Суханов Владимир Николаевич : другие произведения.

The programme Inventive Creation (Education)

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    The educational programme is an extra-curriculum for some students of colleges and technical institutes and universities of the natural sciences departments

   Copyright - Vladimir Sukhanov 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003


Author - Vladimir Sukhanov
Translation by Valentina Sukhanov


   The educational programme is an extra-curriculum for some students of colleges and technical institutes and universities of the natural sciences departments.

"... and a case, God is the inventor."
A.S. Pushkin, 1829.


Explanatory note

   The inventor's creation is one of the earliest and first-rate forms of human activity. An inventor, who does not fear to think and to see world in his own way, is the dreamer and the crank. Designation of the inventor is to be first in such field, which is most interesting for him. He is first who has a capability to see the problem, to comprehend and to solve it. And only in time it becomes understanding for all. New is born as "heresy" and then becomes usual thing. Achievements in all areas of sciences and technology, which humanity has on this day, it would not take place without the cranks and the dreamers: inventor.
   The first aim of the course is to help some gifted young people to realize their creative personalities which are too needed for society. The second aim of the course is to help them not be lost in the flow of knowledge and to help fasting their spiritual and moral bases.
   The known courses of technical creation are based on study and use of Theory of Inventive Problems Solving (TIPS) which does not always let a student to develop of the technical solution on an invention level, but often, it blocks his creative activity, it leads to the result which is contrary that desired.
   The proposed course is based on the stimulation of the creative activity of the students, with this TIPS is given a secondary role.
   The purpose of course are:
- to reveal among the students such, who are capable to think boldly, non-traditionally, non-standard;
- to support this ability;
- to help in forming as inventors;
- to learn them independently to shield their copyrights ;
- to give them all necessary for this knowledge.
   The course aim can be achieved in the creative group, whose leader must have:
- the experience of himself independent creative and patent work;
- author's certificates and patents for himself inventions, which he developed and protected by itself.
   Leader, as an inventor and a pent engineer, obligates constantly to follow all changes in the legislation in the field of the intellectual property, into patent work. Furthermore, the leader personality has a great influence on the all creative process.
   Young people, who are trained on the course "Inventive Creation" making their inventions, work in the patent fund. They obtain the habits of patent work. They are introduced to the Association of Inventors; they get assurance in their creative capabilities. Their discipline is strengthened, accuracy and patience is developed and horizon is enlarged.
   The course "Inventive Creation" is calculated for 32 hours of the theoretical work and on 102 hours of the practical-creative work, in all on 136 hours, 68 of them are lectures and other 68 are consultations.
   The time proportion can be changed. It depends of the student's theoretical training.
   At the end of the course the students should send the applications on their possible inventions to THE NATIONAL PATENT OFFICE. The course is considered as a successfully passed and the bases of patent work are mastered, if the positive solutions of formal examination will be obtained by the student. The course is considered as a successfully final if the solution about the patent is got by the student. And only in this case it is considered that the leader managed with his work.
   Work on the programme for the course "Inventive Creation" was began in Bionics Research Laboratory of Kazan State University in 1982. The first version of the programme was approved in 1983 in a group of 14 students of 4-th years of Kazan State University of the physics department.
9 students obtained 2 author's certificates on their inventions (two subgroups of co-authors).
  -- 1 subgroup (4 students) got the author's certificate OF THE USSR N 1192970, ICI: B25I15/00 was published in 1985 BI N 43.
  -- 2 subgroups (5 students) got the author's certificate OF THE USSR N 1201128, ICI: B25I15/00 was published in 1985 BI N 48.
   The work on the program was continued in 1994 in Academic College with Kazan State University among the studying of tenth classes. Six (6) students, who entered the group, four achieved the results:
  -- three study-inventors obtained the solution about the delivery of their patent for 1 invention on application N 95107104;
  -- one student obtained 2 patents for his inventions (patents of Russian Federation
N 2077458 and N 2094262).
   The work was stopped because of local traditions.

Preparatory work

   As the practice showed, the selection of young people for the course "Inventive Creation" should take place among such students who have excellent result on one of the following subjects: physics, chemistry, in the specialty. As a rule, the future inventors are not characterized by many-sided developed. The work should take start in a group not more than 20 people.

Themes of Classes



   1. Introductory class
2. Determine inventive abilities
3. Determine inventions
4. Make initial application on inventions
5. Do patent search
6. Make application materials
7. Send the application materials to NATIONAL PATENT OFFICE.
   It is more preferably to have regularly classes by 4 hours a week. Leader determines time for the student's adoption by each theme because the time depends on abilities and knowledge of the students.



   Historical information (about inventors and their work)
   Conception of the intellectual property:
  -- privilege;
  -- invention;
  -- discovery;
  -- useful model;
  -- industrial model;
  -- patent, license.
   Factors of the inventions development:
  -- illumination, personal initiative;
  -- order, social need;
  -- necessity, unforeseen confluence of circumstances;
  -- questions of the society.
   Examples: applications on the inventions, license and piracy.
   Purpose and tasks

Homework for next class:

   Each student must consider and select a field of his technical activity and a problem, which he will be work on.
   1. Leader proposes (approximately) the following questions to his pupils as his help :
  -- What field of your interests is?
  -- What do you want to dedicate your life to?
  -- What do you make when you remain alone?
  -- What do you reflect in your free time for?
  -- What did you like to make in your childhood?
   2. Each student must decide preliminarily if he will be work alone or in a group of co-authors.
   Leader of the course invites to the subsequent classes only of those students, which have interest or arose interest to the inventive creation. (As a rule, number of students is reduced after this theme in the group.)


   Analyse homework.
Removal "prohibitions" on thinking.
   1. Working on an invention includes three basic stages:
- problem formulation
- creative solution of the problem
- design embodiment.
   All those stages must be solved by innovative, creative method. Therefore it suffices to ascertain that a student can manage with one of those stages in order to make a conclusion about his possibilities. As a rule, it is proposed to the student the first stage: formulation of a problem. In this case a leader is became clear if can a student to look at the surrounding us world critically without the elements of faultfinding and cavils. A conclusion about the inventive abilities of a student is made on the correctly and originally formulated creative task.
   2. After the second theme is determined a number and a composition of the creative groups of students (co-authors) who will be working on one assumed invention. Classes on all subsequent themes with the each creative group must be taken out separately. A number of co-authors should not exceed 6 people; otherwise the group will be divided independently into 2 or 3 subgroups for developing their different invention that would complicate the work of a leader.

Homework for next class:

   1. Each prevailing creative group of students (co-authors) must be prepared for a report about their possible invention.
   2. Each student must be prepared for discussion with their opponents.
Next purposes are pursued of training the student to discuss with his opponents:
  -- to avoid the excessive motions and gestures;
  -- to present clearly and accessibly a history of the problem, need and possible methods of its solution;
  -- to master culture of dialogue (competently and clear to express his thoughts, to know how correctly to ask questions, validly to relate to his opponent).
   3. At that, an intention of a student will have been taken more clear forms and will have been determined the methods of its realization.

3. Detection of INVENTIONS

   Presentation of homework and discussion
   1. Creatively talented students are able to suggest, at least, one presumable invention at once. Task of an instructor, providing the independence in the work of the student, without denying the deliberately doubtful solutions, to ensure the correct selection of the student: what invention he should be continued the work above?
   2. Students must work on their inventions and application materials on his invention independently. This is the basic difficulty of the course "Inventive Creation".
   3. For guarantied successful work an instructor may use:
- method of control questions, method of
analogise, method of ideal final result;
- conclusions of historical regularities of the development of technology;
- physical, geometric, biological, technical effects and phenomena.
   In this case it is necessary to teach a student to ask himself about himself operation. Any leading question of an instructor is considered as a defect in his work. Students must make all their creative work independently.


   Shortly on patent work and it laws. Application materials and the rules of their making:
  -- application for the patent;
  -- description of the invention with the formula and the figures;
  -- abstract;
  -- receipt about the payment of patent duty.
   Prepare illustrates.
   1. The information are obtained by study must completely correspond to make up of their concrete application.
   2. Studying of patent work and composition of the application materials passes to the state of the creative lift of students, which ensures the mastery/adoption of the course so compressed periods.
   3. If several students work in one group then leader should familiarize them with the creative ethics and the need for the security of all work.


   Steps patent search.
Rules of work in the Patent Fund
Work in the Patent Fund:
  -- determination of the international class of the invention (ICI);
  -- examination of the nearest analogise of the invention;
  -- selection of a prototype of the invention.
Write of the initial version of the formula of the invention.
   Students work in the patent fund independently. Leader acts as a consultant. While the search is done the student naturally compares his invention with the known which he looked through. This convinces the student in significance and correctness of his work direction. After this, the student do not afraid any more sceptical attitude to him as to deliberately incapable to the creative work.


   1. Make application on invention.
   2. Make description for invention:
- final version of formula of the invention;
- name of the invention;
- field of using;
- description of the nearest analogise and their criticism;
- description of its prototype;
- criticism of the prototype;
- object of the invention;
- essence of the invention;
- comparative analysis of the invention with its prototype;
- list of the graphics;
- description of the technical solution in the static;
- description of the technical solution in the dynamics;
- examples of concrete using;
- technical and economic efficacy.
   3. Make reference of article.
   4. Preparation for receipts about the payment of patent duties and information about the privileges.
   Description of the invention is made by student by analogy with the prototype. Editorial correcting of the text of the description of the invention of the students is allowed from a leader. The rules of making up of the applications for the inventions can be repeated from arising questions at the students.
Leader(as a consultant) answers to all questions connected with the objects of physics, chemistry, drawing, patent work and Laws with exception of the creative work on the invention, which must be his independent work from the beginning to the end.

7. Send the application materials to NATIONAL PATENT OFFICE.

   Correspondence with the NATIONAL PATENT OFFICE
   Students must understand that their inventions are their personal property and their personal concern. The work of their leader must be limited by answers on questions of the students in the volume of reference information and knowledge.


   When a student obtain patent for his invention then that invention is analyzed according to TIPS. If the developed invention does not correspond to any known methods of the theory then the invention is analyses to the development of new method, which can enrich TIPS.
   Initially TIPS was conceived as a result of the analysis of the successful work of the inventors. Now TIPS can be examined separately from natural inventiveness (revelation). TIPS can be developed and be improved according to the laws of the development of natural sciences.
   Inventor, developing his invention, as a rule, from the beginning knows, what he wants, and after several attempts (but often after several ten, hundreds of attempts) aim not only is achieved, but also specifically it is personified into new technical solution.
   In TIPS the intuitive (revelation) work of an inventor they erroneously carried to the method of "samples and errors". Combinatorial analysis teaches that in this case it is necessary to make a number of samples equal n! (factorial), where n - volume of the scientific and technical knowledge of the inventor. With the normal scientific and technical horizon for inventor it would be necessary to sort out the countless number of combinations. Consequently, by this method, in principle, could not be developed one invention.
   Instruction was take place in two versions: "rigid" and "soft".
   "Rigid" version it is consultations without preliminary preparation then in this case, as a rule, one of ten students can pass the all course.
   "Soft" version it is consultations with the preliminary acquaintance on lessons of physics. Students and his instructor, using general education training programme, under the normal conditions for training process become acquainted, started to understand each other, found the ways of mutual confidence, they determined the fields of the interests of each other. On the basis of mutual interest and curiosity some students obtain invitation or they themselves express the desire to visit the course "Inventive Creation ".
   P.S. The work according to the proposed programme can be realized with the solution of two problems:
1. Need in inventors and their inventions in the society.
2. Compatibilities of the principles of the programme with the principles of base process of training of educational organizations.
   The author is Vladimir Sukhanov.
   Description of the programme of the course Inventive Creation was registered as intellectual product in the All-Russian scientific and technical centre (VNTIC) of the ministry of industry, science and technologies of the Russian federation on 14 December of 2000 years under number 72200000046. The text is stored in the information fund VNTIC.
It is published in the
bulletin VNTIC "Ideas. Hypothesises. Solutions" N1, 2001.
   The article was published in the book "Inventive Creation" (ISBN 5-94990-002-2) in Russian language in 2003.
   Copyright - Vladimir Sukhanov 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003


Author - Vladimir Sukhanov
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