an advantage over the rest - the more inert members of the community in the form of ordinary people, highly moral intellectuals of any kind, and other members of the population who are sluggish or preoccupied with other matters, and who are not able to deftly push aside or slander their opponents, as well as really enjoy the humiliation of the lower ones, and at the same time endure mock from the side of own bosses.
Their personality is significantly reduced, since altruism, that is, kindness, friendliness, empathy, compassion, mercy, expressed in disinterested concern for others, is practically not characteristic of them.
They compensate a lack of mind by involvement of numerous advisers, but, because the decisions ultimately has to be made by them, so far as they, as true creators of own happiness, at first consider them from a position of the personal (corporate), but not the public good with a lurch towards retaining power, gaining a greater degree of their own domination and the acquisition of all sorts of benefits, littering, besides, the leadership of the various managing and economic structures with own mostly incompetent offspring.
With such blackguards, who, moreover, may have various talents, for example, a high degree of intelligence, excellent memory, strong will, supported by impudence, energy and irresponsibility, it is practically impossible for other people to compete, especially since, in addition to everything else, all these rogues are unprincipled, cunning and insidious.
They use all these properties, in fact, to achieve a single goal - power, thanks to which one can have everything that the alpha male in the pack has, and even more.
However, by slipping into the most pleasant animal sensations, these people deprive themselves of the main thing - the prospects for development, which primates are not interested in, although the appearance of development is created in the environment of these rulers due to the incessant competition between them.
If such beings have a clear bias towards the predominance of animal consciousness with its enduring egocentrism, then from among the ordinary people (philistines) in the course of the development of civilization, people with a high level of altruistic component of self-consciousness also emerge, which does not allow these persons to be satisfied by a derogatory situation for the majority in society, and they require its elimination, even if they themselves are in quite favorable conditions.
These persons are already thinking not so much about themselves, but about the welfare of the whole society, wanting to lead the population to the heights of science and culture, not to mention increasing their well-being, that is, pursuing mainly goals that are opposite to the goals of the representatives of the ruling elite. Therefore, they appeal to the people in every possible way, proving their rightness and the anti-popularity of the oppressor elite, which in turn must justify itself and brand with shame the rotten fantasists-oppositionists who only know how to talk, but not govern and rule.
This kind of informal opposition to those in power cherishes the hope of reorganizing society towards harmony, that is, equality, brotherhood and at the same time freedom, without understanding that freedom always opposes equality, justice, destroying any stability. But this hope for a harmonious world order can never disappear from their benevolent consciousness: they, as true humanists, are unable to believe that the horrors of our world cannot eventually turn into the well-being of each person and all of humanity.
Such cardinal contradictions between the ruling elite and the informal opposition create within the framework of civilization under any social system that attitude of opposition which really promotes social progress, differing in this from the envy of the oppressed towards the oppressors, who often change places without changing anything in essence.
Thus, this real attitude, based on the opposition of the egocentrism of animal consciousness and the altruism of self-awareness, supported by the permanent corresponding dissatisfaction of both, does not allow society to freeze, unlike, for example, the primitive communities of ancient people, in which there was no such opposition, but, a kind of distribution into the elite (leaders and priests) and obedient individuals subordinate to them was in place.
The struggle between these layers of society, mostly with the passive behavior of the rest of the population, occurs continuously with the dominance of a more energetic ruling elite, provoking hatred towards itself on the part of everyone else, thus creating that antagonism that does not allow society to stop in its development, which accelerates many times in comparison with the animal world, drawing the masses of the population into progressive movement with its energy.
This development can be evolutionary if the ruling elite and the informal opposition agree to certain compromises in the interests of the working masses, but it can suddenly move into another direction if such agreement is absent, which is reflected in the public consciousness as obvious injustice, transforming into a more or less successful attempt to remove the ruling elite from power when suitable conditions arise.
If we compare the personalities of the representatives of the ruling elite and the informal opposition to it, then, unlike the powerful scoundrels who are only interested in preserving the possibility of retention of power and its strengthening by any means for the sake of simply maintaining the possibility of obtaining the most pleasant sensations, which is typical of primates, the Informal oppositionists are convinced of their rightness in the struggle for the people's welfare, but are not always critical of their ideas, which are mostly utopian. They are ruled by altruism. Therefore, above all, they care about the welfare of the people, whom, however, they do not really understand, since they unite this disunited and contradictory community into a single whole, presenting this whole as oppressed people who must defeat the oppressors and rest in the goodness of the earthly paradise, finally achieved.
These are the basic relationships in a society based on the ownership of property, which allows all forms of consciousness in a person to be revealed most fully, with the achievement of countless shades of this discovery for oneself in the course of his progressive motion, and also due to the fact that the diversity of people and their colossal differences in the ability to perceive information, the speed of its processing, sensitivity, and ingenuity not only divide them, but also allow those who are capable of changing the way of life, accelerating the development of civilization, to always emerge from the general mass.