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On the emergence and essence of self-consciousness

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    Until now, only psychology recognizes self-consciousness. However, psychology explains the emergence and essence of consciousness and self-consciousness only within the framework of their external manifestations. An attempt to expand these frameworks based on a new approach to them is made here.

  Key words: consciousness, self-consciousness, essence, person, alive, environment, society, time, hologram, relationships.
  There are two main approaches to the problem of consciousness.
  Religion, calling consciousness the soul, believes that it exists forever.
  Science believes that consciousness is a derivative of matter.
  Religion offers to take its approach on faith.
  Science, too, has not gone far from religion, since not only has it not been able to experimentally produce consciousness from matter, but it still has not determined what matter is and where it came from, since it is doubtful that it appeared from nothing as a result of whatever, for example, The Big Bang, or it was generated by quantum states, or it is nothing more than the content of an artificial matrix produced by no one knows who, or matter, along with everything else, including consciousness, was produced by God's command.
  But then what is God and where did he come from with such considerations and credentials.
  It turns out a complete deadlock.
  Only one thing is clear: Creation must be eternal. Then it will not be necessary for someone or something to make something out of nothing. In addition, Creation must be everything and along with that - nothing. Then, indeed, it will be necessary to clarify how this everything is produced by nothingness, and what then is this nothingness?
  However, somehow no one particularly aspires to this clarity.
  In our opinion, the comparatively recent discovery of holography can provide help in clearing up stagnant brains in this entertaining matter. True, this discovery can be interpreted in different ways.
  Therefore, we first present the results of this discovery and some considerations from it.
  Group of physicists under the direction of Alain Aspect at the Parisian university in 1982 was revealed that in particular conditions the elementary particles, for example, electrons, are able to instantly communicate with one another regardless of the distance between them. In other words, each particle knows always that another does, irrespective of distance between them. On this experimental basis the theory of the holographic Universe was developed. Any particle of this Universe is a holographic projection of the single reality. It has been assumed, as a corollary of this theory, that the physical density of the world is holographic frequency combination, and, in particular, that a person is the hologram.
  The physicist of the London University David Bohm deduced the main postulate out of this experiment: "The new form of comprehension probably can be called the Inseparable Wholeness in Flowing Motion". This point of view means that the stream, in any sense, precedes "things", whose origin and dissolution happens in this stream. Bohm notes that "each relatively self-contained and steady structure has to be understood not as something independently and constantly existing, but rather as the derivative, given rise in complete motion of the stream and, eventually, dissolving in same stream.
  The fact, how it is generated and maintains its existence, therefore, depends on its local function within the stream".
  As suggested by Bohm, motion is primary; and that seems to us by constant structures, is only relatively autonomous subordinate essences which are appearing out of integrity of flowing motion and then are dissolved back in it in the never-ending process of becoming. It is possible to believe also that Bohm brought out of discovery of Aspect following: the objective reality does not exist and that, despite its apparent density, the Universe in the basis - the fantastic picture, the huge, magnificently detailed hologram [1].
  Let's remember that the hologram represents.
  The hologram in its simplest form represents the three-dimensional picture taken by means of the laser. To make the hologram, first of all a photographed subject has to be shined with light of the laser. Then the second laser beam, mixing up with light reflected from a subject, gives the interference figure which can be recorded on a film. The ready picture looks as senseless alternation of light and dark lines. But, once the picture will be shined with another laser beam, the three-dimensional image of an initial subject will arise. The three-dimension - not the single property, inherent to the hologram. If the hologram, containing the image of apple, cut in half and each half of the hologram shine by the laser, each half will contain the whole image of the same apple. If we continue to cut the hologram on more shallow slices, on each of them we will find again the object image as a whole. Unlike the routine photo, each site of the hologram contains information on all subject, but with proportion corresponding decrease of clearness.
  The principle of the hologram "all in each part" allows approaching to problem of the organization and the regularity in a new way in essence. The hologram shows that some things in the Universe do not give in to research by an analytical method: to dissect any subject and to study its constituents. If we cut something arranged holographically, we will not receive parts of which it consists, and we will receive the same, but it will be less accuracy.
  In this regard the interpretation of works of Aspect by Bohm is as follows: he is sure that the elementary particles interact at any distance not because they exchange by certain mysterious signals among themselves but because their separation is illusory. He explained that at any deeper level of reality such particles are not separate objects, and actually the particles are extensions of something more fundamental. In order to understand it better, Bohm offered the following illustration.
  Imagine an aquarium with fishes. Imagine also that you cannot see an aquarium directly, and you can observe only two TV screens which broadcast images from the cameras, located one in front, another - from side of an aquarium. Looking at screens, you can conclude that fishes on each of screens - separate objects. So how cameras broadcast images under different corners, fishes look differently.
  Continuing supervision, after a while you will find out that between two fishes on different screens there is the interrelation. When one fish turns, another also changes the direction of movement, but it is a little different, but it corresponds to movement of the first always; when you see one fish in a full face, another - in a profile. If you do not own by the complete picture of the situation, you will conclude rather that fishes have to communicate instantly somehow with each other, than that this is accidental coincidence.
  Bohm claimed that the similar phenomenon happens to the elementary particles in experiment of Aspect. According to Bohm interpretation, the apparent superlight interaction between particles says to us that there is more deep level of reality hidden from us, higher measurement, than ours, as in analogy to an aquarium. And, he adds, we see particles as separate because we see only part of a real. Particles - not separate "parts", but sides of more deep unity. This unity is ultimately the same holographic and invisible, as apple mentioned above. And so how everything in physical reality consists of these "phantoms", the Universe observed by us is a projection, a hologram.
  Such Universe can possess and other properties. If the apparent separation of particles is an illusion, means upon more deep level all subjects in the world can be infinitely interdependent. Electrons in atoms of carbon in our brain are bound to electrons of each floating salmon, each beating heart, each flickering star. Everything interpenetrates with everything and though human nature divides everything, dismembers, spreads all natural phenomena on shelves, all divisions are necessarily artificial, and the nature finally appears as a indissoluble web. Even time and space cannot be taken as a basis in the holographic world. Because such characteristic as position, does not make sense in the Universe where anything actually is not separated from each other; time and three-measurement space as images of fishes on screens, should consider no more than projections. On it, more deep level, the reality is something like the super hologram in which the last, the present and the future exist at the same time. It means that by means of the corresponding tools the penetration into depth of this super hologram can be carried out and we can take pictures long ago the forgotten past. That else the hologram can bear in itself - still far it is not known. Bohm speaks: "Let's assume, for example, that the hologram is the matrix giving rise to all in the world, at least, all elementary particles is in it, which accepted or will take any possible form of a matter and energy, from snowflakes up to quasars, from blue whales up to gamma rays, i.e. there is all in it ".
  Though Bohm recognized that we have no way to learn that else the hologram conceals in itself, he made bold to claim that we have no reasons to assume that in it more anything is not present. In other words, probably, holographic level of the world is simply one of steps of the infinite evolution [ibid.].
  In our opinion, Bohm was too carried away by the physical side of Creation, having forgot about consciousness, which should not only be present in this picture of the universe, but take an active part in it precisely because it has a clear difference from dead matter, whatever this matter may be.
  We suggested that it is possible to substantiate the eternity of Creation and describe the alleged mechanism of its infinite functioning on the basis of its active and passive components in the information field based on the hypothesis of the holographic gasket of Creation, which is described in more detail, for example, in my work "Everything and Nothingness" [2].
  This model of the universe is distinguished by properties that explain both the presence of eternal life and the role of the consciousness (active) and the passive objects in beingness. In addition, these properties suggest a certain structure of the eternal Creation, in which beingness is a derivative of a holographic projection of a timeless infinity, which has feedback through this projection with beingness, due to what is provided both the stability of Creation and the development of consciousness (active), which is the mover of everything existing.
  The proposed model of the universe based on a hologram combines the natural and eternal course of events and the artificial role of consciousness in beingness, which was hinted at by the authors of the matrix hypothesis of the universe in the face of its creator [3].
  Since this article is devoted to self-consciousness, you can get acquainted with my interpretation of Creation with the corresponding holographic padding, as well as other models of the universe, including the matrix, with their corresponding criticism in my other works, in particular, posted in the "Topos" magazine (RF) and the website Litres.ru in Russian, and in in English - on the Amazon website, for example, "Creation is a hologram at the base or a matrix (critical review)?" [4].
  However, it should be noted that in the holographic model of Creation, the main role is played by active (consciousness), manifesting itself in the field of information in several of its hypostases.
  Therefore, in this model of Creation, the consideration of atheists about the undoubted preference for the emergence of consciousness from eternal matter is removed, as are the opposite considerations of the idealist camp, since the active and the passive in Creation, existing eternally, are equal.
  In addition, the problem of the emergence of everything from nothingness is removed, since it is shown that nothing is everything, and it is also shown that beingbess is a derivative of a hologram, hidden from us, based on timeless infinity, and this beingness with all its planets, galaxies and other things - inanimate and alive - is being formed under control of the active component of a hologram by means of the living beings, converting from a frequency-information form into a denser matter of beingness, without experiencing obstacles, for example, in the formation of the genome of the living beings with programs on a protein carrier, which can be programs that provide for both purely adaptive activity of living beings, and with programs that combine both adaptive and self-made activity, that is, provoking purposeful and creative activity of the living beings.
  Confirmation of the eternal active presence of consciousness in Creation are the following consequences of its actions in beingness, contributing to its own development in the living.
  Immutability of world constants, deviation from which in any direction makes the existence of an ordered world impossible, reasonably leads to the conclusion, that these constants were once programmed by someone or something.
  The structure of galaxies with their stars, planetary systems, functioning according to such laws that allow creating conditions for the existence of life on individual planets, is practically ideal.
  In particular, such example of an ideal exoplanet is the Earth, which is located at an optimal distance from the Sun, ensuring that its surface is heated within limits that do not allow the destruction of the living beings in their diversity. The Earth's atmosphere with its ozone layer, as well as the Earth's magnetic field, prevent the penetration of radiation harmful to biological beings and high-energy particles to its surface. The dimensions of the Earth and its mass create an acceptable force of gravity, and the tilt of the axis of rotation makes it possible to more or less evenly heat and periodically illuminate the territory of the planet.
  The current time of each person, as well as all his communities, is condensed with an increase in the information flows consumed by them, ending for each technological civilization by an information collapse, which, in the end, leads to their disintegration here or there, but they also appear again in the same place or on other exoplanets. That is, the process of emergence, formation and development of civilizations goes on all planets suitable for human habitation, endlessly, but discretely.
  The universe, known to us, does not develop chaotically.
  Each cell of a living being has programs for growth and development on a protein carrier (genome).
  With regard to ensuring exactly the eternal existence of the universe by a certain highest being, one can try to isolate those noncontradictory attributes that it should possess as a real basis for the functioning of this Creation.
  Presumably, Supreme Being can be represented in two hypostases - manifested and unmanifested, namely: Supreme Being (God) manifests itself in the living, and at the same time he is the unmanifest essence of everything.
  Presumably, similar Supreme Being should have an eternal consciousness, and in this respect be infinite and timeless, composing potentially everything that was, is and will be in beingness, - both the active and passive. Therefore, Supreme being in this hypostasis can be called an unmanifested God of eternity.
  Along with that this Supreme being must also be in another form connected with time.
  It must have the ability of the dissemination of its own consciousness both on the frequency basis of beingness - the hologram and on beingness itself, derived from it, that is, to be all-pervading in order to manifest beingness in space and time, and thus, to accept this beingness on oneself, use it for own development.
  Therefore, Supreme Being cannot but be in time and should be constantly changing, but not invariable, that is, in this form it manifests itself as the God of time of a hologram, in which every particle of the active coincides with the whole active, and which serves as a kind of bridge between the timeless infinity and the beingness formed by it.
  Along with that a hologram comprises also the passive. Therefore, a manifested God of time covers every "moment" in a hologram and the past, which is contained in the database, and the present, i.e. that was and what is, since any part of a hologram coincides all hologram.
  Since this Supreme Being is changing all the time, it cannot be omniscient and omnipotent, but it can strive for this in eternity, comprehending all innumerable and diverse nuances of beingness, making mistakes and correcting them in its active particles in alive, finding in this the charm and meaning of own existence or more precisely, life in this eternally and ever-changing beingness.
  At this, for one's own implementation this Supreme being must be by divided in order to act through own particles in the finite (mortal) beings, temporarily animating them and making them intelligent to one degree or another, but beings, who are not knowing, that they operate, albeit of their own free will as a human being, but with the representation (presence) of the same God in each such intelligent being, as a consequence of the same hologram.
  Everything else (the passive) in beingness is a base and a condition for the development of particles of Supreme Being in the hypostasis of the God of time, and he should be both divided and omnipresent, and single and integral, which is quite possible at different levels, since we know corresponding by this the holographic principle [1; 2].
  Thus, this Supreme Being does not require some unclear transcendence place and mysterious incorporeality, and it is the highest, that is, conscious and, to some extent, the leading connecting link of eternal and diverse changing in time of beingness, which is being created by this Supreme Being through alive, representing the total current time and the own time of each of uncountable living beings, i.e. co-beingness for this Supreme Being.
  This Supreme Being can be designated as a single consciousness, or God in two forms - an unmanifested (timeless) and a manifested (temporary).
  A single consciousness oneself, and without any pressure, forms copies of things from an infinity out of time manifesting them so, how it can recognize them according to own understanding, available for it at the moment and at this level of development: this single consciousness oneself already in the quality of each individual consciousness can go deep into this manifested hereinafter.
  Thereby, a single consciousness in own multitude consciousness oneself establishes an order of things.
  However, consciousness in alive among things immediately falls under this established order. What saves the situation from bad infinity is that a single consciousness "works" with the finite and can begin its work anew, just as any individual consciousness in alive can try to correct what has been done him earlier in the course subsequent stages of development.
  As for the hypothesis of the matrix in which we supposedly reside, this assumption is dismissed by only one experimental fact: life in natural reality, is impossible to simulate like a computer game purely technically. This fact as a result of studies of the relationship between gravitational anomalies and the complexity of quantum computations in 2017 was demonstrated by the publication in the journal Science Advances of physicists from the University of Oxford Z. Ringel and D. Kovrizhin.
  They, trying to tackle computer simulations of quantum phenomena in metals, found evidence that such a simulation is impossible in principle, since the complexity of this simulation, measured by the number of hours of processor operation, the amount of memory and power consumption, increases in proportion to the number of particles to be simulated.
  In other words, in the case of exponential growth of computational resources, even for storing information about several hundred electrons in the computer will be required the memory in recalculation on atoms in number greater than the number of atoms available in the universe [5].
  In addition, it should be noted in the same context that all attempts by genetic biologists to create a living creature artificially have not been successful. This indicates a different relationship between the inanimate matter and consciousness in comparison with the views of materialists, and the very essence of consciousness is not determined by science.
  The model of Creation on the basis of a hologram shows, that its main actor is a single consciousness (the active). It also represents all living beings in beingness in the form of its particles - individual forms of consciousness, at this, the coincidence of each separate active (consciousness) in each living being with a single active (a single consciousness) in a hologram means their inextricable timeless connection both with a single consciousness and among themselves in beingness through it. In particular, it is for this reason that a unified consciousness ensures the automatic functioning of the organism of every living being and of all communities of living beings.
  In addition, a single consciousness represents infinity out of time in that conditional part of it, which "contains" the active.
  A single consciousness in all its hypostases solves two main tasks: its own endless development through the living in the current time and keeping Creation in a stable state through alive, since the enduring activity of living beings in the form of their constant renewal at all levels not only ensures their own existence, in particular , in the form of biological life, but also keeps them as well as the things formed by them in the form of beingness known to us, without which Creation cannot manifest itself, that is, Creation without the living beings can be qualified as non-being.
  Therefore, a single consciousness cannot but be eternal, representing in one hypostasis the infinity and eternity (timelessness), as if containing what was, is and will be.
  Along with that, in its other hypostasis, a single consciousness manifests itself through a holographic projection of an infinity out of time in time as beingness, that is, in eternal development through the renewal of the living beings along with the entire infrastructure of beingness thanks to the frequency basis of the holographic projection of infinity out of time, embracing what is and was.
  An additional proof of the possibility of an active presence in Creation of consciousness in its unity due to the inextricable timeless connection of all its countless particles is the gradual creation on planets such as the Earth (exoplanets) of acceptable conditions for the existence and development of the living beings, which could only appear only the condition: the injection into the biomaterial on a protein basis of the programs of metabolism, growth and development in the form of a genome by means of a single consciousness.
  This possibility was shown by a well-known experiment.
  There exists the possibility of the transfer to a three-dimensional measurement of copies of the programs first in order to put the beginning of life on planets being appeared initially in this measurement of our Universe when suitable conditions for the emergence and development of organic life will be formed on them. It is known that the ray of light can be modulated by the signal bearing information which is capable to set certain programs of development or to correct the available programs. In particular, at Institute of Problems of Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences an exemplar of DNA was placed between the laser and an external mirror. Both the direct and reflected beams not only apprehended genetic information, but also radiated it in corresponding frequency range.
  Similar transfer is presumably possible after passing of this or that cycle of complication and emergence as a result on one of planets of the high-organized animals like primates, i.e. beings, which are the most suitable upon their potential capabilities to further social-work activity and for developing of the rudiments of consciousness. In the monkey genome, which is 99% the same as the "human" genome in structure, it is possible to transfer copies of programs reacting to extraneous (from the side of a single consciousness) influence according to a different scheme that organizes interaction with the environment no only at the level of adaptability to it, but at the level of attempts to control by this environment purposefully and creatively, that is, at the level of conscious self-organization and self-activity.
  With the development of other, later, planetary systems of the universe, the simplest living cell with a genome is entered, for example, by meteorites, into planets suitable for the formation of life in one way or another, and the procedure of biological complication of living organisms is repeated. True, such cell should be capable of long-term conservation under the negative impact of low temperatures in space, along with hard cosmic radiation.
  It should be noted that this procedure is more complicated - nonlinear - character. Programs for assembly of genomes can have a set of variations, but their selection and the corresponding transfer or modification "in situ", in particular, for the appearance of a person is possible only under the condition of an already created favorable environment. More on this will be said below.
  Scientific chronology of emergence and development alive, accepted at the present time, is as follows [6].
  Four billion years ago on Earth, as geneticists are expressed, mysteriously emerged RNA. They consider that it was being formed spontaneously from more simple organic molecules which have appeared on the primitive Earth. Geneticists believe that ancient RNA molecules had functions of carriers of genetic information and proteins-catalysts, they were able to replicate (self-doubling), mutated and were subjected to natural selection. RNA does not have or does not exhibit these properties in modern cells, but play a very important role of the intermediary in transfer of genetic information from DNA on ribosomes where the protein is synthesized.
  As a commentary on the above statements we can be said that it is more fantastic, than proved though something the statement. Let's note also that it appeared, apparently, because the materialists-scientists monopolizing science, categorically could not allow closer to the truth explanations not related to their "orderly" theory of the origin and development of all alive of lifeless up to "consciously" conceiving beings, in particular, and themselves which to please settled and dominating concept consciously lie all time.
  The unicellular organisms appeared 3.9 billion years ago. They probably looked like modern bacteria and archaebacteria. In the result of the activity of photosynthetic cyanobacteria, oxygen appeared in the ocean, and about 1 billion years after that, it began to accumulate in the atmosphere. At first, the formed oxygen was interacting with the iron dissolved in water. It led to emergence of oxides of iron which were being besieged gradually at the bottom. Thus, the deposits of iron oxide arose with participation of microorganisms during millions years.
  Then, when the main amount of iron at oceans underwent oxidation and could not bind oxygen any more, it went in gaseous form into the atmosphere. After that as only photosynthetic cyanobacteria have created from the carbon dioxide certain stock of energy-rich organic matter and enriched an Earth's atmosphere with oxygen, there were new bacteria - the aerobes, which can exist only in the presence of oxygen.
  Oxygen is necessary to them for oxidation (combustion) of organic compounds, and the considerable proportion of received energy is converted to a biologically available form - adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This process is very favorable energetically: anaerobic bacteria at decomposition of one molecule of glucose receive only two molecules of ATP, and the aerobic bacteria using oxygen, - 36 molecules of ATP.
  Eukaryotic cells arose with the advent of oxygen that is sufficient for aerobic lifestyle. They have unlike bacteria a core and such organellas, as mitochondrions, lysosomes, and at algas and the highest plants - chloroplasts where photosynthetic reactions are being made.
  Complex eukaryotic cells appeared two billion years ago when unicells complicated the structure due to absorption of other prokaryotic cells. Some of them - the aerobic bacteria - have turned into the mitochondria - the energy stations of oxygen respiration. Other - the photosynthetic bacteria - have begun to carry out photosynthesis in the host cell and became chloroplasts in the cells of algae and plants. Eukaryotic cells having these organelles and clearly detached core comprising genetic material make all modern complex life forms - from fungi to humans.
  1.2 billion years ago, according to biologists, there was an explosion of evolution due to the advent of sexual reproduction and which was marked by the emergence of highly organized forms of life - plants and animals [ibid.].
  Comparing "scientific" idea about "mysterious" emergence RNA on Earth out of prime organic molecules and the real appearance of such complex biological structures as even the simplest cell with a genome from the outside, that is, a program of artificial origin, and development from all of them other types of an organic matter in the course of a long chain of changes, it is necessary to give the preference to the second.
  Actually, in favor of the second tells also the statement of geneticists: "It is considered today that protobionts have represented themselves RNA molecules, but not DNA so as it is proved that process of evolution went from RNA to protein, and then it went to formation of a molecule of DNA at which C-H connections were stronger, than C-OH connections at RNA. However, it is clear that molecules of RNA could not arise as the result of a smooth evolution. Probably, occurred the leap with all characteristics of self-organization of matter, whose mechanism is so far not clear" (grandars.ru> shkola ... proishozhdenie-cheloveka.html).
  On this occasion, we can only say so: if something else is unclear, it is better to keep silent, and not to develop on the basis of this representation unformed the fundamental theory of the biological evolution.
  But with all this, if as "hung" the following question: how nevertheless at least the simplest cellular structures together with the genome emerged initially, if they could not to be self-assembled on Earth?
  Indeed, the genome of the simplest bacterial cell, which gives her the opportunity to multiply, represents the next structure.
  The bacterial genome consists of genetic elements capable to self-replication, i.e. the replicons. The replicons are the bacterial chromosome and plasmids.
  The hereditary information is stored at the bacteria in the form of the sequence of nucleotides of DNA, which determine the sequence of amino acids in protein. The gene corresponds to each protein, i.e. a discrete site on DNA, differing number and specificity of the sequence of nucleotides.
  The bacterial chromosome is presented by one two-chained DNA molecule in the form of a ring. The sizes of a bacterial chromosome vary at various representatives of the Procaryotae kingdom. A bacterial chromosome forms a compact nucleoid of a bacterial cell. A bacterial chromosome has a haploid set of genes. It encodes the vital functions for the bacterial cell.
  Plasmids of bacteria represent two-chained DNA molecules. They do not encode the main functions for life activity of the bacterial cell, but they encode functions giving bacteria of advantages if it falls into the unfavorable conditions of existence.
  The composition of the bacterial genome as a bacterial chromosome, or in plasmids includes mobile genetic elements. Mobile genetic elements include Intercalary sequences and transposons.
  Intercalary (insertional) sequences, IS elements are the DNA sites. They are able to move as a whole from one area of a replicon to another area of the replicon, and they are able to move between replicons. They only contain those genes which are necessary for their own moving - transpositions: the gene coding a transposase enzyme, providing process of an exception of an IS element out of DNA and its integration into a new locus, and the gene determining synthesis of repressor, which regulates all process of moving.
  A distinctive feature of IS- elements is the presence on the ends of intercalary sequence inverted repeats. The transposase enzyme recognizes these inverted repeats. The transposase carries out one-chained ruptures of the DNA chains located on both sides of the movable element. The original copy of IS-element remains in the same place, and its replicated duplicate is moved to a new site.
  Moving of mobile genetic elements are called the replicative or illegitimate recombination. However, unlike the bacterial chromosome and plasmids, mobile genetic elements are not independent replicons, since their replication - a component of DNA replication of the replicon, in which they are composed. There are several varieties of IS-elements. They differ in size and the types and numbers of inverted repeats. Transposons are the DNA segments possessing the same properties, as IS elements, but having structural genes, i.e. - genes providing synthesis of molecules, possessing specific biological property, for example, by toxicity. (See, e.g., vmede.org> index.php? Topic = 589.0).
  So, the elementary genome in actual fact appears by the most complex structure giving to a cell of the elementary organism - bacteria - property to be alive, i.e. to breed, interact with the environment, change itself, develop, being transformed gradually during these or those changes to more complex living organisms.
  Therefore, relying on detection of approximately 4 billion years ago, of course, if it is true dating, caught in terrestrial rocks of bacteria on meteorites, it is possible to state: the genome, which is the basis for further development, could not be self-assembled.
  The most likely explanation for the appearance of cells with a similar genome is the external space relative to Earth, unless, of course, these bacteria are such that the temperature and radiation in space do not kill them. With these simple cells for reproduction and development which once arose suitable conditions on Earth: the gravity, the corresponding gas atmosphere, atmospheric pressure, water mode, temperature differences on a surface planet, the level of magnetic and electromagnetic fields and etc., as a result, began a development of alive on Earth.
  In his time after opening of the genetic code, which could be called by the program on the biological carrier, the famous physicist Heisenberg said that the accidental formation of such an incredibly complex formation as the genome for any conceivable term simply could not happen and only remains to think about its divine origin.
  Unfortunately, the thought of a divine origin of a genome, as a matter of fact, explains nothing.
  The holographic model proposed by us, also explains the appearance on Earth millions, tens and hundreds of millions of years ago of civilizations similar to the current one, judging by the numerous artifacts found, the presence of which the evolutionary theory is unable to explain [7].
  The period of functioning of these technological civilizations (6-8 thousand years) is not comparable with billions of years, which took a change in the earth's environment with the formation of an oxygen atmosphere on the planet, vegetation on land, oceans with organisms living in them.
  Let's ask a question: is it not reasonable to use this interval of years for placing in appropriate biosphere of groups of people in the presence of such opportunity if the human civilizations have long operated on other planets.
  The Earth is the planet which was being formed late enough counting from the beginning of formation of the Universe. Planets of earlier stellar systems similar in structure and the conditions for the development of life to Earth were already created over billions of years before Earth emerged, and some of these planets could well have human civilizations similar to ours.
  Observing, what technologies have the present terrestrial civilization, it is possible to note that planetary technologies of the three-dimensional world do not allow carry out interstellar travels. Yes, and how it will be shown in details below, technological civilizations are relatively short-lived. From the inception of culture, cities and states until civilization disintegration with the total disappearance of these civilizations or with confluence into wildness is passing not hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of years.
  Therefore, for higher dimensions, more precisely, for a single consciousness of the holographic projection of an infinity out of time, it would be quite reasonable to use this kind of free "platform" for local human communities with their further development into civilized communities with the passage of a full civilizational cycle. Since there were no highly organized animals at that time, obviously, this problem cannot be solved by rearranging their genome under the "human program", but can be solved by transportation of people, more precisely, their copies from other planets on yet not occupied planets.
  Since for a single consciousness of a hologram there are no distances of our three-dimensional world, "to reproduce" the initial number of people who were at the lowest stage of a civilization on own planet, for formation of a local colony in this case on the Earth, for example, 100 or 200 million years ago, it doesn't seem improbable. Actually, it is confirmed by a number of artifacts that "forbidden" archaeology provides in abundance but which contradict to the generally accepted theory of evolution [ibid.].
  It is difficult to say how this is done purely technically, but the presence of artifacts confirms that this problem is completely solvable.
  Let us now turn to some critical aspects of discussing the problem of essence and the emergence of self-consciousness, which is characteristic only for a person, due to the program embedded in his genome, which leads him, unlike other living beings, from only adaptive behavior in the environment to a targeted and even creative one.
  If to be guided by Darwin theory, then it turns out that evolution of live organisms led them to appearance of the most advanced animals - monkeys-primates. However, the primates still stay in the status of animals, and no more than that.
  Therefore, hardly evolution of the living organisms "is guilty" of emergence of a being, so other than monkeys, - the person, though externally and on many behavioral features he is similar to them.
  It is possible to conduct long a dispute on the one who had "molded" such strange being - the person: - the evolution, God, still someone or something.
  This dispute does not make sense as direct proofs of the intervention in the evolution process the local or otherworldly forces are absent.
  However, the indirect evidence of this interference is present, and they were given above.
  They can be interpreted in different ways, but, of course, the consciousness inherent in even the simplest creatures: bacteria, viruses, algae, etc., played and plays the leading role in the development of wildlife.
  Naturally, in the competition of organisms for survival, consciousness developed, finding over time the support of itself in nerve cells, the combination of which was able to most effectively process the information delivered into neural centers from various sensory organs through these nerve cells by means of complex electrochemical reactions and pulsed transmission of data.
  It is curious that the process of development of living organisms violates the law of non-decreasing entropy by the fact that on each inhabited planet there is an ordering and complication of its shell up to the emergence of civilizations.
  Each living creature from their innumerable set is such as a result of possessing a genetic code on a protein carrier (program) that provides the type, functioning and reproduction of organisms as creatures of lower consciousness, that is, with a program tuned exclusively on purely instinctive-reflex reactions with respect to interaction with the environment
  The very development, or improvement and complication of organisms took place before the appearance of hominids - the human prototype - only as a result of chance (mutations in the genome).
  Representatives of biologists consider the changes that turned the monkeys in the end into a human being, also as the result of the random mutations [8. Chapter 3].
  This statement in itself is a highly controversial for a variety of reasons.
  The mutations before emergence of a prototype of the person were manifested and acted and act by now only within reflex and instinctive activity of the living beings, and they aren't capable to lead away these beings beyond limits of similar activity for any period of time.
  I.e. the random character of mutations means for the living being an opportunity only to adapt to the environment, but not a possibility to go beyond the environment limits.
  It is senseless for this reason to consider mutations as the major through factor, which has led finally a bacterium to the being largely outside nature - to the person.
  Besides, the random mutations in a short time, - namely within a relatively short time has appeared a complex set of genes required for the emergence of new (human) properties, - could not compile the program of self-awareness of such complexity, but, nevertheless, this program has appeared, as, by the way, and the genes that determine the ability to verbal speech.
  At this, the new program of the genome, in a root changing the living creature for the first time after billions of years of evolution in this world, appeared only at the moment when the evolution of living beings reached its peak among animals in terms of quick wit and potential ability to possess tools and make speech in the form of primates.
  The mutations in the living organisms are manifestation of interaction of organisms with the environment, i.e. with other organisms and inorganic compositions. By means of this manifestation, each organism enshrines in own programs, which are written down on protein compounds in a genome, of a positive reaction for themselves of this interaction, got as if accidentally. However, this "random character of the event" for the living organisms isn't casual at all, inasmuch the difference of the living organisms from the lifeless complexes consists in ability to search of the most acceptable conditions for themselves by means of trials and errors, on what the lifeless objects are not capable.
  Therefore, each positive random change, which is reflected in structure of a genome, means the accumulation of number of these spontaneous "search" changes, inevitably leading with achievement of a certain limit with respect to the qualitative changes of the organism, and for all natural environment these random positive changes of organisms arrange a certain order in the form of the natural chains dependent from each other and from changes of the atmospheric, temperature and other phenomena. External changes sporadically lead to catastrophes for all living beings as a result of, for example, eruption of volcanoes, glaciation, asteroid falls, etc., and the survived living beings have to rebuilt, but they steadily continue to develop and become complicated.
  Nevertheless, any natural processes have natural borders, consequence which is the fact that transition of quantitative casual changes into qualitative structural transformations is closed in the established natural frames: in this case - within only reflex and instinctive actions of all organisms, that represents the only possible manifestation of consciousness at the level of the random changes (mutations), consequence of which is only search of more acceptable conditions for existence by method of trials and errors.
  This manifestation of consciousness is the only possible, thus, due to the fact that the usage of new communications by an organism, positive for reproduction, in effect, means the gradual formation of the only "conditioned" reflexes on the remembered irritation, reflected on the phenotype.
  On the one hand, the similar phenomenon has no relation to an arbitrariness, and it cannot be classified as purely coincidental.
  On the other hand, consciousness of a live organism at this level of development, i.e. in the presence of the program, capable only to initiate reflex and instinctive actions, in itself isn't capable to move to a new level of consciousness, which differs in ability to free expression of itself, i.e. to the independent and initiative transformation of what is present into what is absent, but it wish to me - precisely because the awareness of own "desire" for all living beings besides the person are absent.
  In other words, a programmed randomness (mutations) is not capable to lead to free expressing oneself of any living creature - in addition to mutations, another program is required, according to which a living being would go beyond the limits of only instinctive-reflex activity.
  Thus, the selection on the basis of random variations of code of protein compounds and the corresponding formation of set of genes which in turn can give millions of additional protein connections, , and the number of variants of interaction of these protein complexes increases up to astronomical sizes, is capable to give only a basis for introduction of the program, which opens a possibility of an exit of this most perfect, but still purely natural being, on other level of consciousness, allowing to this being to transform from a natural being partly into the essence outside nature.
  Probability of a random selection out of existing billions of variants within any conceivable time one compact program for consciously-target activity of the being, in this case, a highly developed primate, is practically close to zero.
  This factor in itself, apparently, means an artificial way of installation and fixing of the new program in this set of genes with billions of options of programming on what is capable, in our opinion, only single consciousness of a holographic projection, so how each living being, differing by the presence of consciousness, is manifestation of the single consciousness.
  This process of introducing into the genome a program that stimulates the development of self-consciousness is confirmed by the following.
  The fact of an unusually rapid restructuring of the genome, which contradicts the rate of evolutionary development usually stated by evolutionists, has been recorded by geneticists, who used computer imposing of a genome map of a chimpanzee on a genome map of a person that allowed them to allocate three categories of so called DNA-duplications - that are available in a genome of a person, but are absent in a genome of a chimpanzee, that are available in a genome of a chimpanzee, but are absent in a genome of a person, and that are available in a genome of both types. DNA-duplication is one of forms of a mutation at which the site of a chromosome doubles. In this case DNA segments having length of at least 20 thousand of the nucleotide couples were considered. It appeared that about one third of DNA-duplications identified in a person, are absent at a chimpanzee. Geneticists were pretty surprised by this figure because it indicates a very high frequency of mutations in the short - by evolutionary standards - period of time. This work was carried out by an international consortium of scientists. It consisted of 67 scientists from 23 research institutions of 5 countries - the U.S., Israel, Spain, Italy and Germany. Geneticists of the Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston coordinated the work. And blood for DNA analysis gave a young male chimpanzee named Clint, the inhabitant of aviary of the National Centre for the Study of primates named after Yerkis in Atlanta, Georgia. (See, eg ., Dw.de> genome comparison ... and ... it ... human).
  The additional program of the consciously-targeted actions, that appeared in a living entity in the form of a hominid is distinguished by the lack of autonomy: it allows this creature to be aware of oneself and own actions within the environment only in conjunction with the previous program for the reflexive-instinctive mechanism of actions, providing a possibility of existence of an organism in the environment, that is, its nutrition, reproduction, metabolism, random variability. Therefore, on the one hand, the consciousness of a new creature bifurcates, but, on the other hand, it is not able to split completely, being one entity in which, nevertheless, there is a struggle all the time due to the multidirectionality of aspirations, one of which aimed at survival in any way, others - to the harmonization of surroundings.
  In other words, it is possible to state the fact of the emergence of absolutely special, dual being, on the one hand, which is still a part of the environment, but, on the other hand, - a being, completely separate of the environment, who tries not only to understand own surrounding, but also to subjugate everything around under oneself, that is, which believes oneself already not only a live organism, and the extra natural essence, in a certain measure owning time [2, Chapter 1].
  Let's note further very remarkable fact: the randomness in usual life, presented inside the person in the form of the lowest (animal) consciousness, and the highest consciousness (consciously-target expression of consciousness) are antagonists in the respect what, if the subject, having the highest consciousness, is mistaken, then he will be is capable to understand the mistake and to correct deeds, significantly having accelerated own advance on the way of development, while the random is some kind of edge of consciousness, making the essence of the lowest part of consciousness. Consciousness uses the random if it doesn't know what and how to do at this level of development, but, accepting in attention a random, though slowly - with kickbacks and zigzags - nevertheless moves ahead.
  Thus, the antagonism of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness both in the person, and his communities means emergence of the new driving force, providing the fastest development of consciousness in its carrier - the person.
  The randomness, more tending towards chaos, isn't capable to be a reliable support to a structural order, breaking its all the time. Therefore, giving continuous changes to the living environment, it promotes so continuous destruction of the prevailing order, forcing the living beings to obey to itself completely, especially without reflecting. The basis of this is reflex-instinctual mechanism of action, which is the same for all sentient beings, what would not occur with them.
  However, it is required to Creation both destruction and more or less successful creation which can satisfy consciousness, having given an incentive to its development by removal from senselessness of existence only on level of consumption of sensations.
  Thus, in Creation the most succeeds concerning acquisition of meanings in conjugation them with sensations is only who can figure how more effectively to destroy or create something, but on this effect are able not accidental procedures, not some order, a prerequisite for which is stability, but only the creativity and initiative, always leading to rather rapid achievement of the expected or unexpected result, harm, advantage or even insignificant meaning of which can understand only the being with these properties, i.e. a being, understanding oneself: the dissatisfaction, understood by this being by all means provokes the being to search interesting, permission of various riddles and problems, often not utilitarian that very significantly develops consciousness and allows it to express with the greatest return and satisfaction itself in the current life.
  Thereby, the state of dissatisfaction of consciousness by oneself which is realized into development of ways of own change by impact on the current beingness taking into account its counteraction, gives to a self-conscious being the limit degree of liberty.
  Therefore, no one and nothing is capable of creating and destroying in the most efficient way, except for a subject, possessing both consciousness at the level of sensations and self-consciousness, which means that for both for the single consciousness and for individual consciousness it is impossible to do without this subject-person as the most effective tool for their own development and consumption of vital collisions.
  The appearance of a creature with two levels of consciousness as a living and freest representative of the active (consciousness), effectively forming a passive environment (beingness) for oneself in Creation, that is, the pearl of beingness, is an inevitable manifestation of functioning of the active among the passive.
  Besides, it is senseless to claim that appearance of the person and, so self-consciousness in it, is result of natural (accidental) set of such program in a genome which gives not the best adaptation of a being to an environment. The consciousness, on the contrary, substantially provokes as a result the aspiration for the complete separation of this being by nature with all negative consequences of it which we will note below.
  The fact is that the acquisition of self-consciousness by a living being means that this being understands that it is in time, and this time can be consciously used. But consciously it is possible to use something by different ways.
  Naturally, when these beings reach an appropriate level by means of understanding themselves and their surroundings, they form a shell of civilization around, contributing to the most accelerated development, both cultural and technological, based on the struggle of the animal consciousness located in each person and self-consciousness, their opposite aspirations create the constant tension, thereby being the driving force for the development of mankind.
  A single consciousness of a holographic projection combines in the process of forming by each living being of own time the material components and components of consciousness into a single whole for a limited time of the creature's life, giving it the opportunity to act in accordance with the level of consciousness, which it has - the highest level in this respect corresponds to creatures with self-consciousness that have the free will due to the presence of self-consciousness, while all other organisms acquire the possibility of change only as a result of the action of randomness (mutations in the genome) with minimum level of liberty.
  Thus, the highest manifestation of the active (consciousness) in its individual expression is a being with self-consciousness, capable of most efficiently processing information flows, maximally accelerating the flow of time and allowing consciousness to express oneself most fully in actions, thoughts and feelings.
  In other words, the beings with self- consciousness, who understand themselves and, trying to consciously maintain their core, do not miss the opportunities for their own changes, have more opportunities for development among all living things - they have plenty of time for this, since their consciousness forms these time for own placement every time.
  So, unlike other beings, thanks to gaining self-consciousness, Homo sapience has appeared, realizing its own presence in the current time, which he took advantage of, creating as a result a rather comfortable civilization, culture, technology, but along with that a person remained with his animal beginning - by the lowest consciousness aimed mainly at solving the problems of survival.
  Moreover, the egocentric aspirations of animal consciousness were yet amplified thanks to the understanding by a person already of the fact that he can use people around him for his selfish purposes, and he rather quickly came up with ways to purposefully deceive everyone, who on some reason gave in to him.
  Thus, aggression, aspiration to extermination of the rival, occupation of its territory, egocentricity, that is, everything that promotes survival and domination, and therefore, is peculiar to the automatic (not setting consciously goals) lowest consciousness, is significantly amplified after overcoming by people of the stage of the primitive communal system, which more reminded structurally a pack of monkeys, than the human community as this archaic community of people sought only for survival, because got, as a rule, was enough only for simple reproduction only necessary, and willy-nilly everything was distributed "socialist" (by labor merits).
  As soon as, thanks to the growth of quick-wittedness due to the presence of the same self-consciousness, striving for free development, has appeared the surpluses, grown or mined, it was tempted to appropriate these surpluses thanks to force, deception, or thanks to a higher hierarchical position in a community.
  Of course, eventually this negative attitude even to their fellow tribesmen could not but be appreciated crucially by the highest consciousness, to which are peculiar the unselfishness, mercy, respect and love to people, other living beings, altruism, honesty, dedication, decency and conscientiousness ; however, with the latter properties alone you cannot live in an antagonistic, that is, competitive society, and any person should address willy-nilly to the lowest consciousness, which helps him to at least survive in the whirl of life, or rather, this lower consciousness itself comes into action when it considers this as necessary.
  Thus, each person is in a situation of interaction between the lowest and highest types of consciousness, which for the most part comes down to their struggle due to a fundamental difference in aspirations.
  Nevertheless, this struggle significantly accelerates the pace of development of society compared with the animal world or even with primitive communities, some of which have survived to this day in areas remote from civilization precisely because of the weakness of their highest consciousness.
  It is also clear that the superiority of the higher form of consciousness over the lower or vice versa dictates a different attitude to reality, and thereby divides the most active people into two main categories: the fighters for justice, seeking to harmonize society, and the fighters for themselves, trying with all their might to seize power and use it for their own most comfortable existence and domination over others, which in itself gives considerable advantages in life relations at a pragmatic level.
  Be that as it may, the products of labor, appropriated one way or another, plots of land, the captives, that were enslaved by as and the impoverished people, were the subject to preservation and growth. They have already become not as the good in the sense of goodness for all fellow tribesmen, as before, with common primitive property that contributes to the preservation and survival of the clan, but - the good in the sense of property, that has already become not common, but private.
  Therefore, along with the state and its well-known divisions, laws were established by the powers, that to stabilize this non-equilibrium situation in society, when some have everything, while others have nothing. And, of course, the "sacred" right of private property, which is still valid today, was proclaimed by the fundamental law.
  So same naturally arose the right on "fair" wars, the main goal which was capture or redistribution of land and other property.
  In the same way, the negative result of gaining self-consciousness turned out to be a stable division of the people into rich and poor, even for all civilized countries, but not because some initially wish to offend others, and because the property, taken from the majority and fixed by laws is subject to preservation and multiplication, to which there is no limit, not because of economic reasons, division of labor, stupidity of some and ingenuity of others, etc., but, because the stable egocentric aspirations of some prevail over their altruistic intentions.
  In other words, power structures are such because the predominant in their consciousness are the properties of the lowest consciousness, enhanced by the understanding of ways to achieve and maintain the obtained benefits in the property and social position
  Therefore, on average, despite all the achievements of civilization, the poor become relatively poorer and the rich become richer, although, in principle, at all times over the six millennia of the existence of modern civilization, there has always been enough of everything for a decent life for all, but to share no one was willing.
  Evidence of this can be provided by the facts of enrichment of the poor, for example, as a result of inheritance; they, cursing previously the rich bloodsuckers, for some reason immediately change course, accepting all the rules of the game of the "chosen" estate, and do not distribute the acquired property to the poor and miserable.
  This unfortunate fact is explained by the fact that the level of self-awareness of the vast majority of the population is such, that the egocentrism of animal consciousness, but not altruism of the highest consciousness is prevailing over it, though in rather small number there are also the persons with an opposite ratio of these forms of consciousness.
  It is they who constitute the true opposition of the authorities, nonetheless, not wanting, precisely because of the positive qualities of their own consciousness, to enter into hypocritical, corrupt and conformist power structures.
  Thus, the essence of self-consciousness, as well as the natural (animal) form of consciousness, is initially determined by the corresponding program of the common development in the genome, which separated a sufficiently developed creature in the form of a primate from other living beings, transferring it first into a hominid, which gradually began consciously to transform its environment, and then into a person, who has already mastered the environment to a large extent.
  This program provoked the appearance in this hypostasis of the human consciousness not only the purposefulness of the mind, creativity and benevolent altruism of one level or another, absent in the animal consciousness, but it also could not prevent the manifestation of egoism in self-consciousness, supported by the egocentrism of animal consciousness in a person, and this share of egoism fluctuates within significant limits,
  On the inside, both forms of human consciousness are supported by its constant activity, which provokes dissatisfaction with the present in waiting or hope for a better future.
  Outwardly, the natural form of consciousness is expressed in the individuality of any living being, while the self-consciousness of a person reflects only his personality.
  It is these features of both forms of consciousness of each person, the level of manifestation of which can vary significantly, that largely contribute to the formation of various groups of society - from power elites and opposition to them, up to ordinary people and criminal communities.
  The main features of the individuality of the most developed creatures, including humans, are quick-wittedness, sensitivity, impressionability, decisiveness, one or another degree of sociability, the ability to pry, dominance, perseverance, cooperation in actions, experience, skills, manner of behavior, and the basis of individuality is egocentrism, always inclined to deceive enemies or competitors in the form of the information distortion. It is these features that guarantee a certain degree of adaptability to the environment and, therefore, at least a certain possibility of survival in it.
  The main personality traits consist such morally neutral features as the purposefulness of the mind, curiosity, will, creativity, and such negative features that reflect the underdevelopment of self-consciousness as self-confidence, rudeness, laziness, irresponsibility, unscrupulousness, which are based on one or another degree of neglect surrounding people, or selfishness.
  At the same time, the positive personality traits that reflect the degree of development of self-consciousness include kindness, decency, conscientiousness, friendliness, empathy, sympathy, mercy, expressed in selfless concern for others, or altruism.
  It is these properties of individuality and personality in their totality of varying degrees of fullness, reflecting the essence of his dual consciousness, that influence a person's behavior in society.
  Therefore, it can be stated that in every human consciousness, individuality, which mainly reflects the egocentrism of the animal consciousness, coexists with altruism, which underlies the personality of each person. And both of these sides of the human consciousness, mostly because of the difference in the tasks being solved, fight each other in every possible way, uniting only at critical moments of existence for the sake of survival. And the place of each person in society is determined, as a rule, by the predominance of certain properties of individuality and personality, as well as their level, which was achieved by a person.
  Anyway, awareness of oneself lifts a person above others beings, separating him from nature to a degree that depends on the development of his self-consciousness.
  The person, unlike all other living things, begins to understand the ruthlessness, indifference, sluggishness of nature, in which everything is built on mutual devouring, on the action of randomness (mutation in the genome), determining its development and order in it.
  It is frightening for a person to live in such hesitating world, but at the same time he is afraid of death, accompanied by the horror of the decomposition of the body.
  Therefore, he is being filled with disgust for the environment, imagining himself a fallen angel from somewhere, which again must return to that unknown, unknowable, but proper world of immortality, tranquility and benevolence.
  Such passionate and unchanging desire provokes the emergence of his two properties.
  First, a return to the other world of peace and happiness must be earned, since thou had fell out of it for some good reason into another - a cruel world.
  And a person begins to try to overcome the utilitarian and amoral nature of his lower (animal) consciousness by creating fair moral standards for all people without exception.
  The most successful attempt to formulate this moral code in relation to the distribution to the world was the Sermon on the Mount of Christ, in which everything was correct, but not applicable to real life. In other words, these moral precepts set the horizon of aspirations, separating the real from the beyond.
  The naturally disturbance from similar contradiction, based essentially on the duality of human consciousness - the highest and along with that - animal - caused the emergence of the second remarkable quality, reflected in the emergence of churches. In particular, in the person of the Christian Church was established connection unhappy peoples with the otherworldly happy and fair world personified in the person of the highest, unattainable, incomprehensible, but all-powerful, all-penetrating, all-knowing, eternal and indestructible creator of everything, in order to having suffered here, deservedly return to his father there.
  Thus, both of these suffered properties directly result from the specified duality of human consciousness - and the animal, and along with that the highest.
  Really, time eternal happiness in this unstable and awful world only of survival is impossible, but there is an understanding of this indisputable fact, very this understanding means the latent recognition of oneself as different from everything else precisely because of one"s awareness of oneself in the world, that certainly leads one to recognize as the partial and temporary his presence in reality, since self-awareness was given by someone other, but not by nature, closed on itself.
  And it is the proof of presence of this other both in the otherworldly, and in each person, and some connectivity between them which is designated by religion.
  So faith becomes the hope for each, though not all admit it, that distinguishes faith, for example, from science with its troubles and obvious insufficiency.
  The emergence of morality means the implementation of its norms in the transformation of the environment for the great benefit of all, which can also serve to find happiness and calm in the otherworld.
  Largely for this reason mankind is only engaged in construction and restructuring all the time, that is necessary not only for some benefit there, but the main thing is for the posthumous acquisition of what is not here.
  As a result, the world is changing, becoming more comfortable, cultivated, and people more decent, acquiring even in certain amount sense of dignity, and the otherworldly, remaining still mysterious and inaccessible, nevertheless, as you see, influences the development of everything.
  In addition to religion, another way of distracting a person from the troubles and hardships of life is partly the transformation of them into the comic. By such detachment from reality in laughter, a person is freed from the conventions of being, instinctively sensing their temporality and imperfection.
  The external expression of this curious transformation tribulations, and tragedies into the comic, detract from them, is the laughter, the animal component of which comes from the reflexes, similar of a reaction to scratching, and the essential component is determined by the consciousness in the form of a relationship to some troubles and misfortunes as to the absurdity of the unexpected incident with yourself or preferably with others.
  Absurdity of it, dropping out of a framework of the known order, causes involuntary fun or an ironical grin from that, as "to those above" cannot provide the order in "hostel".
  Therefore, the prime cause of laughter is an involuntary understanding of incongruity, absurdity of a situation, which, nevertheless reproduced in reality in one form or another in life or artificial form. This intuitive understanding causes involuntary superiority over the situation, which finds a way out in a intense sound form, like a cough, or - in a concussion of the whole body resembling convulsions.
  The pleasure and satisfaction of this understanding does not reach fixation in the mind as a judgment, but immediately passes into relief through sounds that bring relaxation, vivacity and an influx of energy from the insufficiency of beingness, that has clearly appeared.
  In contrast, standard troubles, which regularly cause suffering and grief, cause the crying of the victims and the sympathy of others.
  At this, unlike regrets or chagrins because of the occurring misfortunes often causing tears bringing that a discharge but only in the form of breakdown and the coming melancholy, reaction to the events in the form of laughter is shown only from involuntary desire and ability to allocate the amusing party of an event or its absurdity, transfer an event into unusual, so, interesting that can cause at especially ridiculous and improbable combination of its signs, in particular, thanks to the transferring of the feature from one sphere in absolutely other where it should not be, the expression in a sound form, at least, chuckling.
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  3. Nick Bostrom. (April 2003). "Are You Living in a Computer Simulation" Philosophical Quarterly. 53(211): 243-255.
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