Оксюморонов Анлокий Мойрович : другие произведения.

Through million miles away

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through million miles away
run to the land of endless may
kiss the shinest spring and
surely kneel to tearly pray

do you know how many tears?..
how many days you can just forever waste?
do you know how much of pain?..
how much of fear loving human can.. taste?

to live is to see the bottom of the well
to breathe and to see through dry eyes
wherever to go without you everywhere's hell
play the music, it can muffle silent cries

but noone and no longer cares
the cruel revenge is don't prepairs
what i can do when i am nothing?
unless kill myself and silly laughing

and even this is senselessly
my pain is senselessly
all sufferings're senselessly
in future there's no eternity

do you know how many tears?..
how many days you can just forever waste?
do you know how much of pain?..
how much of fear loving human can.. taste?

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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