Burshtun Olga

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ArtOfWar: Искусство войны
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Об авторе:
  My creative name is Olga Burshtyn. Previously published under a pseudonym - Aurora Dayl.
  My favorite genres: fiction and mysticism, alternative history and fantasy.
  The two books of mine have been published In 2011 year: "Tales of a City" and "Urita: Children of the Abyss." I am always happy to see guests and receive your comments!

Начните знакомство с:
  • Azura Introduction 8k   "Azura Project"
  • Hazard 21k   "Hazard"
    Аннотация к разделу: There is not present truth, no lie! Striated hand of fate, the lost traces of light. That Gone away to forgotten dreams, and fabulous visions of alien realms. Where light is brighter, but no one to see. That perfect dream of ancient seen. And now you want to, close your eyes, and run away to different skies. But wait ... I know sometimes this road - will leed nowhere. Let go. Dont go. The Ink will dry, and then it start, a different game a truthful ride!

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    2. Напряжение растет
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    Рекомендует Пирогов С.В.

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    14/03 ПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ:
     Александров П.Д.
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     Амазонка Г.
     Аниртак Э.
     Архангельский М.А.
     Беликин К.Г.
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     Мурыгин В.В.
     Нежная А.Л.
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     Секлицкая Т.В.
     Симаева В.А.
     Скорова Л.А.
     Соболь Л.
     Танасюк А.О.
     Тимошин В.И.
     Тюрин А.Р.
     Усольцева П.Ф.
     Фокина О.В.
     Фомирякова К.А.
     Шевченко В.
     Шевченко Л.Я.
     Шипошина Т.В.
     Щеглов Д.Ю.
     Юркова О.С.

    Turns out that monsters really exist! They live in the neighboring world and periodically visit our to resolve family problems. When Aria Oroi, student of Art Academy, touched the stone of Fall, she falls into a mysterious world where everything run by the monsters. Now Aria must somehow find her way back home, and find out, who are the mysterious Sai, and uncover the secret of the Black Tower.

  • Hazard   21k   Хоррор
    Turns out that monsters really exist! They live in the neighboring world and periodically visit ours to resolve family problems. When Aria Oroi, student of Art Academy, touched the stone of Fall, she falls into a mysterious world where everything run by the monsters. Now Aria must somehow find her way back home, and find out, who are the mysterious Sai, and uncover the secret of the Black Tower.
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
  • Azura Project:
    Azura in flesh, is  the creature from a nearby world that people in ancient times called Tartarus, the infernal etc. because this world is inhabited by unimaginable monsters living nightmares and ferocious demons. But in fact, the truth is far more incredible than the myths and stories and  has been  hidden not in the dusty ancient tomes but in the underground complexes found all over the world and named "Laberintah."

  • Azura Introduction   8k   Фантастика
    Back in 1820, during the expedition in an icy den of Alexandra Land, Mikhail Lazarev discovered the remains of unknown species and took them to the mainland. For hundreds years, scientists, representatives of the secret community "Sofia", tried to revive the mysterious creature, but numerous studies have created a brand new species.
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
  • Fanfiction:
    This is continuation/fan fiction of Blood +. Children of Diva have grown up, and now live an ordinary life. everything seems to be normal. Bot the past likes to come back, and former fears cannot be forgotten...

  • My sleeping queen   23k   Фанфик
    This is continuation of Blood Plus. Children of Diva have grown up, and now living an ordinary life. everything seems to be normal. Bot the past likes to come back, and former fears cannot be forgotten... Big Thanks to Tomas Godwin for his translation
  • Alice:
    Wonderland does it really exist? Or was it just a dream. If it's real, than where she can find the way to return to old friends. And if she'll found the way... will it all be as it was in her childhood. Or will she face the new nightmare.

  • Alice in the Wonder World   34k   Фэнтези
    Wonderland does it really exist? Or was it just a dream. If it's real, than where she can find the way to return to old friends. And if she'll found the way... will it all be as it was in her childhood. Or will she face the new nightmare.
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
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