Низовцев Юрий Михайлович : другие произведения.

Time as a manifestation of the process of obtaining information

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    The time factor is an integral element of consciousness, not existing outside of it. Consciousness of any living being is characterized by two types of time - the own time of each living being (its present) and the external time, which is being formed by the whole totality of living beings. The first is, as it were, embedded in the second and therefore is not noted by a person.

  It is known the approach, in compliance with which, owing to continuous movement, understood in broad sense as the relocation in space and development in time, the material objects change the states. The states of objects change along with that and in case of interactions with other objects.
  From here follows that time envelops as the simple relocation of objects in space practically without the change of their structure, and their structural changes that is manifested in different interactions and can be perceived by consciousness in the form of the designations, data, traces, signals recognized, or decrypted by consciousness of the changes of the material objects, or information which, in turn, can be transferred to other consciousnesses directly or indirectly.
  Information, or decrypted data, displays, designations are direct and clear in a certain degree for consciousness the reflection of change of states of material objects.
  For example, the observation of a volcanic eruption creates direct knowledge of the object and its change perceived by consciousness in certain frames, information can also be mediated, in particular, transferred in a type of the text description of the same volcanic eruption or in the form of the television picture of eruption in this or that foreshortening.
  Briefly, information can be defined as data on a state of the material objects which consciousness is capable to recognize when scanning surrounding by the means, which are at its disposal. The initiative in this process belongs to consciousness of the human, but not objects surrounding him.
  For example, the text in the unfamiliar language will be the simple "noise", the certain data for consciousness, but not the designations which give in to decryption and awareness. And if decoding of the text is impossible for various reasons: in particular, owing to impossibility to decrypt some dead languages, this text can't be carried to information so as message in which any consciousness could find sense, the text doesn't bear.
  Consciousness in the general context means not only consciousness of the person, but also consciousness of any living being as the certain structure capable to perceive these or those fragments of the reality surrounding him both integrally, and separately. Only those fragments of surrounding in the form of data are selected by consciousness which the consciousness is capable to recognize and, further, to use these decrypted data, or information for own needs instinctively for the lowest (animal) consciousness and partially instinctively, partially consciously for the highest, in this case - the human consciousness.
  Information, or the deciphered data, designations, clarification and etc. are transmitted from the material objects through the material objects, for example, light, to the material objects, for example, to the instruments for the finite perception by consciousness of information. That is, without the material objects, including consciousness itself, information doesn't exist. It arises only in case of the selection by consciousness from the general "noise" of those data which the consciousness is capable to recognize partly instinctively, partly consciously for the highest consciousness (self-consciousness).
  In other words, information arises only in consciousness by means of available for it, more precisely, at the carrier of consciousness of feelings, but not differently, being the quite material copy of an object or the objects which are available through feelings for consciousness and. which human consciousness can understand. Information can't be qualified as something non-material and independent, as far it is copies of data about objects selected and decrypted by consciousness from the boundless environment surrounding consciousness - some kind of "noise". The consciousness processes these deciphered copies of the fragments of the material objects in particular into images, meanings, emotions which are also the quite material components of consciousness entailing the subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness. On their basis together with memory he interacts with environmental objects every moment of own "now".
  Thus, all interactions of the being having consciousness are carried out in this end-to-end, irreversible process only on condition of arrival in his consciousness of the appropriate portions of information, each of which is processed, being laid down in a certain duration, making a row of sequential moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.
  Actually, consciousness consists of the images, thoughts and feelings, backed up by memory, being, by virtue of its imperceptibility, apparently, a material copy of the local mind of some otherworldly, from other matter, which is being fixed in the local carrier of beingness known to us, revitalizing it and developing with it during earthly life.
  Difference of the highest consciousness of the living being from the lowest consists in its self-consciousness - ability not only to understand own presence in the world as the separate being, but also the ability consciously to change this world both according to the ideas, and with the feelings, spontaneous desires, changing thus and own content fullness. Similar process is unavailable to neither animals, nor robots with any computer programs owing to absence at them of awareness of itself, so, freedom expressing in aspiration to the infinite development owing to an inescapable dissatisfaction with oneself.
  Asymmetry in case of transfer of information from objects to consciousness, unlike material or energetic interactions of objects of our beingness explained partly by that consciousness has other qualitative nature - it is not the material object of three dimensional measurements of our Universe. Therefore, it can't exchange directly by substance or energy with objects of three dimensional measuremenst, but consciousness is capable through sensations of the carrier of consciousness unilaterally, restrictedly, selectively, but to perceive copies of data about environment, suitable for it, and then to process them by the corresponding centers of its carrier (living being) for own needs or purposes.
  In other words, asymmetry of the selection by consciousness of information from the environment, or receiving information by consciousness without loss of substance and/or energy by source of the information is explained by one-sided scanning by consciousness of environment via own carrier during which the consciousness as if views objects of scanning without their change thanking only to copying of those data about them which the consciousness is capable to decrypt. Otherwise, if when receiving information by consciousness occurred the energetic and/or substance exchange of he same as it occurs in case of usual interactions of the material objects, both sides would change significantly up to their destruction, losing own original properties, and life wouldn't be possible in so unstable world. Exactly it occurs at the level which isn't associated with life. In particular, in case of quantum impacts of the instrument of observation on micro object, it becomes impossible to define its original properties owing to impact of instrument on it.
  The difference between human consciousness and consciousness of other living beings in selection and information processing consists in that a person understands part of information and uses it not at the reflex and instinctive level as, for example, the animals. At this he realizes himself in this process, and the part of the received data uses consciously, making out of current and accumulated data the mental projects as self-active subject, i.e. the subject who changes environment according to these projects but not just only adapting to it as all remaining live beings.
  Itself integral and changing from a moment to a moment picture, which is folded every moment in the human mind, is perceived and understood by him as his present, or the current time. This "now" (present) inflows as it seems to the human, from some unknown to him the future, and flows away somewhere back irretrievably - in the past, and in this time passes his life.
  Anyway, it is clear that "now" provides interaction of the person with surrounding, or gives him life.
  However, the past and the future exist only in human imagination, manifested in the present moment. The edge between the past and future seeming to people as the invisible, the impalpable, the non-material, is the quite material present, or "now" of the person, which is being created by himself. This present, or the own time of the person so the real that comprises in itself all his life. He lives just in it, but no in the last and no in the future.
  We will mark at this that each of the sequential moments making lifetime of the person and which comprise in itself his life, is the quite material process of selection, copying, transmission of the prepared packets of the deciphered data about the objects, processing of these packets, and discontinuity (discreteness) of this process is caused by the technical pause separating the moments of own time of a person.
  The information packets, received through the sensations, only in the processed form, that is, having transformed to images of environment, thought and emotions, make a moment, quite specific and various on filling and duration, so as the volume of the arriving information can change depending on a state of environment, from a state of the consciousness, from opportunities of fetch from memory of additional information. Each such moment, merging in consciousness with subsequent and so on, is represented to the person as his present time of life.
  It follows that not time "falls down" from nowhere on the person, and human consciousness itself creates own time which therefore the person himself intuitively calls by the present.
  The technical pauses between the sequential moments of manifestation in consciousness of the images environmental, as well as emotions and thoughts accompanying them, consciousness doesn't register.
  Therefore, all sequential moments are merged in the uniform changing pattern which the person as consciousness within the framework of the carrier, that is, the aggregate acting subject, can not only watch but also he can interact with the surrounding.
  For the person of an event happen only in his "now", and the past and the future arise only in his imagination manifesting itself just in the "now" in the form, respectively, of databases and projects.
  A person thinks that actually there are the past and the future separated by the present as far he doesn't understand the mechanism of formation of the present and considers it by a product of the general temporal process in which the future, the present and the past exist really.
  Actually, only one moment makes "now" of the person.
  However, for a person, as, indeed, for all other living beings, whose consciousness, due to the physiological characteristics of each organism, is unable to note and register the pause between these brief moments, an irreversible sequence of the moments - the processed packets of information following one after another after a certain pause - is being represented by the passage of time that encapsulates his whole life, that is, all the events that take place with him from his birth to his death.
  There is in each of these moments an integral selection at all levels of consciousness of data from environment which the consciousness is capable to recognize, and their processing, making finally "the shot" by clear for consciousness, on the basis of the accepted information with these or those corrections of already accumulated information, containing to databases of a person. Further process repeats. Procedure, thereby, is on techniques by the discrete, but on perception it by consciousness - the continuous.
  This one-sided on directivity (asymmetrical) process of pulling by consciousness of information, or process of obtaining copies the surrounding, consists, thus, of three main phases: selection of fragments of environment (it is made by consciousness of a person partially consciously, but, generally by the automatic scanning covering and decrypting all available to consciousness out of the surrounding for preparation of next information packet), from which information will follow; copying and transference of the received data in the appropriate centers of consciousness of a person; its processing consisting in conversion of information packet into the images, meanings and emotions during which the instantaneous assessment of data is produced resulting the part of information is discarded or remains as hidden, and the rest is manifested for consciousness of a person like the shot after which is being manifested the similar shot with anyway the changed contents. Naturally, this process is under the control of a single consciousness, since each individual consciousness is an inalienable part of a single consciousness, which is a hologram outside the "limits" of beingness [1].
  These "shots" are merged in consciousness in the moving picture so as the interval between them isn't fixed by consciousness and all process seems to a person as the continuous. The formation of each "shot" can fluctuate rather slightly on duration. This process goes from the birth to death of the person, without being interrupted even during a dream or a faint. Information arrives as outside, and from the organs containing in a person and the processes proceeding in them.
  This information procedure is the discrete, the automatic for all alive. As a result, the adaptation of all live to the environment is carried out. However, the person together with this is capable also to target selection of information, i.e. to perception of the objects interesting him for conscious transformation of these objects according to in advance planned projects.
  "Now" (the present) is represented to us as the continuous process because it is similar to movement of the movie with sequentially distributed shots with a certain speed. Thereby the total impression of the surrounding environment, which changes in a certain order, is created. This impression is comprehended and interpreted by a person in a different way, depending on quality of individual consciousness. Formation of "now", or own time of a person differs from usual perception in that the last creates a individual sensual image according to the appropriate task of consciousness, and the remaining at this is discarded. "Now" covers everything that consciousness is capable to decrypt and use for itself in limits, which are possible for him, without fixing only one or several objects. Process doesn't interrupt even in a dream - consciousness, which "feeds off" by information, functions in live object always, scooping information from within and outside of a body-carrier, leaving a body only after his death. The set of the live objects on the planet, forming the unidirectional moving of information, creates opportunity for course of information process on all available channels counting on the general consumption. Significant information in human communities is fixed anyway and stored for the guaranteed access.
  The unidirectional "motion", which we call by the present time, or lifetime, without similar asymmetrical action of uncountable consciousnesses in beingness, wouldn't exist in a form known to us for each consciousness.
  At this, only people, unlike all remaining objects of the material world known to us including the live objects, are capable to comprehend this objective process, although and very often in the distorted form.
  The result of this distortion is their representation that the processed information postponed in their personal memory, the general databases as well as that information which was discarded as erratic or unnecessary, is their real past, and the arriving information - their real future. Besides, the present time is represented to them as an imperceptible moment between the past and the future, and set of these imperceptible moments - as the current time.
  If we return to reviewing of the formation of the own time of the person as, substantially, to the information process, the known fact of accelerate and deceleration of time becomes explainable.
  Really, time can be decelerated and be accelerated in consciousness depending on the maintenance of moments. For example, almost not changing maintenance of moments, or packets of accepted information (events almost no) creates the effect of deceleration of time - the day stretches infinitely; the various maintenance of moments creates effect of an acceleration of time - the day passes imperceptibly.
  Thus, sequentially coming copies of these or those data from the material objects, surrounding consciousness of the person, supply him the information "food" which he permanently "digests", comprehending and emotionally experiencing it. The result of this repeatable procedure out of three specified phases in every moment makes the own lifetime of a person in which he sees, hears, feels all remaining, thinks, acts and which is his "now". If to take every instant, more precisely, the process of formation of information packet passing during less than a millisecond in nervous fibers and neurons of a brain with its processing in consciousness, this process is the quite material, it is only represented to the person as ephemeral boundary between the past and the future.
  Perhaps, it will seem to someone paradoxical, but these discrete, sequential information moments reflecting respectively all external events, which the consciousness is capable to accept, are his true time, or "now".
  Consciousness dwells in this present time within the external, or world time. The present time is characteristic only for living beings. In this discrete on processing present time just can be manifested such interaction of object with the environment as life. And the fundamental distinction, for example, of an amoeba consuming and processing information from the objects surrounding it similarly of the human, from the person, consists only that the person comprehends himself in this process, separating himself from the restremaining in appearing at him, as the result, the images, thoughts, emotions, but not simply automatically reacts on impact the environment adapting to it. However, a person doesn't sense discreteness of this information process. As a result, he doesn't comprehend the independence of this process arising because of its asymmetry, irreversibility by compared with the changes, happening with lifeless material objects. Though, in essence, thanks to this asymmetry a person falls out of a row of other material objects becoming the live and comprehending being.
  Therefore, the ordinary person supposes that he is only in the external, or world time. This time is watched by him as the real, it flows for him continuously and he conditionally divides time for convenience of life on intervals between some phenomena which he names the periods of time. The most explicit and significant periods of time for a person are those, which are connected to the natural cycles: the days reflecting a complete revolution of Earth round its pivot-center, as well as night, day, seasons, the annual cycle reflecting a complete turnover of Earth round the Sun. The world time, external for a person, in fact, in real human life reflects the periodic changes of the material objects. In this regard it exists objectively, more precisely, in its relative units, for example, it is possible to estimate the changes of the material objects and till origin of living beings on Earth.
  Actually, the external time is the changes of the material objects felt by the human consciousness on which it can't influence at all. However, a person can select, recognize and record in the consciousness in addition to objects, which are not dependent of him, the remaining objects of own direct surrounding. Thereby, the human consciousness can form the own time reflecting all changes available to his sensations. A person is forced to correlate this own time with something steady. All periodic changes, independent of him, are by this steady for him.
  However, all events occur really in own time of a person. But owing to their flowability and compelled comparison of these events with the external time, their automatic binding to the external time is made in the human consciousness.
  There, where the human thought doesn't penetrate, events, as those, are absent - they couldn't be fixed - it is only possible to assume that there are both reversible and irreversible changes of the material objects. And these assumptions are based only on the fact that we can imagine and understand, i.e. to conclude them in time. Of course, it is possible to designate these changes by time so as it seems that they should have duration, but this duration, as Aristotle noted fairly, there is nobody to digitize. Besides, it isn't known that represents beingness by itself out of the human consciousness. Parmenides, for example, supposed "beingness as pure present, motionless, homogeneous, perfect ..." [2]. We perceive and represent beingness as one, for other beings it can manifest as other. And that it is actually, it isn't possible to define, owing to its infinite variety as well as a look at it from the inside. It is only possible to select by means of consciousness as if the own part of beingness, i.e. that consciousness of the person is capable to recognize in beingness, and to consider this part of beingness by the changing world. Consciousness can include then in this time, external in relation to it, changes of beingness, and, thereby, determine their duration.
  Only living beings are capable to make transformations, changes of beingness for themselves by completely irreversible. As soon as living beings appear, everything that happens to them becomes irreversible. Their own, irreversible time arises. It becomes by parallel during their life to the external cyclic changes, watched by living beings which they, in the face of a person, consider the external and the only kind of time in which they are forced to be.
  This own, unidirectional time, on the one hand, is objective so as it is connected to the material objects including with live objects, and to external time, without existing without them and outside them. On the other hand, it doesn't exist without living beings who, actually, and "produce" it in the form of events.
  In the sequence of these events of their own time, all living beings live within the framework of external time, not noticing their own time of their life.
  However, as a person, they not only think, not only feel and act in accordance with what is happening, adapting to it, but also interfere with it, nevertheless, proportioning it with the external time. This conscious interference in events is result of cogitative and sensual processes on the basis of the received information in own time of a person, but, at the same time, purposefully changing world around and, as a boomerang, of himself together with it, a person substantially independently and consciously produces own life in all its shades. However, it is necessary to pay for this full-blooded life, which every moment is updated, by irreversibility and by termination of everything for the person including his own life. The death is the end of own time of a person, or his "now". However, just as one moment of life for consciousness is replaced by another, one life is replaced by another for the same consciousness.
  Thus, each living being selects own "slice" of beingness independently on the basis of existing feelings, i.e., recognizing data which are available to him via sensations, copying these data and delivering them for processing by consciousness sequentially in the form of separate information packets. This process of their hidden processing are represented to a person in the form following continuously one after another by the moments of life merging in single flow in which he is not the supernumerary, but the acting character. So occurs because these sequential moments include not only an image of environmental, but in them sequentially are created own thoughts, feelings a person which are realized into his actions within these current moments.
  All these manifestations not only accumulate in memory of the certain person, but also it is provided to remaining people, creating integral consciousness and integral life in the form of communities. That the person yet isn't capable to recognize in the world surrounding him and to transform into information packets doesn't get to its own time, though it can be nearby or even in him. However, this unmanifest, i.e. yet the unknown, with accumulation of information and, means, knowledge, abilities, both at a person, and at all community of people, gradually passes into discharge of recognized data. In other words, real process of cognition goes not only in the form of the accumulation of knowledge, but also character of information selected by the person is enriched permanently by extending set of data which can be recognized by consciousness if, of course, the person will wish this, i.e. he won't be closed from them.
  As a result, life becomes more dependent on a person, he is exempted more and more from oppression of circumstances, from the pure adaptation to environmental, from the settled order, i.e. - his liberty grows.
  Irreversibility of this process for all living beings proves fundamental otherness even purely reflex and instinctive consciousness in comparison with reversible, apparently, mostly processes of exchange of substance and/or energy during transformations and interactions of the material objects.
  Necessary condition of existence of the live objects is the irreversibility of their existence in time whereas, apparently, the most part of the processes known to us happening to the material objects of our dense measurement of the Universe is reversible. In other words, in case of interaction, as a rule, objects change, without saving initial (till interaction) state, in particular also bodies of people change, but consciousness doesn't participate in this "natural" exchange, it only copies objects, without destroying them, saving thereby the natural course of observed processes. As a result, consciousness doesn't bring instability into the world and doesn't destroy itself. That is life is possible only in the conditions of one-sided information impact of one object on another without corrupting last with acquisition by the first object of data from the second or in case of a mutual interchange of data without own destruction. Only live beings are capable on such interaction, in addition to the normal energy and material exchange.
  Hence follows that in our three-dimensional measurement do not exist conditions for the spontaneous origination of living objects and thus passing in them by information processes, consisting in recognition by one objects in other objects of data which could be decrypted, i.e. - could be turned into information for own use, and, thereby, to live in own present, or true time.
  Therefore, the only plausible explanation for the existence of life in beingness, that is, the implementation of the one-way information process, leading to the formation of time itself in both of its forms, as well as the existence of a program of the growth and development of beings that form time, in the form of a genome, is the presence of some otherworldly formation, in which there is no time in the form known to us, but thanks to which beingness itself exists in a hidden interaction with this otherworldly thanks to living beings.
  The possibility of similar alliance is shown in more detail in the work "The person as the hologram" [1].
  Consciousness in beingness, that is, in living beings thereby receives some kind of multi-channel system for infinite development. It sequentially fixes changes of material objects available to him which part consciousness accumulates saving for possible application, and uses if necessary.
  At this, the process of selection of data about objects, their decryption and processing of the acquired information is, on the one hand, objective procedure as far it goes automatically in the framework of world time and has no relation to imaginations. On the other hand, consciousness, in particular, consciousness of a person is capable to perceive purposefully a row of objects and to dispose of part of information so as he wants and as it is pleasant to him, it is possible to tell, "how God put per capita", i.e. - no motivated. In this regard the highest consciousness, though it is component of beingness, is capable to overcome the order of beingness, to become above remaining components of beingness. Consciousness itself finds own present and changes it according to own projects. This present for the human proceeds rather not for long, but the person, unlike lifeless objects, senses own present, and unlike the rest alive, in large part, oneself disposes by it.
  It follows that consciousness, being within beingness, can be in the highest expression by rather free in own manifestations, whereas other living beings select information from surrounding only forcedly, adapting to habitat.
  Thus, a person in life, more precisely, his consciousness is situated in own time, or "now". It is as if nested in external, or world time. The external time for human consciousness reflects a current of the external processes, independent of him, to which human consciousness is compelled to be adapted because of living conditions changing together with them: winter, summer, night, day, etc., but human consciousness can't change the course of the external time in any way, unlike own time which it can accelerate or decelerate.
  Intuitively the human consciousness presents own time in the form of the present for itself because behind "now" during the external time is followed the past time, and before "now" should be a future. The present time, or "now" as if slides by a kaleidoscope of events which, actually, consciousness for itself forms sequentially when processing the portions of information arriving from everywhere in every moment, folding in life in this present time. As we, briefly, already stated above, this information own time can be decelerated or be accelerated depending on the density of an information stream.
  For example, time of dream passes in an instant for a person though it takes 6-8 hours of the external time because there is no arrival of the external information in dream practically. The consciousness in these hours of dream switches to processing of the information which was saved up and viewed in a day that doesn't create for it of novelty: there are no events, there is no time also. By the way, this fact proves that for the human consciousness not world time but him own time is more essential.
  The acceleration of the "present" time, but another sign, which is manifested not owing to disconnect of consciousness from external, and from arrival during the day every instant of portions of information which are almost not repeating by the contents, producees the effect of the flying time imperceptibly: the morning is replaced immediately in the evening.
  It is curious that process similar to process of acceleration of own time of a person happens and with other objects understanding to a certain extent own activities and also organizing themselves through information streams. For example, such object is the earth civilization. During its development, i.e. not only growth of the population, but also change of consciousness towards extension of a circle of data recognized by him, their accumulation, there is reduction of historical cycles under the law of regression.
  The historian M. Diakonoff paid attention to this phenomenon in 1994: "There is no doubt that historical process shows signs of natural exponential acceleration. From emergence of Homo sapiens until the end of the I phase passed not less than 30 thousand years, the II phase lasted about 7 thousand years, the III phase - about 2 thousand years, the IV phase - about 1.5 thousand, the V phase - about one thousand years, VI - about 300, the VII phase - a little more than 100 years, duration of the VIII phase while it is impossible to determine. Put on the schedule these phases are combined in exponential development which assumes eventually transition to the vertical line or more true, to the point of so-called singularity. Scientific and technical achievements of mankind were being developed also - according to the exponential schedule ..." [3].
  Nobody could explain this explicit fact till this moment, this fact was only stated, whereas in accordance with our approach, time is accelerated for any material object understanding itself, with growth of the information streams consumed by it. It is curious that interval of time given to our civilization, will be completed in accordance with the mentioned law exponential acceleration pretty soon in the point of singularity that means decay the civilization or its conversion to absolutely other formation.
  Naturally, except an acceleration of the present time there can be also its deceleration. Usually it is a result of arrival of uniform information or feeble influx of the new information. For example, for a person, sitting in a dungeon, and seeing two-three times a day only given him food and water, time is decelerated so that he loses its feeling. Similar punishment was considered earlier by one of the most severe and the people getting to such conditions often went crazy. Without the influx of the fresh information a person senses the impoverishment of life, he feels loss of its sense and therefore aims to occupy itself though with some activities, at least collecting stamps. Any, even the unloved job is required to the person not so much for physical maintenance of life, how many for its filling and revitalizing though by some information streams.
  Own time is decelerated as well for communities which consciously restrict themselves in information influx. It can be the whole religious trends, for example, Muslims, the sects preaching idea of leaving from the world, the whole people separated from progress. For example, the Russians up to Peter I, which lagged behind in development for various reasons from Europe on some hundreds of years, were such archaic people.
  Thus, "now" can be presented as flow of changeable time in the frames of the stable external time which does not produce events directly in the present time.
  As we stated above, substantially the human itself forms "now" consciously as far, first, out of the external signals he selects mostly those that he is able to understand or feel after deciphering them in order to sort out his surroundings, secondly, the part from meaningful information his consciousness discards simply because it isn't interesting to him and can't make his life. Conscious formation of conditions of own life is unique, inherent from all famous living beings only of the person.
  It is clear that all living beings are not situated, but live in that and other time, - in own "now" which for them is irreversible as far "now" is asymmetric on receipt of information being formed by living beings out of "noise". But in this "now" only people understand themselves and their actions, and remaining living beings - no. But that and others break the law of a nondecreasing entropy.
  All material objects touching these or those sides to consciousness of the person through his feelings, more precisely, data about these sides of the material objects which consciousness of the person is capable to decrypt, exist objectively in external time, and penetrate into our consciousness in the form of copies directly or indirectly.
  Remaining material objects remains hidden or as if nonexistent for human consciousness. This hidden, thereby, falls out of own time of the person: it isn't present in "now" of the person, i.e. - in true time of the person, it doesn't participate in his life. Though real existence of these hidden yet the material objects isn't subject to doubt.
  History clearly demonstrates this fact by change of the human ideas about the subjects of the world and about the world: absent earlier, appears now and will appear afterwards, representations about the very many things will change. Though that what is unavailable to our sensations and corresponding to them representations, and considerations remains hidden forever. Just this circumstance limits cognitive abilities of the person.
  Paradoxically, but most of people on Earth still supposes that the Sun rotates round Earth, and not vice versa. The Papuan which never saw the train, looking for the first time at it, shouts that the train is alive. And it is really alive for him. Therefore, each own time is in many respects the artificial, incomplete, distorted picture, and often it isn't possible to check and correct of it.
  Any material objects which are coming into the view of consciousness seem to him just such, but not others only owing to his opportunities on recognition of data on them. And only through existing in consciousness of the holistic image of an object as the cumulative processed information about it, a person can take advantage of this object. And for different consciousnesses, different methods of processing of the arriving information, the image of object, as well as all surrounding, which are created appropriate consciousness, can be a miscellaneous.
  Many animals see or feel that what is unavailable to the person. In particular, magnetic field for birds is quite real object, and they use of it for orientation in case of distant overflies. A dawn and a rainbow don't exist for blind person, music doesn't exist for the deaf, science, art in general doesn't exist for silly, more precisely, the limited person. If we approach this issue somewhat differently and assume that a person would have the ability to see objects right through as the transparent glass, he could not navigate in space. In other words, the human consciousness represents the surrounding him only so as consciousness is capable of doing in terms of processing information about this surrounding environment.
  We, for example, know out of scientific researches that any object is almost empty - the atoms making it occupy in it insignificant space. Imagine that would occur if we were capable to feel it. Besides, the main part of actions of the human makes without any speculations, automatically: internal processes - from digestion before cogitative operations in own brain - a person doesn't control in any way. Moreover, recent scientific experiments showed that the brain works as the receiver of signals and it isn't capable to think by itself.
  Everything that surrounds any living being of a certain type, not only is felt by him on his own, but also is for him objectively by different in comparison with living beings of other type. It occurs because material objects of the world are so multifaceted, they have so much of different levels which can be perceived by living beings that the world, surrounding each such being, is his own world. It isn't similar to the world of another being of other type, being crossed with it only in the planes of coinciding integral perception.
  If to return to formation the surrounding by the concrete person, it, to all other, depends on the level of his consciousness, education, the general preparation, a level of development of society in which he lives etc.
  The world of any from civilizations which adjoins with Christian civilization, whether it Buddhist or Muslim, is alien to Christian civilization.
  As for roles of science in human life, then the experimental check, additional researches, observations, adequate tips and etc. yield extremely limited result so as people refuse from their own delusions not immediately, but often they consciously persist in them during all the life.
  Nevertheless, operation of consciousness at both levels - reflex and instinctive and, actually, understanding oneself; "now", or own time of the person, formed by consciousness by means of the information packets arriving from everywhere, allows people to live practically in any conditions not only on Earth, but also in cosmos, adapting to them or changing these conditions in accordance with its capabilities.
  Own time, or "now" of the person, and, in fact, the discrete, by the mechanism, process of receiving and processing of information in consciousness, explains unclear hitherto the facts of manifestation in a child of consciousness and saving consciousness by the person during life.
  We know from practice that the consciousness at a child isn't manifested in case of absence of communication with him of other people in the childhood. Really, live conversation in the form of submission to the child first enough quickly recognized by him of the voice and sign information connected to meal, walks, entertainments, etc., gradually forms at him ability of understanding the environment and ability to act according to this understanding. For this, he initially did not even feel the need to talk, he just listens. The main thing is that he on examples from adults learns to select from the surrounding of him only those data which he can decrypt and comprehend. If the similar information channel is absent, the child can't "get" into human present and remains in time of the living being which doesn't have the highest consciousness, for which the actions based generally on instincts and reflexes are characteristic.
  It is known that a person, the long time remaining in perfect loneliness without the information influx, enough quickly runs wild or as speak, "goes crazy". It occurs because his "now" is formed by copies of the same external. For his consciousness remains only information receiving by him from inside in the form of some memories, instinctive and reflex responses. As a result, his present, or the flow of his own time is slowed down that is manifested in the actual stop of time for him, and the person gradually drifts to the being who possesses only by the primary reflexes and instincts.
  The question of how information can be used in case of conscious activities, on favor or to the detriment, remains open so as depends on a level of development of the specific consciousness. However, as far conscious activity is deliberate and can be corrected continuously by consciousness, process of development of communities of conscious individuals, in this case people, in general, is progressive till a certain limit when positive processing of information becomes impossible because of inadequate filtering of its excess quantity.
  In order to deal slightly in more detail with the relation of consciousness and information and to penetrate into sense of both this relation, and consciousness and information, it is necessary to address in addition to some facts and conclusions from them.
  It is known that there is an exchange of substance and/or energy in case of interactions of the material objects, i.e. if one object loses substance or energy, another - acquires. In this case symmetry of interactions of the material objects of the three dimension world, or measurement of Universe known to us, is manifested. Information interaction of objects unlike mentioned interaction is not symmetric. This asymmetry expresses that one object receives information from another, but the source of information doesn't experience its loss at this.
  This phenomenon doesn't find explanation. Therefore, information is qualified as something non-material now, that in itself explains nothing and is nonsense.
  The question arises why there is so cardinal difference of interaction of the material objects which aren't marked by life as the symmetric, and information impact on the material objects - as the asymmetrical and characteristic only for alive?
  Probably, this difference can be explained by the fact that the information process proceeds only in case of activities of consciousness. In particular, the human consciousness selects from the various and numerous "noise" surrounding him then that corresponds to it, that is necessary for him or then to what the human consciousness is forced, according to opportunities of the sensations which exist at the human. Information is those fragments of "noise", which the consciousness is capable to decrypt and further to transfer to meanings and images. Lifeless objects don't possess such ability to similar selection, carrying out only energy and/or material exchange in case of these or those contacts. The carrier of consciousness, at the same time, as any material objects, is capable to exchange by matter and/or energy.
  The most important feature of the information impact on objects is its unilateralism, or asymmetry. Consciousness directly or via the instruments copies only those data which it is capable to decrypt, turning them, thereby, into the information which is necessary to him for life. Hereinafter this information can be transformed directly into the images, thoughts or emotions, or it can be placed in memory for the subsequent processing and use. The original remains in the source of information, without being moved anywhere. This asymmetrical process is unusually important for development of consciousness so as, on the one hand, new information changes consciousness, enriching with him by knowledge and experience understood by him, and on the other hand, the reality surrounding consciousness, i.e. the material objects, researched or affected in this information process, are not destroyed, the environment remains rather stable, i.e. it is possible to live in it. Otherwise, exaggerating, it is possible to tell that only one hating look could simply incinerate the object of hatred.
  The concrete consciousness impacts not only on lifeless material objects, scooping from them information, but it interacts and with consciousnesses similar to him in human communities. It is known from practice that the child becomes a personality, i.e. acquires acting consciousness, only as a result of the communication with the people surrounding him. And generally, it is known that people at any age can also develop only in communication with other people, or, at least, on condition of provision to them information. It occurs for the reason that mutual information exchange and appropriate replenishment of a database of each consciousness in the human owing to the asymmetry doesn't destruct consciousnesses, opposite, enriches them.
  Thus, owing to similar asymmetry the human consciousness without prejudice to all surrounding him can impact on this surrounding for the purpose of own development which goes with more acceleration, than in remaining living nature due to presence of self-consciousness at a person.
  All remaining known objects of the living nature, unlike a person, have no self-consciousness. The information contact between them and the lifeless objects is carried out though similarly, but only on instinctive and reflex level that is the main program of life both for bacteria, and for the higher mammals. It is clear thus that consciousness has two levels: one of them, the lowest, with the program of reproduction, metabolism and etc., is inherent for all alive, another, the highest level, means presence at the living being of self-consciousness. Apparently, the consciousness of the higher level possesses by an additional self-learning program, the possibility of spontaneous choice and an immutable aspiration to change oneself. Thereby, the person, thanks to own consciousness, has opportunity to make arbitrary acts, to project, to remember, to correct own actions not only under the influence of the surrounding, but also by own, often unmotivated desires that is designated by him as a free will.
  Both of these programs, more precisely, the genomes corresponding to them, according to the theory of probability couldn't self-assembled for our measurement practically in any imaginable periods. But, if there is alive really, including the person, these programs could get to our measurement in the finished form only out of another measurement by means of copying and their transference on the appropriate carrier to our three dimensional measurement, since all measurements are connected among themselves. The copied and transferred genome served as the basis for formation of the primary level of consciousness, i.e.- for the formation and development of the living organisms in case of origin of conditions, suitable for life on this or that planet of our measurement. Consciousness can't act in our three dimensional measurement directly owing to its qualitative material difference from the material objects of our measurement. But it can act via the carrier known to us, for example, in the form of a human body which is only by the body of the highest mammal, having created, thereby, some kind of symbiosis of both formations. And consciousness can appear from there where there are conditions for its direct existence.
  Blocking of self-conscious part of human consciousness turns a person into the zombie. In particular, similar blocking for a certain time can be realized in the course of hypnosis. In this case not disabled part of consciousness is capable to perceive and process information from the hypnotist only like the robot-computer or the trained bear, executing appropriate commands, but isn't capable to independent activities so as the self-training program is disconnected. A free will here, as such, isn't present.
  This example shows that receiving information isn't equivalent for simply alive and for the being having self-consciousness as well as ability consciously to change as itself, and environment.
  It is important for consciousness adequacy to the information which is accepted by him, absence of its distortion. For example, the financial market in developed civilizations, offering the easiest and fast method of earning money, aims to come off from real production and services, making different derivatives in the form of financial options, forward contracts, percentage swaps, currency swaps, futures. With time the results of actions of this financial market begin to be deviated more and more towards exceeding from the volume of really made goods and services. Similar conscious distortion of information, arriving from real objects, shows low level of consciousness of the subjects controlling financial structures, their deviation from adequate strategy and it is a sign of the beginning of destruction of complex system of civilization.
  The certain person and all present human civilization are finite formations. Therefore, for one and another there are limit in existence.
  This limit for each certain person, apparently, is laid in his vital program bound to its genetic features, living conditions as well as with processing by him of information massive which, increasing over a lifetime, eventually, at some point starts exceeding possibilities of a human brain.
  Similar objective limit for a civilization, which is made by people, is reached when the information coming through a brain to consciousness of a person begins exceeding possibilities of a brain by means of which consciousness makes decisions on control of all systems of a civilization. Due to this overload and impossibility of the adequate filtering information, which arrives as avalanche via the Internet and other sources, the people responsible for acceptance of adequate managing decisions cease to distinguish the few parameters and structural changes to which complex civilization systems are sensitive and which are usually not self-evident. But without involvement of these key parameters stability of system is not retained.
  In such situation when accidental symptoms are accepted for the reasons, a person in the face of the governing organs directs the efforts, as a rule, on elimination of symptoms, but true reasons remain unaffected. Such action either is ineffective, or leads to deterioration of a situation. In fact, the only way to ordering of avalanche information stream becomes of filtering information, usually for the doubtful criteria. This leads to destabilization of system and to extinction of its normal functioning. There comes information collapse which threatens not only to stability and normal functioning of the information space, but also almost completely dependent on it the complex, multi-level subsystems of a civilization. They lose viability and a civilization is destructed: the accelerated development of the conscious communities reaches the limit in case of which, figuratively speaking, the centrifugal forces start prevailing over centripetal.
  It is necessary in conclusion to mark that, judging by the considered features of the information process as such, it can exist only in a binding to conscious activities, delivering to consciousness not only data on the natural and public processes, but also forming him own time which outside consciousness is absent. Consciousness which is present at any living object of our three dimensional measurement, apparently, should be considered as the information copy of consciousness of another measurement, more precisely, an imprescriptible part of a single consciousness in the form of a hologram outside the "limits" of beingness [1], developing and changing together with a body, into which it is "implemented", during all life of this body.
  1. Nizovtsev Y. M. The person as the hologram. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru; Amazon
  2. A. V. Lebedev, Parmenides. New Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Institute of Philosophy. M., Thought. 2010. 978-5-244-1115-9.
  3. Diakonoff I.M. The paths of history. From early human up to the present day. KomKniga. Moscow. 2007.
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