In the middle of the large sea was an island of stone. And inside stone there was a lake, which, as well as the large sea, was of water.
Water has told to a stone:
I want to be whole. Give me to integrate.
Is not present. the Stone has answered. I lay here billions years and nothing change. And nothing will.
Well. Water has told then. I will become free anyway, though me will come to destroy you.
Hah! Stone has answered. How you, soft, senseless, can destroy me, firm, constant?
It is very simple. Water has told. I move. With the sun I raise, with a wind fly far, I fall by rain and flow. Then I rise again. And people build of you, constant, channels to keep my movement.
We shall look. Stone has told and broken off, keeping his changelessness.
And water has risen, by a rain fallen in lake and begun flow washing away a stone. She washed away pieces of a stone and they, moving with her, helped to wash out her road. Water flew, rose, fell and flew again.
Eternity passed.
Water washed a road through a Stone and became free. Because she moved, and what can resist motion?