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A little mass

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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What I did to want to making? 
Nether poem, nether playing. 
What you thought or what desired 
I was sick but kept in mind. 

You did come to me with question: 
"Why desire were you wasting? 
Why not saying it all out? 
I'll be (a) very proud!" 

On the place, where I was sitting 
I lay down do not thinking 
You were taking it with pleasure 
That the reasion I imagine 

Can me talk a little more, then? 
Let's remember don't be bother 
You came closer, you were cool 
But in minutes turned you poor. 

Did this really so embrassing? 
Pitty boy, don't be so massing 
Yeah, it turns funny case, 
Our first time in that place!

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