Арсений Тарковский : другие произведения.

Rus-Eng Арсений Тарковский - Я так давно родился...

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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I was born so long ago,
That I can hear sometimes,
How cold and clear river water
Slowly flows by.
While resting on the bottom,
If song comes from the heart
Then first the grass, handful of sand 
Our lips will not apart.

I was born so long ago,
That I can't even talk.
A city I see in my dreams,
On shore of weathered rock,
While sleeping on a river bed,
And from the depth I see,
A distant light, a tower, 
A glowing star in green.

I was born so long ago,
That if you'd come to me
And lay your hand upon my eyes - 
It's only lie I'd see
While I can't hold you strong enough
And if you go away
And I won't follow you like blind - 
That would be lie, I'd say.

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