Strategic and Non-strategic Nuclear Systems. In 1986 the United States will begin deployment of the ten-warhead MIRV LGM-118 Peacekeeper (MX) missile. The first two missiles are expected to be placed in modified Minuteman III silos in September; the first wing of 10 missiles should become operational in December. The US Congress has authorized the deployment of 50 MX missiles, which should be completed by 1988. So far Congress has actually funded 33 missiles (including test vehicles and spares).
At the same time, the US continues the phased retirement of the single-warhead Titan II ICBM. During the last twelve months it withdrew a further 16 of these, leaving a total of 10 in inventory, with two more to be withdrawn by the end of 1986. lt intends to eliminate the Titan II completely by November 1987.
The United States also plans to intitiate full-scale development of the proposed small ICBM (SICBM or Midgetman), and funds are requested in the current budget, but continued controversy over the weight of the missile, basing options and the number of warheads to be deployed may lead to delays.
The US SLBM program has become bound up in the domestic debate over continued observance of the ungratified SALT II Treaty. During the past year the US increased from 6 to 8 the number of operational Ohio-class SSBN (one of which is still on sea trials). This deployment meant an increase of 48 Trident I (C-4) SLBM. Concurrently, a total of 48 Poseidon SLBM have been withdrawn, keeping the US within the SALT II ceilings (both for missiles with MIRV-equipped warheads and for combined MIRV-equipped warheads and heavy bombers with ALCM). The next year's budget includes funds to begin procurement of the first 21 Trident II (D-5) SLBM, scheduled to begin deployment at the end of the decade.
Delivery of the B-1B strategic bomber began a year ago; by 1 July 1986 19 of these aircraft had been fielded. The first squadron will be fully operational in September 1986, while the second squadron will begin receiving its aircraft in January 1987. Funding has now been authorized for all the 100 planned B-1Bs; the US Air Force has no plans at present to purchase additional bombers of this type, looking instead to deployment of the ATB (or 'Stealth') bomber in the 1990s.
The United States continues the process of converting B-52 strategic bombers to ALCM carriers, with the 131st B-52 to be converted scheduled to be ready by the end of 1986. If no compensating actions are taken, completion of this conversion will cause the US to exceed the SALT II limits for missiles with MIRV-equipped warheads and bombers with ALCM.
The programme to improve detection and early warning systems continues. The upgrading of the BMEWS (Ballistic Missile Early Warning System) radar in Thule, Greenland is near completion, while work continues at Fylingdales, England (scheduled for completion around 1990). Construction of the fourth Pave Paws SLBM detection radar in Texas is expected to be completed in the coming year and work continues on converting the DEW (Distant Early Warning) line to the updated 'North Warning System', including new unmanned automatic systems.
The catastrophic Challenger shuttle accident and the launch failures of two unmanned boosters has meant delay in launching a number of planned military and reconnaissance satellite systems, though the extent of the impact on US programmes and capabilities is difficult to state with certainty.
The US Administration continues to place a high priority on strategic defence research, funding for which virtually doubled in the last year (from $1.4 billion to $2.7 billion).
The United States has completed the replacement of Pershing IA SSM with the Pershing II, with the deployment of 108 missiles in West Germany and a training battalion and 42 launchers available in the United States as possible replacement or reinforcement systems. GLCM deployment in Western Europe continues, with 128 currently operational.
Conventional Forces The US Army continues to examine its infantry divisional organization and equipment, and some further reorganization is reported to be under consideration for the air assault and airborne divisions. Equipment modernization programmes continue. The proportion of M-1 Abrams in the main battle tank inventory has risen from 21%to 33% at the expense of M-48 and M-60. There has been a 62% increase in the numbers of Bradley M-2/M-3 MICV in the year. The artillery presentation format has been changed in this edition in order to make identification of calibres and totals easier.
The Navy shows an increase of six Los Angeles-class attack submarines. In the surface fleet there are two more Ticonderoga cruisers and five more Perry-class guided-missile frigates. The deployment of SLCM continues, both in the Los Angeles-class SSN (five of which carry 12 Tomahawk each) and in the battleships (all three of which carry 32). The missile will also be fitted in the Ticonderoga-class cruisers. The Near Term Prepostioning Force of supply vessels to support the US Marine Corps deployments abroad has been replaced by three squadrons of Maritime Pre-positioning Ships. The third squadron, which is now being loaded, will be deployed to the Philippines later in 1986. There has been a significant increase in naval combat aviation strength with the delivery of some 180 F/A-18. The US Marine Corps continues to upgrade its vehicle inventory, with deliveries of the LVT and LAV. Its 105mm light howitzers have been withdrawn, replaced by the 155mm. To augment the existing Marine Corps AV-8A/C Harriers, 30 AV-8B V/STOL attack aircraft have entered service.
The US Air Force's most notable accession has been over 400 F-16, bringing the total of that type to 977. This increase has also benefited the Air National Guard (ANG) and the Air Force Reserve, both of which have received some of these aircraft. Procurement of the F-15 continues. The F-4 AD squadron in Iceland has been re-equipped with 18 of the type. The F-106 in Regular and Air National Guard interceptor duties remains, although replacement of F-106 with F-15 and F-16 has begun. The F-15 is being improved and the later 'dual role' E models (air superiority and interdiction) are planned to replace some of the earlier versions in the active forces. The Air Force also continues a multi-faceted airlift improvement programme, with completion of the re-winging of the C-5A inventory, initial deployment of the C-5B and continued full-scale engineering development of the C-17 intra- and inter-theatre cargo aircraft all expected in the next year.
The US Coast Guard - whose expenditures fall outside the Department of Defense budget, but which, nevertheless, is legally a part of the Armed Forces - has made significant increases to its medium-endurance cutter and patrol craft inventories. Both programmes continue. There has also been some augmentation and improvement of its helicopter inventory. All these developments enhance the Coast Guard's capability to conduct anti-drug patrols, a task in which it is assisted by elements of the other Services.
US Defence Budget After seven years of rising federal deficits reaching $212 billion in 1985, Congress and the Administration agreed to an automatic budget cutting plan to balance the US budget by 1991. The Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (better known as the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Plan) modified the congressional budgeting process and mandated radical domestic and defence spending reductions over the next five years. Senate conservatives and the Administration saw the law as a means to guarantee domestic spending cuts. House liberals agreed to the proposal as a means to slash the defence budget and pressure the Reagan Administration to raise taxes. Both liberals and conservatives viewed automatic across-the-board spending cuts as the worst-case scenario, should they fail to agree to an adequate revenue and spending plan to reduce the deficit.
Most importantly, the Gramm-Rudman Act set specific deficit targets for the next five fiscal years; FY 1986 $172 bn; FY 1987 $144 bn; FY 1988 $108 bn; FY 1989 $72 bn; FY 1990 $36 bn; FY 1991 no deficit. If Congress and the President could not agree to a spending plan within $10 bn of the maximum deficit amounts, the Act required automatic spending cuts (known as sequestration) involving equal percentage reductions in all budget accounts, except for those exempted: social security, Medicaid, food stamps and interest on the federal debt, which are more than a third of the domestic budget. The Supreme Court eventually ruled the enforcement provisions unconstitutional, because they involved a congressional officer (the Comptroller General) rather than the Executive branch in making the spending cuts. The Congress is considering ways to meet the Supreme Court's technical objection, and broad public support exists for meeting the deficit targets.
The new congressional budgeting process contained in the Gramm-Rudman legislation requires that the President submit his budget in early January. Congress subsequently must pass one budget resolution (rather than two) which contains specific spending instructions to the authorization and appropriations committees -known as reconciliation -and requires these committees to report bills that meet the spending limits set in the budget resolution. Previously the authorization and appropriations committees could ignore the recommended spending amounts in congressional budget resolutions. The President cannot veto the budget resolution but he may, as in the past, veto individual appropriation and authorization bills. The new budget process is being used in 1986 for the spending decisions for FY 1987.
Changing Times at The Pentagon The Reagan Administration's defence build-up is over. Table I outlines how the final FY 1986 national defence spending total came about. Six months after Reagan's initial request, Congress and the Administration agreed to hold FY 1986 defence spending to 0% real growth, followed by 3% real growth in FY 1987 and FY 1988. Mid-term re-estimates of defence spending and the adoption of Gramm-Rudman further reduced Reagan's original request. The first round of automatic spending cuts, totalling $11.7 bn in federal outlays, were triggered on 1 March 1986. Defence spending for FY 1986 was cut by $5.4 bn in outlays and $14.1 bn in budget authority. For FY 1986 only, the Gramm-Rudman Act allows the Administration to shelter some military programmes from automatic reductions. The President chose to protect most military personnel accounts, SDI funding, and a few multi-year procurement contracts. The rest of the defence budget was uniformly cut by 4.9%. Despite these measures the current FY 1986 deficit may be close to $230 bn - leaving some doubt about future abilities to manage the deficit. Nearly all observers believe that it will be impossible for the government to continue increasing defence expenditure in the current political and economic environment. Major spending categories for the past decade are found in Table II. For FY 1987 the Reagan Administration requested $320.3 bn in BA and $282.2 bn in outlays, representing 7.9% and 2.0% real increases respectively. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the request underestimates national defence outlays by almost $15 bn.
The result of the current budget-cutting mood in Washington is that defence spending is being cut for fiscal rather than strategic reasons. Pentagon planners have already had to cut more than $250 bn from the $1.8 trillion FY 1987-91 defence plan.
In the next few months Congress and the Reagan Administration will need to make several strategic as well as budget-cutting decisions in order to accommodate a decreasing amount of defence resources. The cuts are such that merely deferring or cancelling a few controversial procurement programmes, such as the C-17 transport aircraft, the Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) or the Bradley MICV will be enough. According to analyses by the Congressional Budget Office, radical cuts in the readiness accounts, including ammunition, flying time and manning levels, would save only $11-17 bn in outlays and BA for FY 1987. Cutting procurement levels to below replacement rates while preserving readiness accounts would offer long-term savings but fewer dividends in the short run (in the region of $10-15 bn in outlays and $54-62 bn in BA for FY 1987). Even if the Pentagon cancelled the major nuclear programmes and SDI, only about $7.0 bn in outlays and $18.0 bn in BA would be saved.
Since his first inauguration, President Reagan's defence build-up has been pared down from the amounts initially planned. In his first comprehensive five-year defence plan submitted in 1982, the Administration projected FY 1986 national defence spending as $375.2 bn in BA and $324.4 bn in outlays, whereas it actually totalled much less. As shown in Table III, spending in all major categories has increased, but the biggest increase is the doubling of the procurement account. Both nuclear and conventional force modernization received early spending priorities which raised procurement expenditure to a higher plateau than envisaged by the previous Administration. All four services have benefited from the huge growth in the investment budget. In fact, the relative budget shares of the Navy, Army and Marine Corps have remained relatively static, although the Air Force share has grown recently as new strategic systems are funded.
Historically, American defence spending has shown a series of surges and falls, while Soviet spending seems to follow a slow steady upward path. President Reagan has improved the United States military posture with new equipment. The question is whether the United States will be able to maintain defence expenditure at a high level or whether it will follow the pattern of the last forty years.
Стратегические и нестратегические ядерные системы В 1986 году США приступят к развертыванию десятиблочной ракеты MIRV LGM-118 Peacekeeper (MX). Первые две ракеты, как ожидается, будут размещены в модифицированных шахтах Minuteman III в сентябре; первое крыло из 10 ракет должно вступить в строй в декабре. Конгресс США санкционировал развертывание 50 ракет MX, которое должно быть завершено к 1988 году. До сих пор конгресс фактически финансировал 33 ракеты (включая испытательные и запасные части).
В то же время США продолжают поэтапный вывод МБР Titan II с одной боеголовкой. За последние двенадцать месяцев они сняли еще 16 из них, оставив в общей сложности 10 в запасах, а еще два должны быть сняты к концу 1986 года. к ноябрю 1987 года Титан-II будет полностью уничтожен.
Соединенные Штаты также планируют приступить к полномасштабной разработке предлагаемой малой МБР (SICBM или Midgetman), и в нынешнем бюджете испрашиваются средства, однако продолжающиеся споры по поводу веса ракеты, вариантов базирования и количества боеголовок могут привести к задержкам.
Американская программа БРПЛ оказалась вовлеченной во внутренние дебаты по поводу дальнейшего соблюдения ненормированного договора ОСВ II. За прошедший год США увеличили с 6 до 8 количество действующих ПЛАРБ типа Ohio (одна из которых все еще находится на морских испытаниях). Это развертывание означало увеличение на 48 БРПЛ Trident I (C-4). Одновременно было выведено в общей сложности 48 ПЛАРБ Poseidon, что удержало США в пределах потолков SALT II (как для ракет с боеголовками, оснащенными MIRV, так и для комбинированных боеголовок, оснащенных MIRV, и тяжелых бомбардировщиков с ALCM). В бюджете на следующий год предусмотрены средства для начала закупки первых 21 БРПЛ Trident II (D-5), развертывание которых планируется начать в конце десятилетия.
Поставка стратегического бомбардировщика B-1B началась год назад, к 1 июля 1986 года было выпущено 19 таких самолетов. Первая эскадрилья будет полностью введена в строй в сентябре 1986 года, а вторая эскадрилья начнет принимать свои самолеты в январе 1987 года. В настоящее время финансирование санкционировано для всех 100 запланированных B-1B; в настоящее время ВВС США не планируют приобретать дополнительные бомбардировщики этого типа, вместо этого переведя внимание на развертывание бомбардировщика ATB (или "стелс") в 1990-х годах.
Соединенные Штаты продолжают процесс преобразования стратегических бомбардировщиков B-52 в носители ALCM, а 131-й B-52 планируется переоборудовать к концу 1986 года. Если не будут приняты компенсационные меры, завершение этой конверсии заставит США превысить пределы ОСВ II для ракет с боеголовками, оснащенными MIRV, и бомбардировщиков с ALCM.
Продолжается осуществление программы совершенствования систем обнаружения и раннего предупреждения. В Туле, Гренландия, близится к завершению модернизация радиолокатора BMEWS (системы раннего предупреждения о баллистических ракетах), в то время как в Файлингдейлсе, Англия, продолжаются работы (которые планируется завершить примерно в 1990 году). Ожидается, что строительство четвертого Pave Paws SLBM detection radar в Техасе будет завершено в следующем году, и продолжаются работы по преобразованию линии DEW (Distant Early Warning) в обновленную "Северную систему предупреждения", включая новые беспилотные автоматические системы.
Катастрофическая авария шаттла Challenger и неудачи запуска двух беспилотных ускорителей привели к задержке запуска ряда запланированных военных и разведывательных спутниковых систем, хотя степень воздействия на программы и возможности США трудно с уверенностью утверждать.
Администрация США продолжает уделять приоритетное внимание стратегическим оборонным исследованиям, финансирование которых за последний год практически удвоилось (с $1,4 млрд до $2,7 млрд).
Соединенные Штаты завершили замену БР Pershing IA на Pershing II, развернув 108 ракет в Западной Германии и учебный батальон и 42 пусковые установки, имеющиеся в Соединенных Штатах в качестве возможных систем замены или усиления. Развертывание GLCM в Западной Европе продолжается, и в настоящее время функционирует 128.
Обычные вооруженные силы Армия США продолжает изучать организацию и оснащение своих пехотных дивизий, и, как сообщается, рассматривается вопрос о дальнейшей реорганизации воздушно-штурмовых и воздушно-десантных дивизий. Продолжаются программы модернизации оборудования. Доля М-1 Abrams в основном боевом танковом инвентаре возросла с 21% до 33% за счет М-48 и М-60. В течение года наблюдалось увеличение на 62% числа БМП Bradley M-2/M-3. Формат презентации артиллерии был изменен в этом издании, чтобы облегчить идентификацию калибров и итогов.
Флот показывает увеличение на шесть ударных подводных лодок класса Los Angeles. В надводном флоте добавилось еще два крейсера Ticonderoga и пять ракетных фрегатов класса Perry. Продолжается развертывание КРМБ как на ПЛА класса Los Angeles (пять из которых несут по 12 Tomahawk), так и на линкорах (все три несут по 32). Ракета также будет установлена на крейсерах класса Ticonderoga. В ближайшей перспективе силы снабжения судов для поддержки развертывания Корпуса морской пехоты США за рубежом были заменены тремя эскадрами морских судов предварительного позиционирования. Третья эскадра, которая сейчас загружается, будет развернута на Филиппинах позже в 1986 году. Было отмечено значительное увеличение численности морской боевой авиации с поставкой около 180 F/A-18. Корпус морской пехоты США продолжает модернизировать свой инвентарь транспортных средств с поставками LVT и LAV. Легкие гаубицы 105-мм были заменены на 155-мм. В дополнение к существующим истребителям AV-8A/C морской пехоты на вооружение поступило 30 штурмовиков ВВП AV-8B.
Наиболее пополнением ВВС США было более 400 F-16, в результате чего общее количество этого типа составило 977. Это увеличение также пошло в Национальную гвардию ВВС (ANG) и резерв ВВС, которые получили некоторые из этих самолетов. Закупки F-15 продолжаются. Эскадрилья F-4 ПВО в Исландии была перевооружена на 18 таких самолетов. F-106 в регулярных ВВС и Национальной гвардии в роли перехватчика остаются, хотя замена F-106 на F-15 и F-16 началась. F-15 совершенствуется, а более поздние модели "двойной роли" E (превосходство в воздухе и перехват) планируется заменят некоторые из более ранних версий в активных силах. Военно-воздушные силы также продолжают осуществление многогранной программы совершенствования воздушных перевозок, в рамках которой, как ожидается, в следующем году будут завершены работы по переоснащению с С-5А на C-5В и продолжена полномасштабная инженерная разработка грузовых самолетов C-17 для перевозок внутри театра военных действий и между театрами военных действий.
Береговая охрана США, расходы которой выходят за рамки бюджета Министерства обороны, но которая, тем не менее, юридически является частью Вооруженных сил, значительно увеличила свои силы катеров средней дальности и патрульных судов. Обе программы продолжаются. Кроме того, были внесены некоторые дополнения и улучшения в их вертолетный парк. Все эти события расширяют возможности береговой охраны по осуществлению патрулирования в целях борьбы с наркотиками, в чем ей помогают сотрудники других служб.
Оборонный бюджет США После семи лет роста дефицита федерального бюджета, достигшего 212 миллиардов долларов в 1985 году, Конгресс и администрация согласились на автоматическое сокращение бюджета, чтобы сбалансировать бюджет США к 1991 году. Закон 1985 года о сбалансированном бюджете и контроле за чрезвычайным дефицитом (более известный как план Грэмма-Радмана-Холлингса) изменил бюджетный процесс Конгресса и предписал радикальное сокращение внутренних и оборонных расходов в течение следующих пяти лет. Сенатские консерваторы и администрация рассматривали закон как средство гарантировать сокращение внутренних расходов. Либералы Палаты представителей согласились с предложением сократить оборонный бюджет и оказать давление на администрацию Рейгана с целью повышения налогов. И либералы, и консерваторы рассматривали автоматическое повсеместное сокращение расходов как наихудший сценарий, если они не согласятся на адекватный план доходов и расходов для сокращения дефицита.
Самое главное, закон Грэмма-Рудмана установил конкретные целевые показатели дефицита на следующие пять финансовых лет: FY 1986 $172 млрд; FY 1987 $144 млрд; FY 1988 $108 млрд; FY 1989 $72 млрд; FY 1990 $36 млрд; FY 1991 без дефицита. Если Конгресс и президент не могли договориться о плане расходов в пределах 10 млрд. долл. США от максимального дефицита, закон требовал автоматического сокращения расходов (известного как секвестр), предусматривающего равные процентные сокращения на всех бюджетных счетах, за исключением тех, которые освобождены: социальное обеспечение, медицина, продовольственные талоны и проценты по федеральному долгу, которые составляют более трети внутреннего бюджета. В конечном итоге Верховный суд признал положения об исполнении неконституционными, поскольку они предусматривали участие сотрудника Конгресса (генерального контролера), а не исполнительной власти в сокращении расходов. Конгресс рассматривает пути удовлетворения технических возражений Верховного суда, и широкая общественность поддерживает достижение целевых показателей дефицита.
Новый бюджетный процесс Конгресса, содержащийся в законодательстве Грэмма-Радмана, требует, чтобы президент представил свой бюджет в начале января. Впоследствии Конгресс должен принять одну бюджетную резолюцию (а не две), которая содержит конкретные инструкции по расходованию средств комитетам по санкционированию и ассигнованиям - известную как выверка - и требует, чтобы эти комитеты представляли доклады о законопроектах, которые соответствуют лимитам расходов, установленным в бюджетной резолюции. Ранее комитеты по санкционированию и ассигнованиям могли игнорировать рекомендованные суммы расходов в бюджетных резолюциях Конгресса. Президент не может наложить вето на резолюцию по бюджету, но он может, как и в прошлом, наложить вето на отдельные законопроекты об ассигнованиях и санкционировании. Новый бюджетный процесс используется в 1986 году для принятия решений о расходах за 1987 финансовый год.
Перемены в Пентагоне Укрепление обороны администрации Рейгана закончилось. В таблице I показано, как в 1986 году был получен итоговый общий объем расходов на национальную оборону. Через шесть месяцев после первоначального запроса Рейгана Конгресс и администрация согласились сохранить расходы на оборону на уровне 0% реального роста, за которым последовал 3% реального роста в 1987 и 1988 годах. Среднесрочная переоценка оборонных расходов и принятие Грэмма-Радмана еще больше сократили первоначальный запрос Рейгана. 1 марта 1986 года начался первый раунд автоматического сокращения расходов на общую сумму 11,7 млрд. долл. Расходы на оборону за 1986 финансовый год были сокращены на 5,4 млрд. долл. Только в 1986 финансовом году Закон Грэмма-Рудмана позволяет администрации укрывать некоторые военные программы от автоматического сокращения. Президент решил защитить большинство счетов военного персонала, финансирование SDI и несколько многолетних контрактов на закупки. Остальная часть оборонного бюджета была сокращена на 4,9%. Несмотря на эти меры, текущий дефицит FY 1986 может быть близок к $230 млрд, что оставляет некоторые сомнения в будущих способностях управлять дефицитом. Почти все наблюдатели считают, что правительство не сможет продолжать увеличивать расходы на оборону в нынешних политических и экономических условиях. Основные категории расходов за последнее десятилетие приводятся в таблице II. За 1987 финансовый год администрация Рейгана запросила $320,3 млрд в BA и $ 282,2 млрд в расходах, что составляет 7,9% и 2,0% реального увеличения соответственно. Бюджетное управление Конгресса считает, что запрос недооценивает расходы на национальную оборону почти на $ 15 млрд.
В результате нынешнего настроения Вашингтона по поводу сокращения бюджета расходы на оборону сокращаются скорее по финансовым, чем по стратегическим причинам. Планировщикам Пентагона уже пришлось сократить более $250 млрд из плана обороны на $ 1,8 трлн.
В следующих нескольких месяцах Конгрессу и администрации Рейгана нужно будет принять несколько стратегических, а также бюджетных решений, чтобы учесть сокращение объема оборонных ресурсов. Сокращения таковы, что будет достаточно просто отложить или отменить несколько спорных программ закупок, таких как транспортный самолет C-17, усовершенствованная ракета средней дальности "воздух-воздух" (AMRAAM) или БМП Bradley. Согласно анализу Бюджетного управления Конгресса, радикальное сокращение счетов готовности, включая боеприпасы, летное время и численность персонала, сэкономит только 11-17 млрд. долл. Снижение уровня закупок до уровня ниже уровня замещения при сохранении счетов готовности обеспечит долгосрочную экономию, но меньшее количество дивидендов в краткосрочной перспективе (в районе $10-15 млрд в расходах и $ 54-62 млрд в BA за FY 1987). Даже если бы Пентагон отменил основные ядерные программы и СОИ, было бы сэкономлено только около $7,0 млрд в расходах и $18,0 млрд в BA.
С момента его первой инаугурации, наращивание обороны президента Рейгана было сокращено от первоначально запланированных сумм. В своем первом всеобъемлющем пятилетнем плане обороны, представленном в 1982 году, администрация прогнозировала, что расходы на национальную оборону в 1986 году составят 375,2 млрд. долл. Как показано в таблице III, расходы по всем основным категориям возросли, однако наибольшее увеличение приходится на удвоение счета закупок. Как ядерная, так и обычная модернизация вооруженных сил получила ранние приоритеты расходов, которые повысили расходы на закупки до более высокого уровня, чем предполагалось предыдущей администрацией. Все четыре службы выиграли от огромного роста инвестиционного бюджета. Фактически относительная доля бюджета Военно-Морского Флота, армии и морской пехоты остается относительно неизменной, хотя доля Военно-Воздушных сил в последнее время возросла по мере финансирования новых стратегических систем.
Исторически американские расходы на оборону демонстрировали ряд скачков и падений, в то время как советские расходы, похоже, медленно и неуклонно растут. Президент Рейган улучшил военную позицию Соединенных Штатов с помощью новой техники. Вопрос заключается в том, смогут ли Соединенные Штаты сохранить расходы на оборону на высоком уровне или же они будут следовать модели последних сорока лет.
THE UNTIED STATES GDP 1984: $3,619.2 bn; 1985e: $3,839.0 bn
growth 1984: 4.4% 1985: 2.2%
Inflation1984: 4.3% 1985: 3.6%
Debt 1985: $410.0 bn
Def bdgt 1985: $284.7 bn NATO defn $266.642 bn
1986e: $292.553 bn NATO defn n.a.
Population: 240,900,000
18-30 31-45 Men 27,500,000 26,600,000
Women 27,100,000 26,560,000
Regular: 2,143,955 (202,700 women).
Terms of Service, voluntary.
Active Reserves: 1,682,900.
National Guard: 558,400; Army 450,500; Air 107,900.
Reserve: 566,100: Army 285,600; Navy 142,000; Marines 43,000; Air Force 74,800; Coast Guard 20,700.
Individual Ready Reserves: 500,240. Army 319,000; Navy 85,000; Marines 52,000; Air Force 39,000; Coast Guard 5,240.
Standby Reserves: 86,613. Army 2,000; Navy 11,500; Marines 43,600; Air 28,700; Coast Guard 813.
Duties pre-assigned on mobilization.
Retired: some 120,000 ex-Army would be available for recall.
Civilians: 1,038,000 (to reduce to 1,024,000).
(1) Offensive (a) Navy: 640 SLBM in 36 SSBN.
SSBN (incl 6 on refit):
8 SSBN-726 Ohio (1 on trials) with 24 UGM-93A Trident I/C-4 (192 msls)
12 SSBN-640 Franklin:
6 with 16 Trident I/C-4 (96 msls)
6 with 16 UGM-73A PoseidonC-3 (96 msls)
8 SSBN-627 Madison:
6 with 16 Trident I/C-4 (96 msls)
2 with 16 Poseidon C-3 (32 msls)
8 Lafayette with 16 Poseidon C-3 (128 msls) (1 more, no msls, to retire late 1986).
(On order (to FY 1986): 5 Ohio SSBN.)
(b) Strategic Air Command (SAC) (104,000): 2 Air Forces. 12 divs (1 trg/spt).
ICBM: 1,010. 9 strategic msl wings (1 reforming) (24 sqns); sqn has 5 launch control centres.
3 wings (9 sqns) with 450 Minuteman II (LGM-30F).
3 wings (11 sqns) with 550 Minuteman III (LGM-30G) (3 MIRV).
2 wings with 10 Titan II (LGM-25C; 8 by late 1986, withdrawn by Nov 1987).
Peacekeeper (MX; LGM-118A): 2 to be installed from September, wing (10 msls) operational in Dec 1986 in mod Minuteman silos.
Aircraft: some 345 combat ac (eqpt: see p. 27); 18 bomb wings (15 B-52/B-1B, 2 FB-111,1 trg).
Bbrs: 315.
Long-range: 260.
1 wing with 19 Rockwell B-1B. (1 sqn operational Sept 1986; 2nd sqn to receive ac Jan 1987.)
4 wings (6 sqns) with 90 Boeing B-52H (converting to ALCM).
10 wings (10 bbr sqns) with 151 B-52G:
6 sqns (90 ac) with up to 20 AGM-86B ALCM or up to 20 AGM-69A SRAM
4 sqns (61 ac) with up to 12 Harpoon (2 sqns (30 ac) operational in conventional role).
Medium-range: 55.
2 wings (5 sqns, 1 trg) with General Dynamics FB-111A.
Recce: 30.
3 wings: 4 sqns:
1 with 9 Lockheed SR-71A/B, Northrop T-38A.
1 with 7 Lockheed U-2CT/R.
2 with 10 Lockheed TR-1A, 4 TR-1B (trg).
Comd: 41:
6 sqns:
1 with 4 Boeing E-4B.
5 with 21 Boeing EC-135A/C/G/L, 16 RC-135.
Tanker: 663:
6 wings: 1 gp: 50 sqns (1 trg):
32 Regular with 487 KC-135.
2 Regular with 48 McDonnell-Douglas KC-10A tanker/tpt.
13 Air National Guard sqns (104 ac).
3 Air Force Reserve sqns (24 ac).
(2) Defensive:
Space Command: Joint Service HQ, Colorado Springs; comds incl North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD),
a joint US-Cdn org (HQ: Cheyenne Mountain, USA).
Warning Systems:
1. ICBM, SLBM, satellites:
(a) Space Detection and Tracking System (SPADATS):
(i) Space Defense Operations Center (SPADOC). NORAD Combat Operation HQ, Cheyenne Mountain.
Tracking, identification, cataloguing of all space objects; command, control and c ommunications to all space-associated commands and agencies;
surveillance, protection, countering of satellites. (Replacement facility nearing completion.)
(ii) Satellites. Satellite Early Warning System (SEWS). Defense Meteorological Satellites (Defense Support Program; DSP).
TRW Block 647: 1 each over Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; DSP infra-red surveillance and warning system.
Control and tracking stations at Guam, Pine Gap and Nurrungar (Australia) (to get 6 mobile ground terminals).
Will also control Global Positioning System, navigational satellite system and MILSTAR strategic and tactical satellite comms system.
(iii) Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS). USAF 474N system with 3 stations: Clear, Alaska (AN/FPS-50, AN/FPS-92);
Thule, Greenland (AN/FPS-50, AN/FPS-49A); Fylingdales Moor, England (AN/FPS-50, -49, being upgraded).
12 radars detect and track satellites, ICBM and IRBM. 4,800-km range.
(iv) Spacetrack. USAF 496L system. FPS-17 detection, FPS-79 tracking radars at Pirinclik (Turkey); Cobra Dane, Shemya; FPS-85, BMEWS at Clear,
Thule and Fylingdales; optical tracking systems in New Mexico, California, at St Margarets (NB, Canada), Pulmosan (S. Korea), San Vito (Italy),
Maui (Hawaii), Mount John (New Zealand).
(v) Cobra Dane. Phased-array radar system at Shemya, Aleutians: 120R arc, range to 46,000 km (against space targets), augments BMEWS in Alaska.
(Cobra Judy, a Pacific-based, shipborne phased-array radar (SPQ-11), supplements Shemya and research programmes,
but is not part of SPADATS and has no early-warning function. Cobra Ball, a RC-135 airborne system, supports both.
(vi) Pacific Radar Barrier (PACBAR). Detection and tracking radars: 1 site at San Miguel, Philippines, 1 at Kwajalein Atoll, third to be selected.
(vii) Alternate Space Defense Center. 1 FPS-85 and 1 AN/FSS-7 station in Florida. Linked to Spacetrack and NAVSPASUR (see below)
through NORAD HQ; also to identify and track fractional-orbit bombardment systems (FOBS). (To be retired when PavePaws completed.)
(b) USN Space Surveillance System (NAVSPASUR). 9 field stations in south-east US (3 transmitting, 6 receiving sites and civilian agencies).
(c) Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterization System (PARCS). 1 north-facing phased-array system (130R arc, 2,800-km range) at Grand Forks ND.
Identifies and tracks individual re-entry vehicles, incl SLBM, in Central US, Arctic Ocean areas.
(Was Army Safeguard system support; to be enhanced.)
(d) Miscellanous radars. US Army: Kwajalein Atoll (Pacific). USAF: Ascension Island (Atlantic), Antigua (Caribbean), Kaena Point (Hawaii);
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Westford, Mass.
(e) Integrated Operational Nuclear Detonation Detection System (IONDS).
Detects and assesses nuclear detonations; linked to 18 NAVSTAR global positioning system satellites (8 now in service; 18 by 1988).
Nuclear test ban moritoring and intelligence collection, potential damage assessment.
(f) Under development: Ground-based Electro Optical Deep Space Surveillance system (GEODSS):
White Sands NM, Taegu (S. Korea) and Maui (Hawaii); 2 more planned, 1 in Portugal, one in Indian Ocean (Diego Garcia).
2. SLBM:
Pave Paws system. 1 phased-array radar (AN/FPS-115) each in Massachusetts and California; 5,500-km range.
1 building in Georgia (south-east), 1 in Texas (south-west).
3. Intermittent programmed recce and EUNT satellites incl:
(a) USAF: KH-8 (Close Look), 80-220-mile orbit, photographic film return.
KH-9 Big Bird replaced by KH-11: 160-400-mile polar orbit, digital imagery. KH-12 (Ikon).
(b) USN: Ocean Surveillance (OSUS). 4 satellites to detect ships by infra-red and radar.
(c) EUNT: Rhyolite, Ferret, Argus/Chalet, Magnum/Aquacade.
4. Anti-air(aircraft, cruise missile):
(a) Over-the-horizon-backscatter (OTH-B) radar system. Range 900 km (min) to 3,800 km; all altitude capability planned.
One chain (3 sites: transmit, receive, control) in Maine, arc of cover under evaluation (to be operational 1987);
1 planned for Oregon/N. California, another under consideration for southern US.
(b) North Warning System (under comd TAC; replacing DEW Line). 13 Seek Igloo AN/FPS-117 automated (minimally attended radar (MAR))
systems in Alaska, 13 more in Canada to be supplemented by 39 auxiliary unmanned short-range radars (110-150 km),
4 in Greenland, 1 in Scotland; 2 in Iceland (being upgraded) roughly along the 70RN parallel from Point Lay, Alaska to Greenland,
then to Iceland and Scotland,
(c) Tactical Air Command (TAC):
(i) US-Cdn Joint Surveillance System (JSS). 7 Region Operations Control Centers (ROCC):
5 in US (1 in Alaska), 2 in Canada. 5 E-3A AWACS ac assigned (1 each per US ROCC).
(ii) Radars. 60 in US (14 in Alaska), 24 in Canada: for co-ordination/control with Federal Aviation Authority facilities of military and
civil air traffic, surveillance and tracking of objects in high- and medium altitude trans-polar flight,
(iii) Aircraft: 292 (AD).
(a) Regular: 94: 1 Air Force, 4 air divs: 4 (CONUS) sqns; 76 ac:
3 with 58 F-15 (8 AAM).
1 with 18 F-106.
1 (Iceland) sqn with 18 F-15 (See Forces Abroad).
(b) Air National Guard (ANG): 198: 11 sqns:
7 with 126 F-4C/D (8 AAM).
1 with 18 F-15.
3 with 54 F-106, T-33 (trg).
(c) Tactical Air Force augmentation: ac on call from naval, marine and air forces.
AAM: Super Falcon, Sidewinder, Sparrow.
ARMY: 770,904 (76,000 women).
7 Army HQ, 6 Corps HQ (1 AB).
4 armd divs (6 tk, 5 mech inf, 4 sp arty, 1 hel, 1 AD, 1 armd cav bns; spt units).f
6 mech divs (5 tk, 6 mech inf, 4 sp arty, 1 hel, 1 AD, 1 armd cav bns; spt units), t
2 inf divs (1 high-tech motor inf (trials)).t
4 lt inf divs, 12 bdes: (10,220 men; hy div have some 18,000); 2 divs have 3 regular bdes each, 2 have 2 regular, 1Reserve 'roundout' bdes each.f
1 air assault div: 3 bdes (each 3 bns), 3 arty bns, avn gp (4 bns: 1 attack, 3 tpt)
1 AB div: 3 bdes (each 3 para bns), 1 tk, 4 arty, 1 armed hel bns; 1 air cav sqn
1 indep armd bde (2 tk, 1 mech inf, 1 SP med arty bns).
1 indep mech bde (1 tk, 2 mech inf, 1 SP med arty bns).
2 indep inf bdes (1 tk, 2 inf, 1 lt arty bns).
3 armd cav regts.
9 arty bdes.
5 AA arty bdes.
Special Operations Command (10,200):
8 Special Forces gps (4 Regular, 2 National
Guard, 2 Reserve) each 3 bns.
2 Special Ops avn bns.
Delta Force, attack hel and tpt gp.
1 Ranger inf regt (3 bns).
4 Psychological Warfare gps (13 bns).
1 Civil Affairs bn.
5 Pershing II SSM bns (4 bns with 144 launchers, 1 school bty with 6 launchers).
8 Lance SSM bns (in corps arty).
3 Patriot SAM bns (1 forming): each 6 btys each of 8 launchers, 4 msls, each with radars; planned total 13'/2 bns (81 btys).
Army Avn:
1 Gp (4 bns; 60 attack, 200 tpt and utility hel).
1 air assault bde: (hel-borne ATK) several corps avn (UH-l, CH-47) bns.
(Org still developing: planned to comprise 32 Regular, 2 National Guard attack hel bns, plus tac, tpt bns.)
MBT: 14,296: 1,478 M-48A5, 668 M-60, 7,352 M-60A3, 4,798 M-1 Abrams.
AFV: some 23,772.
MICV: some 3,492 M-2/-3 Bradley.
APC: some 20,280, incl 3,490 M-577, 2,150 M-901 with TOW, 12,690 M-113 (some with mor, TOW).
Arty: how: 5,450: 105mm: (?l,100): (?300) M-101, (?800) M-102; 155mm: 3,300: (?200) M-114, 900 M-198 towed, 2,200 M-109;
203mm: 1,046 M-110A1/A2 SP.
MRL: 227mm: 337 MLRS.
mor: 7,400: 81mm: 3,200; 107mm: 4,200.
SSM: 294: 150 Pershing II, 144 Lance launchers.
ATK: RCL: 1,000 90mm and 106mm.
ATGW: some 600 Hellfire, 6,000 TOW, 10,000 Dragon launchers.
AD: guns: 220 M-167 Vulcan towed; 20mm: 380 M-163.
SAM: Redeye, FIM-92A Stinger, 400 M-54 and M-48 SP Chaparral, 31 Roland SP, Nike Hercules, Improved HAWK,
54 Patriot fire units, 8 Rapier.
Amph: combat spt craft: 268.
Avn: ac: some 526 incl 98 Grumman OV-1C/D, 9 Beech RU-21, 4 Short-330, 19 C-7 (DHC-4), 114 Beech C-12D, 37 Cessna U-3, 50 Beech U-8,
10 UV-18A (DHC-6), 129 U-21A; 2 Cessna T-41, 54 Beech T-42.
hel: some 8,970 incl some 900 Bell AH-1G/Q, 990 AH-IS, some 68 AH-64A Apache, 3,600 Bell UH-1 (being replaced),
760 Sikorsky UH-60A (40 to be EH-60A ECM on conversion), 392 Boeing CH-47A/B/C, 61 -D, 63 Sikorsky CH-54 Tarhe,
369 Hughes OH-6A, 1,800 Bell OH-58A/D.
AAM: MIM-92A Stinger (hel-mounted).
(trg): ac: incl about 50 Beech T-42. hel: 250 Hughes TH-55A.
(On order (authorized and funded): 840 M-1 Abrams MBT (total 7,467 planned); 655 M-2/-3 Bradley MICV (total 6,882 planned), 59 M-119 105mm how; 450 M-252 81mm mor; 44 MLRS MRL; 12,000 TOW, 136,000 Swe AT-4 84mm ATK RL; Stinger (incl POST optical seeker), Rapier, 113 Roland, 300 Chaparral, Improved HAWK (500? msls), 12 Patriot SAM launchers, 440 msls; 6 RC-12D ac; 8 CH/MH-53, some 144 AH-64A, 78 UH-60, 48 CH-47D, 11 EH-60D Quickftx, 44 OH-58D hel; 282 assault boats.)
DEPLOYMENT: See consolidated entry below.
(i) Army National Guard: 450,500 (22,500 women); 3,285 units; capable after mobilization of manning
10 divs (2 armd, 2 mech, 5 hy, 1 lt inf);
18 indep bdes (4 'Roundout' with Regular Army divs) (3 armd, 6 mech, 9 inf (3 lt));
4 armd cav regts (2 to be hy bdes);
1 inf gp (Arctic recce, 5 scout/mech bns);
20 fd arty bde HQ;
2 Special Forces gps (6 bns).
Indep bns: 5 tk, 2 mech, 1 mountain inf, 50 arty, 4 ATK (TOW), 9 AD (1 Roland, 2 Chapparal SAM, 6 M-42 40mm SP AA arty),
62 engr, 23 sigs, 141 spt. 760 minor units to fill regular formations/trg units. 105 air units, 150 sections; 2,580 ac.
(ii) Army Reserve: 285,600 (46,500 women);
3,410 units; 12 trg divs, 3 trg bdes (1 cav, 1 fd arty, 1 military police).
Indep combat bdes: 1 mech, 2 inf (1 'Roundout');
67 indep bns, incl 1 tk, 2 inf, 15 arty, 53 engr.
2 Special Forces gps (7 bns: ); 3,225 coys and dets incl 130 indep air units and sections with 566 ac.
NAVY: 570,973 (48,000 women): 4 Fleets: 97 attack subs, 222 principal surface combatants.
A further 9 SSN, 24 major surface combat ships are in active reserve and storage.
Subs, attack: 97 (incl 10 on refit):
85 nuclear (SSN) with SUBROC ASW:
35 SSN-688 Los Angeles (all with 4 Harpoon, 5 with 12 Tomahawk SSM).
35 SSN-637 Sturgeon (24 with 4 Harpoon, 1 with 8 Tomahawk).
13 SSN-594 Permit (7 with 4 Harpoon).
1 SSN-685 Lipscomb.
1 SSN-671 Narwhal 12 (8 SSN, 4 diesel (SS)) without SUBROC:
5 SSN-585 Skipjack.
3 SSN-578 Skate.
3 SS-580 Barbel.
1 SS-576 Darter.
SSN, other roles: 6:
2 Sturgeon deep SAR spt.
2 SSN-608 Allen tpt.
1 SSN-597 Tullibee.
1 SSN-575 Seawolf '(retiring 1986).
Principal Surface Combatants: 222.
Aircraft carriers: 14 (incl 3 on refit).
Nuclear (CVN): 4:
3 CVN-68 Nimitz (91,400 tons) (1 more in 1986).
1 CVN-65 Enterprise (89,600 tons).
Conventional (cv): 10 (1 on long refit):
3 CV-63 Kitty Hawk (78/80,800 tons).
1 CV-67 Kennedy (82,000 tons).
4 CV-59 Forrestal (76/79,000 tons).
2 CV-41 Midway (51/62,000 tons).
All normally carry 1 air wing (average 86 ac) consisting of (e.g.):
2 ftr sqns (with 21 F-14A, 3 RF-14 recce; or (Midway-class) 24 F-4N/S).
3 attack sqns: 2 lt with 24 F/A-l 8 or 24 A-7E. 1 med with 10 A-6E.
2 ASW sqns: 1 with 10 S-3A ac. 1 with 6 SH-3H hel.
1 ECM sqn with 4 EA-6B.
1 AEW sqn with 4 E-2C; 4 KA-6D tankers.
Battleships (BBG): 3 BB-61 Iowa with 4 quad Harpoon, 8 quad Tomahawk SSM.
Cruisers: 31 (incl 3 on refit) all with 2 quad Harpoon SSM:
CGN (nuclear powered):
4 CGN-38 Virginia with 2 twin Standard/ASROC SAM/ASW, 1 SH-2F hel (to get SH-60B Seahawk).
2 CGN-36 California with 2 Standard SAM, 1 octuple ASROC ASW.
1 CGN-35 Truxtun with 1 twin Standard/ASROC, 1 SH-2F hel.
1 CGN-9 Long Beach with 2 twin Standard/Terrier SAM, 1 octuple ASROC.
1 CGN-25 Bainbridge with 2 twin Standard, 1 octuple ASROC.
CG: 22:
4 CG-47 Ticonderoga (to get Tomahawk SSM), 2 twin Standard/ASROC, 2 SH-2F hel
9 CG-26 Belknap with 1 twin Standard ER, 1 SH-2D LAMPS hel.
9 CG-16 Leahy with 2 twin Standard ER/Terrier Destroyers: 68:
GW (DDG): 38 (incl 5 on refit):
4 DDG-93 Kidd with 2 quad Harpoon, 2 twin Standard, 2 octuple ASROC, 2 SH-2Fhel.
21 with 2 quad Harpoon, 1 octuple ASROC:
8 DDG-37 Farragut with 1x10 Standard.
13 DDG-2 Adams with 1 twin or single Tartar SAM.
12 with 1 octuple ASROC:
2 DDG-37 Farragut with 1 twin Standard.
10 DDG-2 Adams with 1 twin or single Tartar SAM.
1 DDG-983 Spruance with 1 twin Tomahawk, 2 quad Harpoon, 1 octuple Sea Sparrow, 1 octuple ASROC, 1 hel.
ASW (DD): 30 DD-963 Spruance (incl 5 on refit) with 2 quad Harpoon, 1 octuple Sea Sparrow, 1 octuple ASROC, 1 SH-3 or 2 SH-2F hel
(to get Tomahawk SSM).
Frigates: 106:
GW (FFG): 53 (incl 1 on refit):
47 FFG-7 Perry with 1 Harpoon/Standard, 2 SH-2/-60 hel (9 in Reserve trg, 1 on refit, 5 in reserve).
6 FFG-1 Brooke with 1 Tartar/Standard, 1 octuple ASROC, 1 SH-2F hel.
Gun (FF): 53 (incl 8 on refit) with 1 octuple ASROC:
40 FF-1052 Knox with 2 quad Harpoon SSM (30 with Sea Sparrow Mk 5 BPDMS, 1 with Sea Sparrow Mk 29 SAM), 2 SH-2F hel (6 in Reserve).
10 FF-1040 Garcia.
1 FF-1098 Glover.
2 FF-1037 Bronstein.
Minor Surface Combatants: some 89.
Patrol craft: some 77:
GW hydrofoils: 6 PHM-1 Pegasus with 2 quad Harpoon.
Inshore/river: 4 Asheville, some 67 other (in Reserve).
MCMV (Reserve trg):
3 MSO-422 Aggressive ocean minesweepers.
1 MCM-1 Avenger.
7 inshore boats (MSB).
Amph Forces: 60 ships, 54 craft.
Ships: 60:
Comd (LCC): 2 Blue Ridge.
LHA: 5 LHA-1 Tarawa with 4 LCU and mix of AV-8A ac (4 only) or 12 CH-46, 4 CH-53, 3 UH-1N, 4 AH-1T hel.
LPH: 7 LPH-2 Iwo Jima (mix of 6 AV-8A, 4 OV-10 ac or 2 CH-46, 10 CH-53, 1 UH-1N hel).
LPD: 13: 11 LPD-4 Austin, 2 LPD-1 Raleigh.
LSD: 10: 2 LSD-41 Whidbey, 5 LSD-36 Anchorage, 3 LSD-28 Thomaston.
LST: 18 LST-1179 Newport.
LKA (amph cargo ships): 5 LKA-113 Charleston.
Craft: 54: 51 Type 1610, 3 Type 1466.
Many smaller (LCM-5/-6, 22 'Mini'), numerous Misc LCVP, 2 landing craft air cushion (LCAC)); others with US Army.
Special Operations Forces:
4 Navy Special Warfare Groups (7 units):
6 SEAL teams.
2 SEAL delivery veh teams.
2 Special Boat sqns (6 units).
2 lt assault sqns (Marine Corps Reserve).
3 dry-deck shelter-capable subs (2 SSN-608).
4 Civil Affairs gps (Marine Corps Reserve).
Active Auxiliary ships: 84: 12 ammunition (AE-21/-23/-25), 7 stores (AFS), 4 underway replenishment (AOE), 14 oilers (AO-5/-177, AOR),
9 destroyer tenders (AD), 12 sub tenders (AS/AGDS), 5 repair (AR/AR2), 15 salvage/rescue, 2 comd (ARS/ASR/ATS),
1 carrier (trg; no ac assigned), 1 ocean surveillance (AGOS), 1 research sub (AGSS), 1 missile test ship (AVM).
Strategic sealift: 353: 183 dry cargo, 170 tankers.
Military Sealift Command: 36:
1 ammunition ship, 4 stores (AFG), 3 cargo (AFK), 11 oilers (AO), 7 ocean surveillance (AGOS), 3 cable repair (ARC), 7 tugs (ATF).
Mobility enhancement: 7 cargo ships (AK)/cargo barges (AKB), 3 vehicle (AKR), 5 oilers (AOT); 5 more (1 cargo, 4 vehicle cargo) in reserve.
Maritime Prepositioning Ships (MPS): 11 vehicle cargo ships (TAKR, 1 more on order) org in 3 sqns: 1 Atlantic,
1 Indian Ocean (Diego Garcia), 1 to deploy Western Pacific late 1986.
Ready Reserve (RRF): 65: 53 cargo, 2 vehicle cargo, 5 gasoline tankers (AOG), 4 oilers, 1 crane.
National Defense Reserve Fleet (NRF): 1 DD-945 Hull, 5 FFG-7, 6 FF-1052, 18 MSO-422, 2 LST, 2 salvage.
Ships on refit (incl Service life Extension Program (SLEP)) incl
6 SSBN (5 more planned to 1987), 10 SSN, 1 battleship (BB), 3 CV, 3 CGN, 5 DDG, 5 DD, 1 FFG, 8 FF, 1 LPH, 1 LPD-4, 3 LST.
Ships in inactive reserve in storage incl
9 SSN, 4 CV (2 attack carriers (CVA), 2 ASW (CVS-12), 2 cruisers, 3 DDG, 10 DD, 4 LSD, 3 LST,
1 destroyer tender, 1 sub tender, 1 oiler, 7 tpts, 1 salvage, 1 hospital ship.
Maritime Administration: 160: 52 cargo, 6 tankers, 102 'Victory'.
(183 'national flag' cargo ships and 170 tankers are potentially useful for auxiliary sea lift; of these 24 cargo and 58 tankers are under US control).
Msls: ASW: nuclear RUR-5 ASROC, UUM-44 SUBROC.
SSM: Standard (SM-1), RGM-84 Harpoon, BGM-109B Tomahawk SLCM.
SAM: RIM-7 Sea Sparrow, RIM-24 Tartar, RIM-2 Terrier, RIM-66/-67 Standard.
(On order (authorized and funded): 5 SSBN, 24 SSN, 3 CVN, 1 BBG, 15 CG-47, 1 DDG-51 Arleigh Burke, 5 FFG, 4 MCM-1,
1 MSH-1 Cardinal coastal MCMV, 1 landing helicopter dock ship (LHD-1), 5 LSD, 14 landing craft, 2 LCU-1610, 10 LCAC,
2 Seafox special warfare craft, 7 TAO-187 fleet oilers, 3 surveillance, 24 supply, 4 salvage ships;
324 BGM-109 Tomahawk, 439 Harpoon SSM, 1,100 Standard SAM, 27 Phalanx, 321 Sea Sparrow AD systems.)
NAVAL AVIATION: 13 attack carrier air wings.
Ftr: 22 sqns with Grumman F-14A.
FGA: 43 sqns:
13 med with Grumman A-6E, KA-6D (tanker).
20 lt with Vought A-7E.
10 with McDonnell-Douglas F/A-18A.
ELINT: 2 sqns with Douglas EA-3, Lockheed EP-3.
EWng: 9 sqns with EA-6B.
MR: 37 (13 Reserve) land-based sqns with Lockheed P-3B, P-3C, P-3C III.
ASW: 10 sqns with Lockheed S-3A.
AEW: 13 sqns with Grumman E-2C.
Comd: 2 sqns with Lockheed EC-130Q (TACAMO).
Misc: 14 spt sqns with C-130F, LC-130F/R, EC-130G/Q, Grumman C-2A, Rockwell CT-39, Convair C-131, Beech UC-12B ac; and hel (see below).
Trg: 5 'Aggressor' sqns with F-21A Kfir, Northrop F-5E/F, T-38, McDonnell-Douglas A-4.
18 trg sqns: 2 with F/A-18B, 16 with Rockwell T-2B/C, Beech T-34C, Rockwell T-39, Beech T-44 ac; and hel (see below).
OCU: 16:
4 ftr/strike (2 with F-14, 2 with F-1 8).
4 attack with TA-7C, A-7E, A-6.
3 EWng with EA-6B, EA-3.
2 MR with P-3B/C.
2 AEW with E-2B/C.
1 ASW with S-3A.
ASW: 23 sqns:
4 with Sikorsky SH-60B.
6 with Kaman SH-2F.
13 with Sikorsky SH-3H.
MCM: 2 sqns with Sikorsky RH-53D.
OCU: 9 with SH-2/-3/-60B, UH-1, CH-46, CH-53.
Misc: 6 spt sqns with SH-3, 4 with Vertol UH-46, 1 with CH-53E.
Trg: 2 sqns with Bell TH-57A/B/C.
Equipmentcombat: some 1,746 ac; some 286 hel.
F-14A Tomcat: 300 (210 ftr, 30 recce, 60 OCU).
F/A-18 Hornet 196 (120 FGA (11 with Navy Reserve), 54 OCU, 22 F/A-18B trg).
F-5A Freedom Fighter/T-38 Talon: 16.
F-21A Kfir: 12 ('Aggressor' trg).
A-4/TA-4F/J Skyhawk: 210 (18 OCU/trg).
A-6 Intruder: 230: -E: 120 (FGA, OCU); EA-6B Prowler: 58 (EWng); KA-6D: 52 (tanker).
A-7E Corsair. 262 (FGA); TA-7C(OCU).
E-2C Hawkeye: 64: 52 (AEW); -B/C: 12 (OCU).
EA-3 Skywarrior: 21 (ELINT).
P-3 Orion: 375: -B/-C/-CIII: 322 (MR); 40 (OCU); EP-3: 13 (ELINT). (30 to convert to CP-3A tpt.)
S-3A Viking: 140 (110 ASW, 30 OCU).
C-130 Hercules: 28. -Q: 15 (comd); -F/LC-130F/R: 13 (misc).
CT-39: 9 (misc). C-117 (C-47): 4 (misc). C-9B (DC-9): 27 (tpt). UC-12A: 38 (misc).
T-2/B/C: 178 (trg). US-3: 6 (tpt). T-34C: 296 (trg). T-44: 46 (trg).
RH-53D Sea Stallion: 22 (MCM).
SH-60B Sea Hawk: 59 (ASW).
SH-2F Sea Sprite: 103 (ASW, OCU).
SH-3D/H Sea King: 102 (ASW, OCU; to be replaced by SH-60F).
CH-46: Sea Knight: 76 (tpt, OCU).
T/UH-1L Iroquois: 24 (trg).
AAM: AIM-7 Sparrow, AIM-54A/C Phoenix, AIM-9 Sidewinder.
ASM: RIM-66 Standard ARM, AGM-45 Shrike, AGM-88A HARM (anti-radiation); AGM-84 Harpoon.
AVIATION: 3 active air wings (27,000), (62 combat sqns, 42 spt elm gps/sqns, 450 ac).
Ftr: 12 sqns:
7 with McDonnell-Douglas F-4 (being replaced).
5 with McDonnell-Douglas F-18 (1 more forming 1986).
FGA: 13 sqns:
8 lt (2 with McDonnell-Douglas AV-8C; 2 with AV-8B (BAe Harrier); 4 with McDonnell-Douglas A-4).
5 med with Grumman A-6.
Recce: 1 sqn with 21 RF-4.
ECM: 1 sqn with 15EA-6B.
Forward air control: 2 sqns with Rockwell OV-10.
Comd: 2 sqns with McDonnell-Douglas OA-4/TA-4.
Tanker: 3 sqns with KC-130 Hercules.
Trg: 7 sqns + 2 elms.
Hel: 30 sqns:
attack: 6 with Bell U/AH-1.
tpt: 3 lt with UH-1,12 med with Vertol CH-46, 9 hy with Sikorsky CH-53.
Equipment: combat: 629 ac, 104 armed hel
F-4 Phantom: 162. -N/S: 141 (ftr (84 Regular)); RF-4B: 21 (recce).
F/A-18 Hornet 60.
AV-8 Harrier: 77. -A/C: 36 (30 FGA, 6 trg). -B: 41 (30 FGA, 11 trg). A-4 Skyhawk 186. -E/F/M: 153 (138 FGA (76 Regular), 15 trg); 0A-4M/TA4F: 33 (27 comd, 6 trg).
A-6 Intruder. 86. -E 67 (60 FGA, 7 trg); EA-6A/B Prowler.19 (ECM (15 Regular)).
OV-10A/D Bronco: 58 (forward air control (36 Regular), 4 trg).
KC-130F/о: 54 (tanker (36 Regular), 6 trg).
AH-U/T/W Sea Cobra: 104 (92 attack (72 Regular), 12 trg).
UH-1E/N (Bell 204, 212): 102 (tpt (72 Regular), 8 trg).
CH-46E: 224 (assault (180 Regular)).
CH-53-A/D: 132 (assault (96 Regular), 18 trg);-E: 58 (assault (48 Regular)).
SAM: 3 bns with Improved HAWK; 3 btys with Stinger.
AAM: Sparrow, Sidewinder.
ASM: Maverick.
(On order (authorized and funded): 240 LVT-7A1, some 290 LAV-25 Piranha APQ M-109 SP 155mm how, 180 Mk-19 40mm grenade launchers; SMAW 83mm RL; TOW-2 ATGW; 9,359 Stinger SAM. 71 F/A-18, 6 EA-6B, 210 AV-8B ftr, 16 A-6 E 45 CH-53E, 118 MV-22 Osprey hel; 2,375 AGM-65E Maverick, 512 Sidearm ASM.)
DEPLOYMENT See consolidated entry below.
RESERVES: 43,000 (1,446 women).
Equipment listed with Regular units.
1 Marine div: 3 inf, 1 arty regts; 22 combat and spt bns.
1 air wing: 100 combat ac, 8 combat hel.
Ftr: 3 sqns with McDonnell-Douglas F-4S.
FGA: 5 sqns with McDonnell-Douglas A-4E/M.
EWng: 1 sqn with Grumman EA-6A.
Forward air control: 1 sqn with Rockwell OV-10.
Tanker: 2 tkr/tpt sqns with KC-130 Hercules.
Spt: 14 units.
Attack: 1 sqn with Bell AH-1J.
Assault tpt: 3 sqns (2 med with Vertol CH-46C/D, 1 hy with Sikorsky CH-53).
Utility: 4 sqns with Bell UH-1E.
SAM: 1 bn with HAWK, 1 bty with Stinger.
Spt: 23 units.
AIR FORCE: 605,805 (69,000 women); some 4,358 combat ac.
Strategic: (organization: see p. 20).
Tactical: 26 active combat wings, comprising 109 sqns (sqn may be 18 or 24 ac).
Ftr: 36 sqns (also have FGA commitment):
17 with McDonnell-Douglas F-15.
19 with General Dynamics F-16.
FGA: 46 sqns:
17 with McDonnell-Douglas F-4.
10 with General Dynamics F-111.
14 with Fairchild A-10.
5 Wild Weasel (I trg) with F-4.
Recce: 8 sqns with RF-4C.
EWng: 1 Airborne Warning and Control wing; 7 sqns:
4 AWACS (1 trg) with Boeing E-3.
3 EWng with Lockheed EC-130, Boeing EC-135, EF-111.
Forward air control: 9 tac air control sqns:
8 with Rockwell OV-10/Cessna O-2.
1 with Sikorsky CH-3 hel.
Special Ops: 1 air div: 1 wing 5 sqns:
3 with Lockheed MC-130.
1 with AC-130.
1 with Sikorsky CH3/HH-53/UH-1 hel.
1 det with Bell UH-1 H hel.
2 Reserve gps.
OCU: 18: 1 with F-1 11; 1 with F-16; 7 with F-4; 1 with Northrop F-5; 2 with F-15; 2 with Convair F-106; 3 with A-10; 1 with RF-4.
Trg: 4 aggressor sqns with F-5E/T-38.
30 trg sqns with F-16, Lockheed T-33, Cessna T-37, Northrop T-38, Rockwell T-39, Cessna T-41, Boeing T-43, UV-18 (DHC-6),
Schweizer 2-37, Lockheed C-5, Beech C-12, C-130, Lockheed C-141 ac and Sikorsky UH-60, HH-3, HH-53, Bell U/TH-1 hel.
Tpt: 31 sqns:
17 strategic: 4 with C-5; 13 with C-141.
14 tac airlift with C-130.
Units with KC-10, C-135, Boeing C-137, Lockheed C-140, Beech C-6, C-12, Gulfstream C-20, Gates C-21, C-23 Sherpa, Rockwell CT-39.
SAR: 8 sqns (inc SAC msl spt) with C-130 ac, Sikorsky HH-3, Sikorsky HH-53, Bell UH-1, Sikorsky UH-60 hel.
Medical: 3 medical evacuation sqns with McDonnell-Douglas C-9 (DC-9).
Weather recce: 3 sqns with WC-130, WC-135.
Trials/weapons trg units with F-4, F-5, F-15, F-16, T-38, C-141 ac, UH-1 hel.
Strategic: some 345combat ac.
B-52 Stratofortress: 241. -G: 151(90with ALCM, 61 with Harpoon); -H: 90 strike (30 with ALCM).
A number will be out of service under going mod.
B-1B: 19 (strike).
FB-111A: 60(55 strike, trg;5 reserve).
SR-71A/B Blackbird: 9 (recce).
U-2CT/R: 7 (recce).
TR-1: 14.-A: 10 (recce); -B: 4 (trg).
E-4 (Boeing 747): 4. -A: 1; -B: 3; (comd/control).
C-135 (Boeing 707): 650: RC-135: 16 (comd/control); EC-135A/C/G/L 21 (comd/control);
KC-135R: 613 (tankers; (487 Regular, 102 Air National Guard, 24 Air Force Reserve)) (see Tactical, below).
KC-10A (McDonnell-Douglas DC-10): 48 (tanker).
Tactical: combat: 4,505 ac, 37 hel.
F-4 Phantom: 1,212 (incl 741 (FGA), 150 (OCU); -G: 72 (Wild Weasel); RF-4C: 249 (233 recce, F-16R to replace; 160 CU)).
F-15 Eagle: 757 (incl 40 OCU, 72 AD).
F-16 Falcon: 977(incl 29 OCU, 65 trials).
F-111: 336. -A/D/E/F: 280(FGA); -A: 20 (OCU); EF-111A: 36 (ECM).
F-5: 101 (trg).
F-106 Delta Dart: 22 (18 AD, 4 trg).
A-7D/K Corsair: 371 (FGA).
A-10A Thunderbolt: 565(460 FGA, 105 OCU).
E-3A Sentry: 34 (AEW, 24 to convert to -3B).
OA-37B Dragonfly: 86 (forward air control).
OV-10 Bronco/O-2A Skymaster. 145 (forward air control).
C-9A/C (DC-9) Nightingale: 23 (medical).
C-141B Starlifter. 269 (234 strategic tpt, 19tpt 12 trg,4-A trials).
C-5A Galaxy: 70 (65 strategic tpt, 5 trg. (8 with Air Force Reserve)).
KC-10A Extender. 36 (tkr/tpt).
C-130 Hercules: 733(370Reserve); 216 (tpt); 28 (OCU). AC-130H: 20 (special). EC-130E/H: 15 (ECM). HC-130H/N/P: 50(45SAR, 5 trg).
MC-130E: 14 (special). WC-130E/H: 20(weather recce).
C-135 (Boeing 707): 153.8 (tpt). KC-135A/Q: 129 (tanker). EC-135K: 11 (ECM). WC-135B: 5 (weather recce).
C-137 (Boeing 707): 6. -B: 3 (707-153, VIP tpt). -C: 3 (707-320B, VIP tpt).
MiG-21: 24 (trg). MiG-23: 4 (trg). C-12: 80 (liaison). C-18 (Boeing 707-323Q: 8 (advanced range instrumentation ac (ARIA)).
C-20A (Gulfstream): 3 (tpt). C-21A (Learjet): 80. C-22 (Boeing 727): 5 (tpt). C-23A (Sherpa): 18 (tpt). C-123K (Air Force Reserve).
T-33A: 153(trg). T-37B: 608 (trg). CT-39 (Sabreliner): 14 (tpt). T-39: 4 (trg). T-38: 812 (trg). T-41A/C: 100 (trg). T-43A: 18 (trg).
Boeing 737A: 15 (trg). UV-18A (Twin Otter): 2 (trg). Schweizer 2-37: 8 (trg).
HH-3: 53 (SAR, trg). CH-3: 28 (forward air control, sperial).
HH-53: 44: -B: 8 (SAR). -C: 27 (SAR, trg). -H Pave Low. 9 (special).
UH-1: 105. -N (Bell 212): 9 (special). -H(Bell 205): 96 (86 SAR, 10trg).
UH-60A: 12(SAR).
AAM: Sidewinder, Sparrow.
ASM: perhaps 1,170 AGM-69A SRAM, 1,380 AGM-86B ALCM. Maverick, Standard ARM, Shrike, HARM, GBU-15 glide bomb.
(Oh order (authorized and funded; all branches): 23 MX ICBM, 52 B-1B bbrs (100 planned), 6 TR-1A recce ac (2 -1B trg), 8 KC-10A tankers;
240 AGM-86B ALCM. 180 F-16 (incl 60-D), 48 F-15 ftrs, 16 C-5B; 8 C-20A Gulfstream lt tpt;
95 BGM-109 GLCM; 1,450 HARM, 2,600 AGM-65D Maverick ASM.)
DEPLOYMENT: See consolidated entry below.
(i) Air National Guard (ANG): 107,900: 24 wings, 67gps, 91 sqns (56 tac); 1,043 combat ac.
Ftr: 11 AD interceptor sqns; 198 ac (see p. 21).
FGA: 35 sqns.
1 with F-15; 2 with 25 F-16; 12 with 188 F-4C/D/E (1 OCU with 20 - Q ; 1 Wild Weasel with 12 F-4G;
14 with 347 A-7D/K (1 OCU with A-7, F-16); 5 with 107 A-10A.
Recce: 6 sqns with 105RF-4C.
ECM: 1 sqn with 8 EC-130.
Forward air control: 3 sqns with 53 OA-37B.
Tpt 20 sqns: 19 tac (Military Airlift Command; MAC) with 182 C-130A/B/D/E/H; 1 strategic with 12C-5.
Tanker: 13 sqns with 102KC-135.
SAR: 2 sqns with 8 HC-130 ac, 11 HH-3E hel.
Trg: ac incl 4 T-39, 40 T-33, 4 T-43A.
(ii) Air Force Reserve: 74,800. 19 wings, 57 sqns (36 with ac); 237 combat ac.
FGA: 11 sqns (Tactical Airlift Comd; TAC): 1 with 26 F-16; 5 with 112 F-4D; 5 with 99 A-10.
Tpt: 16 sqns (MAC): 15 tac with 143 C-130A/B/E/H, 4 C-123K; 1 strategic with 5 C-5A.
Tanker: 4 sqns: 3 (SAC) with 24 KC-135; 1 with 10 KC-130A.
Special: 2 sqns (TAC): 1 with 10 AC-130A ac, 1 with 6 CH-3E hel.
Weather: 1 recce sqn with 7 WC-130H.
SAR: 3 sqns with 14 HC-130H ac, 8 HH-3E, 10 UH-1H/N hel.
Associate: 21 sqns (personnel only):
MAC: 4 sqns for C-5, 13 for C-141, 1 aero medical for C-9.
SAC: 3 sqns for KC-10.
Non-flying spt units: 172.
(iii) Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF): 294 long-range commercial ac (numbers fluctuate):
227 passenger (Boeing 747, L-1011, DC-8/-10), 67 cargo (Boeing 707, 747, DC-8/-10). 26 short-range commercial (Boeing 727, DC-9).
Planned Force Structure:
(a) US Readiness Command (REDCOM): 3 corps HQ, all CONUS-based active units.
(b) Initial reinforcement, Europe: 1 corps HQ, 2 armd, 3 mech divs, 1 armd cav regt4
(c) US Central Command (USCENTCOM): (1,100): forces, incl naval and air, apportioned for planning purposes.
Full deployment could involve 290,600 assigned from existing units and support elements on mobilization.
HQ: 1 army; 1 corps (131,000): 1 mech (-), 2 inf, 1 AB, 1 air assault divs, 1 air cav bde, special forces, Rangers.
Naval Force: 1 (112,300 incl 70,000 Marines): 3 carrier battle gps, 1 surface action gp, 3 amph ready gps (3-5 amph ships), 5 ASW patrol sqns,
17 prepositioned depot ships.
Marine Force: l 1/3 Amph Forces (MAF) (1 div, 1 air wing, 1 Force service spt gp), 1 Marine Amph Bde (MAB: 1 regt landing team, 1 air gp,
1 bde service spt gp).
Air Force: 1 (33,000): 1 div: 2 bbr wings (4 sqns) B-52H, 9 wings and 2 gps tac fighters, 3 wings and 1 gp strategic and 1 tac recce,
1 airborne warning and control div, strategic and SAR, tac airlift, 1 refuelling sqn (KC-135A/KC-10A).
(i) Continental United States (CONUS); 5 Army, 3 corps HQ. 2 armd, 4 mech, 3 inf, 1 AB, 1 air mobile divs.
(a) Alaska (7,650): 1 lt inf div (plus 1 Army National Guard inf gp (5 Scout bns)).
(b) Panama (9,330): 1 inf bde (6,600); Naval sqn (490): patrol boats; Marines (155); 1 air div (2,100): A-7, C-130 ac.
(ii) Hawaii (18,900): WESTCOM: 1 lt inf div (3 Regular odes), 1 lt inf bde (Reserve).
(iii) Abroad: Europe: 217,100.
(a) Germany 204,700: 1 army, 2 corps HQ; 2 armd, 2 mech divs; 1 armd, 1 mech bdes; 2 armd cav regts; 7 fd arty bdes, 4 indep arty gps;
9 SSM bns, 3 with 108 Pershing II, 6 with 108 Lance. 30 AD btys with HAWK; 2 bns with Patriot SAM (each 6 btys each 8 quad msls);
5,000 MBT.ї
(b) West Berlin: 4,300. HQ elms, 1 inf bde.
(c) Greece: 470.
(d) Italy: 3,950.
(e) Netherlands: 930.
(f) Turkey: 1,200.
(g) Belgium: 1,160.
(h) Other 390.
(iv) Pacific: 32,150.
(a) South Korea 29,750: 1 army HQ; 1 inf div (13,900).
(b) Japan 2,400: 1 corps HQ; base and spt personnel.
(v) Middle East Egypt: 1,200.
(vi) Caribbean/Latin America: 6,730.
Bases; average strength of major combat ships, incl ships on refit:
(i) Atlantic/Mediterranean.
SSBN: 29; Cruisers: 13
SSN/SS: 55; Destroyers: 39
Carriers: 7; Frigates: 53
Battleships: 1; Amph: 29
Bases: CONUS: Norfolk (HQ), Mayport, Roosevelt Roads (Puerto Rico), Charleston, New London, Newport, New York (Brooklyn), Boston,
New Orleans, Bangor, Kings Bay.
Bases: abroad: Cuba (Guantanamo Bay) 2,100; Bermuda 1,500; Iceland (Keflavik) 1,900; Britain (Holy Loch and other) 2,300;
other NATO assigned personnel 14,850.
(a) Atlantic (Second Fleet): 31 SSBN, 50 attack subs, 4 carriers, 93 principal surface combatants, 24 amph.
(b) Mediterranean (27,200). Sixth Fleet: typically up to 4 SSN, 2 carriers, 12 surface combatants, 11 spt ships; 1 Amph Ready Gp (3-5 ships MAU.//
Maritime pre-positioning sqn (MPS); 5 depot ships.
Italy (Gaeta (HQ), Naples, Sigonella, La Maddalena) 5,250, Spain (Rota) 3,600.
(ii) Pacific/Indian Ocean.
SSBN: 7; Cruisers: 18
SSN/SS: 42; Destroyers: 29
Carriers: 6; Frigates: 47
Battleships: 2; Amph: 31
(a) Eastern Pacific (Third Fleet):
Bases: Pearl Harbor (HQ), San Francisco, Alameda, San Diego, Long Beach, Bangor, Bremerton, Adak (Alaska).
5 SSBN, some 25 SSN, 4 carriers, 72 principal surface combatants, 26 amph, 32 spt.
(b) Western Pacific (41,400), Seventh Fleet.
Bases: Japan (Yokosuka; HQ) 7,400. Philippines (Subie Bay) 5,300; Guam, Midway 4,900 incl Marine det; Australia some 600.
Some 15 SSN and SS: 2 carriers (1 hel), 23 surface combatants, 6 amph (1 MAU embarked), 8 spt ships; 1 MPS (4 ships) deploying 1986.
(c) Indian Ocean. Dets from Seventh/Second Fleets 11,000.
Base. Diego Garcia (1,300).
1 carrier battle gp (6 surface combatants).
5 MPS (eqpt for one MAB).
(d) Middle East Force (Persian Gulf/Bahrain): 1 comd ship, 4 destroyers/ frigates.
(i) CONUS: 2 Marine Amphibious Forces (MAF), (1 East, 1 West coast) each with 1 div, 1 air wing, 1 sptgp.//
(ii) Hawaii: 1 amph bde (MAB), service spt gp, ac gp.
(iii) Abroad: 42,500.
(a) Caribbean: Cuba (Guantanamo Bay) 435; 1 reinforced marine coy.
(b) Europe: 1,300.
(c) Middle East (afloat: Mediterranean (6th Fleet): 1,900; 1 MAU//).
(d) Pacific
(i) Japan/Okinawa: 38,150; 1 MAF (1 div (-), 1 air wing, 1 log spt gp).
(ii) Philippines (7th Fleet): 660; 1 MAU deployed intermittently.//
(e) Indian Ocean: 660; 1 MAU deployed intermittently. AIR FORCE
(i) CONUS:
(a) Tactical Air Command (TAQ incl AD ac) (104,412):
2 Air Forces; 12 air divs; 28 wings (15 combat): 36 combat sqns (30 ftr, 3 tac recce (converting to ftr/recce), 3 tac air control); 6 tac trgsqns.
(b) Alaskan Air Command (10,830):
1 ftr wing (AD: 1 sqnwithF-15, 1 withT-33), 1 composite wing (1 sqn with A-10, 1 with O-2A),
1 control (warning) gp, 13 radars (being modernized), 2 combat spt gps, 1 strategic recce wing; 1 air base gp, 2 sqns.
(c) Military Airlift Command (MAC) (78,055):
3 Air Forces; 3 airlift divs; 27 wings (4 tac, 8 strategic, 1 military airlift spt, 3 air base, 1 SAR, 1 SAR/weather recce, 1 medical, 1 special ops,
6 weather, 1 trg); 19 gps (2 tac, 3 strategic, 3 military airlift, 1 spt, 9 air base, 1 airlift/trg). Ac deployed as required, world-wide.
(d) Spt Elm Comas (171,500): Comms, Log, Systems, Trg, Electronic Security.
(ii) Europe 92,700: US Air Force, Europe (USAFE), 3 Air Forces, 2 Air Divs, 9 tac ftr, 2 tac recce, 3 tac msl wings; airlift spt
Some 734 combat ac, 128 GLCM
(a) Belgium 1,500; 1 tactical msl wing, 16 GLCM.
(b) Britain: 27,500; 290 combat ac, 32 GLCM. 1 Air Force HQ:
3 tac ftr (AFM) wings; 14 sqns (7 with 150 F-111E/F, 1 with 12 EF-111 Raven, 6 with 108 A-10).
1 tac recce wing; 3 sqns (1 with 18 RF-4C, 1 with 19 F-5E, 1 with 2 TR-1A (SAC)).
1 tac tpt wing with 16 C-130 (MAC); 29 KC-135,4EG135H(SAC). 1 SAR sqn with 5 HC-130, 5 HH-53. 1 tactical missile wing, 96 GLCM.
2 Air Base Gps.
(c) Germany 41,100: 328 combat ac. 1 Air Force HQ: 2 Air Divs.
4 tac ftr wings: 11 sqns (3 with 72 F-16A/B, 4 with 96 F-4E (2 to get F-16), 1 with 24 F4G, 3with72F-15C/D).
1 tac recce wing, 1 sqn with 18 RF-4C.
1 electronic combat, 2 combat spt, 1 tac air control wings and 1 gp of 3 sqns (2 with 42 OV-10A ac, 1 with 7 CH-53C hel).
1 tpt wing (MAC) 4 sqns (incl 18 C-23A Sherpa, 16C-130E).
1 special operations sqn (MAC) with 4 MC-130R
2 Air Base Gps.
(d) Netherlands 2,000: 1 tac ftr sqn with 24 F-15C/D.
(e) Spain 5,300: 1 Air Force HQ:
1 tac wing of 3 sqns with 72 F-16A/B.
1 ftr trg wing (no ac assigned).
1 Air Base Gp.
1 SAR det (MAC) with 3 UH-1N hel.
(1 TAC fighter wing (F-4E) in US on call as reinforcements.)
(f Italy 5,800: 1 tac, 1 air base gps, 1 tac msl wing (16 GLCM).
(g) Greece 2,700: 2 air base gps.
(h) Turkey 3,800: HQ, 1 tac, 1 air base gps.
(i) Other areas: 1,700. Iceland (TAC, 1,300):
1 AD sqn with 18 F-15,4 T-33,1-3 E-3AAWACS.
1 SAR det (MAC) with 3 HH-3.
(iii) Pacifier. Pacific Air Forces (PACAF): 37,000: Hawaii; 2 Air Force HQ:
3 air divs; 5 tac ftr wings and 2 indep ftr sqns; 1 tac control gp; 2 air base wings and 1 indep sqn.
(a) Hawaii: 1 air div, 1 air base, 1 weather wing (attached from MAC), 1 AWACS sqn, 1tac tpt sqa Army National Guard AD direction centre.
ANG: 1 AD sqn with F-4 (8 AAM).
(b) Japan 16,200: 1 Air Force HQ: 1 div:
2 wings (3 sqns) with 72 F-15C/D, 2 F-16, 18 RF-4C, T-39A ac, UH-1E/F hel.
1 sqn (TAC) with 3 E-3A AWACS ac.
1 tac tpt wing with 16 C-l 30 ac.
1 strategic wing with KC-135 tankers.
1 SAR sqn (MAC) with 4 HC-130 ac, 5 HH-53 hel.
See Korea, below.
(c) Korea 11,200: 1 div: 2 wings:
5 sqns (2 with 36 F-4E/RF-4E, 2 with 48 F-16, 1 with 24 A-10).
1 tac control gp with 24 OA-37.
1 SAR sqn (MAC) with 6 HH-3.
(d) Philippines 9,300: 1Air Force HQ: 1 div:
1 wing 2 ftr sqns (1 with F-4E, 1with F-4FG); 1 special operations sqn (MAC) with 4 MC-130E.
1 tac airlift wing (MAC)with 16 C-l 30 ac, 1 SAR sqn (MAC) with 5 C/HH-3 hel.
1 trg gp with 15 F-5E, T-33, T-39A).
(e) Guam 4,200: 1 SAC Air Div HQ:
1 strategic bbr wing with 1 B-52 sqn.
1 refuelling wing with KC-135.
1 tpt sqn, 1 weather sqn (MAC).
(f) Australia: 250.
Forces Abroad: 525,600, incl 64,400 afloat
(i) By Area.
Europe 354,000 (27,200 afloat).
Pacific/Far East 143,800 (33,000 afloat).
Caribbean/Latin America: 19,300 (incl Bermuda 1,600);
Cuba (Guantanamo Bay) 2,500; Honduras garrison 120; Puerto Rico 3,600; Panama 9,300 (900 afloat).
Middle East/N. Africa 7,000 (3,000 afloat):
Sinai (MFO) 1,100; Egypt 1,300; Saudi Arabia 390 (USAF: 4 E-3A, 3 KC-135, 1 KC-10, spt staff); Diego Garcia 1,300..
Other areas 1,500 (300 afloat),
(ii) By Service:
ARMY: (257,500).
NAVY: (92,000) (56,500 afloat).
MARINES: (38,200X7,900 afloat).
AIR FORCE: (135,100).
Coast Guard (by law a branch of the Armed Forces; in peacetime under the Department of Transportation):
Budget 1985: BA$2.564 bn, outlay $2.539 bit 1986: BA$2.199 bn, outlay $2.453 bn
Strength: 38,837 (2,374 women).
243 cutters (incl 15 high-endurance (2,600- 3,000 tons), 41 med-endurance (1,000+ tons; 8 more ordered)), 5 ocean icebreakers,
8 icebreaking tugs (1 more ordered), 93 patrol craft (11 more ordered), 3 surface effects ships, 28 ocean buoy tenders, 93 other vessels;
some 2,000 small craft;
560 shore installations; 68 ac (41 HU-25A (Dassault Falcon-Gardian), 25 HC-130H (Lockheed Hercules), 1 VC-4A (Gulfstream I),
1 VC-11A (Gulfstream II)); 126 hel (22 HH-65A, 37 HH-3F Pelican, 67 HH-52A (Sikorsky S-62;
to be replaced by 96 HH-65A (AS-365G Dolphin 2)).
Coast Guard Reserve. 20,691. Selected: 15,590, Ready 5,240; Standby 813; Retired 2,000.
194 port security units in 48 ports, 65 general spt units, 63 reserve gps, 85 small craft
Coast Guard Auxiliary. 35,500 civilian volunteer force; augment regular force in emergencies.
Civil Air Patrol (CAP): 65,771 (23,960 cadets); HQ, 8 geographical regions, 52 wings, 1,900 units, 566 CAP ac plus 9,430 private ac.
Roles: (a) emergency services, SAR, disaster relief, dvil defence, communications (b) aerospace education, (c) cadet trg, motivation.
State Militias: 11,500: volunteer groups org as cadre military units, lightly armed and equipped, active in some sixteen States incl
California, Indiana, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Washington, and in Puerto Rico.
3 of the remaining 34 States report varying degrees of interest and support Intended to provide personnel for Home Guard,
internal security and disaster relief assistance in support of or replacement for Army National Guard or Civil police forces.
* Manpower incl in Army, Navy, Air Force totals.
t 1 National Guard or Reserve bde is incorporated in each of 1armd, 2 mech and 2 inf divs.
t 1 armd, 3 mech divs, 1armd cav regt have hy eqpt stockpiled in FRG. Storage facilities for 2 more divs being built
ї Incl those stockpiled for the Strategic Reserve formations. The armd and mech bdes are from the divs in the US earmarked to reinforce 7th Army.
// Marine Amphibious Units (MAU) are light combat forces, comprising 1,900 marines, 490 Underwater Demolition (UDT) and Sea-Air-Land teams (SEALS) and 100 Naval spt personnel, capable of establishing and defending a bridgehead for a brief period unsupported. Based on a marine inf bn with specialist and log spt elms, MAU hy eqpt incl 5 tks, 8 155mm how, 12 LVCP-7, composite air sqn (incl hel),4 CH-53 hy, 12 CH-46 med and assault 4 AH-1T attack and 2 UH-IN utility hel. 6 AV-8 VSTOL attack ac could spt. This force is lifted in 3-5 amph ships.
Only 1 MAU in Mediterranean and 1 in Pacific are regularly constituted.
A Marine Amphibious Bde is 3-5 inf, 1arty bns, tk coy, spt tps incl air, 16,950 personnel.
A Marine Amphibious Force varies in size from less than 1 div to more than 2; with an aircraft wing or wings.
A divisional force would total some 55,000 men, 156combat ac, 24 attack hel, 70 tks, 208 APC, 120 how to 203mm.
Marine divs, air wings and spt forces when deployed are called Marine Air-Ground Task Forces (MAGTF).
Strategic Forces After the apparent pause noted in The Military Balance 1985-1986, reports on the Soviet Strategic Forces show major developments in all major weapon categories. Though the number of ICBM launchers remains at 1,398, 72 of the earliest version of the SS-11 have been replaced by the SS-25, which is being deployed in units of 9 launchers in former SS-7 ICBM sites. The single warhead of the SS-11 had an estimated yield of 950 KT; the SS-25 also has one warhead but with an estimated 550-KT yield. The loss of some 28.8 MT in yield is more than compensated for by the increased accuracy of the SS-25: reported as 200 metres, compared with 1,400 metres for the SS-11 mod 1. The SS-25 uses solid fuel, giving it a shorter launch time, and is road mobile. A second new ICBM, the SS-X-24 is undergoing tests and may be deployed shortly.
The USSR introduced a new SLBM, the SS-N-23 in 1985. This liquid-fuelled missile is said to have a range similar to the SS-N-20 (8,300 km), a CEP of less than 900 metres and a payload of 10 MIRV warheads, each of perhaps 200 KT yield.
Two Delta IV boats (32 SLBM) are now in service. A fourth Typhoon (with 20 SS-N-20) has also entered service, and two Y-I boats have been withdrawn. The SSBN total therefore remains at 77, and the number of missiles rises by four to 983 (using SALT counting rules the totals are 62 SSBN and 944 SLBM). The SS-N-23 is replacing the SS-N-6, which carried two MRV warheads, with yields variously estimated at 500 KT to 1 MT. With its MIRV warheads the SS-N-23 has the potential to engage ten times the number of targets at some 2.75 times the range of its predecessor.
The Strategic Bomber Force shows a significant drop in the number of Mya-4 Bison, from 45 to 20. No alternative use for this 30-year-old aircraft has yet been reported. The equally elderly Tu-95 Bear design is back in production, with some 40 'H' models, each equipped with 6 AS-15 air-launched cruise missiles (ALCM), fifteen more than were reported last year. The AS-15 ALCM has a range of some 1,800 km, a speed of about Mach 0.6 and a single warhead with a yield of 250 KT.
The SS-4 MRBM is also being phased out. Holdings as of 1 July 1986 are believed to be 112, down by 8 from last year. The SS-20 IRBM inventory now stands at 441, an increase of 18 over the same period. There appears to have been a small re-deployment from Central Asia of some 36 missiles. These, and the additional 18 that have been deployed in the past 12 months, have together significantly increased the deployment of missiles which can strike targets anywhere in Europe to 270. The Asian deployment stands at some 171 missiles, comprising the 162 already deployed in the Far East and the 9 missiles probably remaining in Central Asia.
General-Purpose Forces The Soviet system of seniority is: Strategic Nuclear Forces (SNF), Ground Troops (Army), Air Defence, Air Force and Navy. The Ground Forces are reported to have added a motor rifle division and two air assault brigades to the Order of Battle. lt is now confirmed that the Army has taken over from the Air Forces of the Soviet Union all combat helicopters used in support of the Ground Forces. This has made a difference to the respective numbers of troops shown for each Service. The heavy equipment list shows increasing numbers of T-80 main battle tanks and the new BTR-80 APC now in service. There is probably a trend towards more modern artillery pieces at the expense of the earlier models; insufficient data precludes analysis of the numbers involved. The earlier reportage of the SS-22 as a replacement for the SS-12 presumed that there were significant visual (as well as technical) differences between the two weapons. External differences are minor, and we have accordingly listed the new SSM as 'SS-12 (mod)'. No further information has come to light concerning the SSC-X-4 ground-launched cruise missile (GLCM), reported last year. A NATO name for the SA-11 SAM -Gadfly -is noted. The SA-14 is now beginning to replace the SA-7, and the SA-X-12, an apparent replacement for the SA-4, may come into service soon.
Notwithstanding a number of additional items of information, we still have been unable to clarify the organization and structure of the Soviet Air Defence Service. That some air defence aircraft are deployed within the Air Forces of the Military Districts is an added complication. Modest increases in the numbers of MiG-29 and MiG-31 interceptors appear to be the only changes of note. Reports continue to suggest that the elderly SA-1 is still in service, although replacement by the SA-10 continues. The number of SA-10 SAM has increased by about 50% over the past year.
Organization of the respective Military District Air Forces has been separated from the aircraft inventories. Readers will find approximate figures in the Deployment section, but it is not yet possible to provide an overall summary of the number of regiments by role. The Military Transport arm has equipment assigned outside its direct control to Strategic and other Air Commands.
The Navy continues to test the combination of Yankee-class SSGN with the new SS-NX- 24 submarine-launched cruise missile (SLCM). We do not have any information that this SLCM is in service, and the deletion of the 'X' in last year's edition was in error. The USSR is also testing the SS-NX-21, which is similar in performance to the US Tomahawk cruise missile. There are now three Oscar-class boats (SSGN), one more than in 1985. Retirement of a Charlie and an Echo SSGN, and Juliet, W-Long Bin and Foxtrot diesel boats (one of each) has taken place. New production Kilo-class SS will replace at least some of these later types. The fourth Kiev-class carrier, shown as on trials last year, appears not yet to be in service. The second Slava cruiser may only just be coming into service. Two more Sovremennyy DDG and Udaloy ASW destroyers are reported; some of the Kanin and Kotlin destroyers may have retired. The Naval Aviation inventory shows an increase of some 20 Tu-22M Backfire and more Tu-16 Badger. Procurement includes a number of amphibious warfare ships.
Our estimate of possible deployments remains much as it was in 1985. Again, we would welcome comment. In summary, however, we see the Soviet Union as generally maintaining its forces' procurement programmes, which are leading to a steady improvement in quality. There appear to be no major breakthroughs, although more complex weapon systems, such as aircraft, continue to show increasing sophistication.
Defence Expenditure Defence spending in the Soviet Union, as officially announced by the government, held steady or decreased slightly in the 1970s. From 1981-84, it was frozen at 17.054 bn roubles ($23.065 bn). But in September 1984, Soviet Finance Minister Vasily Garbuzov announced an 11.8% increase in official defence spending for 1985 to 19.063 bn roubles ($22.257 bn). Although the purpose of the USSR's largest peace-time military budget is, in Garbuzov's words, 'to increase the combat readiness of our Armed Forces which are capable of giving a crushing rebuff to any aggressor', the Soviet leadership did not reveal which military programmes required additional funds. This largest annual spending increase in defence spending in twenty-five years was portrayed as a measured response to recent increases in American defence expenditure. In 1986, however, the USSR froze the level of official defence spending at 19.063 bn roubles; in combination with the arms control offers in 1986, this not only reflects Moscow's new foreign-policy approach but also looks like an economic signal that its defence burden must not increase.
Nearly all Western observers believe that the one-line official Soviet defence figures underestimate actual expenditure by a factor often or more, and that the USSR has consistently outspent the US for the last decade. Most observers believe that actual military spending represents 12-17% of the Soviet GDP. Some unclassified defence expenditure estimates are listed in the Table on the next page. The majority of those who produce estimates or 'time-series' assume stable, persistent growth in total defence expenditure in the range of 2-4% since the mid-1970s. Recent American and British estimates suggest that total annual defence expenditure grew by 4-5% before 1976, decelerated to a 2% annual rate in 1976-82 and rose at a rate of 3-5% in 1982-85.
There is widespread disagreement over what programmes should be included in the definition of Soviet defence expenditure. Many Western observers believe that the USSR includes the civilian space programme, internal security forces, military construction troops and civil defence as part of its concept of 'national defence'. But estimates based on that wider definition (which are not included in the Table below) are not comparable to definitions of Western defence expenditures and will tend to show higher Soviet defence spending.
Western sovietologists use two basic methodologies to calculate Soviet defence outlays. Some non-government analysts examine the published budget documents and add military related expenditures in non-defence line items. Most analysts - including those of the US CIA, the US DIA and the British MoD - estimate Soviet procurement, RDT&E, O&M, personnel costs, etc. individually in either roubles or dollars and then convert to the other. Roubles are used to indicate the defence burden on the Soviet economy, and dollars facilitate a comparison with American programmes. The methodologies for making these government estimates are rarely made public. Both the CIA and DIA collect raw data and have developed indirect economic analyses in order to calculate the costs to the USSR of producing material for defence items in dollars and in roubles.
For procurement, they estimate production runs and then estimate the level of spending from what it would cost in dollars to produce a similar weapon in the West. For example, the unit price and production estimates for a T-80 tank are $1.2-1.6 m (1982: 400 units); for a T-72 tank $1.0-1.3 m (1982: 1,000 units); and for a BMP-2 MICV $0.3-0.45 m (1982: 4,000 units). There are obvious difficulties with this method. Production statistics must be based primarily on photographie reconnaissance, and many gaps in information exist. Information is lacking on weapons exports as well as the structure of reserve stocks. Production cost estimates cannot accurately reflect true procurement spending patterns, because resource costs and dollar/rouble conversions are difficult to quantify and, more importantly, Soviet procurement objectives are set in real unit terms without a strict requirement for money prices to coincide with the real costs of goods and services.
Manpower costs have reportedly grown at 2% per year for the last ten years. For manpower costs, estimates are derived from known military salary rates, rank structure and ration scales. These are fairly reliable; but it is difficult to estimate manpower-support costs. Soviet R&D accounts are, in the CIA's words, 'the least reliable' and estimates are roughly derived from Soviet budgetary allocations to science. The Academy of Sciences administers - and presumably funds -military R&D, with planning, development and production steered by complex interdepartmental communication between the Ministry of Defence, GOSPLAN, the Academy of Sciences, the Council of Ministers and the production ministries. RDT&E programmes are thought to be on the scale of American efforts, including space-based defence and ground-based ABM technology. O&M accounts are usually estimated as a function of procurement and manpower estimates; precise fuel and maintenance costs are unavailable. Estimated O&M costs have grown by 3-4% annually since 1976, but the published data for RDT&E and O&M accounts is minimal.
Difficulties surrounding estimates of exchange rates were examined in previous editions of The Military Balance. Most observers believe that current methodologies are tainted by an element of institutional bias, a tendency to assume mirroring micro-economic phenomena, limited understanding of the USSR's budgeting process and military-industrial policy, and the limited number of Soviet studies programmes outside the intelligence community.*
Since the CIA first released its estimates of Soviet defence spending in 1974, it has revised its methodology on three occasions, and these revisions have caused some confusion in the media. In 1976, as a result of new information indicating that levels of output in the defence industries were much lower than had been assumed, it re-evaluated Soviet rouble defence production costs. As a result, its estimate of Soviet defence costs in roubles was doubled, though the dollar estimates were unaffected. In the second revision in 1983 (part of a re-evaluation of 1979-81 estimates, which had previously suggested that Soviet defence spending was growing at a rate of 4-5% annually), the CIA revised its methodology, having decided that the rate of equipment accession was lower then expected. As a result, both the dollar and rouble spending estimates were revised to reflect a growth rate of 2% annually. This year the CIA updated its price base from 1970 to 1982 price levels. The new pricing system does not fundamentally alter the agency's estimates of Soviet defence spending; the only difference is that military spending in 1982 prices reflects a greater share of the economy (15-17%) than in 1970 prices (13-16%). The new estimate of the defence burden is compatible with DIA analyses and suggests that inflation in the military sector is greater than in the general economy.
DIA dollar and rouble estimates are stated in current, rather than constant, currency terms. The DIA believes that Soviet defence spending roughly doubled between 1970 and 1981, and in its latest reports suggests that Soviet defence spending has increased at about 5% annually since 1983. Both CIA and DIA caution that any estimate of currency spending will be subject to revision, and that there is approximately a five-year lag before current estimates can be fully confirmed and evaluated.
The DIA and CIA agree that the Soviet budget for procurement increased by 1% annually between 1975 and 1981. The DIA's procurement estimate, which is based on pricing of 250 major weapons systems, concludes that spending on procurement increased by 3-5% annually in 1981-86. The CIA, whose estimates measure total procurement, argues that recent procurement resources are stagnant. Based on these latest estimates, American spending on procurement overtook Soviet procurement spending in 1984. Some observers have noted with a touch of irony that, despite major (but narrowing) technology differences between Soviet and American systems, the USSR managed to produce more than twice as much as the US using a much smaller rate of procurement growth.
Defence and the Soviet Economy under Gorbachev On coming to power Mikhail Gorbachev inherited a number of strengths in the world's second largest economy: petroleum and iron ore extraction, steel and cement production and a machine tools sector, all of which exceed American output.
GNP growth in 1985f was 2.6% for the second year running. The year began with one of the coldest winters on record which caused major transport and production bottlenecks. Industrial output picked up in the second half to finish at a 2.8% annual rate. However, agricultural losses dragged down the rest of the economy despite greatly increased investment. Consumer shortages persisted. In fact, consumer output actually fell, despite Gorbachev's calls for greater labour productivity. The new leadership has been quick to make senior-level personnel changes but has been loth to challenge the long-term interests of the powerful bureaucracies in its economic programme. As a first step Gorbachev has stepped up the worker productivity campaign, begun by his predecessors, in an attempt to stimulate the economy. He replaced a number of economic ministers, including the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and the chiefs of the construction, service and machine building sectors. Many of his new economic managers have been recruited from the defence sector, including the Ministerial Chairman Ryzhkov.
The above short-term measures are intended to be followed by an ambitious plan to replace one third of the capital stock by 1990. Over 200 bn roubles in capital investment has been committed between 1986 and 1990 for 'modernizing and technically re-equipping production'. Gorbachev has hinted at some organizational changes, none of which is widespread, nor do they challenge major bureaucratic interests.
Gorbachev's first Five Year Plan (1986-90) calls for 3.5% annual growth in National Income (a measure similar to GNP used by Soviet economists). A 7-8% growth rate in the machine building sector (focused primarily on the electronics, computer and machine tool industries) is intended to boost total industrial output by 4.5% each year. Ryzhkov announced major investment increases for the energy and machine building sectors, and lesser increases for agriculture and consumer investment. Apparently, the Politburo has not finalized the difficult allocation choices. Most of the planned increases in fixed investment are scheduled for 1986. Gorbachev intends to increase investment in civilian machinery and energy by 30% in 1986. lt is unlikely that these rates can be sustained for very long. In the wake of the Chernobyl disaster, the leadership may be forced to spend even more than planned on its nuclear energy programme. The collapse of prices for petroleum, which the USSR produces mostly from relatively low-cost Siberian oil fields, cut foreign earnings used for investment by $5-7 billion.
In the near term (1986-9) the lack of investment should not restrain defence production, according to several American and European studies. A study released by the Joint Economic Committee states, 'in view of the immense sunk costs for plant and installed equipment in the defence production facilities, and the fact that these cannot be readily converted to civilian use, the industrial modernization goals are unlikely significantly to impede the completion of the major deployments of strategic weapons that the Soviets have programmed through the 1980s'. Full-scale production lines are producing the newest generation of Soviet weapons systems including, T-80 tanks, cruise missiles, Su-27 fighters, the Blackjack bomber, and the SS-25 ICBM.
The Soviet military appears to support Gorbachev's economic plans, because it will ultimately benefit from any technological advances. The Deputy Minister for military procurement has complained that the poor performance of the civilian economy is a threat to military procurement objectives. lt appears that investment allocations will only affect defence at the margins over the next few years. Therefore it seems that the Soviet Union is likely to be well placed to continue its vigorous military modernization programme up to the end of the decade by means of qualitative change, without major new investment, while simultaneously expanding and improving the civilian sector.
* For further background see R. Kaufmann, S. Rosefielde, H. Schaeffer, in Joint Economic Committee, Congress of
the USA, Hearings (annual); also previous editions of The Military Balance.
? NMP growth 3.2% in 1984 and 3.0% in 1985.
For further details please refer to: R. E. Foelber, Estimates of Soviet Defence Expenditures: Methodological Issuesand Policy Implications (Washington DC Congressional Research Service, 1985); Joint Economic Committee (CIA and DIA presentation), The Soviet Economy Under a New Leader (Washington DC: JEC 1986); A. S. Becker, Sitting on Bayonets: The Soviet Defense Burden and the Slowdown of Soviet Defense Spending (Santa Monica, CA: RAND 1985), R. Hutchings, The Soviet Budget (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1983); R. Kaufman 'Causes of the Slowdown in Soviet Defence', Soviet Economy, vol. I, no. 1; and previous editions of The Military Balance, M. Gorbachev, Political Report of the CPSU Central Committee to the 27th Party Congress.(Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1986).
Стратегические силы После кажущейся паузы, отмеченной в Военном балансе 1985-1986 годов, доклады о советских стратегических силах показывают основные события во всех основных категориях вооружений. Хотя число пусковых установок МБР остается на уровне 1398, 72 из самых ранних версий SS-11 были заменены на SS-25, которые развертываются в подразделениях по 9 пусковых установок на бывших объектах МБР SS-7. Одна боеголовка SS-11 имела расчетную мощность 950 КТ; SS-25 также имеет одну боеголовку, но с расчетной мощностью 550 кт. Снижение на около 28,8 МТ в мощности более чем компенсируется возросшей точностью SS-25: как сообщается 200 метров, по сравнению с 1400 метров для SS-11 mod 1. SS-25 использует твердое топливо, что дает ему более короткое время запуска, и является мобильной. Вторая новая МБР, SS-X-24 проходит испытания и может быть развернута в ближайшее время.
В 1985 году СССР ввел новую БРПЛ, SS-N-23. Эта ракета на жидком топливе, как утверждается, имеет дальность, аналогичную SS-N-20 (8300 км), КВО менее 900 метров и полезную нагрузку в 10 боеголовок MIRV, каждая из которых, возможно, 200 кт.
В настоящее время на вооружении находятся две лодки Delta IV (32 БРПЛ). Четвертый Typhoon (с 20 SS-N-20) также поступил на вооружение, и две лодки Y-I были списаны. Таким образом, общая сумма ПЛАРБ остается на уровне 77, а количество ракет увеличивается на четыре до 983 (с использованием правил подсчета ОСВ общие суммы составляют 62 ПЛАРБ и 944 БРПЛ). SS-N-23 заменяет SS-N-6, который нес две боеголовки MRV, с мощностью, по разным оценкам, от 500 кт до 1 МТ. С боеголовками MIRV SS-N-23 имеет потенциал для поражения в десять раз больше целей на примерно в 2,75 раза большей дальности своего предшественника.
Стратегическая бомбардировочная авиация показывает значительное снижение численности M-4 с 45 до 20. Об альтернативном использовании этого 30-летнего самолета пока не сообщалось. Не менее старая конструкция Ту-95 вернулась в производство, выпущено примерно 40 модели "Н", каждая из которых оснащена 6 крылатыми ракетами AS-15 (КРВБ), на пятнадцать больше, чем сообщалось в прошлом году. КРВБ AS-15 имеет дальность действия около 1800 км, скорость около 0,6 Маха и одну боеголовку мощностью 250 КТ.
БРСД SS-4 тоже сворачивается. По состоянию на 1 июля 1986 года их насчитывалось 112, что на 8 меньше, чем в прошлом году. В настоящее время численность БРСД SS-20 составляют 441, что на 18 больше, чем за тот же период. Как представляется, из Центральной Азии было осуществлено небольшое переразвертывание примерно 36 ракет. Эти и дополнительные 18 ракет, которые были развернуты за последние 12 месяцев, в совокупности значительно увеличили развертывание ракет, которые могут поражать цели в любой точке Европы, до 270. Азиатское развертывание насчитывает около 171 ракеты, включая 162 уже развернутые на Дальнем Востоке и 9 ракет, которые, вероятно, остаются в Центральной Азии.
Силы Общего Назначения Советская система старшинства: стратегические ядерные силы (СНС), Сухопутные войска (армия), ПВО, ВВС и военно-морской флот. Сообщается, что Сухопутные войска добавили в боевой порядок мотострелковую дивизию и две штурмовые бригады. в настоящее время подтверждено, что армия забрала у ВВС Советского Союза все боевые вертолеты, используемые для поддержки сухопутных войск. Это повлияло на соответствующую численность войск, показанную для каждой службы. В списке тяжелой техники указано увеличение количества основных боевых танков Т-80 и новых БТР-80. Вероятно, наблюдается тенденция к созданию более современных артиллерийских орудий на смену более ранним моделям; недостаточные данные не позволяют анализировать соответствующие цифры. Более ранний репортаж о SS-22 в качестве замены SS-12 предполагал наличие значительных визуальных (а также технических) различий между двумя видами оружия. Внешние различия незначительны, и мы соответственно перечислили новый ОТБР как "SS-12 (mod)". Никакой дополнительной информации относительно крылатой ракеты наземного базирования SSC-X-4 (КРНБ), о которой сообщалось в прошлом году, не поступало. Натовское название для SA-11 SAM- Gadfly - введено. В настоящее время SA-14 начинает заменять SA-7, а SA-X-12, явная замена SA-4, может скоро вступить в строй.
Несмотря на ряд дополнительных сведений, мы до сих пор не смогли прояснить организацию и структуру советской службы противовоздушной обороны. То, что некоторые самолеты ПВО дислоцируются в составе Военно-Воздушных Сил военных округов, является дополнительным осложнением. Незначительное увеличение числа перехватчиков МиГ-29 и МиГ-31, по-видимому, является единственным примечательным изменением. Сообщения по-прежнему свидетельствуют о том, что старый SA-1 все еще находится в эксплуатации, хотя замена SA-10 продолжается. За последний год количество ЗРК SA-10 увеличилось примерно на 50%.
Организация соответствующих Военно-Воздушных Сил округов была отделена от авиационных запасов. Читатели найдут приблизительные цифры в разделе развертывания, но пока не представляется возможным представить общую сводку о количестве полков по ролям. Военно-транспортное вооружение имеет оборудование, переданное вне его прямого контроля стратегическому и другим воздушным командованиям.
Военно-морской флот продолжает испытания комбинации ПЛАРК класса Yankee с новой крылатой ракетой подводного базирования SS-NX-24 (SLCM). У нас нет никакой информации о том, что этот КРМБ находится в эксплуатации, и удаление "X" в прошлогоднем выпуске было ошибкой. СССР также проводит испытания SS-NX-21, который по своим характеристикам аналогичен американской крылатой ракете Tomahawk. В настоящее время существует три лодки класса Oscar (ПЛАРК), на одну больше, чем в 1985 году. Состоялась отставка Charlie и Echo ПЛАРК, а также Juliet, W-Long Bin и дизельных лодок Foxtrot (по одной из них). Новое производство ПЛ Kilo-class SS заменит по крайней мере некоторые из этих более поздних типов. Четвертый авианосец класса Киев, показанный на испытаниях в прошлом году, похоже, еще не в эксплуатации. Второй крейсер Слава, возможно, только вступает в строй. Сообщается еще о двух эсминцах: ракетный Современный и противолодочный Удалой; некоторые из эсминцев Kanin и Kotlin, возможно, сняты. Военно-морские авиационные силы увеличились на 20 Ту-22М и более Ту-16. Закупка включает в себя ряд боевых кораблей-амфибий.
Наша оценка возможного развертывания остается такой же, как и в 1985 году. И вновь мы хотели бы получить комментарии. В целом, однако, мы видим, что Советский Союз в целом поддерживает программы закупок своих сил, которые ведут к неуклонному повышению качества. Как представляется, крупных прорывов не произошло, хотя более сложные системы вооружения, такие, как самолеты, продолжают демонстрировать все большую изощренность.
Оборонные расходы Расходы на оборону в Советском Союзе, официально объявленные правительством, в 1970-е годы оставались стабильными или несколько сократились. В 1981-1984 годах они были заморожена на уровне 17,054 млрд рублей (23,065 млрд долларов). Но в сентябре 1984 года министр финансов СССР Василий Гарбузов объявил об увеличении на 11,8% официальных расходов на оборону за 1985 год до 19,063 млрд рублей (22,257 млрд долларов). Хотя целью крупнейшего в мирное время военного бюджета СССР является, по словам Гарбузова, "повышение боеготовности наших Вооруженных сил, способных дать сокрушительный отпор любому агрессору", советское руководство не раскрывало, какие военные программы требуют дополнительных средств. Это крупнейшее ежегодное увеличение расходов на оборону за последние двадцать пять лет было представлено как взвешенная реакция на недавнее увеличение американских расходов на оборону. Однако в 1986 году СССР заморозил уровень официальных расходов на оборону на уровне 19,063 млрд рублей.; в сочетании с предложениями по контролю над вооружениями в 1986 году это не только отражает новый внешнеполитический подход Москвы, но и выглядит как экономический сигнал о том, что ее оборонное бремя не должно увеличиваться.
Почти все западные наблюдатели полагают, что однострочные официальные данные советской обороны часто недооценивают фактические расходы в несколько раз, и что СССР последовательно опережает США в течение последнего десятилетия. Большинство наблюдателей считают, что фактические военные расходы составляют 12-17% от советского ВВП. Некоторые несекретные сметы расходов на оборону приводятся в таблице на следующей странице. Большинство тех, кто производит оценки или "временные ряды", предполагают стабильный, устойчивый рост общих расходов на оборону в диапазоне 2-4% с середины 1970-х годов. Согласно последним американским и британским оценкам, общие годовые расходы на оборону выросли на 4-5% до 1976 года, замедлились до 2% в 1976-1982 годах и выросли на 3-5% в 1982-1985 годах.
Широко распространены разногласия относительно того, какие программы следует включить в определение советских расходов на оборону. Многие западные наблюдатели считают, что СССР включает гражданскую космическую программу, силы внутренней безопасности, военно-строительные войска и гражданскую оборону в свою концепцию "национальной обороны". Но оценки, основанные на этом более широком определении (которые не включены в нижеследующую таблицу), не сопоставимы с определениями западных оборонных расходов и будут, как правило, показывать более высокие советские оборонные расходы.
Западные советологи используют две основные методологии для расчета советских оборонных расходов. Некоторые неправительственные аналитики изучают опубликованные бюджетные документы и включают военные расходы в статьи, не связанные с обороной. Большинство аналитиков - в том числе ЦРУ США, РУМО США и британского Министерства обороны - оценивают советские закупки, RDT&E, O&M, расходы на персонал и т. д. индивидуально в рублях или долларах, а затем конвертировать в другой. Рубли используются для обозначения оборонной нагрузки на советскую экономику, а доллары облегчают сравнение с американскими программами. Методологии составления таких правительственных оценок публикуются редко. Как ЦРУ, так и РУМО собирают исходные данные и проводят косвенный экономический анализ для расчета затрат СССР на производство материалов для оборонных объектов в долларах и рублях.
Что касается закупок, то они оценивают объемы производства, а затем оценивают уровень расходов исходя из того, сколько будет стоить производство аналогичного оружия на Западе в долларах. Например, удельная цена и оценка производства танка Т-80 составляют 1,2-1,6 млн долл. (1982: 400 шт.); танка Т-72 1,0-1,3 млн долл. (1982: 1000 шт.); БМП-2 0,3-0,45 млн долл. (1982: 4000 шт.). С этим методом возникают очевидные трудности. Производственная статистика должна основываться в первую очередь на фотографической разведке, и существует много пробелов в информации. Отсутствует информация об экспорте оружия, а также о структуре резервных запасов. Оценки производственных затрат не могут точно отражать истинную структуру расходов на закупки, поскольку затраты на ресурсы и конверсию доллара в рубль трудно поддаются количественной оценке и, что более важно, советские цели закупок устанавливаются в реальном выражении без строгого требования, чтобы денежные цены совпадали с реальными затратами на товары и услуги.
Сообщается, что за последние десять лет затраты на личный состав выросли на 2% в год. Что касается расходов на личный состав, то они рассчитаны на основе известных ставок окладов военнослужащих, структуры званий и шкал пайков. Они достаточно надежны, но трудно оценить затраты на поддержку личного состава. Советские отчеты о НИОКР являются, по словам ЦРУ, "наименее надежными", а оценки примерно основаны на советских бюджетных ассигнованиях на науку. Академия наук управляет военными НИОКР и, предположительно, финансирует их, а планирование, разработка и производство осуществляются на основе сложных межведомственных связей между Министерством обороны, Госпланом, Академией наук, Советом Министров и производственными министерствами. Считается, что программы НИОКР соответствуют масштабам американских усилий, включая космическую оборону и наземную технологию ПРО. Счета НИОКР обычно оцениваются в зависимости от оценок закупок и людских ресурсов; точные расходы на топливо и техническое обслуживание отсутствуют. С 1976 года оценочные затраты на НИОКР ежегодно увеличивались на 3-4%, однако опубликованные данные по счетам НИОКР и НИОКР минимальны.
Трудности, связанные с оценками обменных курсов, рассматривались в предыдущих изданиях Военного баланса. Большинство наблюдателей считают, что современные методологии запятнаны элементом институциональной предвзятости, тенденцией к зеркальному отражению микроэкономических явлений, ограниченным пониманием бюджетного процесса СССР и Военно-промышленной политики, а также ограниченным числом советских исследовательских программ за пределами разведывательного сообщества.*
С тех пор как ЦРУ впервые опубликовало свои оценки советских расходов на оборону в 1974 году, оно трижды пересматривало свою методологию, и эти изменения вызвали некоторую путаницу в средствах массовой информации. В 1976 году в результате получения новой информации, свидетельствующей о том, что объемы производства в оборонной промышленности были значительно ниже, чем предполагалось, была произведена переоценка затрат на оборону в советских рублях. В результате его оценка советских расходов на оборону в рублях была удвоена, хотя долларовые оценки остались неизменными. Во втором пересмотре в 1983 году (часть переоценки оценок 1979-1981 годов, которая ранее предполагала, что советские расходы на оборону растут со скоростью 4-5% в год) ЦРУ пересмотрело свою методологию, решив, что темпы поставок вооружения были ниже, чем ожидалось. В результате как долларовые, так и рублевые оценки расходов были пересмотрены с учетом темпов роста в 2% в год. В этом году ЦРУ обновило свою ценовую базу с 1970 по 1982 годы. Новая система ценообразования принципиально не меняет оценки агентством советских оборонных расходов; разница лишь в том, что военные расходы в ценах 1982 года отражают большую долю экономики (15-17%), чем в ценах 1970 года (13-16%). Новая оценка оборонной нагрузки совместима с анализом РУМО и предполагает, что инфляция в военном секторе выше, чем в экономике в целом.
Долларовые и рублевые оценки РУМО указываются в текущих, а не постоянных валютных показателях. РУМО считает, что советские оборонные расходы примерно удвоились между 1970 и 1981 годами, и в своих последних отчетах предполагает, что советские оборонные расходы увеличивались примерно на 5% ежегодно с 1983 года. Как ЦРУ, так и РУМО предупреждают, что любая оценка валютных расходов будет подвергнута пересмотру и что существует приблизительно пятилетний ЛАГ, прежде чем текущие оценки могут быть полностью подтверждены и оценены.
РУМО и ЦРУ согласны, что советский бюджет на закупки ежегодно увеличивался на 1% с 1975 по 1981 год. По оценкам РУМО, основанным на ценах на 250 основных систем вооружения, расходы на закупки в 1981-1986 годах ежегодно увеличивались на 3-5%. ЦРУ, оценки которого измеряют общий объем закупок, утверждает, что в последнее время закупочные ресурсы стагнируют. Исходя из этих последних оценок, американские расходы на закупки превзошли советские расходы на закупки в 1984 году. Некоторые наблюдатели с некоторой иронией отмечают, что, несмотря на значительные (но сужающиеся) технологические различия между Советской и американской системами, СССР удалось произвести более чем в два раза больше, чем США, используя гораздо меньшие темпы роста закупок.
Оборона и советская экономика при Горбачеве Придя к власти, Михаил Горбачев унаследовал ряд сильных сторон второй по величине экономики в мире: нефтедобычу и добычу железной руды, производство стали и цемента, станкостроение - все это превосходит американскую продукцию.
Рост ВНП в 1985f составил 2,6% второй год подряд. Год начался с одной из самых холодных зим в истории, которая выявила серьезные транспортные и производственные узкие места. Промышленное производство выросло во втором полугодии до 2,8% годовых. Однако, несмотря на значительное увеличение инвестиций, сельскохозяйственные потери затянули остальную экономику. Дефицит потребителей сохранялся. На самом деле потребительский выпуск фактически упал, несмотря на призывы Горбачева к повышению производительности труда. Новое руководство быстро осуществило кадровые изменения на высоком уровне, но не бросило вызов долгосрочным интересам могущественной бюрократии в своей экономической программе. В качестве первого шага Горбачев активизировал кампанию производительности труда, начатую его предшественниками, в попытке стимулировать экономику. Он сменил ряд министров экономики, в том числе председателя Совета Министров и начальников секторов строительства, обслуживания и машиностроения. Многие из его новых экономических руководителей были набраны из оборонного сектора, в том числе председатель Совета Министров Рыжков.
Вышеуказанные краткосрочные меры предполагают осуществление амбициозного плана по замене одной трети основного капитала к 1990 году. В период 1986-1990 годов на "модернизацию и техническое перевооружение производства" было выделено свыше 200 млрд рублей капиталовложений. Горбачев намекнул на некоторые организационные изменения, ни одно из которых не является широко распространенным, и они не бросают вызов основным бюрократическим интересам.
Первый пятилетний план Горбачева (1986-1990 годы) предусматривает ежегодный рост национального дохода на 3,5% (показатель, аналогичный ВНП, используемому советскими экономистами). Темпы роста 7-8% в машиностроительном секторе (ориентированном в первую очередь на электронику, компьютерную и станкостроительную промышленность) призваны ежегодно увеличивать общий объем промышленного производства на 4,5%. Рыжков объявил о значительном увеличении инвестиций в энергетику и машиностроение, меньшем - в сельское хозяйство и потребительские инвестиции. По-видимому, Политбюро не завершило сложный выбор распределения. Большая часть запланированного увеличения инвестиций в основной капитал запланирована на 1986 год. Горбачев намерен увеличить инвестиции в гражданскую технику и энергетику на 30% в 1986 году. Маловероятно, что эти темпы могут сохраняться очень долго. После Чернобыльской катастрофы руководство может быть вынуждено потратить на свою ядерно-энергетическую программу даже больше, чем планировалось. Обвал цен на нефть, которую СССР добывает в основном из относительно недорогих сибирских нефтяных месторождений, сократил иностранные доходы, используемые для инвестиций, на 5-7 миллиардов долларов.
В ближайшей перспективе (1986-1989 годы) отсутствие инвестиций не должно сдерживать оборонное производство, согласно ряду американских и европейских исследований. В исследовании, опубликованном Объединенным экономическим комитетом, говорится: "ввиду огромных затрат на установку оборудования на объектах оборонного производства и того факта, что они не могут быть легко преобразованы в гражданское использование, цели промышленной модернизации вряд ли существенно помешают завершению крупных развертываний стратегических вооружений, которые советы запрограммировали до 1980-х годов". Полномасштабные производственные линии выпускают новейшее поколение советских систем вооружения, включая танки Т-80, крылатые ракеты, истребители Су-27, бомбардировщик Blackjack и МБР SS -25.
THE SOVIET UNION NMP 1984e: r 565 bn; 1985e: r582bn
growth 1984: 3.3% 1985: 3.0%
GNP 1984e: $1,480-1,958 bn; 1985e: $1,520-2,010 bn
Inflation 1984: -0.9% 1985: -1.6%
Debt 1984: $26 bn 1985: $27 bn
Est def exp and exchange rate: see text above.
Population: 279,500,000
18-30 31-45 Men 31,380,000 25,518,000
Women 30,300,000 25,890,000
Regular 5,130,000 (perhaps 2,620,000 conscripts).*
(* Excl KGB, MVD (570,000), but incl some 1,471,000 railroad construction labour, comd and general spt tps not otherwise listed.)
Soviet forces comprise, in order of seniority: Strategic Nuclear Forces (SNF); Ground Troops (Army); Air Defence (AD), Air Force and Navy.
Terms of Service. SNF/Army/AD/Air Force 2 years; Navy/Border Guards 3 years. Women with medical and other special skills may volunteer.
Reserves: total 6,265,000 with conscript service within last 5 years. SNF 540,000; Army 3,500,000; AD 840,000; Air Force 825,000; Navy 560,000.
Males have a Reserve obligation to age 50; total: some 25,000,000. (Regular retirees could add to the above totals.)
STRATEGIC NUCLEAR FORCES COMMAND: 298,000 (plus 112,000 assigned from Air and Navy).
(70-75% conscripts 7217,000); under direct operational control of the Supreme High Command (VGK).
(a) Sea-launched msls SLBM: (Navy: 17,000).
983 in 77 subs (944 SLBM, 62 subs come under SALT; 39 SLBM, 15 subs are outside it).
SSBN: 63:
4 Typhoon with 20 SS-N-20 (80 msls).
2 D-IV with 16 SS-N-23 (32 msls).
14 D-III with 16 SS-N-18 (224 msls).
4 D-II with 16 SS-N-8 (64 msls).
18 D-I with 12 SS-N-8 (216 msls).
1 Y-II with 12 SS-N-17 (12 msls).
19 Y-I with 16 SS-N-6 (304 msls).
1 H-III with 6 SS-N-8 (trials).
SSB: 14:
1 G-III with 6 SS-N-8 (6 msls).
13 G-II with 3 SS-N-5 (39 non-SALT theatre msls).
(b) Ground-launched msls: 298,000:
6 rocket armies, org in divs, regts, bns and btys of 1 msl launcher, 28 'fields', 300 launch control HQ, 3 msl test centres.
ICBM: 1,398.* (*Figures may fluctuate slightly during conversion.)
SS-11 Sego: 448 mod 1; mods 2/3 (at some 8 fields, SS-25 is replacing).*
SS-13 Savage. 60 (at 1 field, SS-25 may replace).
SS-17: 150 (at 2 fields; mod 3, 4 MIRV).*
SS-18: 308 (at 6fields; mostly mod 4, 10 MIRV).
SS-19: 360 (at 4fields; mostly mod 3, 6 MIRV).*
SS-X-24: under test; may be rail mobile.
SS-25: 72: mobile msl replacing SS-11 and may replace SS-13; in groups of 9 on former SS-7 sites; 20 bases, each for 9 msls,
reported under conversion.
(*SS-11, SS-17, SS-19 and perhaps SS-25 have variable range capability, enabling them to be used for theatre support.)
IRBM/MRBM: 553: 382 in western, rest in central and eastern USSR.
SS-20: 441 mobile IRBM (3 MIRV) (270 within range of Europe, 162 in Far East, 9 in Central Asia)); 9 launchers in each operating base.*
(*Reload capacity has been reported.)
SS-4 Sandal: 112 MRBM in western USSR (being retired).
(c) Air-launched: (95,000 Air Force personnel).
STRATEGIC AVIATION: 5 Armies; about 1,690 combat ac.
1 Army may be for intercontinental roles, 4 for Theatre spt.
Bbrs: 1,120.
Long-range: 160:
140 Tupolev Tu-95 Bear A/B/C/G/H (some 80 B/C/G have AS-3/-4 ASM, 40 H have up to 6 AS-15 (ALCM)).
20 Myasishchev Mya-4 Bison.
(Blackjack strategic bomber under development.)
Medium-range: 510: 140 Tu-22M Backfire B/C (AS-4 ASM);
240 Tu-16 Badger G (in regts each with 2 sqns, 36-48 Tu-16, plus 1 composite sqn: 2-4 Badger H, 1-2 J, 3-6 Tu-16A tankers);
130 Tu-22 Blinder A/B.
Short-range: some 450 Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer.
Recce: 116: 4 Tu-95 Bear E, 15 Tu-16 Badger F, 15 Tu-22 Blinder C, 40 Mikoyan-Guryevich MiG-25 Foxbat B/D, 42 Yakovlev Yak-28 BrewerD.
Ftrs: (base defence): some 300 MiG-23 Flogger B/G, MiG-21 Fishbed J/K/L/N.
ECM: 160: 100 Tu-16 Badger H/J/K, 60 Yak-28 Brewer E.
Tankers: 50: 30 Mya-4 Bison A, 20 Tu-16 Badger.
ASM: AS-3 Kangaroo, AS-4 Kitchen, AS-5 Kelt, AS-6 Kingfish. ALCM: AS-15.
(On order Blackjack, Tu-22M Backfire bbrs, Tu-95 Bear H (ALCM mod), AS-15 ALCM.)
GROUND FORCES: 1,991,000 (perhaps 1,400,000 conscripts).
5 Major Theatres (TVD), 1 Strategic Reserve Theatre.
51 tk divs (Type: 3 tk, 1 motor rifle, 1 arty, 1 SAM AA regts; 1 SSM, 1 MRL bns; spt units).
142 motor rifle divs (Type: 3 motor rifle, 1 tk, 1 arty, 1 SAM regts; 1 SSM, 1 ATK, 1 MRL bns; spt units).
7 AB divs (each 3 para, 1 arty regts; 1 AA bn).
Front and Army tps:
Some 10 air assault bdes (each 4 inf bns (2 with BMD); arty, SAM, ATK; spt tps).
16 arty divs, Front: (Type: 3-4 bdes (11 bns): 3 bns each 24 152mm guns, 3 each 24 152mm gun/how, 3 each 24 220mm MRL,
1 of 12 203mm how and 1 of 12 240mm mor (nuc)).
Arty bdes, Army: (Type: 4 bns: 1 of 24 152mm guns, 1 of 24 152mm gun/how, 2 each of 24 152mm SP guns).
Tk, arty, SSM, ATK, AD (SAM and arty), engr bdes; sigs, electronic warfare, hy tk tpt regts; NBC defence, CW bns; spt services.
Special forces (Spetsnaz): 16 bdes, 3 regts.
Army Avn: regts and sqns assigned to division and above; some 20 regts are assigned as 'attack' with 60+ Mi-8 and Mi-24 armed hel.
Ministry of Defence tps (all Services):
HQ tps.
Rear Services (finance, justice, log, maintenance, medical, procurement, repair, supplies, transportation, veterinary).
Troops of Civil Defence: (150,000 permanent staff, 16,000,000+ on mobilization).
Nationwide programme down to city/rural/industrial level incl some 75 comd posts within 120 km of Moscow, 1,500 hardened deep shelters;
accommodation for at least 175,000 officials, and local urban hardened shelters for essential work-force and some of the general population.
Divs have 3 categories of combat readiness:
Category 1, full strength on 24 hours notice, eqpt complete;
Category 2, 50-75% strength, complete with fighting vehicles, full manning planned to take 3 days, fully operational in 30 days;
Category 3, cadre (some 20% strength), combat eqpt possibly complete, older models, planned to be fully manned in some 8-9 weeks.
To man these Cat 2 and 3 divs would require some 2,100,000 men.
The system may now be changing, with some units in a formation being at full strength, others at cadre only.
'Second Generation' divs, using key personnel from the active divs and older reservists and eqpt, could be mobilized and retrained in some months.
Some 13 of these are reported to exist.
The 30 tk and motor rifle divs and 1 arty div in the four Groups of Soviet Forces in Eastern Europe (see Deployment below),
the 7 AB divs and the 10 air assault bdes all are at Cat 1.
Perhaps 15 of the 65 divs in the West and South-West European USSR are in Cat 1 or 2.
60% of the remaining 148 divs, 83 of them in the Far Eastern, Central and Southern USSR, are likely to be Category 3.
Tk divs in Eastern Europe have up to 328 MBT, motor rifle divs up to 271; holdings elsewhere may be lower.
MBT: some 53,000: some 19,900 T-54/-55, 13,700 T-62, some 9,300 T-64, 8,500 T-72 and 1,400 T-80 (most fitted for deep fording).
lt: 1,200 PT-76.
AFV: some 63,000 active plus 20,000 reserve:
recce: 6,300: incl BRDM-2, many with ATGW.
MICV: some 27,500: some 25,000 BMP-1/-2/-3 with 30mm gun; some 2,500 BMD (AB).
APC: some 29,000: some 26,000 BTR-50P/-60P/-70/-80/-152 (BMP-2 replacing -50/-60); 2,900 MT-LB (withSA-9/-13).
Arty: some 29,000 (some 4,580 SP):
guns: 122mm: D-74; 130mm: M-46; 152mm: ?l,500 M-1976, ?2,100 7M-1979 (2-S5) SP; 180mm: 7180 S-23 towed,
gun/how: 152mm: ?2,500 M-1937/M-1955 (D-20) towed, 3,500+ M-1973 (2-S3) SP.
how: 120mm: M-1981 SP; 122mm: M-1938/D-30 towed, M-1974 (2-S1) SP; 203mm: 7200 M-1975SP.
MRL 6,745: 122mm: M-1964 (BM-21)/M-1972 (RM-70) 40-tube, M-1975 12-tube, M-1976 36-tube; 140mm: BM-14-16/-17 16/17-tube,
RPU-14 16-tube; 220mm: M-1977 (BM-27) 16-tube; 240mm: BM-24 12-tube.
mor: 11,100 120mm, 160mm and (7200) 240mm M-1975 SP.
SSM (nuclear-capable): some 1,570 launchers (units organic to formations), incl some 800 FROG/SS-21, 635 Scud/SS-23, 130 SS-12 (mod).
GLCM: SSC-X-4 reported under development.
ATK: RU 73mm: RPG-16/-18; 82mm: RPG-7. RCL73mm: SPG-9.
guns: 7,250: 57mm: ASU-85 SP; 76mm; 85mm: D-44/SD-44, ASU-85 SP; 100mm: T-12/-12A/M-55 towed.
ATGW: AT-2 Swatter, AT-3 Sagger, AT-4 Spigot, AT-5 Spandrel, AT-6 Spiral.
AD: guns: 21,000: 23mm: ZU-23, ZSU-23-4 SP; 30mm: (incl ZSU-30-6 trials); 37mm; 57mm: S-60, ZSU-57-2 SP;
85mm; 100mm: KS-19; 130mm towed.
SAM: 4,300 crew-served field mobile systems; (some 440 units):
SA-4 Ganef (twin): 1,400 (Army/Front weapon).
SA-6 Gainful (triple): 875 (at div).
SA-7 Grail (man-portable): perhaps 20,000 (unit weapon, being replaced by SA-14).
SA-8 Gecko (2 twin or 2 triple): 745 (at div).
SA-9 Gasten (2 twin): 545 (at regt).
SA-11 Gadfly (quad): 80 (at div, being introduced).
SA-13 Gopher(2 twin): 755 (replacing SA-9).
SA-14 Gremlin 75,000 (replacing SA-7).
SA-X-12 (to replace SA-4 from 1986).
(i) Surveillance: Long Track (SA-4/-6), P-50 Bar Lock.
(ii) Height-finden Thin Skin.
(iii) Missile control: Pat Hand (SA-4), Straight Flush (SA-6), Land Roll (SA-8).
(iv) AA arty fire control: Gun Dish (ZSU-23-4), Fire Can (57mm, 85mm), Whiff, Fire Wheel (57mm, 130mm).
Avn: some 4,400 hel:
Armed: 1,350; 150 Mil Mi-8 Hip E, 1,200 Mi-24 Hind. Mi-28 Havoc reported under development.
Tpt: some 2,150; some 1,400 Mi-8 Hip C, 250 Mi-17 Hip H (assault); 470 Mi-6 Hook; 18 Mi-26 Halo A (hy).
EWng/ECM: 175 Mi-8 Hip J/K.
General purpose: some 740: 690 Mi-2 Hoplite, 25 Mi-4 Hound; 725 Mi-8 Hip D/G (comms).
AIR DEFENCE TROOPS (VPVO): 371,000 (70-75% conscripts: ?335,000).
5 Air Defence District Commands: Air regts and indep sqns; AD regts; 14 specialist schools.
ABM: 100 launchers.
ABM-1B Galosh: 32: range 320+ km, warheads nuclear, 3 MT. 8 sites in 4 complexes around Moscow.
SH-04 exoatmospheric: 68.
SH-08 supersonic endoatmospheric.
Aircraft: (Aviation of Air Defence -APVO):
Interceptors: 1,300: some 430 Mikoyan Guryevich MiG-23 Flogger B/G (6 AAM); 300 MiG-25 Foxbat E (4 AAM); 58 MiG-29 Fulcrum (6 AA-10);
100 MiG-31 Foxhound A (4 AA-9); 200 Sukhoi Su-15 Flagon E/F (2AAM); 90 Yakovlev Yak-28P Firebar (2 AA-5);
90 Tupolev Tu-28P Fiddler B (4 AA-5).
Airborne Warning and Control: 7 Tu-126 Moss; 4 Ilyushin I1-76 Mainstay (replacing Moss).
AAM: AA-2 Atoll, AA-3 Anab, AA-5 Ash, A-6 Acrid, AA-7 Apex, AA-8 Aphid,AA-9, AA-10.
SAM: strategic role; some 9,300 launchers in some 1,200 sites:
SA-1 Guild: 2,540 (being replaced by SA-10).
SA-2 Guideline. 2,730 (SA-10 may be replacing);
SA-3 Goa: 1,250 (2 or 4 launcher rails, over 300 sites, low- to med-altitude intercept).
SA-5 Gammon: 2,050 launchers (130 complexes, long-range intercept);
SA-10: some 735 (quad, some 70 complexes (20 more building); 40 with a strategic role near Moscow).
Warning Systems: 7,000, incl satellites and EWng and ground control intercept radars.
9 with highly elliptical semi-synchronous orbits (anti-ICBM/SLBM launch detection capability).
Others incl 9 EWng, 6 ELINT, 2-4 recce, 1 launch detection.
Over-the-horizon (backscatter): 3: 2 near Minsk and Nikolayev (Caucasus), targeted on the US and polar areas;
1 near Nikolayev-na-Amur, targeted on China.
Long-range early-warning:
(a) ABM-associated:
(1) 6 phased-array systems at Lyaki, Krasnoyarsk (under construction), Saryshagan, Pechora, Mishelevka; 1 other (reported but not identified).
(2) 11 House (Hen)-series; range 6,000 km, 6 locations covering approaches from the west and south-west, north-east and south-east
and (partially) south Linked to intermediate-range Dog House (range 2,800 km) and Cat House and Try Add msl control radar.
(3) Flat Twin; Pawn Shop (ABM-3/SH-04/-08).
(b) AD-associated: Tall King, few hundred, range 600 km (SA-5); P-12 Spoon Rest, 275 km (SA-2).
Search, surveillance/target-acquisition: (2,000; 1,300 sites): Back Trap; P-15 Flat Face/Squat Eye, 200 km (SA-3); P-35 Bar Lock,
P-80 Back Net, 320 km (SA-5).
Height Finder: Cake-series (e.g., Rock Cake), 200 km; Side Net, 180 km; Odd Pair, Odd Group.
Missile control: Yo-Yo (SA-1); Fan Song A to E (SA-2); Low Blow (SA-3); Square Pair (SA-5); Flap Lid (SA-10).
Civilian air control equipment
AIR FORCE: 453,000 (70-75% conscripts: 7330,000). Strategic (95,000; p. 36) Military Transport Aviation (VTA (44,900)).
Air Forces of the Soviet Union: 17 MD and Groups of Forces Air Forces (315,000).
Combat: some 5,150 ac; Forces' strengths vary, mostly org in divs of 3 regts of 3 sqns, total 135 ac; the regts' roles incl AD, interdiction, recce, tac air spt.
Div roles maybe mixed.
FGA: some 2,375: 135 Mikoyan-Guryevich MiG-21 Fishbed L, 810 MiG-27 Flogger D/J, 80 Sukhoi Su-7 Fitter A, 900 Su-17 Fitter D/H/K,
250 Su-24 Fencer (450 more with Strategic Air), 200 Su-25 Frogfoot.
Ftrs: 2,000: 370 MiG-21 J/K/L/N, 1,500 MiG-23 Flogger B/G, 130 MiG-25 Foxbat A/E, (Su-27 Flanker entering service).
Recce: 540: 170 MiG-25 Foxbat B/D, 50 MiG-21 Fishbed H, 130 Yakovlev Yak-28 Brewer D, 170 Su-17 Fitter H/K, 20 Su-24 Fencer D.
ECM: ac: 30 Yak-28 Brewer E.
Trg: some 1,000 ac; some 200 combat capable (OCU).
AAM: AA-2 Atoll, AA-7 Apex, AA-8 Aphid, AA-9.
ASM: AS-7 Kerry, AS-10. hel-borne: AT-2 Swatter, AT-6 Spiral.
MILITARY TRANSPORT AVIATION (VTA): (44,900); 5 divs, each 3 regts, each 30 ac;some indep regts.
Eqpt: 623 ac. 260 Antonov An-12 Cub,310 Ilyushin Il-76M/MD Candida (replacing Cub), 50 An-22 Cock, 3 An-124 Condor (in production).
(I1-76 med tanker under development.)
Additional ac (VTA augmentation force): Tpt ac in other Air comds (not in VTA): org in indep regts and sqns:
1,250: 265 An-2 Colt, An-24 Coke, An-26 Curl, I1-14 Crate.
Civilian Aeroflot fleet: 1,600 med- and long-range passenger ac, incl some 200 Cub and Candid.
NAVY: 451,000 (some 75% conscripts 7338,000), incl
Strategic (17,000), Naval Air Force (68,000), Naval Infantry (18,000), Coastal Artillery and Rocket Troops (13,000).
Subs: 360 (374-see other roles, below):
Cruise missile: 63:
Nuclear (SSGN): 48.
1 Y-class test boat with 12 SS-NX-24 SLCM.
3 O-class with 24 SS-N-19.
1 P-class with 10 SS-N-9 Siren.
16 C-class: 10 C-I with 8 SS-N-7; 6 C-II with 8 SS-N-9.
27 E-II: some 17 with 8 SS-N-3a; some 10 with 8 SS-N-12.
Diesel (SSG): 15: 15 J-class with 4 SS-N-3a.
Attack: 200 (214 if all Y-I and H-2 converting from SSBN were incl):
Nuclear (SSN): 70: 6 A, 12 N, 1 Akula, 1 M, 1 S, 14 V-I, 7 V-II, 20 V-III, 3 E-I, 1 Y, 4 H.
Apart from the older N and E, most SSN probably carry SS-N-16 and/or SS-N-15 nuclear ASW weapons,
and some may be intended to carry SS-NX-21 SLCM.)
Diesel (SS): 130: 11 K, 18 T, 45 F (K to replace), 5 R, 50 W, 1 Z.
Other roles: 98:
Comd conversion: 1 H-II; comms: 3 G-I; trg: 4 B; rescue: 2 I; research: 3: 1 U SSN, 1 X, 1 L; 1 G-V (SLBM).
Reserve: 84: 15 F, 4 Z, 65 W.
Converting to other roles incl SSN: 14: 12 Y-I, 2 H-II ex-SSBN.
A new naval cruise msl, SS-NX-21, is under development.
Principal Surface Combatants: 269. (See also 'additional in Reserve'. For KGB units see Para-Military).
Carriers: 5:
3 Kiev (37,000-ton; 1 more on trials) with 4 twin SS-N-12 Sandbox SSM, 2 twin SA-N-3 and 2 twin SA-N-4 SAM (or(in 1) 12 SA-NX-9),
1 twin SUW-N-1 (FRAS-1) ASW, 13 Yakovlev Yak-38 Forger A/B V/STOL ac,
16 Kamov Ka-25 Hormone A/Ka-27 Helix A ASW, Hormone B/Helix B target acquisition, Hormone C/Helix SAR hel.
2 Moskva (17,000-ton) with 2 twin SA-N-3 SAM, 1 twin SUW-N-1 (FRAS-1) ASW, 18 Hormone A hel.
Cruisers: 36:
CGN: 2 Kirov with 20 SS-N-19 SSM, 12 SA-N-6, 2 twin SA-N-4 SAM, 1 twin SS-N-14 Silex ASW or 16 SA-NX-9 SAM, 3 Ka-25 Hormone B hel.
CG/ASW: 26:
1 Slava (2 on trials, 1986) with 8 twin SS-N-12 Sandbox SSM, 8 SA-N-6, 2 twin SA-N-4 SAM, 1 Ka-27 hel;
7 Kara with 2 quad SS-N-14 ASW, 2 twin SA-N-3, 2 twin SA-N-4 SAM (1 trials with 1 sextuple SA-N-6 replacing twin SA-N-3), 1 Ka-25 Hormone A hel;
10 Kresta-II with 2 quad SS-N-14, 2 twin SA-N-3, 1 Ka-25 Hormone A hel;
4 Kresta-I with 2 twin SS-N-3b SSM, 2 twin SA-N-1 SAM, 1 Ka-25 Hormone B hel;
4 Kynda with 2 quad SS-N-3b, 1 twin SA-N-1.
CL (lt): 8 Sverdlov (2 command with 1 twin SA-N-4, 1 Ka-25 hel).
Destroyers: 61:
DDG: 12:
6 Sovremennyy with 2 quad SS-N-22 SSM, 2 SA-N-7 SAM, 1 Ka-25 Hormone B hel;
6 mod Kashin with 4 SS-N-2C, 2 twin SA-N-1.
ASW: 33:
7 Udaloy with 2 quad SS-N-14, 2 Ka-27A Helix A hel, 8 SA-NX-9 SAM;
13 Kashin (12 with 2 twin SA-N-1, 1 with SA-N-7 (trials));
6 Kanin with 1 twin SA-N-1;
7 SAM Kotlin with 1 twin SA-N-1.
DD: 16: 10 Kotlin, 5 Skory, 1 Kildin.
Escorts: 167:
FFG: 32: 21 Krivak-I, 11 -II, all with 1 quad SS-N-14, 2 twin SA-N-4.
FF: 35: 1 Koni, 34 Riga.
FFL (corvettes): 100: 50 Grisha-I, -III, -V all with 1 twin SA-N-4 SAM; 18 Mirka-I,-II; 32 Petya.
Minor Surface Combatants: 762.
Patrol combatants: 391:
FLG (GW patrol boats): 45: 1 Tarantul II with 2 twin SS-N-22 (trials); 2-I, 16 -II all with 2 twin SS-N-2c;
26 Nanuchka-I/-III with 2 triple SS-N-9 (Siren), 1 twin SA-N-4.
FAC: 218:
FAC(G): 84 Osa (52 -I, 32 -II, all with 4 SS-N-2); 17 hydrofoil (1 Sarancha with 2 twin SS-N-9, 1 twin SA-N-4; 16 Matka with 2 SS-N-2c).
FAC(T): 115: 20 Pauk with 1 quad SA-N-5 (some KGB); 55 Poti, 10 Shershen, 30 Turya hydrofoils.
research: 2: 1 Slepen, 1 Babochka hydrofoil.
Patrol: 118:
ships: 7: 3 T-58, 4 T-43;
large craft: 16 SO-1 (some KGB);
river: 95: 15 Yaz, 80 Shmel.
Radar pickets: 10: 3 T-58, 7 T-43/PGR.
Mine warfare: 371:
Minelayers: 3 Alesha.
MCMV: (ocean): 127: 35 Natya-I, -II, 45 Yurka, 41 T-43, 4 mod Polnocny B, 2 Andryusha (Ttrials);
(coastal): 178: 55 Sonya, 3 Zhenya, 5 Sasha, 70 Vanya, 45 Evgenya; (inshore): 65: 10 Ilysha, 5 Olya, 20 TR-40, 30 K-8.
Amph: 197.
Ships: 77:
LPD: 2 Ivan Rogov with 1 twin SA-N-4, 4 quad SA-N-5, 2 - 3 Ka-27 hel.
LST: 33: 19 Ropucha, some with 4 quad SA-N-5; 14 Alligator (some with 3 twin, 1 with 2 twin SA-N-5).
LSM: 42 Polnocny, some with 2 or 4 quad SA-N-5.
Craft: 120:
LCU: 30: 15 Vydra, 15 SMB-1.
LCM: 16 Ondatra.
Surface Effect Ships (SES): 74: 20 Aist, 20 Lebed, 31 Gus, 2 Utenok, 1 Tsaplya, (+1 Ekranoplan experimental).
(Additional amph vessels could be provided by merchant fleet.)
Principal auxiliary ships: 372:
Tankers: 74: 28 replenishment, 32 spt, 14 special liquid; numerous harbour.
Spt: 298: msl: 22: 15 spt, 7 range instrumentation; 8 supply, 86 cargo; 18 submarine tenders, 36 repair, 2 hospital; 21 submarine rescue,
28 salvage/rescue, 10 trg, 7 icebreakers, 60 barrack ships.
Merchant fleet (auxiliary/augmentation): 1,900 ocean-going, incl 81 ramp-fitted and roll-on/roll-off (RO-RO), incl rail-fitted,
3 roll-on/floatoff (RO-FLO) and 7 float-on/float-off (FLO-FLO) barge carriers, (17 Arctic service), 64 passenger liners; 50 icebreakers,
700 river ships.
Fishing fleet: sophisticated electronic eqpt, many with naval crews.
Intelligence collection vessels (AGI): 62: 4 with 3 quad, 29 with 2 quad, 1 with 1 quad SA-N-5 SAM.
Research: some 456: 41 naval, some 75 civilian oceanographic, some 110 naval survey; some 200 fishery, 19 civilian survey,
11 space-associated vessels.
Additional in reserve: 4 Sverdlov CL (1 with 1 twin SA-N-2 SAM);2 Kanin DDG, 1 SAM Kotlin; 8 Kotlin, 7 Skory DD; 10 Riga FL; 8 Petya FFL,
5 T-43, 5 Sasha MCMV.
(On order 3-4 Typhoon, 2 D-IV SSBN; O-class SSGN; Akula, S-class SSN; K-class SS; 2 65,000-ton carriers, 1 Kiev CV (trials 1986); 1 Kirov CGN; 2 57ava CG; 5 Sovremennyy, 4 Udaloy DDG; Krivak III FFG, Grisha-III FFL; Tarantul, Nanuchka FLG; Pauk: FAC(T); Sonya coastal MCMV; Ropucha LST; y4to SES; Balzam AGI, 1 nuclear-powered 32,000-ton barge-carrier, 9 RO-RO, 9 ramp spt merchant ships; 3 icebreakers.)
NAVAL AVIATION: 68,000; some 915 combat ac, 300+ combat hel.
Four Fleet Air Forces; org in air divs, each with 2-3 regts of HQ elements and 2 bns of 9-10 ac ach; recce, ASW, tpt/utility org in indep regts or sqns.
Bbrs: some 395 ac:
6 regts of some 120 Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire (AS-4 ASM);
7 regts of some 240 Tu-16 Badger C/G/G-mod (AS-5/6 ASM);
2 regts of some 35 Tu-22 Blinder B.
FGA: 145:
70 Yakovlev Yak-38 Forger A/B V/STOL (in carriers);
75 Sukhoi Su-17 Fitter C.
ASW: ac: 205: 60 Tu-142 Bear F, 50 Ilyushin 11-38 May, 95 Beriev Be-12 Mail.
hel: some 275: 105 Mil Mi-14 Haze A, 115 Kamov Ka-25 Hormone A, 55 Ka-27 Helix A.
MR/ECM: ac: 170: 40 Tu-16 Badger D/E/F/K (MR), 40 H/J (ECM), 20 Tu-22 Blinder C, 45 Tu-95 Bear D, 25 Antonov An-12 Cub C/D.
hel: 25 Ka-25 Hormone B.
MCM: some Mi-14 Haze B, some Mi-8 Hip hel.
Tankers: 75 Tu-16 Badger.
Tpt/trg: ac: 405: incl An-12 Cub A, An-26 Curl, I1-14 Crate, I1-18 Coot, An-4 Coke, I1-76 Candid; hel: Mi-6/-8 Hook/Hip.
ASM: AS-2 Kipper, AS-4 Kitchen, AS-5 Kelt, AS-6 Kingfish, AS-7 Kerry.
1 coastal arty div (role: protects approaches to naval bases and major ports).
Arty: guns: incl SM-4-1 130mm.
SSM: ?100 SS-C-lb Sepal (similar to SS-N-3).
DEPLOYMENT (all Services):
Soviet strategic planning envisages three major Strategic Theatres (GTVD: Western, Southern, Far Eastern), comprising 5 regional Theatres (TVD: North-Western Western, South-Western; Southern: Far Eastern); perhaps 4 associated Oceanic Theatres (OTVD: Atlantic, Arctic; Indian, Pacific); 3 Sea Theatres (Baltic, Black Sea and Mediterranean); and a Central Reserve. Forces within these Theatres are centrally controlled and co-ordinated, integrating all the elements assigned to the operational mission. The deployments shown for strategic SLBM, ICBM and strategic bomber forces and for AB divs reflect their physical location, but control of them is exercised centrally by the Supreme High Command. A possible assignment, of necessity speculative, of known forces follows (average strengths, excl units, ships and ac in reserve; eqpt strengths based on typical organizational establishments):
NORTH-WESTERN TVD (with Arctic OTVD): (HQ Petrozavodsk):
Strategic Forces (under central command):
SLBM: 580: Northern Fleet: 39 subs (SLBM strengths in parentheses):
4 Typhoon (80); 22 D (316: 9 D-I (108), 4 D-II (64), 7 D-III (112), 2 D-IV (32)); 10 Y-I (160); 1 Y-II (12); 1 H-III (6); 1 G-III (6).
ICBM: Plesetsk test site only.
Bbrs: nil.
Air Defence Forces:
EWng systems: major site near Kovdov, W.Kola, detail deployments unknown.
AD District: (HQ Arkhangelsk; incl Kola Peninsula):
Ftrs: 180 (some dual-role FGA): 2 regts Mikoyan-Guryevich MiG-23 Flogger, MiG-25 Foxbat, 2 regts MiG-31 Foxhound, Sukhoi Su-15 Flagon.
AEW: 6 Tupolev Tu-126 Moss (some 4 Ilyushin I1-76 Mainstay replacing).
SAM: over 100 complexes: SA-2/-3/-5/-10.
Ground Forces: Leningrad MD (HQ Leningrad):
9 motor rifle, 1 AB divs, plus 1 arty div and 1 air assault bde.
Mobilization could field 1 Front, 2 all-arms armies with
2,000 MBT; 2,100 arty, MRL, hy mor; 36 FROG/SS-21, 50 Scud/SS-23, 12 SS-12 (mod) SSM;
Hel: 20 Mil Mi-24 Hind attack; 20 Mi-8 Hip C assault; 10 Hip J ECM; 90 Mi-8 Hip, Mi-6 Hook, Mi-2 Hoplite tpt.
Tactical Aviation: Leningrad MD Air Force (HQ Leningrad): 240 combat ac.
FGA: 3 regts (135 ac) MiG-21 Fishbed, MiG-27 Flogger, Su-17 Fitter C/D.
Ftr: 45 Su-17, MiG-23.
Recce: 3 sqns (30 ac) MiG-21/-25; Su-17 Fitter H.
Tpt: 30 ac.
Navy: Northern Fleet (HQ Severomorsk): Bases: Kola Inlet, Motovskiy Gulf, Gremikha, Polyarny.
Subs: 117: SSGN/SSG: 32; SSN/SS: 85. (8-10 normally deployed to Mediterranean.)
Principal surface combatants: 73: 1 carrier, 12 cruisers, 18 destroyers, 18 frigates, 24 corvettes; dets to Mediterranean sqn.
(See South-Western TVD below.)
Minor surface combatants: 45.
MCMV: 65.
Amph: 14 ships, 9 craft.
Auxiliaries: 119 principal.
Naval Aviation: combat: 325 ac, 70 hel.
Bbrs: 60 Tupolev Tu-16 Badger C, 35 Tu-22 Blinder B.
Ftr/FGA: 20 Yakovlev Yak-38 Forger.
ASW: 160: ac: Tu-142 Bear F, Ilyushin I1-38 May, Beriev Be-12 Mail;
hel: (afloat): Kamov Ka-25 Hormone, (ashore): Ka-25, Ka-27 Helix, Mil Mi-14 Haze.
Recce/MR/ECM: 85: Tu-16 Badger, Tu-95 Bear, Tu-22 Blinder.
Tankers/tpt: 40 ac incl Tu-16, perhaps 60 hel.
Naval Infantry: Bde: 3,000: 5 bns.
WESTERN TVD (with Atlantic OTVD): (HQ Legnica):
Strategic Forces (msls and ac under central command):
SLBM: 18: Baltic Fleet: 6 G-II SSB.
ICBM: (?50): SS-17 (1 field; ?theatre role).
IRBM: 180: SS-20 (6 fields).
MRBM: 112: SS-4.
Bbrs: 1 Air Army (HQ: Legnica): some 210 Su-24 Fencer strike.
Air Defence Forces:
EWng systems: 2 OTH(B) near Minsk, 1 major complex near Tallinn; details unknown.
Ftrs: See Tactical Aviation (MDs).
SAM: 6,500 SA-2/-3/-5/-10; 175 complexes and sites.
Ground Forces: (HQ Legnica):
3 Groups of Soviet Forces, Baltic, Belorussian, Carpathian MDs;
63 divs (31 tk, 30 motor rifle, 2 AB), plus 6 arty divs.
Europe: 3 Gp, 8 Army HQ; 14 tk, 12 motor rifle divs.
East Germany (GSFG): (HQ Zossen Wiinsdorf): (380,000):
1 Gp, 5 Army HQ; 10 tk, 9 motor rifle plus 1 arty divs; 1 air assault, 1 SS-12 (mod), 2 SS-23, 5 arty bdes;
5 attack hel regts: some 600 Mi-8 Hip C/E; some 420 Mi-24 Hind D/E attack/assault; 5 Mi-8 Hip ECM, some 20 tpts.
Poland (NGF): (HQ Legnica): (40,000);
1 Gp, 1 Army HQ; 2 tk divs; 1 Scud/SS-23 bn; 1 attack hel regt: 120 Mi-8 Hip C/E, Mi-24 Hind D/E.
Czechoslovakia (CGF): (HQ Tabor): (80,000):
1 Gp, 2 Army HQ; 2 tk, 3 motor rifle divs; 1 air assault bn; 1 SS-12 (mod), 2 Scud/SS-23, 1 arty bdes;
2 attack hel regts: 100 Mi-8 Hip D/E, Mi-24 Hind D/E.
Soviet Union: 17 tk, 18 motor rifle, 2 AB.
Baltic MD: (HQ: Kaliningrad):
3 tk, 6 motor rifle, 2 AB plus 2 arty divs, 1 air assault bde: 80 Mi-8 Hip/-24 Hind.
Belorussian MD: (HQ Minsk):
10 tk, 4 motor rifle, plus 1 arty divs, 1 air assault bde: 200 Mi-8 Hip/-24 Hind.
Carpathian MD: (HQ Lvov):
3 Army HQ, 4 tk, 8 motor rifle, plus 2 arty divs, 1 air assault bde: 50 Mi-8 Hip E, 10 Mi-24 Hind, 100 other hel.
Mobilization of the divs in the TVD could produce five Fronts, 13-14 Armies (which would also command the 31+ non-Soviet Warsaw Pact formations).
Equipment: up to 19,500 MBT; 14,000 arty, MRL, mor larger than 120mm; 265 FROG/SS-21, 265 Scud/SS-23, 65 SS-12 (mod) SSM; 2,500 SAM);
some 1,220 hel, perhaps 420 armed.
Tactical Aviation: some 1,680 combat ac.
East Germany: Air Forces of the Group of Soviet Forces Germany (HQ ZossenWiinsdorf): some 690 combat ac.
FGA: 440 Su-17 Fitter D/H/K, Su-24 Fencer, Su-25 Frogfoot,MiG-27 FloggerD/J.
Ftrs: 180: MiG-21 Fishbed UN, MiG-25 Foxbat E, MiG-27 FloggerB/G.
Recce: 50 Su-17 Fitter H, MiG-25 Foxbat B/D.
ECM: 20 Yak-28 Brewer.
Tpt: some 40 ac.
Poland: Air Forces of the Northern Group of Forces (HQ Legnica): no combat ac.
Tpt: 10 ac.
Czechoslovakia: Air Forces of the Central Group of Forces (HQ Lvov): 105 combat ac.
FGA: 45 MiG-27 Flogger D/J.
Ftrs: 45 MiG-27 Flogger B.
Recce: 15 Su-17 Fitter H.
Tpt: 5 ac.
Baltic MD Air Force (HQ Kaliningrad): some 288 combat ac.
FGA: 90: 2 regts: MiG-21 Fishbed, MiG-27 Flogger B/J.
Ftrs: 135.
Recce: 48: MiG-25 Foxbat; Su-17 Fitter.
ECM: 15.
Tpt: 5 ac.
Belorussian MD Air Force (HQ Minsk): 278 combat ac.
FGA: 135: Su-17 Fitter, MiG-27 Flogger D/J.
Ftrs: 95 MiG-21 Fishbed J/K/L; MiG-23 Flogger B/G.
Recce: 48 MiG-21 Fishbed H, MiG-25 Foxbat B/D.
Tpt: n.a.
Carpathian MD Air Force (HQ Vinnitsa): 320 combat ac.
FGA: 180: 4 regts with MiG-27 Flogger, Su-17 Fitter.
Ftrs: 90: 2 regts MiG-21 Fishbed/MiG-23 Flogger.
Recce: 30.
ECM: 20.
Tpt: 25 ac.
Navy: Baltic Fleet (HQ Kaliningrad): Bases: Kronshtadt, Paldiski, Liepaya, Baltiysk, Riga.
(Probably has dual role:
(a) to support Soviet operations in Central Europe by sea control and amph operations against the German coast;
(b) to support a North-Western TVD operation against Scandinavia.)
Subs: 34: 3 SSG, 31 SS.
Principal surface combatants: 45: 2 cruisers; 11 destroyers; 15 frigates; 17 corvettes.
Minor surface combatants: 105.
MCMV: 120.
Amph: 20 ships, 30 craft.
Auxiliaries: 58 principal.
Naval Aviation: combat: 129 ac, 30 hel.
Bbrs: 2 regts: 40 Tu-22M Backfire.
FGA: 1 regt: 30 Su-17 Fitter.
ASW: 45: 10 11-38 May, 10 Be-I2G Mailac; 30 Ka-25 Hormone, Ka-27 Helix, Mi-4 Hound hel.
EW/recce: 14 ac.
Utility: 45 ac and hel.
Naval Infantry: Bde: 1: 5 bns; 3,000.
Coast Defence:
SSM: 1 div: 6 bns: some 100 SS-C-lb Sepal.
Arty: 11 bns: some 72 130mm guns.
Strategic Forces:
SLBM: nil.
ICBM: (?180) SS-19 (2 fields).
Bbrs: 1 Air Army (HQ Vinnitsa): some 210 Su-24.
AD Forces:
Ftrs: 120.
SAM: 120 SA-2/-3/-5/-10 sites.
Ground Forces (HQ Vinnitsa): 1 Group of Forces, 2 MDs; 26 divs (9 tk, 16 motor rifle, 1 AB), plus 3 arty.
Hungary (SGF): (HQ Budapest) (65,000):
1 Army HQ: 2 tk, 2 motor rifle divs, 1 air assault bde: 65 Mi-8 Hip, Mi-24 Hind hel.
Kiev MD (HQ Kiev):
7 tk, 6 motor rifle plus 2 arty divs; 30 Mi-8 HipE.
Odessa MD (HQ Odessa):
8 motor rifle, 1 AB, plus 1 arty divs, 1 air assault bde: 80 Mi-8 Hip, Mi-24 Hind assault/attack; some Mi-2 Hoplite, Mi-6 Hook tpt hel.
Mobilization of all these forces (and those of Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania) could produce 4 Fronts plus perhaps 5 all-arms Armies.
Soviet equipment: up to 7,000 MBT; 4,800 arty, MRL, mor larger than 120mm; 85 FROG/SS-21, 110 Scud SSM; 900 SAM;
175 armed and perhaps 160 other hel.
Tactical Aviation: (HQ Vinnitsa): some 480 combat ac.
Hungary: Air Forces of the Southern Group of Forces (HQ Budapest): 197 combat ac.
FGA: 90: 2 regts: Su-17 Fitter, Su-24 Fencer.
Ftrs: 90: 2 regts: MiG-23Flogger.
Recce: 12: 1 sqn: Su-17 Fitter K.
ECM: 5 ac.
Tpt: 20 ac.
Kiev MD Air Force: (HQ Kiev): some 90 combat ac.
FGA: 45 MiG-27 FloggerD/J.
Ftrs: 45 MiG-23 Flogger G.
Tpt: 5.
Odessa MD Air Force (HQ Odessa): 192 combat ac.
FGA: 90: 1 regt MiG-27 Flogger D/J.
Ftrs: 90: MiG-21 Fishbed, MiG-23 Flogger B/G.
Recce: 12: 1 sqn: Su-17 Fitter H.
Tpt: some.
Navy: (Black Sea Fleet) (HQ Sevastopol): Bases: Sevastopol, Balaclava, Poti, Odessa.
(Fleet primary mission probably to support operations in Thrace with Mediterranean Sqn; secondary role, sea control off Turkish coast)
Subs: 34: 2 SSG, 32 SS.
Principal surface combatants: 69: 2 ASW hel carriers, 7 cruisers, 18 destroyers, 13 frigates, 29 corvettes (4 in Caspian).
Minor surface combatants: 105 (5 in Caspian).
MCMV: 90 (25 in Caspian).
Amph: 25 ships, 40 craft (28 in Caspian).
Auxiliaries: 67 principal (7 in Caspian).
Naval Aviation: combat: ?260 ac; 40 hel.
Bbrs: 100: 1 regt Tu-22M Backfire, 2 regts Tu-16 Badger C/G.
FGA: (?65): afloat Yak-38 Forger, ashore: 35 Su-17 Fitter.
Recce/EW: 45: 2 regts+ Tu-22 Blinder, Tu-16 Badger, 11-38 May, Be-12 Mail, An-12 Cub.
ASW: (?50): 2 regts: Tu-142 Bear, 11-38 May.
ASW hel: 40: Ka-25 Hormone A.
Naval Inf: 3,000: bde: 5 bns.
(Mediterranean Squadron (HQ Afloat): elms of Northern and Black Sea Fleets; average composition):
Subs: 6-8.
Principal surface combatants: 4-8.
MCMV: 1.
Amph: 2.
Auxiliaries: 17; AGI: 2.
SOUTHERN STRATEGIC THEATRE (GTVD): (HQ Tashkent): (also may be called 'Near Eastern'):
SOUTHERN TVD: (HQ Tashkent):
North Caucasus, Trans-Caucasus, Turkestan MDs, Afghanistan).
Strategic Forces (under central control):
IRBM: 45 SS-20 (2 fields).
Air Defence Forces:
EWng System: 1 site: Lyaki (Trans-Caucasus).
AD area (see MD Air Forces, below).
Ground Forces: 3 MDs: 30 divs (1 tk, 28 motor rifle, 1 AB) plus 2 arty divs; 2 indep motor rifle, 1 air assault bdes.
North Caucasus MD (HQ Rostov):
1 tk, 7 motor rifle, plus 1 arty divs.
Trans-Caucasus MD (HQ Tbilisi):
12 motor rifle, plus 1 arty divs. 620 hel incl 60 Mi-24 Hind, Mi-8 Hip, Mi-6 Hook, Mi-2 Hoplite.
Turkestan MD (HQ Tashkent):
6 motor rifle divs.
Afghanistan: (HQ Kabul):
1 Army HQ, 3 motor rifle, 1 AB divs; 2 motor rifle, 1 air assault bdes.
Some 270 combat hel: 140 Mi-24 Hind (?and Mi-28 Havoc), 130 Mi-8 Hip assault/tpt, Mi-6 Hook, Mi-2 Hoplite.
Perhaps 1 or 2 divs Cat 1,2 or 3 Cat 2, rest Cat 3 -except in Afghanistan, where units will be Cat 1 but divs may lack such eqpt as SAM.
Mobilization could put 2-3 Fronts, perhaps 9 all-arms armies, in the field.
Perhaps: 5,500 MBT; 7,200 arty, MRL, mor larger than 120mm; 115 FROG, 75 Scud SSM; 1,100 SAM, some 400 combat hel.
Tactical Aviation (HQ Tashkent): 600 combat ac.
Trans-Caucasus MD Air Force (HQ Tbilisi): 453 combat ac.
FGA: 315: 7 regts: Su-17 Fitter, MiG-27 Flogger D/J, Su-24 Fencer,Su-25Frogfoot.
Ftrs: 90: 2 regts: MiG-21 Fishbed, MiG-23 Flogger B/G, MiG-25 Foxbat A.
Recce: 48: 1 regt: Su-17 Fitter H, MiG-25 Foxbat B/D.
Tpt: 20 ac.
Afghanistan: 1 Air Army (HQ Kabul (Bagram)): 147 combat ac.
FGA: 90 Su-25 Frogfoot.
Ftrs: 45 MiG-23 Flogger B/G.
Recce: 12 Su-17 Fitter.
Tpt: VTA and Aeroflot ac from USSR in spt.
Navy: (Caspian Flotilla) (HQ Baku):
Principal combatants: 4 corvettes.
Minor combatants: 3.
MCMV: 25.
Amph: 25 craft.
Auxiliaries: 7 principal.
Strategic Forces (under central command):
SLBM: nil.
ICBM: ?788: SS-11 (4 fields, (188) msls), SS-13 (1 field, 60 msls), SS-17 (1 field, ?100 msls), SS-18 (3 fields, ?188 msls),
SS-19 (2 fields, 180 msls), SS-25 (some 72 msls).
IRBM: 45: SS-20 (1 field).
Bbrs: 530: 2 Air Armies:
(HQ Moscow): 160: 4 divs: 20 Mya-4 Bison, 140 Tu-95 Bear.
(HQ Smolensk): 370: 100 Tu-22M Backfire, (?100) Tu-22 Blinder, 140 Tu-16 Badger, perhaps 1 bn (30 ac) Su-24 Fencer.
Recce/ECM: 137.
Tpt: 90 ac.
Air Defence Forces:
EWng systems: major sites near Pechora, Pushkino; detailed deployments unknown.
AD Area: (HQ Moscow).
Ftrs: 240: 6 regts: MiG-25 Foxbat, MiG-31 Foxhound; MiG-23 Flogger,Su-15 Flagon.
ABM: Moscow complexes: 2 Galosh; 7 new missile sites reported under construction.
SAM: 135 SA-2/-3/-5, 40 SA-10 complexes and sites.
Ground Forces: 3 MDs; 18 divs (3 tk, 14 motor rifle, 1 AB).
Roles would be to protect Moscow and to provide first-line reinforcement.
All 7 AB divs are centrally controlled, though deployed to TVDs as shown.
Moscow MD (HQ Moscow):
2 tk, 6 motor rifle, 1 AB divs; 80 Mi-8 Hip and Mi-24 Hind hel (?50 armed).
Ural MD (HQ Sverdlovsk):
1 tk, 4 motor rifle divs.
Volga MD (HQ Kuybyshev):
4 motor rifle divs.
Perhaps 2 divs, plus the AB,Cat 1 ; rest Cat 2 or cadre. On mobilization could field 4,500 MBT; 2,300 arty, MRL, mor larger than 120mm;
75 FROG, 35 Scud, 15 SS-12 SSM.
Tactical Aviation: Moscow MD Air Force (HQ Moscow): some 145 combat ac.
FGA: 45: 1 regt Su-17 Fitter.
Ftrs: 90: 2 regts MiG-23/-27 Flogger, (?12) MiG-29 Fulcrum.
Recce: 12 ac.
Tpt: some 20
FAR EASTERN STRATEGIC THEATRE (GTVD) (HQ Irkutsk): (with Pacific, Indian Ocean OTVDs):
FAR EASTERN TVD: (HQ Irkutsk): Central Asian, Siberian, Transbaykal, Far Eastem MDs, Mongolia.
Strategic Forces (under central command):
SLBM: 385: Pacific Fleet: 32 subs: 9 D-I (108), 7 D-III (112), 9 Y-I (144), 7 G-II (21).
ICBM: (?380): SS-11(4 fields, ?260 msls, could have theatre role), SS-18 (3 fields, ?120 msls).
IRBM: 171: SS-20 (4 fields, 19 sites).
Bbrs: perhaps 170: 1 Air Army (HQ Irkutsk): 5 regts: 2 with 40 Tu-22M Backfire, 3 with (?30) Tu-22 Blinder, 100 Tu-16 Badger.
Spt: perhaps 79 recce/ECM: ?4 Tu-95 Bear E, 15 Tu-16 Badger F; 45 Tu-16 Badger H/J/K, 15 Tu-22 Blinder C.
Tkrs: some 9 Tu-16 Badger A.
Air Defence Forces:
EWng systems: 40 in areas: Kamchatka, Nikolayev-na-Amur, Mishelevka, Abalakova, Sary-shagan.
AD areas: 3: 1 in Transbaykal, 2 in Far East MDs (see MD Air Forces, below).
SAM: 215 SA-2/-3/-5, 10 SA-10 complexes and sites.
Ground Forces: 4 MDs: 53 divs (7 tk, 45 motor rifle, 1 AB) plus 4 arty divs; 2 air assault bdes.
Central Asian MD (HQ Alma Ata):
1 tk, 6 motor rifle, plus 1 arty divs, 1 air assault bde; 145 hel incl 70 Mi-8, Mi-24.
Siberian MD (HQ Novosibirsk):
6 motor rifle plus 1 arty divs.
Transbaykal MD (HQ Chita):
2 tk, 8 motor rifle, plus 1 arty divs. 225 hel incl Mi-8 Hip, Mi-24 Hind.
Far Eastern MD (HQ Khabarovsk):
2 tk, 22 motor rifle, 1 AB, plus 1 arty divs, 1 air assault bde; some 670 hel.
Mongolia (HQ Ulan Bator):
1 Army HQ, 2 tk, 3 motor rifle divs. (See also Forces Abroad, below.)
Div readiness: 35% at Cat 1 or 2. Mobilization could put 4 Fronts, perhaps 12 Armies (4 tk), into the field.
Eqpt: perhaps 14,900 MBT; 10,000 arty, MRL, mor larger than 120mm; 225 FROG, 100 Scud, 38 SS-12 (mod) SSM; 1,800 SAM, some 1,000 hel.
Tactical Aviation (HQ Irkutsk): (150,000): some 1,350 combat ac.
Central Asian MD Air Force, (HQ Novosibirsk, incl Siberian MD): 228 combat ac.
FGA: 90 MiG-27 Flogger D/J.
Ftrs: 90 MiG-21 Fishbed, MiG-23 Flogger.
ECM/recce: 48 MiG-25 Foxbat B/D.
Tpt: 100ac.
Transbaykal MD Air Force (HQ Chita, incl Mongolia): 420 combat ac.
FGA: 270: 2 divs, MiG-27 Flogger D/J.
Ftrs: 90: 2 regts: MiG-21 Fishbed J/K; MiG-21 Fishbed UN, MiG-25 Foxbat A/E, MiG-23 Flogger B/G.
Recce: 4 bns: 60 Yak-28 Brewer D.
Far-Eastern MD Air Force (HQ Khabarovsk): control centres: Petropavlovsk, Yuzhno Sakhalinsk; some 703 combat ac.
FGA: 315: 7 regts: MiG-21 Fishbed L, MiG-27 Flogger D/J, Su-7 Fitter A, Su-17 Fitter D/H/K.
Ftrs: 270: MiG-23 Flogger, MiG-25 Foxbat A, MiG-31 Foxhound.
Recce: 108: Yak-28 Brewer D, MiG-21 Fishbed H, MiG-25 Foxbat B/D.
ECM: 10 Yak-28 Brewer E.
Navy (Pacific Fleet): (HQ Vladivostok): Bases: Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk, Sovyetskaya Gavan.
Subs: 77: 25 SSGN/SSG, 52 SSN/SS.
Principal surface combatants: 82: 2 carriers, 15 cruisers, 14 destroyers, 21 frigates, 30 corvettes.
Minor surface combatants: 136.
MCMV: 96.
Amph: (incl 1 Rogov LPD) 18 ships, 41 craft.
Auxiliaries: 128 principal.
Detachments (average 3 subs, 4 principal, 12 minor surface combatants, 2 amph, 12 spt ships) are normally deployed in the Indian Ocean and
South China Sea; facilities also in Vietnam (Cam Ranh Bay), South Yemen (Aden, Socotra) and Ethiopia (Dahlak Is, Asmara).
Naval Air (Pacific Fleet Air Force): (HQ Sovetskaya Gavan): combat: some ac, some 105 hel.
Bbrs: 160: 1 regt Tu-22M Backfire, 4 regts Tu-16 Badger C/G.
FGA: 30: (afloat): 2 bns Yak-38 Forger A/B.
ASW: 175. ac: 70: Tu-142 Bear, 11-38 May, Be-12 Mail. hel: (afloat): 2 bns Ka-25 Hormone A; (ashore): 1 bn Ka-27 Helix, 2 bns Mi-14 Haze.
MR/EWng/ECM: some 35 ac.
Utility: 65.
Naval Infantry: Div HQ, 2 regts.
Afghanistan (Southern GTVD): 118,000 (some 10,000 MVD, KGB).
Mongolia (Far Eastern GTVD): 65,000.
Vietnam: (7,000); detachments average 20-25 vessels (incl some 3 subs, 4 principal, 12 minor combat vessels, 2 amph auxiliaries),
8 Tu-95 Bear, 16 Tu-16 Badger D/K MR or ASW, 1 sqn of MiG-23 Flogger ftr ac, AA, SAM, electronic monitoring station.
Other: Algeria 1,000; Angola 1,500, plus 6 ships, MR ac; Congo 100;
Cuba some 8,000 (1 bde (2,800), advisers (?3,100) plus some 2,100 ELINT technicians);
Ethiopia 1,500 (plus MCMV, dry-dock, I1-38 ac, naval inf det);
India 200; Iraq 600; Kampuchea 200; Laos 500; Libya 2,000; Mali 200; Mozambique 300; Nicaragua 50; Peru 160; Syria 4,000;
Vietnam 2,500; N. Yemen 500; Africa (remainder) 900.
KGB (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti): 230,000 (70-75% conscripts: ?167,000):
border tps (incl Maritime Border Guards, 23,000), Kremlin Guard; Special Guard; Special Sigs unit (40,000 tps).
Equipment: tks, SP guns, AFV, ac and ships (2 Krivak-III (2 twin SA-N-4 SAM), 10 Grisha-II, 1 Purga frigates; some Pauk FAC(T);
105 Stenka FAC(P); 8 Muravey, 4 Pchela hydrofoils; 30 Zhuk, some SO-1, 10 T-58, 14 T-43 patrol craft; 8 Susanin ice-breakers (6 armed));
11 Sorum, 40 Okhtensky armed tugs.
MVD (Ministerstvo Vrutrennikh Del): 340,000: internal security tps; some 30 divs with tks and AFV. By law part of armed forces of USSR.
DOSAAF (Dobrovalnoe Obshchestovo Sodeistviya Armii, Aviastii I Flotu)
(part-time military, air, naval training organization; 5 million are instructors/activists);
330,000+ units: flight training, shooting, parachuting and 140 hours of pre-military training for those aged 15 and over in schools,
colleges and workers' centres.
Young Pioneer (ages 8-15), some trg.
There are indications that a degree of modernization is taking place within the East European armies. Though numbers are not available, Czechoslovakia and East Germany are reported as having begun to receive SS-21 to replace their FROG-7. Bulgaria and East Germany appear to have received additional Scud SSM. Bulgaria and Hungary show increases in their T-72 MBT holdings and the Romanian M-77 variant of the T-55 is now believed to be in the inventory in significant numbers. Bulgaria is now thought to have the SA-13 SAM. We include the Polish Internal Security Forces - a 'Home Guard' element in this year's presentation. This force has been known to exist for some time but its size and relationship with the rest of the defence establishment was not clearly understood.
There have been a number of minor changes in the respective naval inventories. Poland's SAM Kotlin destroyer is reported to be out of service; East Germany has added a third Rostock (Koni-class)frigate. The six elderly Hai patrol craft in the East German Navy have been retired and partially replaced by three Tarantul which carry four SS-N-8 SSM. Some of the oldest East German and Polish fast attack craft were being withdrawn. East Germany has retired three Osa-I missile boats and Poland one. Each has also retired, respectively, one Libelle and thirteen Pilica torpedo boats.
The East European Air Forces entries have also shown changes. Bulgaria and East Germany now have a full squadron of Mi-14 ASW helicopters each. Bulgaria is reducing its MiG-17 inventory and has increased its MiG-23 FGA and fighter fleets by almost two squadrons-worth. Its MiG-21 interceptor inventory has also been enlarged. Czechoslovakia appears slowly to be phasing out its Su-7; its Su-25 Frogfoot squadron is now believed to be operational (this is one of two non-Soviet Pact deployments of this type). East Germany has phased out its MiG-17 FGA, replacing them with Su-20. Total numbers are lower as the new types are phased in. East Germany also appears to have reduced its numbers of interceptors. As in most of the Pact fighter/interceptor forces it has been difficult to assess the numbers of squadrons by type and, while we believe modernization is taking place, its extent is not easy to determine. Earlier assessments of the Hungarian holdings of MiG-23 interceptors may have been too high. That Air Force, however, has taken on a new role with the introduction of a squadron of Su-25 Frogfoot, the second such deployment within the Pact. Poland, also, is reducing its inventory of MiG-17; the replacement is the Su-22. The exception to this pattern is Romania, which seems to have increased its MiG-17 FGA inventory; it also appears to have added to its MiG-23 interceptor total.
This modernization, though modest, does represent an enhancement of the overall capabilities of the forces concerned. They still, however, remain significantly less well equipped than the Soviet Union's Forces in Eastern Europe.
Economic Trends in 1985 In 1984 economic growth in the six Warsaw Pact countries rose by over 5%, a substantial improvement over the 2% fall in Net Material Product (NMP) in 1981, but the performance was not repeated in 1985 when NMP grew by only 3.5%. Furthermore, the growth rate of industrial output declined from 4.8% in 1984 to around 4% in 1985. This modest fall suggests that the largest sector of these economies did not perform as badly as many Western observers claimed.
The unusually severe winter of 1984/5 affected electricity and coal production and disrupted transport services. Czechoslovakia and the GDR apart, all countries had energy shortages of varying degrees (Romania was badly affected for the second year running) and this was reflected in a particularly poor performance by the six in the first quarter of 1985.
The shortfall in energy supply and the adverse climatic conditions -in addition to the effects of cold, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania were also affected by drought -translated into a decline in manufacturing and a more marked drop in agricultural output, which led in turn, to a reduction of surplus goods available for export and so to a shortfall of hard currency for imports. Furthermore, the East European countries met greater competition in world markets from third-world producers, and the decline in economic activity in Western economies also had a negative effect on export opportunities. The slower growth in domestic production was paralleled by a smaller increase in imports. lt also appears that trade amongst East European countries grew at a slower pace, which might partly reflect attempts by the Soviet Union to reduce its balance of trade surplus with its partners.
The factors mentioned above had an inhibiting effect on Warsaw Pact economies in the short run, but in the medium and long term additional problems affect them. East European industrial output is characterized by very high energy/raw material/labour inputs per unit of output, a slow growth in the rate of labour productivity, and diminishing capital productivity (as measured by NMP/fixed assets).
The new dawn expected by Western observers as a result of the changed leadership in Moscow will be a long time coming, though it is considered to be an essential prerequisite for economic advancement and improving living standards. The Soviet Union appeared to be making progress in this direction in the first quarter of 1986, and it is clear that substantial encouragement has been given to its partners to improve the quality and level of their output, and to achieve a greater degree of integration and specialization in production. Of paramount importance is the better utilization of capital resources, including the creation of new plant where necessary (though, more importantly by modernizing existing plant), and trying to hasten the introduction of new technologies and production methods.
The Chernobyl disaster in late April 1986 will have negative repercussions on Warsaw Pact economies and will delay the ambitious plans set out in the latest Five Year Programmes (FYPs). All these countries have been affected by restrictions imposed on their agricultural exports and are likely to suffer from a decrease in tourist flows - an increasingly important source of hard currency, particularly for the Balkan countries.
The achievements of the different countries over the FYP 1981-85 were varied. Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia came close to their NMP targets -and the former's performance might have been substantially better, had it not been for the bad winter of 1984/5 and poor agricultural returns both in 1983 and 1985. Romania, surprisingly, was the second best achiever (to the GDR) in NMP terms, but Hungary only attained half the annual NMP growth rate prescribed in the FYP. Poland's results were in line with the FYP for 1983-85, but (for all that this represented an improvement over the crisis years of 1978-82) NMP in 1985 was still below that of 1978. The German Democratic Republic continues to outperform the other economies, with a steady annual rate of NMP growth, as opposed to its partners' oscilating records.
The new set of FYPs aims at major increases in output, to be gained by more efficient resource allocation - energy, raw materials, plant and labour - moving from extensive towards intensive economic development by means of changes in management and planning structures.
Leaders have called for investment growth above that of consumption and the rebuilding and upgrading of existing plant, rather than investment in new productive equipment. In the short run, most Warsaw Pact countries, including the Soviet Union, could make important gains by improving existing infrastructure. It has been suggested that this 'modernization' process will require increased Western technology imports, but these will be limited by the availability of convertible currencies. These countries may prefer joint projects with Western firms, with a view to exporting part of the output to obtain hard currency. They are likely also to expand intra-Pact co-operation in industrial production aimed at improving standardization and quality of output.
Improvements in standards of living have been emphasized in the new batch of FYPs and clearly are a pivotal part of the medium- and long-term economic and social development strategies of Warsaw Pact countries. If the generally perceived degree of inefficiency believed to pertain in the East European economies actually exists, then small but pervasive changes to managerial practices and planning methods should go a long way towards achieving the improvements sought over the next five years.
Есть признаки того, что в восточноевропейских армиях происходит определенная модернизация. Несмотря на отсутствие цифр, Чехословакия и Восточная Германия, по сообщениям, начали получать SS-21 взамен своего FROG-7. Болгария и Восточная Германия, по-видимому, получили дополнительные БР Scud. Болгария и Венгрия демонстрируют увеличение числа танков Т-72, а румынский вариант Т-55 М-77 в настоящее время, как полагают, находится на службе в значительном количестве. В настоящее время считается, что Болгария имеет ЗРК SA-13. Мы включаем польские силы внутренней безопасности - элемент "внутренней охраны" в презентацию этого года. Известно, что эти силы существуют уже в течение некоторого времени, однако их численность и взаимоотношения с остальной частью сил обороны не были четко определены.
В соответствующих Военно-Морских Силах произошел ряд незначительных изменений. Сообщается, что польский эсминец SAM Kotlin выведен из состава; Восточная Германия добавила третий фрегат Rostock (класса Koni). Шесть старых патрульных кораблей ВМС Восточной Германии были выведены и частично заменены тремя Tarantul, которые несут четыре SSM SS-N-8. Некоторые из старейших восточногерманских и польских быстроходных ударных кораблей были выведены. Восточная Германия сняла три ракетных катера Osa-I, а Польша - один. Каждый из них также снял, соответственно, один Libelle и тринадцать торпедных катеров Pilica.
Восточноевропейские ВВС также продемонстрировали изменения. Болгария и Восточная Германия теперь имеют полную эскадрилью противолодочных вертолетов Ми-14 каждая. Болгария сокращает численность МиГ-17 и увеличивает число Миг-23 и истребительный флот почти на две эскадрильи. Увеличен и арсенал перехватчиков МиГ-21. Чехословакия, по-видимому, постепенно сворачивает свой Су-7; ее эскадрилья Су-25 теперь считается действующей (это одно из двух развертываний этого типа, не связанных с Советским пактом). Восточная Германия отказалась от своих МиГ-17, заменив их Су-20. По мере постепенного внедрения новых типов общее число уменьшается. Восточная Германия, по-видимому, также сократила число перехватчиков. Как и в большинстве истребительных сил пакта, было трудно оценить количество эскадрилий по типам, и, хотя мы считаем, что модернизация происходит, ее масштабы нелегко определить. Более ранние оценки венгерских перехватчиков МиГ-23, возможно, были слишком высоки. Эта авиация, однако, взяла на себя новую роль с введением эскадрильи Су-25, второго такого развертывания в рамках пакта. Польша также сокращает свои МиГ-17; на замену идет Су-22. Исключением из этой схемы является Румыния, которая, по-видимому, увеличила число МиГ-17; она также, по-видимому, добавила к своему общему количеству перехватчиков МиГ-23.
Эта модернизация, хотя и скромная, представляет собой укрепление общего потенциала соответствующих сил. Однако они по-прежнему значительно хуже оснащены, чем силы Советского Союза в Восточной Европе.
Экономические тенденции 1985 года В 1984 году экономический рост в шести странах Варшавского договора вырос более чем на 5%, что является существенным улучшением по сравнению с 2% падением чистого материального продукта (NMP) в 1981 году, но показатели не повторились в 1985 году, когда NMP вырос всего на 3,5%. Кроме того, темпы роста промышленного производства снизились с 4,8% в 1984 году до около 4% в 1985 году. Это скромное падение говорит о том, что самый крупный сектор экономики этих стран показал себя не так плохо, как утверждали многие западные наблюдатели.
Необычно суровая зима 1984/5 года сказалась на производстве электроэнергии и угля и нарушила работу транспортных служб. Если не считать Чехословакии и ГДР, все страны испытывали в той или иной степени нехватку энергии (Румыния серьезно пострадала второй год подряд), и это нашло отражение в особенно плохих показателях шести стран в первом квартале 1985 года. Нехватка энергоресурсов и неблагоприятные климатические условия - в дополнение к последствиям холодов на Болгарию, Венгрию и Румынию также повлияла засуха - привели к сокращению производства и более заметному сокращению сельскохозяйственного производства, что, в свою очередь, привело к сокращению излишков товаров, доступных для экспорта, и, таким образом, к дефициту твердой валюты для импорта. Кроме того, восточноевропейские страны сталкиваются с усилением конкуренции на мировых рынках со стороны производителей из стран третьего мира, а снижение экономической активности в западных странах также негативно сказывается на экспортных возможностях. Замедление роста внутреннего производства сопровождалось меньшим увеличением импорта. Представляется также, что торговля между восточноевропейскими странами росла более медленными темпами, что может частично отражать попытки Советского Союза сократить сальдо торгового баланса со своими партнерами.
Упомянутые выше факторы в краткосрочной перспективе оказали тормозящее воздействие на экономику стран Варшавского договора, однако в среднесрочной и долгосрочной перспективе на них влияют дополнительные проблемы. Промышленное производство в Восточной Европе характеризуется очень высокими затратами энергии/сырья/рабочей силы на единицу продукции, медленным ростом производительности труда и снижением производительности капитала (измеряемой NMP/основными средствами).
Новый рассвет, ожидаемый западными наблюдателями в результате смены руководства в Москве, наступит еще не скоро, хотя он считается важной предпосылкой для экономического прогресса и повышения уровня жизни. Советский Союз, как представляется, добился прогресса в этом направлении в первом квартале 1986 года, и очевидно, что его партнерам была оказана существенная поддержка в повышении качества и уровня их продукции, а также в достижении большей степени интеграции и специализации в производстве. Первостепенное значение имеет более эффективное использование капитальных ресурсов, в том числе создание нового завода там, где это необходимо (хотя, что более важно, модернизация существующего завода), и попытка ускорить внедрение новых технологий и методов производства.
Чернобыльская катастрофа в конце апреля 1986 года будет иметь негативные последствия для экономики стран Варшавского договора и приведет к задержке осуществления амбициозных планов, изложенных в последних пятилетних программах. Все эти страны пострадали от ограничений, введенных в отношении их сельскохозяйственного экспорта, и, вероятно, пострадают от сокращения туристических потоков - все более важного источника твердой валюты, особенно для балканских стран.
Достижения различных стран за период 1981-1985 годов были различными. Болгария и Чехословакия приблизились к своим целям NMP - и результаты первого могли бы быть значительно лучше, если бы не плохая зима 1984/5 и плохая сельскохозяйственная отдача как в 1983, так и в 1985 годах. Румыния, как это ни удивительно, была второй страной, добившейся наилучших результатов (по сравнению с ГДР) в плане NMP, однако Венгрия достигла лишь половины ежегодных темпов роста NMP, предписанных в пятилетнем плане. Результаты Польши соответствовали пятилетнему плану за 1983-1985 годы, но (при всем том, что это представляло собой улучшение по сравнению с кризисными годами 1978-1982 годов) NMP в 1985 году все еще был ниже 1978 года. Германская Демократическая Республика по-прежнему опережает другие страны с устойчивыми годовыми темпами роста ВНП, в отличие от рекордных показателей своих партнеров.
Новый комплекс пятилетних планов нацелен на значительное увеличение объема производства, которое должно быть достигнуто за счет более эффективного распределения ресурсов - энергии, сырья, растений и рабочей силы - путем перехода от экстенсивного к интенсивному экономическому развитию посредством изменений в структурах управления и планирования.
Лидеры призвали к росту инвестиций выше уровня потребления и восстановлению и модернизации существующих предприятий, а не к инвестированию в новое производственное оборудование. В краткосрочной перспективе большинство стран Варшавского договора, включая Советский Союз, могли бы добиться значительных успехов путем улучшения существующей инфраструктуры. Было высказано предположение, что этот процесс модернизации потребует увеличения импорта западных технологий, но они будут ограничены наличием конвертируемых валют. Эти страны могут предпочесть совместные проекты с западными фирмами в целях экспорта части продукции для получения твердой валюты. Они, вероятно, также расширят сотрудничество внутри пакта в области промышленного производства, направленное на повышение стандартизации и качества продукции.
Повышение уровня жизни было подчеркнуто в новой серии пятилетних планов и, несомненно, является одним из ключевых элементов среднесрочных и долгосрочных стратегий экономического и социального развития стран Варшавского договора. Если общепризнанная степень неэффективности, которая, как считается, присуща восточноевропейским странам, действительно существует, то небольшие, но всепроникающие изменения в управленческой практике и методах планирования должны в значительной степени способствовать достижению желаемых улучшений в течение следующих пяти лет.
BULGARIA NMP 1984e: leva 24.80 bn; 1985e: leva 25.50 bn; growth 1984: 4.6% 1985: 1.8%
GNP 1984e: $27.0-37.0 bn; 1985s: $25.0-55.0 bn
Inflation 1984: 1.0% 1985e: 1.3%
Debt 1984: $2.25 bn 1985: $2.10 bn
Def exp* 1984e: leva 969 m ($1.491 bn); 1985e: leva 1.010 bn ($1.656 bn)
(* Defence expenditures estimated, since budgets have not been available for over ten years.)
$l=leva 1984: 1.007 (off.) 0.65 (adj.); 1985: 1.050 (off.) 0.61 (adj.)
Regular: 148,500 (94,000 conscripts).
Terms of service. Army and Air Force 2 years, Navy 3 years.
Reserves: 195,000. Army 150,000 (600,000 more have a reserve liability); Navy (to age 55, officers 60 or 65) 25,000; Air (to age 60) 20,000 (AD 15,000).
Regular: 201,000 (118,000 conscripts).
Terms of service. Army 2 years, Air force 3 years.
Reserves: 280,000. Army 250,000 (295,000 more with liability to age 50 (men) or 60 (officers)); Air 30,000.
Regular: 179,000 (94,500 conscripts).
Terms of service. Army, Air Force 18 months; Navy (sea-going) 36 months.
Reserves: 400,000.
Army 330,000, up to 6 months call-up per year to total 24 months (250,000 more have Reserve commitment to 50 men or 60 (officers));
Navy 40,000; Air 30,000.
Regular: 105,000 (58,000 conscripts).
Terms of service. Army (incl Border Guard) 18 months; Air Force 24 months.
Reserves: 135,000 (Army and Navy); Air 8,000 (to age 55).
ARMY: 83,000 (50,000 conscripts) incl Danube Flotilla.
1 tk div (at Cat. 2).
5 motor rifle divs (2 at Cat. 2, 3 at 3).
1 arty bde, 1 SSM bde with Scud.
1 AA arty, 4 SAM regts (1 indep with SA-4, 3 with SA-6 in divs).
1 AB bn.
Tks: some 1,200 T-54/-55, 60 T-72. lt: 100 PT-76.
AFV: recce: some 350 BRDM-2, 400 FUG (OT-65). MICV: 350 BMP-1. APC: 1,000 PSZH-IV and MT-LB.
Arty: gun/how: 152mm: 120: 100 D-20, 20 M-1973(2S3)SP. how: 122mm: 315: 225 M-1938, 90 M-1974 SP; 152mm: 50 M-1943.
MRL 122mm: 50 BM-21. SSM: 24 FROG-7, 9 Scud. mor: 82mm: 300; 120mm: 100 M-43.
ATK: RCL 73mm: 125 SPG-9. guns: 85mm: 100; 100mm: 50 T-12. ATGW: 100 AT-3 Sagger (incl BRDM-2 SP), 100 AT-4 Spigot.
AD: guns: 23mm: ZU-23, 75 ZSU-23-4 SP; 57mm: 100 S-60, ZSU-57-2 SP; 100mm: KS-19.
SAM: 30 SA-4, 60 SA-6, 350 SA-7, 50 SA-9.
Danube Flotilla (700); 26 25-ton minelayers/sweepers, 5 Nestin river MCMV, 15 10-ton patrol craft, 5 small LCU, small tp tpts, river icebreakers.
AIR FORCE: 22,000 (8,000 conscripts); some 155 combat ac, 12 armed hel.
1 air div:
AD: 3 ftr regts (9 interceptor sqns) with 120 Mikoyan-Guryevich MiG-21F7PF/bis/U, 10 MiG-23M.
FGA: 1 sqn with 15 Sukhoi Su-25.
Recce: 1 sqn with (?12) Su-22.
Tpt: 1 regt (2 tpt sqns): 24 Antonov An-24/-26, 2 Ilyushin I1-14.
Hel: 1 regt (3 hel sqns): 20 Mil Mi-24, 30 Mi-8, 25 Kamov Ka-26 (trg/civil duties).
Trg: incl Aero L-29, MiG-15UTI.
AAM: AA-2 Atoll.
AD: 1 div: 3 SAM regts, some 20 sites: 120 SA-2/-3.
Border guards 16,000 (11,000 conscripts); 11 districts.
Part-time Worker's Militia 60,000.
'Sport Association for National Defence'.
POLAND NMP 1984e: z 5,950.00 bn; 1985e: z 7,140.00 bn
growth 1984: 5.6% 1985: 3.0%
GDP 1984e: z $95.0-228.0 bn; 1985e: z $90.0-208.0 bn
Inflation 1984: 14.5%; 1985: 15.0%
Debt 1984: $27.5 bn; 1985: $25.8 bn
Def bdgt 1985: z 307.00 bn(7.309 bn); 1986: z 347.80 bn (7.729 bn)
$1=z 1985: 158.23 (off.) 42 (adj.); 1986: 165.17 (off.) 45 (adj.)
z = zlotys
Regular 402,000 (251,000 conscripts; incl Internal Defence troops (see Para-Military)).
Terms of service. Army, internal security forces, Air Force 2 years; Navy, special services, afloat 3 years, ashore 2 years.
Reserves: 501,000: Army some 415,000; Navy some 55,000 (to age 50); Air some 31,000 (to age 60).
ARMY: 295,000 (215,000 conscripts) (incl 65,500 Internal Security troops).
3 Military Districts:
5 armd divs (all at Cat 1).
8 mech divs (3 at Cat 1, 5 at 3).
1 AB div (Cat 1).
1 amph assault div (Cat 1).
4 arty bdes, 1 arty regt.
3 ATK regts.
4 SSM bdes with Scud.
1 AD bde with SA-4; 8 AD regts: 6 with SA-6, 2 with SA-8 SAM.
Tks: 3,400 T-54/-55, 70 T-72. lt: 100 PT-76.
AFV: 4,500: recce: 800 FUG/BRDM-2; APC: 900 BMP-1, 2,100 SKOT/SKOT-2AP, 600 TOPAS/TOPAS-2AP.
Arty: ?2,100: guns: 122mm: some 400 M-1931/37; 130mm: M-46. gun/how: 152mm: 230 ML-20, D-1.
how: 122mm: 850 M-1938, D-30 towed, M-1974 SP; 152mm: 145 M-1943. MRU 360: 122mm: BM-21; 140mm: BM-14, (?30) WP-8.
SSM: 56 FROG-3/-5/-7, 32 Scud B. mor 750 82mm; 120mm.
ATK: guns: 100mm: some 70 T-12. RCL 73mm. ATGW: AT-1 Snapper, AT-3 Sagger (incl BRDM-2 SP), AT-4 Spigot.
AD: guns: 800: 23mm: ZU-23, 150 ZSU-23-4 SP; 57mm: S-60. SAM: 250 SA-4/-6/-8/-9; SA-7.
Regular: 189,700 (108,500 conscripts).
Terms of service. Army, Air Force 16 months; Navy 24 months.
Reserves: 565,000; Army 500,000+ (300,000 with service in last 5 years); Navy 20,000 (to age 50); Air 45,000 (to age 60).
Coastal Defence (2,000): HQ Constanta.
4 sectors:
10 coastal arty btys with some 100 130mm, 150mm and 152mm guns; 1 SSM bn with SS-C-2B Samlet, observer post tps, radar, naval engineers.
Some 8 btys of AA arty reported; eqpt unknown.
Would get 2 regts of naval inf on mobilization.
(On order 1 Muntania-class DDG, Brutar-class river monitors.)
AIR FORCE: 32,000 (10,000 conscripts); 378 combat ac.
3 air divs (incl AD): 4 combat regts:
FGA: 6 sqns: 90 Mikoyan-Guryevich MiG-17, some 30 SOKO/CIAR IAR-93.
Interceptor: 12 sqns: 1 with 40 MiG-23; 11 with 200 MiG-21F/PF/U.
Recce: 1 sqn with 18 Ilyushin I1-28.
Tpt 1 regt with 4 I1-14, 3 I1-18, 2 I1-62, 11 Antonov An-24, 8 An-26, 4 Lisunov Li-2 (DC-3 type), 1 Boeing 707.
Hel: 1 regt with 10 Mil Mi-4, 25 Mi-8, 45 IAR-316B (Alouette III), 30 IAR-330 (Puma).
Trg: 40 Aero L-29, 20 MiG-15UTI, (710) L-39ZA, 10 IAR-28MA lt.
AAM: AA-2 Atoll.
AD: 1 div: 18 SAM sites with 108 SA-2.
(On order some 125 IAR-93B FGA ac.)
Border guards (17,000); 12 bdes.
Ministry of Defence security troops (20,000); AFV, ATK guns.
Local Defence: some 900,000 Patriotic Guard (perhaps 12,000 full time).
Youth Homeland Defence: 650,000.
'Voluntary Sports Association'.
Many European NATO nations show a slight decline in uniformed manpower compared with 1985. The exceptions are West Germany, Greece and Turkey which have increased overall. With regard to the ground forces, British, Canadian, French and West German forces, combine to show a slight rise in the total for Northern Europe. Increases by both Greece and Turkey show a more marked enhancement in the south. That increase is due more to the dispute between them than to NATO requirements.
Minor changes in the divisional structures have led to small increases in the divisional totals; these are largely organizational and do not reflect any greater capability.
Main Battle Tank strength in the Northern and Central sectors has increased by perhaps 2%. The retirement of the elderly British carrier Hermes is noted, as is the commissioning of Italy's Garibaldi; the inter-service dispute over the aircraft the latter is to carry has not yet been resolved. Totals for all other categories of surface vessels show slight reductions. Combat aircraft totals, on the other hand, show significant increases in all categories, marking the progress of a number of major procurement programmes.
Budgetary constraints continue to have a major impact on defence, not least because they are forcing governments toward greater international collaboration, as a way of getting better value for money. A number of new joint programmes have been announced. These include studies into a 12-country Precision Guided Missile project; a 7-country Modular Stand-Off Weapon; a multi-function information distribution systems; a common NATO Identification System (11 countries); computer language commonality; Stand-Off Radar; Surveillance and Target Acquisition; and some 13 others. Standardization makes only slow progress but agreement has been reached on a common fuel for jet aircraft. Although such agreements are often confined to minor systems and support functions, joint arrangements are in hand for a new European fighter aircraft (EFA), ASW helicopters, and Tripartite Mine Counter-Measures vessels (MCMV) and there are signs of movement toward common European combat and transport helicopter programmes.
NATO anticipates European production in 1986 of 500 tanks, some 400 other Armoured Fighting Vehicles, 100 artillery and field rocket pieces, 550 Milan and TOW ATGW and 800 SAM for the ground forces. New European naval procurement plans include a carrier, three submarines, four destroyers, ten mine warfare vessels, one landing ship and six landing craft. The Tornado and F-16 programmes continue, with a total of 180 planned; procurement of 70 other aircraft include tankers and Airborne Early Warning (AEW).
Following the severe recession of the early 1980s, NATO Europe continues to enjoy modest GDP growth, averaging 2.3% in 1985. The GDPs of Canada, Norway and Turkey grew at a rate of over 4%, while Great Britain followed with about 3.5%; France (1.0%), Greece (1.5%), and Belgium (1.7%) did less well, with the others ranging between 2 and 3%. (The United States also achieved 2.3%, but this represented a significant decline from the 6.6% growth achieved in 1984.)
Europe's success in fighting inflation is uneven. Inflation in 1985 ranged from 2.2% in West Germany and the Netherlands to as high as 45% in Turkey. Greece and Portugal had rates approaching 20%. The other states showed figures of 4.9% (Belgium and Denmark), 5.7% and 5.8% (Norway and France), 6.1% (Britain) and almost 9% (Spain). This relative success is due in part to monetary and fiscal policies but in part also to the decline in the prices of oil and other key commodities.
Most western countries face increasing government debt and mounting interest rates, incurred in part because of the oil price rises in the late 1970s and increasing military outlays in the 1980s. In 1979 NATO countries had committed themselves to an annual real increase of 3% in defence outlays, but only a few states have managed to sustain the commitment. After the recession of 1980-82 (when GDP growth rates were in most cases either negative or negligible), real defence growth in the face of spiralling social costs became for many countries politically unsustainable. Despite this, half of NATO's members were able to increase defence outlays until 1986, when Britain and West Germany and even the US were forced to reduce their defence outlays - in the case of the latter two countries to zero or even negative real growth.
On the positive side, the drastic decline in oil prices and the appreciation of the European currencies against the US dollar has had a stimulating effect on European economies. If oil prices remain at $10-15 a barrel, many European economies should experience a GDP increase of 3-4%. Britain, however, may experience a serious short-term current account deficit, while Norway (dependent on oil sales for 22% of government income) seems likely to experience serious fiscal problems.
In the face of these trends, it is most unlikely that the major European NATO members will significantly increase their defence outlays.
(2) Многие европейские страны НАТО демонстрируют небольшое сокращение численности военнослужащих по сравнению с 1985 годом. Исключение составляют Западная Германия, Греция и Турция, которые в целом увеличились. Что касается сухопутных войск, то британские, канадские, французские и западногерманские силы, объединившись, демонстрируют незначительный рост общей численности в Северной Европе. Увеличение как Греции, так и Турции свидетельствует о более заметном увеличении на юге. Это увеличение объясняется скорее спором между ними, чем требованиями НАТО.
Незначительные изменения в структурах отделов привели к незначительному увеличению общих показателей по отделам; они носят в основном организационный характер и не отражают каких-либо больших возможностей.
Численность основных боевых танков в Северном и Центральном секторах увеличилась, возможно, на 2%. Отмечается списание старого британского авианосца Hermes, а также ввод в эксплуатацию итальянского Garibaldi; спор между службами по поводу самолета, который последний должен нести, еще не решен. Общие данные по всем другим категориям надводных судов свидетельствуют о незначительном сокращении. С другой стороны, общее количество боевых самолетов значительно возросло по всем категориям, что свидетельствует о прогрессе в осуществлении ряда крупных программ закупок.
Бюджетные ограничения по-прежнему оказывают серьезное воздействие на оборону, не в последнюю очередь потому, что они вынуждают правительства расширять международное сотрудничество в целях повышения эффективности использования средств. Был объявлен ряд новых совместных программ. К их числу относятся исследования по проекту создания 12-ю странами высокоточной управляемой ракеты; 7-ю странами модульного боевого оружия; многофункциональных систем распространения информации; общей системы идентификации НАТО (11 стран); общности компьютерного языка; автономного радиолокатора; наблюдения и обнаружения целей; и еще 13 исследований. Стандартизация идет медленными темпами, но достигнута договоренность об общем топливе для реактивных самолетов. Хотя такие соглашения часто ограничиваются незначительными системами и вспомогательными функциями, имеются совместные договоренности в отношении нового европейского истребителя (EFA), вертолетов противоминной обороны и трехсторонних судов противоминной обороны (MCMV), а также имеются признаки продвижения к осуществлению общеевропейских программ боевых и транспортных вертолетов.
НАТО ожидает, что в 1986 году в Европе будет произведено 500 танков, около 400 других боевых бронированных машин, 100 артиллерийских и полевых ракетных установок, 550 ПТРК Milan и TOW и 800 зенитных ракет для сухопутных войск. Новые планы европейских военно-морских закупок включают в себя авианосец, три подводные лодки, четыре эсминца, десять боевых минных судов, один десантный корабль и шесть десантных судов. Программы Tornado и F-16 продолжаются, В общей сложности запланировано 180; закупка 70 других самолетов включает танкеры и самолеты раннего предупреждение (AEW).
После тяжелой рецессии начала 1980-х годов в Европе НАТО продолжает наблюдаться умеренный рост ВВП, составивший в 1985 году в среднем 2,3%. ВВП Канады, Норвегии и Турции вырос более чем на 4%, в то время как Великобритания-примерно на 3,5%; Франция (1,0%), Греция (1,5%) и Бельгия (1,7%) добились меньших успехов, а остальные страны-от 2 до 3%. (Соединенные Штаты также достигли 2,3%, но это представляло собой значительное снижение по сравнению с ростом 6,6%, достигнутым в 1984 году.)
Успех Европы в борьбе с инфляцией неравномерен. Инфляция в 1985 году колебалась от 2,2% в Западной Германии и Нидерландах до 45% в Турции. В Греции и Португалии ставки приближались к 20%. Другие государства дали показатели 4,9% (Бельгия и Дания), 5,7% и 5,8% (Норвегия и Франция), 6,1% (Великобритания) и почти 9% (Испания). Этот относительный успех обусловлен отчасти денежно-кредитной и фискальной политикой, а отчасти и снижением цен на нефть и другие ключевые сырьевые товары.
Большинство западных стран сталкиваются с растущим государственным долгом и ростом процентных ставок, отчасти из-за роста цен на нефть в конце 1970-х годов и увеличения военных расходов в 1980-х годах. В 1979 году страны НАТО взяли на себя обязательства по ежегодному реальному увеличению расходов на оборону на 3%, но лишь нескольким государствам удалось сохранить это обязательство. После рецессии 1980-1982 годов (когда темпы роста ВВП в большинстве случаев были либо отрицательными, либо ничтожно малыми) реальный рост обороноспособности перед лицом спирали социальных издержек стал для многих стран политически неустойчивым. Несмотря на это, половина членов НАТО смогла увеличить расходы на оборону до 1986 года, когда Великобритания, Западная Германия и даже США были вынуждены сократить свои расходы на оборону - в случае последних двух стран до нуля или даже отрицательного реального роста.
С положительной стороны, резкое снижение цен на нефть и повышение курса европейских валют по отношению к доллару США оказали стимулирующее воздействие на европейские экономики. Если цены на нефть останутся на уровне 10-15 долларов за баррель, то ВВП многих европейских стран должен увеличиться на 3-4%. Британия, однако, может столкнуться с серьезным краткосрочным дефицитом текущего счета, в то время как Норвегия (зависящая от продажи нефти на 22% государственного дохода), похоже, столкнется с серьезными финансовыми проблемами.
С учетом этих тенденций маловероятно, что основные европейские члены НАТО значительно увеличат свои расходы на оборону.
Regular 91,428 (3,600 women, 30,300 conscripts).
Terms of service. 8 or 10 months.* (* Conscripts serve 8 months if posted to Germany, 10 months if serving in Belgium.)
Reserves: 258,940. Army 180,489 (Medical Service 32,600), to age 45; Navy 9,346; Air 36,510.
ARMY: 67,400 (incl separate Medical Service; 25,400 conscripts).
1 Corps HQ,2 Div HQ.
1 armd bde (2 tk, 2 mech inf, 1 SP arty bns, spt units).
3 mech inf bdes each with 1tk, 2 mech inf, 1 SP arty, 1 ATK bns, spt units.
1 para-cdo regt (3 para-cdo bns, armd recce and spt units).
2 recce bns.
2 tk bns.
2 mot inf bns (territorial def).
4 arty bns (3 SP).
1 SSM bn with Lance.
4 AD bns: 2 SAM with 36 Improved HAWK; 2 AA each with 27 Gepard.
4 engr bns (2 fd, 1 bridge, 1 eqpt).
4 lt avn sqns.
RESERVES: some on immediate recall status; 1 mech, 1 mot inf bdes; combat, combat spt, log spt tps.
Territorial defence: 11 mot inf regts, 4 mot inf bns.
Tks: 334 Leopard 1; lt: 133 Scorpion.
AFV: recce: 153 Scimitar. MICV: 136 AIFV-B. APC: 1,272 incl 305 M-113, 262 Spartan, AMX-VCI, M-75(to Reserves).
Arty: how: 155mm: 168: 26 M-109A3, 15 M-109 (being upgraded to A3), 127 M-109A2 SP; 203mm: 11 M-110 SP (being upgraded to A2);
SSM: 5 Lance.
ATK: guns: 80 JPK-90mm SP. ATGW: 420 Milan, 43 Striker AFV with Swingfire.
AD: guns: 20mm: 46; 35mm: 54 Gepard SP. SAM: 39 Improved HAWK.
Avn: ac: 12Islander, hel: 64Alouette II.
(On order: 378 AIFV, 220 M-113A2 APC.)
Regular: 323,800 incl 16,100 women and some
9,840 enlisted outside Britain.
Terms of service, voluntary.
Reserves: 305,030.
Army: 239,300. Regular 153,000; Territorial Army (TA) 77,000+ (to be 86,000 by 1990); Ulster Defence Regt UDR) 6,500 (3,700 part-time);
Home Service Force some 2,800 (to be 4,700).
Navy: 31,670. Regular 23,340; Volunteer 5,530 (to be 7,800); Auxiliary Service 2,800 (to be 3,000).
Marines: 3,460. Regular 2,250; Volunteer 1,210.
Air: 30,600. Regular 29,600; Volunteer 1,000.
SLBM: 4 Resolution SSBN, each with 16 Polaris A3TK msls.
Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) station at Fylingdales (to be upgraded).
ARMY: 162,100 (incl 6,600 women and 9,450 enlisted outside Britain, of which some 8,100 are Gurkhas).
1 corps, 3 armd, 1 inf divs, 27 bdes (incl 1 arty, 1 sigs), 1 Field Force HQ.
14 armd regts (2 trg).
5 armd recce regts.
53 inf bns (6Gurkha).
3 para bns (1 in inf, 2 in para role).
1 Special Air Service (SAS) regt.
1 SSM regt with Lance (3 btys, each 4 msls).
18 arty regts: 1 hy (203mm), 2 'depth of fire' (175mm), 8 SP, 6 fd (1 cdo), 1 locating;
4 indep SAM btys (2 Blowpipe, 2 Javelin).
3 SAM regts with Rapier. 2 of 3 btys (36 launchers), 1 of 4 btys (2 SP) (48 launchers).
13 engr regts: 11 fd (1 Gurkha), 1 armd, 1 amph.
4 army aviation regts; 16 sqns (1 cdo), 5 indep fits; 2 trg sqns, 6 fits.
RESERVES: 2 armd, 3 lt recce regts, 40 inf bns, 2 SAS, 2 fd, 1 arty recce, 4 AD, 7 engr regts (4 airfield repair sqns, 2 more forming), 1 hel sqn.
Ulster Defence Regiment: 9 bns (internal security role in Northern Ireland only in peace-time).
Home Service Force: some 42 coys (to be 47).
Tks: some 250 Challenger, 900 Chieftain (210 in reserve); lt: 271 FV 101 Scorpion.
AFV: recce: 290 FV 107 Scimitar, 1,070 Ferret, some 200 Fox.
APC: 2,338 FV 432, some 60 FV 603 Saracen, 500 FV 103 Spartan, some 200 AT-105 Saxon, some 12 MCV-80 (trials).
Arty: guns: 260: 105mm: 220: 100 towed, 120 FV 433 Abbot SP; 5.5-in. (140mm): 4 trg; 175mm: 36M-107SP.
how: 155mm: 173: 72 FH-70 towed, 101 M-109/A2/A3 SP. 203mm: 16 M-110 SP. MRL: 4 MLRS 227mm (trials).
SSM: 12 Lance. mor: 81mm.
ATK: RCL: 84mm: Carl Gustav, 120mm. ATGW: Milan (to get FV 103 Spartan SP), Swingftre (incl FV 102 Striker, FV 438 SP).
SAM: Blowpipe, Javelin; 120 Rapier (some 48 SP).
Avn: ac: .9 DHC-2 Beaver AL-1.
hel: 40 Westland Scout, 9 SA-315 Alouette IIC, 159 SA-341 GazelleAH-1,110 Westland Lynx AH-1 (some with TOW), 4 Agusta A-109.
Landing craft: 39: 2 Ardennes, 2 Arromanches log, 2 90-ton -109, 6 small, 1 munitions; 2 tugs, 32 other service vessels (Royal Corps of Transport).
(On order: some 125 Challenger MBT; some 1,048 MCV-80 Warrior MICV; some 320 AT-105 Saxon APC; LAW-80 RL, Milan, TOW ATGW; some 30 SP Rapier, Javelin, 48 Blowpipe SAM; 5 Gazelle, 10 Lynx AH-5 hel (some with TOW), 3 LCM, 3 patrol craft, 12 combat spt craft.)
DEPLOYMENT (see also Forces Abroad, below):
United Kingdom Land Forces (UKLF): 42,100: Reinforcements for 1 Br Corps, Germany: 1 inf div HQ, 4 inf bdes (2 Regular, 2 TA).
United Kingdom Mobile Force (UKMF): 1 air portable inf bde and log spt gp.
Allied Command Europe Mobile Force (LAND) (AML(L)): 1 inf bn, 1 armd recce, 1 sigs sqns, 1 arty bty, 1 log bn; 1 avn fit.
Home Defence: 10 inf, 1 AB bdes.
HQ Northern Ireland: (some 10,200): 2 inf bde HQ, up to 10 major units in inf role (6 resident, 4 temporary inf bns), 1 SAS, 1 engr sqn, 2 sqns,
army aviation regt.
NAVY: 68,300 (incl Air, Marines, 3,500 women and 390 enlisted outside Britain).
Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA): (2,350 civilians) man major spt vessels.
Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service (RMAS): (2,880).
(Reserves): 6 HQ units, 11 Sea Trg Centres (STC), 12 Comms Trg Centres (CTC), 1 MCM sqn: 9 MSF, 2 MCMV, 9 MCM, 8 patrol,
72 auxiliary service units.
Bases: Devonport, Faslane, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth.
Subs (attack): 29:
SSN: 14 (3 Trafalgar, 6 Swiftsure, 2 Valiant, 3 Churchill).
SS: 15 (13 Oberon, 2 Porpoise (to retire 1987)).
Principal Surface Combatants: 59 (incl 2 LPD):
Carriers: 3 Invincible ASW, each 5 Sea Harrier V/STOL ac, 9 Sea King hel, 1 twin Sea Dart SAM, 20mm Phalanx AD system.
Destroyers: 15 GW:
2 County with 1 twin Seaslug, 2 quad Seacat SAM, 4 Exocet SSM, 1 Westland Lynx HAS-2 hel.
1 Bristol with 1 twin Sea Dart SAM (to get Phalanx AD system).
12 Sheffield (Type-42) with 1 twin Sea Dart, 1 Lynx hel.
Frigates: 39:
7 Broadsword (Type-22) with 4 Exocet SSM, 2 sextuple Sea Wolf SAM, 2 Lynx hel; 1 trg.
6 Amazon (Type-21) with 4 Exocet SSM, 1 quad Seacat SAM, 1 Lynx hel.
23 Leander (1 trg) with 1 Wasp/Lynx:
6 with Ikara ASW, 2 quad Seacat,
12 with Exocet SSM and SAM (4 with 2 quad Seacat, 3 with 3 quad Seacat, 5 with 1 sextuple Sea Wolf).
5 with 1 quad Seacat.
3 Rothesay with 1 quad Seacat, 1 Wasp hel.
Minor Surface Combatants: 72:
MCMV: 43: 10 Hunt, 23 Ton (3 reserves, 7 fishery patrol), 10 River (reserves); 1 Abdiel spt ship.
Patrol vessels: 29: 1 Endurance, 5 Peacock, 7 Island, 2 Castle, 5 Bird (2 trg), 3 Protector, 4 Fleet tenders (trg); 2 32-metre.
LPD: 2: each 4 LCU, 4 LCVP, 4 quad Seacat SAM.
logistic (LSL) (RFA): 6 (1 leased commercial). See also Army.
Spt (all RFA): fleet replenishment ships: 4;
tankers: 14: 4 large, 5 spt, 5 small fleet;
repair: 2 hel spt, 1 forward repair ships.
Misc: 1 Royal Yacht (hospital ship), 1 sub tender, 9 survey vessels, 1 seabed ops vessel.
RMAS (see above): 8 coastal trg craft (1 mooring and salvage vessel, 1 twin unit tractor tug).
Incl in above refitting or in reserve are: 1 SSBN, 2 SSN, 4 diesel subs, 1 carrier, 1destroyer, 5 frigates, 4 MCM, 1 patrol vessel, 1 LPD, 2 survey ships.
AIR FORCE: 93,400 (incl 6,000 women).
Strike: 11 sqns: 9 with Panavia Tornado GR-1; 2 with BAe Buccaneer S-2A/B (assigned maritime, with Sea Eagle ASM).
FGA: 5 sqns: 3 with BAe Harrier GR-3/T-4; 2 with Jaguar.
AD: 9 sqns: 2 with BAe Lightning F-6/F-3/T-5; 7 with McDonnell-Douglas Phantom (7 sqns Tornado F-2 to be formed).
Recce: 2 sqns with Jaguar GR-1; 1 fit with BAe Canberra PR-9.
MR: 4 sqns with BAe Nimrod MR-1/-1A/-2 (Harpoon ASM, Sidewinder AAM being fitted).
AEW: 1 sqn with BAe Shackleton AEW-2.
Tanker: 4 sqns: 2 with BAe Victor K-2; 1 with BAe VC-10 K-2/-3; 1 with Lockheed Tristar K-l.
Tpt: 5 sqns: 1 strategic with VC-10 C-1/Tristar-1-500; 4 tac with C-130H/-HC3 Hercules.
Liaison: 2 comms sqns with BAe (/HS-125, /HS-748 Andover, Pembroke), Piper Chieftain. Queen's Fit: BAe/HS-146-100 Andover.
ECM: 3 ECM/target facility/calibration sqns with Canberra, Nimrod MR-1, Andover E-3/C-1.
Trg: 12 OCU: Tornado GR-1/F-2, Buccaneer S Mk 2, Phantom FGR-2, Jaguar GR-1/T-2, Harrier GR-3/T-4, Nimrod, Canberra B-2/T-4,
C-130H, Victor K-2.
2 tac weapons units: Hunter F-6/GA-9/T-7, BAe Hawk T-1, BAe Jet Provost.
Trg units: Hawk T-1, Jet Provost, BAe Jetstream T-l, BAe Bulldog T-1, Chipmunk T-10, HS-125 Dominie T-1 (all BAe); Beagle Husky T-1.
Tac hel: 5 sqns: 1 with Westland-Sikorsky Wessex; 2 with Westland-Aerospatiale Puma HC-1; 2 with Chinook HC-1 (Boeing CH-47).
SAR hel: 9 fits: 5 with Wessex HC-2; 4 with Westland-Sikorsky Sea King HAR-3.
Trg hel: Wessex, Westland-Sikorsky Whirlwind, SA-341 Gazelle.
AD: 2 SAM sqns with Bloodhound 2, 1 Royal Auxiliary AF sqn with 12x2 35mm Oerlikon AA guns with Skyguard (see also RAF Regt).
Equipment: some 635 combat ac.
Tornado: some 204: GR-1: 189 (148 strike, 19 in tri-national trg sqn (Cottesmore), 22 in weapons conversion unit); F-2: 15 (OCU).
Buccaneer: 52 (25 attack, 9 OCU, 18 reserve).
Jaguar. 75 (12 FGA, 24 close spt, 24 recce, 15 OCU).
Harrier. 52 (32 close spt, 20 OCU).
Phantom: 150. FG-1: 36; F-3 (F-4J): 12 (ftr); FGR-2: 102 (48 FGA, 18 OCU, 36 reserve).
Lightning: 22 (ftr).
Hunter. 5 (tac weapons unit).
Hawk: 117 (72 tac weapons unit (Sidewinder capable), 45 trg).
Canberra: 38. 31 (ECM/target facility/ calibration); PR-9: 3 (recce); B-2/T-4: 4 (OCU).
Nimrod: 34. 3 (ECM); 3 (ocu); MR-1/-1A/-2: 28 (MR).
Shackleton: 10 (5 AEW, 5 reserve).
Victor: 23(16 tanker, 7 OCU).
Tristar: 9. 2 (tanker/cargo, to be 6), 7 (strategic tpt, to be 3).
VC-10: 20. C-1: 11 (strategic tpt); K-2: 5 (tanker); K-3: 4 (tanker, to be 5).
C-130: 45 (40 tac tpt, 5 OCU).
Andover: 12 (5 ECM/target facility/ calibration, 3 Queens Ht, 4 comms). HS-125: 25; T-1: 19 (trg); CC-1/-2: 6 (comms).
Pembroke: 6 (comms). BAe-146: 1 (comms). Jet Provost: 147 (2 tac weapons unit, 145 trg). Jetstream: 11 (trg). Chieftain: 3 (comms).
Bulldog: 11 (trg). Chipmunk: 60 (trg). Husky: 1 (trg).
Wessex: 56 (20 tac tpt, 18 SAR, 4 OCU, 14 trg).
Chinook: 32 (27 tac tpt, 5 OCU).
Puma: 31 (26 tac tpt, 5 OCU).
Sea King: 14 (SAR).
Gazelle: 22 (trg). Whirlwind: 5 (trg).
AAM: Sidewinder, Sparrow, Red Top, Firestreak, Sky Flash. ASM: Martel, Harpoon, Sea Eagle.
SAM: 64 Bloodhound.
(On order, Harrier GR-3/T-4, 62 Harrier II (AV-8B = GR-5), Tornado (some 30 GR-1, 150 F-2), 11 Nimrod AEW-3, HS-125-700, BAe-146-100 (VIP), 3 VC-10 K-2/-3, 130 Short/Embraer Tucano trg; Sea King HAR hel; AIM-9L Sidewinder, Rapier SAM, Sky Flash AAM, 750 ALARM, Sea Eagle ASM.)
5 Wing HQ.
5 lt armd sqns.
9 SAM sqns (Rapier).
36 Scorpion lt tks; 90 Spartan APC; 72 Rapier SAM.
(Reserves (Royal Auxiliary Air Force)): 1 air movements sqn; 6 fd def sqns; 1 lt AA gun sqn with 12x2 35mm Oerlikon and Skyguard.
Strike Command: 3 Gps; operational home command responsible for the UK Air Defence Region and Near and Far East;
overseas command (RAF Germany, Belize and Falklands).
Support Command: training, supply and maintenance support of other commands.
Forces Abroad: 93,164 (1985). Army 70,641, Navy/Marines 5,321, Air Force: 17,202.
Antarctica: Navy: 1 ice patrol ship.
Ascension Island: RAF: Hercules C-1P tanker (C-130Hmod) dets.
Belize: 1,500. Army: some 1,200; 1 inf bn, 1 armd recce tp, 1 fd arty bty, 1 engr sqn, 1 hel fit (4 GazelleAH-1).
RAF: 200; 1 fit (4Harrier GR-3 FGA, 4 Puma hel), 1 Rapier AD det (4 fire units) RAF Regt.
Brunei: Army: some 900: 1 Gurkha inf bn, 1hel fit (3 ac).
Canada: Army: training and liaison unit.
Cyprus: 4,664. Army: 3,253: UNFICYP (741): 1 inf bn less 2 coys, 1 armd recce sqn, 1 hel fit, engr and log spt;
Garrison: 1 inf bn plus 2 inf coys, 1 armd recce, 1 engr spt sqns, 1 hel fit.
RAF: 1,393: 1 hel sqn, dets of Phantom, Lightning ac, 1 lt armd sqn RAF Regt. Navy/Marines: 18.
Egypt (Sinai MFO): 38 technical and admin personnel.
Falkland Islands: some 2,000 (being reduced).
Army: 1 inf bn gp, 1 AD bty, 1 engr fd sqn, 1 sqn army air.
Navy: 1 SSN/SS, 2 escorts, 3 patrol, spt and auxiliary ships.
RAF: 1 Phantom sqn (9), 6 HerculesK-l, 3 Sea King HAR-3, 6 Chinook hel, 1 sqn RAF regt (Rapier SAM). (Details may vary through the year.)
Germany: 69,548. Army (BAOR): 55,977;
1 corps HQ; 3 armd divs incl 8 armed, 1 air mobile (trials) inf bdes; 1 arty bde (11 armd, 2 recce, 12 arty (1 msl), 2 AD, 7 engr,
3 army air (10 air sqns, 2 indep fits) regts; 13 inf bns).
Berlin Inf Bde: 3,000; 3 inf bns, one armd sqn.
RAF: 10,571; 13 ac, 2 hel sqns: 2 Phantom FGR-2, 6 Tornado, 1 Jaguar (recce), 2 Harrier, 1 Pembroke (comms); 1 Puma, 1 Chinook (tpt).
RAF regt 2 Wing HQ; 4 Rapier SAM, 1 lt armd sqns.
Gibraltar 1,947. Army: 771; 1inf bn, 1 engr team, 1 arty surveillance tp.
Navy/Marines: 720; 1 escort, 1 spt ship; Marine dets, 2 twin Exocet launchers (coast defence). Base unit.
RAF: 456; periodic Jaguar ac dets.
Hong Kong: 8,945: Army: 8,017 (British 1,917, Gurkha 4,765, Hong Kong Regt 1,335);
Gurkha Field Force with 1 Br, 4 Gurkha inf bns, 1 each Gurkha engr, sigs, tpt regts,
1 hel sqn (-) with 10 Scout AH-1, spt units, 3 small landing craft, 3 other vessels.
Navy: 650 (378 locally enlisted); 5 Peacock patrol craft, (12 patrol boats in local service), 1 Marine Raiding sqn.
RAF: 278; 1 Wessex hel sqn (10 HC-2).
India/Nepal: Army: 1,330 locally enlisted personnel.
Indian Ocean: Navy: 1 destroyer/frigate, 1 spt ship; Diego Garcia, 1 naval party, 1 Marine det.
West Indies (see also Belize): Navy: 2 destroyers/frigates, 2 survey vessels, 2 RFA Military Advisers: 662 in 30 countries.
CANADA GDP 1984: $C 436.08 bn ($US 330.48 bn); 1985e: $C 469.78 bn ($US 340.90 bn)
growth 1984: 4.2% 1985: 2.5%
Inflation 1984: 4.4% 1985: 4.0%
Debt 1984: $US 110.0 bn
$US 120.5 bn
Def bdgt 1985/6: $C 9.383 bn ($US 6.809 bn); NATO defn* $US 7.4 bn; 1986/7: $C 9.955 bn ($US 7.187 bn); NATO defn n.a.
(* Canadian fiscal year is 1 April-31 March. NATO data refers to calendar year.)
$1=$C (1983/4): 1.2395 (1984/5): 1.3196 (1985/6): 1.3781 (1986): 1.3851
Regular: 83,000 (planned 90,000 by 1989; 7,400 women).*
(*The Canadian Armed Forces were unified in 1968. Of the total strength, some 41,200 are not identified by service.)
Terms of service, voluntary.
Reserves: 24,700. Army (Militia) 19,000; Comms 1,500; Navy 3,200; Air 1,000. (Total planned to increase to 40,000 by 1989.)
Commands:* (* Mobile Command commands land combat forces, and Maritime Command all naval forces. Air Command commands all air forces, but Maritime Command has operational control of maritime air forces. Mobile Command has operational control of TAG. HQ 4 ATAF in Europe has operational control of CAG.)
Mobile Command (about 18,000 land and air).
Maritime Command (MARCOM; about 15,000).
Air Command (23,000).
Communications Comd.
Canadian Forces Training System.
ARMY (Land Forces): 21,000.
2 bde gps: each 1 armd regt, 3 mech inf bns, 1 arty (2 close spt, 1 AD btys), 1 engr regts, spt units.
1 special service force (4,000): 1 armd regt, 1 inf bn, 1 AB, 1 arty, 1 engr regts, 1 spt unit.
1 mech bde gp: 1 armed regt, 2 mech inf bns, 1 arty, 1 engr regts, spt units.
(Reserves): 131 combat arms and spt units.
Tks: 114 Leopard C-1.
AFV: recce: 174 Lynx, 195 Cougar. APC: 961 M-113, 269 Grizzly.
Arty: how: 105mm: 12 model 44 (L-5) pack, 190 towed; 155mm: 50 M-109 SP.
ATK: RCL: 84mm: 787 Carl Gustav. ATGW: 149 TOW.
AD: guns: 40mm: 57 L-40/60. SAM: 111 Blowpipe.
(On order TOW-2 ATGW; 30 Oerlikon twin 35mm with Skyguard radar AD/ATK system (ADATS).)
NAVY (Maritime Forces): 5,500.f
Subs: 3 Oberon.
Escorts: 23 ASW:
4 DDH-280 each with 2 CH-124 Sikorsky Sea King hel, 2 quad Sea Sparrow SAM.
2 Annapolis each with 1 Sea King hel.
6 St Laurent each with 1 Sea King hel.
4 Improved Restigouche with ASROC.
4 Mackenzie.
3 Restigouche.
Replenishment spt ships: 3, each with 3Sea King hel.
Auxiliaries (civilian-manned): 11: 3 oceanographic research, 1 diving spt, 7 tugs (2 ocean, 5 coastal<).
Trg: 22: 6 coastal, 5 gate, 1 yacht(, 10 small.
(On order 6 Halifax-class ASW destroyers (DDH-330); 36 RGM-84D Harpoon ASM; Sea Sparrow SAM; radar.)
Atlantic: Halifax; 3 subs, 4 DDH-280, 2 Annapolis, 6 St Laurent, 1 Restigouche (in reserve, non-operational) frigates, 2 replenishment spt ships,
2 sqns each with 7 Aurora, 1 sqn with 6 Tracker, 3 hel sqns, 32 Sea King ASW.
Pacific: Esquimalt; 10 ASW frigates (incl 4 trg, 2 in reserve, non-operational), 1 replenishment spt ship, 6 patrol vessels (trg);
2 MR sqns: 1 with 4 Aurora, 1 with 3 Tracker.
AIR FORCE: 15,300.f
Canadian Air Group (CAG):
Ftr: 2 sqns with CF-18 (F/A-18 Hornet) (third sqn due in 1987).
Fighter Group:
FGA: 3 sqns (1 trg) with CF-116/-116D (Northrop F-5A/D) (1 NATO-assigned); to get CF-18 from 1987. 1 trg sqn with CF-18D.
AD: 2 sqns with CF-18 (trg sqn to augment).
ECM: 1 trg sqn with CC-117 (Dassault Mystere-Falcon 20), CT-133 (Lockheed T-33), CF-101 (McDonnell-Douglas Voodoo).
EWng: 13 North Warning System sites, supplemented by 39 short-range radar sites; Region Operational Control Centre (ROCC).
1 space tracking and identification site.
Maritime Air Group:
MR: 6 sqns: 4 (1 trg) with CP-140 Aurora (Lockheed P-3 mod); 2 (1 reserve) with CP-121 Grumman Tracker.
ASW: 3 hel sqns (1 trg) with CH-124 Sikorsky Sea King, afloat.
Liaison: 2 utility sqns with Lockheed T-33, CP-121 ac, CH-135 (Bell 212) hel.
Tactical Air Group (TAG):
Tac hel: 6 sqns with CH-135, CH-136 (OH-58) Kiowa, CH-147 (CH-47) Chinook.
Air Transport Group:
Tpt: 6 sqns: 4 (1 trg) with CC-130E/H Lockheed Hercules. 1 with CC-137 (Boeing 707).
1 with CC-109 Cosmopolitan (Convair 440), CC-132 (DHC-7R Ranger), CC-144 Challenger (Canadair 600/601).
SAR: 5 tpt/SAR sqns with CC-130, CC-129 (DC-3), CC-115 PHC-5 Buffalo), CC-138 (DHC-6 Twin Otter) ac,
CH-113/-113A (BV-107) Labrador, CH-135 hel.
Liaison hel: 4 base hel flights with CH-118 (Bell 205), CH-135.
Training Group:
Trg: 3 flying schools with CT-133, CT-134 (Beech T-34) Musketeer, CT-114 (CL-41) Tutor, CC-129 (C-47) ac, CH-139 (Bell 206) hel.
1 demonstration unit with CT-114.
Equipment: 140 combat ac; 32 armed hel.
Aircraft CF-116 (F-5): 49. -A: 24 (FGA); -D: 25 (FGA).
CF-18D (F/A-18A/B): 56 (50 FGA, 6 trg).
CF-101: 2 (1 ECM, 1 trg).
CP-140: 18 (MR).
CP-121: 22 (15 MR, 3 liaison, 4 reserve).
CC-130E/H: 28 (tpt).
CC-137: 5 (tpt). CC-109: 7 (tpt). CC-117: 4 (EW trg). CC-144: 8 (tpt). CC-132: 1 (tpt). CC-138: 8 (tpt). CC-115: 11 (tpt).
T-33: 9 (liaison). CT-133: 17.(trg). CT-114: 111 (trg). CT-134: 20 (trg). CC-129: 2 (trg).
CH-124: 35 (32 (ASW afloat, 3 reserve).
CH-135: 38 (31 tac, 5 tpt, 2 liaison).
CH-136: 36 (tac).
CH-147: 7 (tac). CH-113: 13 (tpt). CH-118: 9 (tpt). CH-139: 14 (trg).
(On order 80 CF-18 (50 F-18A, 30 -B) ftrs, 4 CC-144 (CL-601 Challenger) EW/trg/test, 6 DHC-8 (2 CC-142 tpt, 4 CT-142 trg); Sidewinder, Sparrow AAM.)
Forces Abroad:
Europe: 1 mech bde gp (to be 4,203 end 1986); 1 armd, 2 inf, 1 arty bns, engr regt, hel sqn, log/adm bn.
59 Leopard 1 MBT, 363 M-113 APC/recce, 59 Lynx comd/recce, 24 M-109 155mm SP how, 40 TOW ATGW, 42 40mm AA guns, 31Blowpipe SAM,
12 CH-136 Kiowa hel. 1,415 reinforcements in Canada.
1 Air Group: (2,700). 2 ftr sqns with 42 CF-18. 1 det; 1 CC-132 and 4 CT-133 liaison ac.
Cyprus (UNFICYP): 515.
Syria/Israel (UNDOF): 226.
Other Middle East (UNTSO): 20.
Egypt (MFO): 136.
Coast Guard: 6,561 (civilian-manned); 1 large, 7 med, 3 lt icebreakers, 38 SAR vessels, 25 tenders, 2 DHC-7R ac, 37 hel, 5 hovercraft.
Canadian Rangers: 620; Ranger cadets: some 600 (component of Militia).
Regular 29,525 (6,825 conscripts).
Terms of service. 9-12 months (up to 18 months in certain ranks).
Reserves: 162,700: 72,500 active.
Home Guard 75,200 (11,100 women) (to age 50).
Amy: 128,900.
Augmentation Force (immediate recall): (to wartime 'covering force') 4,500.
Mobilization Forces: Field Army Reserve (FAR) 51,900 -comprising Covering Force Reserve (12,000): 5 mech inf bns (1 per bde), men
(to bring units to war strength); Other (39,900); 5 mot inf bns, men for regimental combat teams, combat and log spt.
Regional Defence Force: 7 Regions: 14,000.
Hjemmevaemet (Home Guard): 58,500 (8,100 women); some 550 Coys.
Navy: 9,400: 4,500 active. Home Guard: 4,900 (1,500 women).
Air: 23,400: 11,600 active. Home Guard: 11,800 (1,700 women); some 90 sqns.
ARMY: 15,600 (5,200 conscripts): Standing Force (7,000); ('Covering Force') HQ, schools, administration (some 4,250) (trg force 4,000, UN 323).
To be 72,000 on mobilization.
3 geographical commands: 2 div HQ.
5 mech inf bdes, each with 1 tk, 2 mech, 1 arty bns, spt units.
6 regimental combat teams, each with 2-3 inf, 1 arty bns, spt units.
8 indep inf bns.
1 Army avn unit, some 8 platoons (being re-org).
Reserves: 10 inf (5 mech, 5 mot), 4 arty bns, ATK sqns, spt units.
Tks: 208: 120 Leopard 1, 88 Centurion; lt: 48 M-41.
APC: 650 M-113, 68 M-106 mor-armed.
Arty, guns: 155mm: 24 M-59 towed. how. 324: 105mm: 144 M-101; 155mm: 168: 96 M-114 towed, 72 M-109 SP; 203mm: 12 M-115 towed.
mor 81mm, 120mm.
ATK: RCL: 84mm: 400 Carl Gustav, 106mm: 252. RL-LAW. ATGW: TOW.
AD: guns: 40mm: 36 L/60. SAM: Hamlet (Redeye).
Avn: ac: 16 SAABT-17 lt. hel: 12 Hughes 500M.
Regular 557,493 (13,600 women, 253,300 conscripts) (incl Gendarmerie, Service de Sante, Inter-service Central Staffs).
To be reduced by 37,500 by 1988.
Terms of service.12 months plus post-conscription voluntary system of 16-24 months.
Reserves: 391,000; Army 305,000, Navy 28,000, Air 58,000.
STRATEGIC NUCLEAR FORCES: (18,820, some 2,499 Army, 5,053 Navy, 9,957 Air Force, 747 Gendarmerie, 564 others).
SLBM: 6 SSBN: 1 with 16 M-4/TN-70; 5 with 16 M-2Q/TN-60 msls (1 on long refit incl conversion to M-4/TN-71, Exocet SM-39 SLCM).
IRBM: 18 SSBS S-3D/TN-61 msls in 2 sqns. (Test centre: 4 silos).
Aircraft; 105 combat ac.
Bbrs: 2 wings, 4 sqns.
3 sqns with 22 Dassault Mirage IVA (AN-22 nuclear bombs).
1 sqn with 8 Mirage IVP (ASMP nuclear ASM, one more sqn to be operational end-1986; 10 more Mirage IVA being converted to IVP;
total 18 ac by end-1987).
Trg: 12 Mirage IIIB, 2 Dassault Mystere-Falcon 20P.
Tankers: 1wing: 3 sqns with 11 Boeing KC-135F/FR.
Comms: 4 Transall C-160 ASTARTE airborne comms centres.
Reserve: 6 Mirage TVA recce.
'Prestrategic' Nuclear Forces: (8,628).
French doctrine considers shorter-range nuclear forces to fill this role. They include:
Army (6,129): Pluton SSM;
Navy (154): Super Etendard strike ac,
Air (2,208): 5 sqns: 3 with 45 Jaguar, 2 with 30 Mirage III; all with AN-52 bombs;
(On order 1 SSBN (1994), 48 M-4/TN-71 SLBM, ASMP nuclear ASM.)
ARMY: 296,480 incl Army Aviation, 6,250 women (189,000 conscripts).
1 army HQ, 3 corps HQ.
6 armd divs.
2 lt armd divs.
2 motor rifle (APC) divs.
1 para regt
3 SAM regts (11 btys with 66 HAWK) (1 school).
1 sigs, 2 ELINT/EW regts.
Army/corps unity. 3 armd recce, 1 special ops, 1 drone, 1 hy arty, 5 SSM with Pluton, 5 SAM(each of 4 btys) with 139 Roland I/II and twin 30mm AA guns,
2 inf, 3 combat hel 5 engr, 7 sigs, 3 tpt, 3 military police (traffic), 1 cadre (sqn) regts; 3 log bdes.
Rapid Action Force(FAR): 45,000.
1 para div (13,500): 6 para inf, 1 lt armd, 1 arty, 1 engr, 1 comd spt regts, 1 spt bn
1 air portable marine div (8,000): 4 inf, 1 lt armd, 1 arty, 1 engr, 1 comd/spt regts
1 lt armd div (7,400): 2 lt armd, 2 APC inf, 1 arty, 1 engr, 1 comd/spt regts.
1 alpine div (8,500): 6 mountain inf regts, 1 lt armd, 1 arty, 1 comd/spt regts; 1 engr bn.
1 air mobile div (5,100): 1 inf, 3 combat hel, 1 comd/spt regts (to be 2 inf, 4 combat hel regts) see ALAT.
1 log bde spt units (incl 1 sigs, 1 tpt regts).
Indep regts: 1 EW, 1 para, 6 arty, 4 engr, 6 tpt
Foreign Legion (8,300). 1 armd, 1 para, 4 inf (trg), 2 engr regts.
Reserves: (8,500):
Immediate manning, 1 Army, FAR units, 45,000.
Forces in Germany (18,500) 1 inf div.
Military Regions: 7 bdes (each some 3,500 men; lt armd, 2 inf regts, engrs);
Strategic nuc defence: 1 div (5 inf regts); Frontier defence: 6 inf regts;
Territorial defence: 23 regts (each some 1,000 men, some with lt armd sqn, engrs.
ARMY AVIATION (ALAT) (7,000). 177 combat hel.
1 Air mobile div:
1 regt with 4 manoeuvre sqns each 11 Puma; 1 liaison sqn with 16 SA-341 Gazelle.
3 regts each with 1 manoeuvre sqn with 11 Puma, 1 observation sqn with 9 SA-341/Athos, 1 gunship sqn with 10 SA-341,
3 ATK sqns each 10 SA-342/ or Alouette/SS-11.
(240 hel: 77 Puma, 20 Alouette III/SS-11, 70 SA-342/HOT, 30 SA-341/gun; 27 SA-341/Athos, 16 SA-341 recce.)
3 corps hel regts, each 10 Puma, 16 SA-341/-342/Alouette ATK, 10 Gazelle.
4 territorial defence groups.
2 hel schools, detachments to 3 armd, inf, arty schools.
1 Army liaison sqn, overseas detachment
Tks: 1,300 AMX-30 (248 -B2); lt: 327 AMX-13.
AFV: recce: 225 AMX-10RC, 60 ERC-90F4 Sagaie, 650 AML-60/90 (perhaps 300 in store). MICV: 780 AMX-10P/PC/Milan.
APC 1,100 AMX-13 VTT, 2,060 VAB, 60 VAB (HOT).
Arty. 763. guns: 155mm: 110 AU-F-1 SP. how 105mm: 30 AU-50; 155mm: 623: 165 HM-2, 208 BF-50, 36 TR-F-1 towed, 214 F-3 SP.
SSM: 44 Pluton. mor: 120mm: 552.
ATK: RL: 12,000 89mm, Apilas 112mm. ATGW: 113 AMX-13/SS-11, 1,400 Milan.
AD: guns: 817: 20mm: 90 76T1, 475 53T2; 30mm: 390 towed, 57 AMX-30 DCA twin SP. SAM: 220: 69 HAWK, 151 Roland I/II.
Avn: hel: 180 SA-315 Alouette II, 65 SA-316 III (AS-11 ATGW), 130 SA-330 Puma, 162 SA-341F/M and 128 SA-342M Gazelle hel with HOT.
ac: 17 MH-1521 Broussard, 18 CL-89 drones; Cessna L-19 reported.
(On order 630 AMX-30B2 MBP, 600 Panhard M-11 VBL, 60 AMX-10RC, 120 ERC-90F4 armd cars; AMX-10P MICV; 294 VAB APC, 170 AU-F-1 155mm SP guns; 145 TR-F-1 155mm how, 3 227mm MRL; 58 120mm mor, 12,500 Apilas RL; 850 HOT (VAB and Gazelle), ACCP ATGW; 170 20mm AA guns; 31 Roland, 297 Mistral SAM; AS-332 Super Puma (with battlefield surveillance radar), 26 SA-342M (HOT) hel).
NAVY: 66,345 incl Naval Air, (1,500 women; 17,680 conscripts).
Comds: 2 home (CECLANT, CECMED), 2 overseas.
Bases: Cherbourg, Brest, Lorient, Toulon.
Subs (attack): 17.
SSN: 2 Rubis (with SM-39 Exocet SSM).
SS: 15: 4 Agosta, 9 Daphne, 2 Narval.
trials: 1 SSB.
Principal Surface Combatants: 46.
Carriers: 3:
2 attack Clemenceau, 39 ac (3 fits with 20 Dassault Super Etendard, 1 with 7 F-8E Crusader, 1 with 6 Breguet Alize, 1 det with 4 Etendard IVP, 4 hel).
1 ASW (LPH): Jeanne d'Arc (capacity 8 Westland Lynx hel) with 6 Exocet SSM (trg).
Cruiser: 1 command with 4 Exocet SSM, 1 twin Masurca SAM.
Destroyers: 17.
ASW: 15:
5 Leygues (C-70) ASW with 4 Exocet, 1 octuple Crotale SAM, 2 Lynx hel;
2 Suffren with 4 Exocet, 1 Malafon ASW/SSM, 1 twin Masurca SAM;
3 Tourville (F-67) with 6 Exocet, 1 octuple Crotale SAM, 1 Malafon, 2 Lynx, 1 T-56 with 1 Malafon, 1 hel;
1 T-53 with 4 Exocet, 1 Lynx;
2 T-47 with 1 Malafon; 1 C-65 with 8 Exocet, 1 Malafon.
AA: 2 T-47 with 1 Tartar SAM.
Frigates: 25: 8 Rivere (4 with 4 MM-38 Exocet); 17 Type A-69 (4 with 2 Exocet, 6 with 4).
Minor Surface Combatants:
FAC: 7 P-400 (3 more in 1987), 4 Patra, 1 La Combattante.
MCMV: ocean: 5 Type-D. coastal: 20: 5 Berlaimont, 5 Eridan, 5 Circe, 5 Cantho.
Amph: assault ships: 6. 2 Ouragan (3 SA-321 Super Gazelle/Alouette hel, 9 LCM or 2 LCU),
4 Batral. LST: 2. LCT. 9. LCU: 6.
Tankers: 6 ocean, 6 maintenance/log/supply.
Msls: SSM: Exocet MM-38, MM-40, SM-39 sub launched. ASW: Malafon.
SAM: Crotale, Masurca, Tartar.
Strike: 3 fits with Dassault Super Etendard (AN-52 nuclear weapons; 20 to be mod for ASMP).
Ftr: 1 fit with F-8E (FN) Crusader.
ASW: 2 fits with Breguet Alize (mod).
MR: 6 fits, 4 with Breguet Atlantic, 2 with Dassault Gardian (Mystere Falcon 20).
Recce: 1 fit with Etendard IVP.
OCU: Etendard IVM; Fouga Zephir, Alize.
Trg: 4 units with Nord 262 Fregate, Piper Navajo, EMB-121 Xingu, MS-760 Paris, Mystere Falcon 10MER.
Misc: 3 comms/liaison units (1 VIP) with DC-6, Falcon 10MER, Nord 262, Navajo.
1 trial unit with Nord N-2504.
2 lt ac units with 12 Rallye 880, 6 CAP-10.
ASW hel: 3 sqns with Westland Lynx.
Cdo hel: 2 assault sqns with SA-321 Super Frelon.
Trg hel: SA-316/-319 Alouette II/III.
Misc hel: 2 comms/SAR units with Alouette II/III, SA-332 Super Puma. 1 trials unit with Alouette II/III, Westland Lynx, Super Frelon.
Equipment: 122 combat ac, 24 combat hel
Aircraft Super Etendard: 37 (strike).
Etendard: 20. WP: 8 (recce); IVM: 12(trg).
Crusader 12 (ftr).
Alize: 21 (16 ASW, 4 trg, 1 misc).
Atlantic: 26 (MR) (2 -NG (modernized)).
Gardian: 5 (MR).
Zephir. 12 (trg). Nord 262: 23 (13 trg, 10 misc).
Navajo: 11 (2 trg, 9 misc). Xingu: 14 (9 trg, 5 misc). Rallye 880: 16 (trg). CAP-10: 5 (trg).
MS-760: 8 (misc). Mystere-Falcon 10MER: 6 (misc). Nord N-2504: 1(misc).
Lynx 26 (24 ASW, 2 misc).
Super Frelon: 15 (12 cdo, 3 misc).
Alouette: 38 (10 trg, 28 misc).
Missiles: ASM: Exocet AM-39, AS-12/-30, Martel AS-37. AAM: R-530, R-550 Magic, Sidewinder.
COMMANDOS (590): 4 assault units (1 reserve), 1 sub spt unit
(On order 4 Rubis SSN, 1 nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, 1 C-70 ASW, 4 AA (Cassard) destroyers; 1 FL-25, 6 A-69 frigates; 3 P-400 FAC(G); 5 Eridan minehunters; 1 TCD-90 LSD, 2 LCT, 1 ocean tanker, 33 Exocet SM-39 sub-launched SSM; 14 Crotale EDIR SAM; 16 Atlantic II ASW ac (total of 42 to be bought).)
PUBLIC SERVICE FORCE (MHSP): Naval personnel, general coastguard, fishery, SAR duties; 1 Sterne, 1 Mercure patrol craft, 1 ex-trawler, 1 P-681 Albatros fishery protection vessel, 3 N-262 ac, 1 Dauphin hel (To get 4 more vessels.)
AIR FORCE: 95,978 (5,850 women, 35,400 conscripts).
Air Defence Command (CAFDA): (7,150).
Ftr: 11 sqns: 1 with Dassault Mirage IIIC (in Djibouti); 8 with Mirage F-1C; 2 with Mirage 2000C/B.
Trg: 1 OCU with Mirage F-1B; 4 trg fits with CM-170 Magister, MH-1521 Broussard.
AD system: automatic: STRIDAIL 10 radar stations.
SAM: 12 sqns (1 trg) with 24 Crotale btys (48 fire, 24 radar units).
AA: 300 btys (20mm guns).
AAM: R-530, Super 530F, R-550 Magic I/II, Sidewinder.
Tactical Air Force (FATAC) (19,350).
FGA: 10 sqns: 3 with Mirage IIIE; 2 with Mirage 5F; 5 with Jaguar A.
Recce: 3 sqns: 1 with Mirage IIIR/IIIRD; 2 with Mirage F-1CR.
Trg: 2 OCU: 1 with Mirage IIIB/E; 1 with Jaguar A/E. 8 trg fits with Magister, Broussard.
AAM: Sidewinder, R-550 Mzgic, R-530. ASM: AS-30/-30L, Martel AS-37.
(Attached to COTAM):
AEW: 2 sqns. 1 with Nord-2501 Noratlas; 1 with Douglas DC-8 (EE-51) EUNT.
Liaison: 3 sqns with Magister, Broussard.
Hel: 1 sqn with SA-315/316 Alouette II/III.
Comms Gp (GTT): 2 sigs, 1 EWng sqns.
Air Transport Command (COTAM) (4,200).
Tpt: 21 sqns:
1 hy with DC-8F;
6 tac: 5 with C-160/-160NG, 1 with Noratlas; 14 lt tpt/trg/SAR with Nord 262 Fregate, Dassault Mystere-Falcon 50, MS-760 Paris, Broussard, DHC-6 Twin Otter, AS Caravelle, EMB-121 Xingu.
Trg: 1 OCU with Fregate, C-160.
Hel: 5 sqns with Alouette II/III, Puma, SA-365 Dauphin, AS-350 Ecureuil.
Trg hel: 1 OCU with Alouette II/III, Puma, Ecureuil.
Training Command (CEAA) (5,500).
Trg: Breguet-Dornier Alpha Jet, Magister, Noratlas, Xingu 1, AS Epsilon, Mudry CAP-10B/-20.
Misc: (trials units): 1 sqn with Mirage F-1, Mirage 2000, Jaguar, 1 sqn with DHC-6, Fregate.
Equipment: 555 combat ac.
Aircraft Mirage: 411. F-1B: 14 (OCU); F-1CR 127 (ftr, trials); F-1CR: 32 (recce); IIIC: 10 (ftr); IIIE: 75 (30 strike, 30 FGA, 15 ftr); IIIB/BE 21 (trg);
IIIR: 19 (recce); IIIRD: 11 (recce); -5F: 30 (FGA); IVA: 22 (bbr);IVP: 8 (bbr); -2000: 39 (ftr, trials); (also 1 F-1, 2 -2000 in trials sqn).
Jaguar 138+. -A: 116 (45 strike, 71 FGA, + trg and trials ac); -E 22 (trg, trials).
Alpha Jet 102 (trg).
DC-8: 6 (5 tpt, 1 EE-51 AEW).
Transall C-160: 62 (T 36 tac tpt, 7 OCU, 19 -NG tac tpt).
Noratlas: 19 (10 tac tpt, 5 AEW, 4 OCU).
Fregate: 22 (21 misc, 1 trials). Mystere-Falcon: 13. -20: 12 (misc), -50: 1 (misc). MS-760: 23 (misc). Broussard: 38 (trg, misc).
DHC-6: 10 (9 misc, 1 trials). Caravelle: 4 (misc). Xingu: 25 (17 trg, 8 misc). Magister 174 (trg). Epsilon: 76 (trg). CAP-10B/20: 56 (trg).
Alouette: 64. II: 9 (OCU); II/III: 48 (lt tpt); III: 7 (OCU).
Puma: 29 (27 tpt, 2 OCU). Dauphin: 1 (tpt). Ecureuil: 8 (tpt).
(On order some 19 Mirage 2000C/B, 47 -2000N, 17 F-1CR ftrs; 91 Epsilon trg ac; 16 Ecureuil-2 hel, 40 20mm AA guns.)
SERVICE DE SANT : 8,465 (2,140 conscripts).
Regular 485,800 (228,850 conscripts).
Terms of service. 15 months (to be 18 months from 1989).* (* Incl 11,200 military personnel in the Ministry of Defence, Central Military Agencies, Central Medical Agencies and 6,000 reserve duty training positions.)
Reserves: 770,000 (men to age 45, officers/NCOs to 60): Army 645,000, Navy 22,000, Air 95,000, Others 8,000.
ARMY: 340,800 (181,300 conscripts).* (*Excl inter-service personnel and part-time reservists.)
HQ Support Elements: 25,400. General Army Office subordinate echelon and spt tps.
Field Army. 266,000.
3 corps: 12 divs (6 armd, 4 armd inf, 1 mountain, 1 AB);
38 bdes: 17 armd (each with 3 tk, 1 armd inf, 1 armd arty bns), 15 armd inf (each with 1 tk, 3 armd inf, 1 armd arty bns),
1 mountain, 3 AB, 2 Home Defence.
Total: 70 tk, 64 armd inf, 2 inf, 4 mountain, 12 para, 33 armd arty, 1 mountain arty, 2 fd arty bns.
11 armd recce bns.
Corps arty: 4 SSM bns with Lance.
Div arty: 11 regts (each 3 btys: 18 FH-70, 18 203mm, 16MRL).
3 AD regts, 1 AD bn with Roland's. SAM.
11 AA regts with Gepard 35mm SP guns.
3 army aviation comds, each with 1 lt, 1 med tpt hel regt; 1 indep ATGW hel regt
1 mixed aviation regt
Engr units.
Territorial Army (Cadre): 49,400.
3 Territorial Commands, 5 Military District Commands, 29 Military Region Commands, 80 Sub-region Commands (county/town level):
10 Home Defence bdes (4 with 2 tk, 2 lt inf, 1 arty bns; 6 with 1 tk, 2 inf, 1 arty bns): 2 with Field Army, 2 at 65%, 2 at 52% manning levels,
4 eqpt holding units only in peacetime.
4 Territorial Service spt comds.
Security tps: 15 Home Defence Regts (with 45 mot inf bns only), 150 coys, 296 security platoons; defensive, comms, military police gps and service units on mobilization
Tks: 4,895: 295 M-48A2/A2C, 650 M-48A2G (Territorial bns), 2,437 Leopard 1A1, 1,513 Leopard 2.
AFV: recce: 408 SPz-2 Luchs. MICV: 2,136 Marder A1 (1,000 to be upgraded to A3). APC 876 TPz-1, 2,560 M-113.
Arty: how: 1,227: 105mm: 199; 155mm 216 FH-70, 586 M-109 (to be upgraded to A3); 203mm: 226 M-110A2SP.
MRL 110mm: 209 LARS; 227mm: 2 MLRS. SSM: 26 Lance. mor: 120mm: 955 (535 SP on M-113).
ATK: guns: 90mm: some 200 JPz-4-5 SP. RCL: 105 106mm.
ATGW: 1,928 Milan systems, 346 TOW systems, 316 RJPz-(HOT) Jaguar 1, 243 RJPz-(TOW) SP; (see also PAH-1 hel below).
AD: guns: 2,395. 20mm: 1,712 towed; 35mm: 432 Gepard SP; 40mm: 251 L-70. SAM: 723 Redeye, 143 Marder/Roland SP.
Avn: hel: 187 Bell UH-1D, 148 SA-316 Alouette III, 210 PAH-1 (MBB BO-105P with HOT), 95 BO-105M, 105 Sikorsky CH-53G.
(On order 377 Leopard 2 MBP, 312 Wiesel AB recce/MICV; 114 TPz-1 APC, 198 227mm MLRS MRL; 115 Marder/Roland SAM (with 4,000 missiles).)
NAVY: 36,300, incl naval air (9,450 conscripts)
Bases: Borkurn, Cuxhaven, Eckernforde, Emden, Flensburg, Kiel, Olpenitz, Wilhelmshaven.
Subs: 24: 18 Type 206; 6 Type 205.
Destroyers: 7:
3 Lutjens (1 Type 103A with 1 Standard SAM, 8 ASROC, 2 103B with 2 quad Harpoon SSM; 2 RAM-ASMD SAM planned for all 3);
4 Hamburg (Type 101A) with 2 twin Exocet MM-38 SSM.
Frigates: 9:
6 Bremen (Type 122) with 2 quad Harpoon, 1 octuple Sea Sparrow, 2 RAM-ASMD, 2 quad Stinger SAM, 2 Lynx hel;
3 Koln (Type-120).
Corvettes: 5 Thetis (Type 420).
FAC(G): 40 with 4 Exocet MM-38 SSM: 10 Type 143,10 Type 143A, 20 Type 148, (to get 1 RAM-ASMD SAM).
MCMV: 57:
12 Type 331 coastal minehunters (MHC);
6 Type 351 Troika drone control minesweepers (MSCD) with 18 F-1 drone vessels (MCD);
21 Schutze (7 Type-340, 14 Type-341) fast minesweepers;
8 Ariadne (Type-393/393B), 10 Frauenlob (Type-394/394A) inshore minesweepers;
2 spt ships.
Amph: LCU: 22 Type-520 (incl 1 trg, 2 in reserve); LCM: 28 Type-521 (incl 22 in reserve).
Misc: 10 Rhein depot, 4 Luneburg (Type 701A), 4 Coburg (Type 701C) spt ships, 4 tpts, 10 tankers, 2 repair ships, 3 Type-422A/B AGI,
1 Burkner utility/trials.
(On order 2 Bremen (Type-122) frigates; 10 Type-332 MHC, 2 Type-423 AGI; 110 SM-1 Standard, 126 RIM-7M Sea Sparrow SAM.)
FGA: 3 sqns with Panavia Tornado (1 with Lockheed F-104 converting 1986).
Recce: 1 sqn with RF-104G.
MR/ELINT: 2 sqns with Breguet Atlantic.
Liaison: 1 sqn with Dornier Do-28-D2.
ASW hel: 1 sqn with Westland Sea Lynx Mk 88.
SAR hel: 1 sqn with Westland-Sikorsky Sea King Mk41.
Equipment combat 105 ac; 12 hel
Aircraft F-104: 40. F/TF-104G: 25 (FGA); RF-104G: 15 (recce).
Tornado: 46 (FGA).
Atlantic: 19 (14 MR, 5 HINT).
Do-28: 19 (17 liaison, 2 environmental protection).
Helicopters: Sea Lynx 12 (ASW). Sea King: 22 (SAR).
Missiles: ASM: AS-30, Kormoran.
(On order 66 Tornado, 8 Sea Lynx)
AIR FORCE 108,700 (38,100 conscripts)
Tactical Command (GAFTAC).
4 divs: 2 tac, 2 AD.
FGA: 20 sqns: 3 with Lockheed F-104G;
4 with McDonnell-Douglas F-4F;
6 with Panavia Tornado; 7 with Breguet-Dornier Alpha Jet.
Ftr: 4 sqns with F-4F.
Recce: 4 sqns with RF-4E
ECM: 1 trg sqn with HFB-320 Hansa Jet.
SSM: 8 sqns with Pershing 1A.
SAM: 3 regts (each 2 bns of 4 btys) with Nike Hercules; 3 regts (each 3 bns of 4 btys) with Improved HAWK.
Radar: 4 aircraft control and warning regts; 9 sites; 1 US Control Report Centre (CRC) and 3 remote radars.
AAM: Sidewinder.
Transport Command (GAFTC).
Tpt 3 wings: 4 sqns with Transall C-160.
Special oper: 1 special air mission wing: 2 sqns with Boeing 707-320C, C-140 Jetstar, Hansa Jet, VFW-614, Domier Do-28 aq Bell UH-1D hel.
Hel: 1 wing 5 sqns with UH-1D (liaison).
Training Command:
FGA: 1 det (Cottesmore, UK) with Tornado.
Ftr: OCU (George AFB, US) with F-4E
Trg: NATO joint pilot trg (Sheppard AFB, US) with Cessna T-37B, Northrop T-38A; primary trg unit with Piaggio P-149D.
Liaison range base fits with Do-28D.
Equipment 525 combat ac
Aircraft F-104G: 90 (FGA).
F-4: 186. -F: 120 (60 FGA, 60 ftr); -E 8 (OCU); RF-4E 58 (recce).
Tornado: 143 (81 FGA, 22 OCU, 20 in tri- national trg sqn, 20 reserve).
Alpha Jet 173 (126 FGA, 47 reserve).
Transall C-160: 75 (tpt).
Boeing 707: 4 (special). Jetstan 3 (special). Hansa Jet 13 (6 special, 7 ECM trg). VFW-614: 3 (special). Do-28: 71 (6 special, 65 liaison).
T-37&35. T-38A: 41. P-149D: 34 (trg).
Helicopters: UH-1D: 96 (92 liaison, 4 special).
SSM: 72 Pershing 1A.
SAM: 432: 216 Nike Hercules, 216 HAWK.
(On order Tornado FGA, 40 Tornado ECR, 7 CL-601 Challenger ac; 100 AIM-9L Shorad (Sidewinder) (400 msls), 14 /taraf (779 msls),
95 Roland, 310 AGM-65B Maverick ASM; 866 AGM-88A HARM msls.)
Border Police (Ministry of Interior) 20,000:
MOWAG SW-1/-2 APC; 2 P-149D, 1 Do-27 ac, MBB BO-105M, 32 Alouette II, 13 UH-1D, 10 Bell 212, 22 Puma hel
Coastguard: 1,000; 1 tug, 8 large, 5 small patrol vessels.
GREECE GDP 1984: dr 3,772.30 bn ($33.466 bn); 1985: dr 4,509.40 bn ($32.648 bn)
growth 1984: 2.6%; 1985: 1.8%
Inflation 1984: 18.5%; 1985: 19.3%
Debt 1984: $14.0 bn; 1985: $17.0 bn
Def exp 1985e dr 281.713 ($2.04 bn); NATO dem $2.329 bn
FMA 1984: $530.0 m; 1985: $550.0 m
$1=dr (1983): 88.06; (1984): 112.72, (1985): 138.12; (1986): 140.65
dr = drachmas
Regular 209,000 (136,500 conscripts, 1,800 women).
Terms of service. Army 21, Navy 25, Air Force 23 months.
Reserves: some 404,000 (to age 50).
Army some 350,000 (Field Army 227,000, Territorial Army 23,000, National Guard 100,000 (incl 5,000 reservists on 4-week tig));
Navy about 24,000, Air about 30,000.
100 inf bns (mainly coastal defence). 100 lt arty btys.
Equipment It has been impossible to reconcile with confidence reports of equipment held respectively by the Territorial Army and the National Guard.
Some may be identical to older items in the Field Army inventory, some no longer in that inventory may include the following
Tks: 28 M-26; lt: 57 M-41A3.
AFV: recce: 60 M-20. APC 380 M-2/-3.
Arty: gun/how 468 25-pdr (88mm) (plus some 33 in store). how: 75mm: 108 M-116 pack; 155mm: M-114.
mor 60mm, 81mm: M-1, M-4/-5, M-4A1 SP, 107mm: M-2.
ATK: RCL: 57mm: 900 M-1 8; 75mm: 396 M-20; 106mm: 420 M-40A1.
Regular 387,800 (274,500 conscripts).
Terms of service. Army and Air Force 12, Navy 18 months.
Reserves: 799,000.
Army 520,000 (obligation to age 45), immediate mobilization 240,000.
Navy 221,000 (to age 38 for men, variable for officers to 73).
Air 28,000 (to age 25 or 45 (specialists)).
ARMY: 270,000 (220,000 conscripts).
3 corps HQ (1 alpine).
1 armd div (2 armd, 1 mech bdes).
3 mech divs (each of 1 armd, 2 mech bdes).
2 indep mech bdes.
4 indep mot bdes.
5 alpine bdes.
1 AB bde (incl 1 Special Operations Force bn).
2 amph bns.
1 hy spt bde (1 Lance SSM, 3 hy arty, 3 Improved HAWK SAM bns).
4 wings org in sqns and fits (fit usually has 6 ac/hel)
9 lt ac fits with SIAI-Marchetti SM-1019/Cessna O-1E
10 hel sqns, 14 fits with AB-206.
Multi-role: 17 hel sqns: 1 with AB-204B; 15 with AB-205; 1 with AB-212B.
Med tpt 4 hel sqns with CH-47 Chinook.
Other 1 trg, 1 repair units.
Tks: 1,72ft 500 M-47, 300 M-60A1, 920 Leopard 1.
APC: 4,110: M-106, M-113, M-548 and M-577, AMX-VCI.
Arty: 1,110: guns: 18: 175mm: 18 M-107 SP.
how: 1,092: 105mm: 320 Model 56 pack; 155mm: 724: incl 164 FH-70 towed, 220 M-109E SP; 203mm: 36 M-115, 12 M-110 SP.
SSM: 6 Lance. mor: 81mm, 120mm.
ATK: RCL: 57mm, some 80mm, 106mm (to retire). ATGW: Cobra, SS-11, TOW, Milan.
AD: guns: 20mm, 230 40mm. SAM: 60 Improved HAWK, Stinger.
Avn: ac: 70 SIAI-Marchetti SM-1019, 30 Cessna O-1E (tgt acquisition/utility).
hel: AB-47G/J, 5 AB-109 Hirundo, 18 AB-204B (multi-role), 100 AB-205A, 140 AB-206A/A1 multi-role/utility,
14 AB-212, 24 CH-47C Chinook recce/tgt acquisition/utility/tpt
(On order SP-70, M-109 155mm how, 20 FIROS 6 51mm MRU Milan ATGW; FIM-92A Stinger SAM +msls; 45 A-129 Mangusta hel)
NAVY: 47,200, incl 1,500 air arm, 750 marines (25,500 conscripts).
Bases: La Spezia, Tarante, Ancona, Brindisi, Augusta, Messina, La Maddalena, Cagliari, Naples, Venice.
Subs: 9: 4 Sauro, 4 Toti, 1 US Tang.
Carrier (hel): 2:
1 Garibaldi with 14 SH-3D hel, 4 Teseo (Otomat Mk 2) SSM, 2 Albatros/Aspide SAM;
1 Vittorio Veneto with 9 AB-212 ASW hel, 4 Teseo SSM, 1 twin Terrier/Standard SAM.
Cruisers: 2 Andrea Doria with 4 AB-212 ASW hel, 1 twin TerrierSAM.
Destroyers: 4 GW:
2 Audache with 2 AB-212 ASW hel; 1 Standard SAM;
2 Impavido with 1 Standard SAM.
Frigates: 16:
8 Maestrale with 4 Teseo SSM, 1 octuple Albatros/Aspide SAM, 2 AB-212 hel;
4 Lupo with 4 Teseo SSM, 1 octuple Sea Sparrow SAM, 1 AB-212 hel;
2 Alpino with 2 AB-212 hel;
2 Bergamini with 1 AB-212 hel
Corvettes: 8: 4 De Cristofaro, 4 Albatros.
Hydrofofls: 7 Sparviero with 2 Teseo SSM.
MCMV: 24: 2 Leriсi, 4 Storione (US Aggressive) ocean; 7 Mandorlo (US Adjutant) minehunters; 9 Agave coastal (retiring from 1987), 7 minesweepers.
Amph: LST: 2 US De Soto County. LCM: 19. LCVP: 7.
Spt: 2 Stromboli replenishment tankers, 1 spt ship, 5 coastal tpt
Regular. 690.
Terms of service, voluntary, minimum 3 years.
ARMY: 690.
1 lt inf bn
1 indep coy.
Equipment APC: 5 Commando.
AIR FORCE (Luxembourg has no air force of its own, but for legal purposes NATO's E-3A AEW ac have Luxembourg registration.)
1 sqn with 18 E-3ASentry (NATO Standard).
Regular 105,134 (incl 3,909 Royal Military Constabulary); 1,450 women; 48,482 œnscripts.
Terms of service. A m y 14-16, Navy and Air Force 14-17 months.
Reserves: 171,300 (men to ags 35, NOOs to 40, officers to 45).
Army 145,300 (some (at the end of their period of conscription) on short leave, immediate recall), Home Guard (4,300),
Navy some 20,000 (7,500 on immediate recall), Air 6,000 (immediate recall).
ARMY: 66,200 (42,250 conscripts), though see Reserves.
1 Corps HQ, 3 mech div HQ.
2 armd bdes.
4 mech inf bdes.
1 SSM bn with Lance.
3 hel sqns (Air Force manned).
(3 AD bns forming).
Reserves: 1 armd, 2 mech inf bdes, corps troops and 1 indep inf bde would be completed by call-up of reservists;
some inf bdes could be mobilized for territorial defence.
Home Guard: 3 sectors; inf weapons.
Tks: 913: 468 Leopard 1A4, 445 Leopard 2.
APC 744 M-113, 718 YP-408 (to retire 1986-9), 1,490 YPR-765.
Arty. how: 476: 105mm: 42 M-101; 155mm: 140 M-114 (85 to be mod), 218 M-109; 203mm: 76 M-110A2SP.
SSM: Lance. mor: 81mm: 333; 107mm: 195; 120mm: 152.
ATK: RCL: Carl Gustav 84mm, 175 106mm. ATGW: 359 Dragon, 322 TOW.
AD: guns: 40mm: 54 L-70 towed; 35mm: 95 Gepard SP.
Avn: hel: 64 SA-316 Alouette III (to be replaced), 30 MBB BO-105.
Marine: 1 tk tpt, 3 coastal, 15 river patrol boats.
(On order. 644 YPR-765 APC, 486 Stinger SAM.)
NAVY: 17,068, incl naval air arm and marines (1,390 conscripts).
Bases. Den Hdder, Flushing, Curacao.
Subs 5: 2 Zwaaravb, 2 Potvis, 1 Dolfijn.
Frigates 17, all with 8 Harpoon SSM:
2 Tromp (flagships);
1 Van Heemskerk with SM-1 Standard, octuple Sea Sparrow SAM, 1 Westland Lynx hel;
10 Kartenuer ASW with octuple Sea Sparrow SAM, 1-2 Lynx hel;
4 Van Speijk ASW with 2 quad Seacat SAM, 1 Lynx hel.
MCMV: 20: 11 Dokkum coastal, 9 Alkmaar.
Ampf: LCA/LCVP: 12<.
Misc: 2 Poolster combat support, 3 survey (2 Buyskes, 1 Tydeman).
NAVAL AIR ARM: (1,682);
MR: 3 sqns (1 trg) with P-3C Orionn, Fokker F-27 (see Air Force).
ASW hel: 1 sqn with Westland Lynx SH-14B/C
SAR hel: 1 sqn with Lynx UH-14A.
Equipment: combat 13 ac, 17 hel.
Aircraft: P-3: 13 (MR).
Helicopters: Lynx 22. SH-14B/C: 17 (ASW). UH-14A: 5 (SAR).
TOTAL ARMED FORCES Regular 37,300 (23,700 conscripts).
Terms of service. Army, Navy coast arty, Air AD elms, Home Guard 12; Navy, Air Force 15 months.
Reserves: 208000;
Army 145,000 (officers to 55, men 60: 3 to 5 periods of refresher training, 1 to 4 weeks refresher training to age 44, may volunteer for extension).
Navy 22,400. Air 30,600. Home Guard 10,000.
Second line reserves 65,000, (all services). Home Guard 79,700. (See Para-military below.)
Civilian resources mobilization: engr eqpt, tpt veh, 50-60 tpt ac, 80-100 med/hy hel, 220 vessels.
War strength, full mobilization, incl Civil Defence, some 438,000.
ARMY: 20,000 (13,700 conscripts).
4 Land, 4 Regional (12 defence districts) commands.
1 bde 2 inf, 1 border garrison, 1 tk, 1 SP fd arty bns, 1 AA bty, spt units (North Norway).
2 bn all-anns gps inf, tk coys, fd arty, AA btys (South Norway).
1 inf bn (Royal Guard).
Reserves: 42 cadre units to form on mobilization, 3 div HQ, 13 indep bdes (each some 5,000 men), 28 indep inf bns, 7 indep arty bns
plus 50-60 territorial inf bns, tank sqns, arty btys, engr, sigs, Home Guard and spt units.
Equipment Tks: 80 Leopard 1, 42 M-48A5. lt: 70 NM-116(M-24/90).
APC: MICK NM-135 (M-113/20mm). APC: M-113, 200 Bv-206 over-snow vehs.
Arty: 405: how: 105mm: M-101; 155mm: M-114 towed, 130 M-109 SP. mor: 81mm, 107mm.
ATK: RCL: 57mm M-18; 84mm: Carl Gustav, 106mm: M-40A1. RL: 66mm: M-72. ATGW: TOW.
AD: guns: 20mm: FK20-2; 40mm: L60/70. SAM: 108 RBS-70.
Avn: lt ac: 20 Cessna O-1E, 8 Piper L-18C
(On order 36 M48A5 MBT; 60 M-113 APC (44 with TOW); 1,800 Bv 206 over-snow veh; 300 TOW II ATGW; RBS-70 SAM.)
Regular. 68,252 (43,980 conscripts): see Army.
Terms of service. Army 16, Navy 24, Air Force 21-24 months.
Reserves: 190,000 (all services) (obligation: men to age 45; officers to 70).
AIR FORCE: 33,000 (to be reduced):
Air Combat Command (MACOM). 3 wings.
Ftr: 6 sqns:
2 with McDonnell-Douglas F-4C Phantom, 2 with Dassault Mirage IIIEE/EB;
2 with Mirage F-1CE/BE
liaison: 1 fit with Dornier Do-27.
Tactical Command (MATAC): 2 wings.
FGA: 2 sqns with Northrop F-5A, F-5B, RF-5A.
MR: 1 sqn with Lockheed P-3A Orion. liaison: 2 fits with Cessna O-1E, Do-27, Do-28.
AAM: Sparrow, Sidewinder, R.-550 Magic Air Command Canary Islands (MACAN):
FGA: 1 sqn with Mirage F-1C. Tpt: 1 sqn with C-212 Aviocar, Do-27.
SAR: 1 sqn with Fokker F-27 ac, Agusta-Bell AB-205 hel
Transport Command (MATRA). 3 wings.
Tpt: 5 sqns with C-130 Hercules, KC-130, CASA C-212, 12 DHC-4 Caribou, Do-27.
Training Command (MAPER):
OCU: 2 sqns with F-5A/B, Do-27.
Trg: ac: 14 sqns with Piper (Aztec, Navap), Beech (Bonanza, Baron, King Air), CASA C-101 Aviajet, C-212,
CASA I-131 (Bucker 131A Jungmann), T-6 Texan.
hel: 2 sqns with AB-205, Hughes 300C, Bell UH-1H.
Air Force HQ Group (ACGA):
Tpt: 2 sqns with Douglas DC-8, C-212, Dassault Mystere-Falcon 20, Navajo. Spt: 3 sqns with Canadair CL-215, Do-27, C-212, DHC-4A, T-7.
SAR: 2 sqns: with G-212, Do-27 ac, SA-332 Super Puma, AB-205, AB-206, AB-47, SA-316 Alouette III hel
liaison: 1 hel sqn with SA-330 Puma.
Trg: 1 sep with C-101, C-212
Equipment: some 175 combat ac.
Aircraft F-5: 35: -A: 13 (FGA),-B: 6 (FGA), RF-5A: 16 (recce).
Mirage: 94: F-1C: 21 (FGA); F-1CE: 44 (ftr), F-1CE/BE 3 (ftr); IIIEE: 20 (ftr), IIIEB: 6 (ftr).
F-4C: 38 (34 ftr, 4 RF-4C recce).
F-18: (bang delivered mid-86).
P-3A: 6 (MR).
DC-8-52: 2 (tpt, to be replaced in 1987).
C-130H: 11: 5 (tpt); KC-130H: 6 (tanker).
C-212: 82 (55 tpt, 4 SAR, 5 spt, 2 trg-E 14 trg TR-12D: 2 EW).
C-101: 86 (trg).
CL-215: 12 (spt). DHC-4 32 (30 tpt, -A: 2 spt). Mystere-Falcon 20: 4 (tpt).
F-27: 3 (SAR). Do-27/-28 60. -27: 40 (12 tpt, 4 SAR, 24 spt); -77/-28: 20 (liaison).
T-6: 45 (trg). O-1: 6 (liaison) Other 48 (Aztec 6, Navajo 2, Bonanza 29, King Air 6, Baron 5).
AB-205C 20 (SAR). AB-206: 4 (SAR). Alouette III: 3 (SAR). Puma: 5 (liaison). Super Puna: 11 (SAR).
Hughes 300C: 18 (trg). Bell 47: 25 (trg).
(On order some 72 F-18 Hornet ftr (from mid- 1986), 2 P-3C Orion MR, 2 Boeing 707 tkr/tpt, 40 T-35C Tamiz (Pillan) ac; 6 CH47 Chinook hel; Super Sidewinder AAM.)
Guardia CM 65,000: 25 inf tercios (regts), 3 reserve mobile comds, 1 railway security, 1 traffic security gps, 1 antiterrorist special gp (UAR);
BLR APC, 1 B-11T (BK-117) hel. (On order: 20 BO-105, 3 BK-117 hel)
Policia National 47,000: 26 inf bns, 2 cav sqn gps, 3 cav tps, 1 special ops cdo gp (GBO), civil security gps.
Ministry of Transportation and Communications: Maritime Surveillance Force, some 54 patrol boats (10 320-ton, 4 32-m, 16-m), many armed.
TURKEY GDP 1984: TL 18,188 bn ($49.602 bn); 1985e TL 27,282 bn ($51266 bn)
growth 1984: 5.9% 1985: 4%
Inflation 1984: 48.4% 1985: 442%
Debt 1984: $25.9 bn 1985: $28.5 bn
Def bdgt 1985: TL 860.8 bn* ($1.649 bn), NATO dem $1295 bn; 1986: TL 1,307 bn ($1.895 bn), NATO dem n.a.
(*Exd some TL 100 bn for military police and internal security.)
FMA 1984: $660.9 m 1985: $750 m
$1=TL (1983): 225.46 (1984): 366.68 (1985): 521.98 (1986): 689.74
TL = Turkish liras
Population: 51,421,000 * (* Based on preliminary results of October 1985 census.)
18-30 31-45 Men: 6,186,000 4,165,000
Women: 5,877,000 4,011,000
TOTAL ARMED FORCES Regular 654375 (575,825 conscripts).
Terms of service: 18 months.
Reserves: 951,000 to age 46 (all). Army 808,000, Navy 73,000, Air 70,000.
ARMY: 542,000 (497,000 conscripts)* (*About half the divs and bdes are below strength.)
4 army HQ 10 corps HQ.
2 mech divs.
14 inf divs.
6 indep armd bdes.
2 indep mech bdes.
11 indep inf bdes.
1 para bde.
1 cdo bde.
5 Fortress Defence regts (coastal).
1 SAM bty forming (Rapier).
Corps units: 10 tk, 30 hy/med, 20 AA arty bns.
Tks: some 3,700: 900 M-47 (700 in reserve, 200 in store), 1,085 M-48A1 (to be -AS), 1,615 M-48A5, some 77 Leopard 1A3. lt: (100 M-41 in store).
AFV: recce: (M-8 in store). APC: 3,750: 700 M-59, 2250 M-113, some 800 M-2/-3 (perhaps 300 in store).
Arty: some 2,000. guns: 186: 155mm: 150 M-59 towed; 175mm: 36 M-107 SP.
how: 75mm: 100 M-116A1; 105mm: 600 M-101A1, 72 M-108 SP, (108 M-7 SP and 216 M-52 in store);
155mm: 144 M-44 SP (some in store), 378 M-114A1; 203mm: 104 M-115, (81 M-55 (US) SP in store), 16 M-110A2 SP.
mor: 1,800. 81mm: M-1, M-4A1 (M-2/-3 APC) SP, Soltam M-125A1 SP, 107mm (incl 42-in) M-2, M-30, M-84 (M-59 APC) SP, M-106A1 SP,
120mm: 100: Soltam, TOSAM Mk E HY12-DI.
ATK: RCL: 57mm: 1,400 M-18; 75mm: 1,000 M-20; 106mm: 1200+ M-40. ATGW: 85 Cobra, SS-11, TOW incl M-113, Milan.
AD: guns: 20mm: 300: HSS20, Mk 20 RH-202 twin; 35mm; 40mm: 900 M-1A1, L/60, M-42; 75mm: M-51; 90mm: M-117/-118.
SAM: Redeye, some 4 Rapier launchers with 54 msls.
Avn: ac: 2 DHC-2 Beaver, 100 U-17 (Cessna 185), 70 O-1E, 8 Cessna 206, 20 Cessna 421, 5 Domier Do-27, 5 Do-28, 15 Beech Baron,
5 T42 (Beech Cochise), 40 Champion Citabria 150S trg.
hel: 65 Agusta-Bell AB-204/-205, 15 AB-206A, 20 Bell 47G, 30 Bell UH-1D, 40 UH-1H, 30 Hughes TH-55.
(On order TOW, 1,040 Milan ATGW; 26 AH-1S Ccbra (Improved TOW) attack, 25 UH-1H hel; RapierSAM (some 8 launchers, 108 msls))
NAVY: 55,000, incl marines (42,000 consorts).
Bases: Golcuk, Istanbul, Izmir, Eregli, Iskenderun, Kara Mursel.
Subs 17: 6 Type 1200; 9 US Guppy (2 in reserve); 2 Tang (on loan)i
Destroyers: 13: 9 Gearing (5 with 1 octuple ASROC), 2 Carpenter, 1 Sumner, 1 Smith.
Frigates 4: 2 Berk each with 1 hel; 2 Koln.
FAC(G): 15: 6 Dogan (Lurssen FPB-57) with 2 quad Harpoon, 9 Kartal (Jaguar-type) with 4 Penguin 2 SSM;
FAC(T): 11: 5 S-141 Jaguar,6 Zobel-types.
Patrol craft: 28: 24 large (1 Girne; 1 US Asheville, 12 AB-25, 6 PC-1638, 4 PGM-71); 4 coastal 83-ft<.
Minelayers: 7: 1 Nusret, 6 coastal
Minesweepers: 26: 12 US Adjutant, 4 Can, 6 FRG Vegesack coastal; 4 US Cape inshore; 8 mine hunting craft.
Amph: LST: 7 (4 are dual-purpose minelayers); LCT: 40. LCU: 13. LCM: 20.
Auxiliary ships incl 1 HQ ship; 1 destroy tender, 1 sub tender, 2 repair ships; 4 depot ships; 1 fleet, 6 spt, 3 harbour tankers; 38 tpts.
NAVAL AVIATION: 15 combat ac 6 combat hel
ASW: 1 sqn with 15 S-2A/E Tracker ac 3 Agusta-Bell AB-204B, 3 AB-212 hel
Regular: 42,000 (22,400 conscripts).
Terms of service. Army 2 years; Air Force, Navy and special units 3 years.
Reserves: 155,000 (to age 56): Army 150,000, Navy/Air 5,000.
AIR FORCE: 7,200 (1,400 conscripts); some 100 combat ac.* (*Spares are short; some eqpt may be unserviceable.)
Ftrs: 6 sqns with 20 Mikoyan-Guryevich MiG-15/F-2, 20 MiG-17, 40 MiG-19/J-6, 20 Shenyang J-7.
Tpt: 1 sqn with 3 Ilyushin I1-14M, 10 Antonov An-2.
Hel: 2 sqns with 30 Mil Mi-4.
Trg: 1 sqn with MiG-15UTI.
SAM: some 5 SA-2 sites.
PARA-MILITARY: 12,000. Internal security force (5,000). Frontier guard (7,000).
AUSTRIA GDP 1984: OS 1,284.9 bn ($64.214 bn); 1985: OS 1,371.0 bn ($66.264 bn)
growth 1984: 2.2% 1985: 3.0%
Inflation 1984: 5.7% 1985: 3.3%
Debt 1984: $11.8bn 1985: $12.5 bn
Def bdgt 1985: OS 17.875 bn ($863.944 m); 1986: OS 18.768 bn ($1.204 bn)
$1=OS (1984): 20.009 (1985): 20.690 (1986): 15.588
OS = schilling
TOTAL ARMED FORCES (Air Services form part of the Army):
Regular: 54,700 (27,300 conscripts, some 70,000 reservists on refresher training).
Terms of service. 6 months recruit trg; 60 days reservist refresher trg during 15 years (or 8 months trg, no refresher), 30-90 days additional for specialists.
Reserves: 186,000; 970,000 (being increased) have a reserve commitment (men to age 51, specialists, NCOs, officers 65).
Regular: 34,900 (25,000 conscripts).
Terms of service. 8-11 months (11 months for officers and NCOs); three entries per year.
Reserves (all services): some 700,000 (35,000 a year do conscript training; 44,000 reservists a year do refresher training: total obligation 40 days (75 for NCOs, 100 for officers) between conscript service and age 50 (NCOs and officers to age 60)). Some 210,000 would, with the Regulars, form the 'fast deployment force' to cover full mobilization. Mobilization units in military areas support general, local or spt forces; org in some 20 bdes, some 100 indep bns, etc.
Regular: 14,115.
Terms of service, voluntary, 3-year terms to age 60, officers 65.
Reserves: 16,049 (obligation to age 60, officers 57-65). Army: first-line 1,070, second-line (14,564). Navy (415).
ARMY: 12,282.
1 inf force (2 inf bns).
4 inf bdes: 2 with 2, 1 with 3 inf bns, 1 fd arty regt, 1 motor recce sqn, 1 engr coy; 1 with 2 inf bns, 1 armd recce sqn, 1 fd arty bty.
Army tps: 1 tk sqn, 1 AD regt, 1 Ranger coy.
Total units:
12 inf bns (3 with MICV coy; 1 UNIFIL bn ad hoc -dets from other bns).
1 tk sqn.
4 recce sqns (1 armd).
3 fd arty regts (each of 2 btys); 1 indep bty.
1 AD regt (1 regular, 3 reserve btys).
3 fd engr coys.
1 Ranger coy.
4 Army Gps (garrisons).
18 inf bns.
6 fd arty regts.
3 motor sqns.
3 engr sqns.
3 supply, 8 tpt coys.
3 sigs coys.
3 AA btys.
Tks: lt: 14 Scorpion.
AFV: recce: 20 AML-90, 32 AML-60. APC: 60 Panhard VTT/M3, 10 Timoney.
Arty: guns: 105mm: 12 lt. gun/how: 48 25-pdr. mor: 60mm: 199; 81mm: 250; 120mm: 72.
ATK: RCL: 84mm: 447 Carl Gustav, 90mm: 96 PV-1110. ATGW: 4 Milan.
AD: guns: 40mm: 24 L/60, 2 L/70. SAM: 4 RBS-70.
NAVY: 943 (to be increased to about 1,500).
Base. Cork.
Patrol vessels: 5: 1 P-31 (with 1 Dauphin hel), 4P-21.
MCMV: 2 Br Ton coastal (fishery protection).
AIR FORCE: 890; 15 combat ac.
3 Wings (1 trg):
COIN: 1 sqn with 6 CM-170-2 Super Magister.
COIN/trg: 1 sqn with 9 SIAI-Marchetti SF-260WE ac, 2 SA-342L Gazelle trg hel.
Liaison: 1 sqn with 7 Reims Cessna F-172H, 1 F-172K.
Hel: 1 sqn with 8 SA-316 Alouette III.
Composite sqn: 3 Beech King Air (2 MR, 1 trg), 1 BAe/HS-125-700 (VIP).
(On order 5 SA-365F Dauphin II hel (3 SAR, 2 MR.)
Regular: 775.
Terms of service: voluntary.
'TASK FORCE': 500.
1 inf coy; RPG-7 RL, 81mm and 82mm mor, 50 ZPU-4 14.5mm quad machine guns.
1 coast arty bty (82mm mor).
1 marine section; 11 patrol, 4 spt craft <.
1 hel fit; 1 Agusta-Bell AB-206, 1 AB-204 (SAR), 3 AB-47G, 3 SA-316 Alouette III (serviceability questionable).
1 AD bty; 6 40mm AA guns.
1 general duties coy.
1 electrical and mechanical engr coy.
PARA-MILITARY: Reserves (Id Dejma) some 900.
SWEDEN GDP 1984: Skr 787.15 bn ($95.161 bn); 1985e: Skr 860.30 bn ($99.990 bn)
growth 1984: 4.0%; 1985:2.4%
Inflation 1984: 8.1%; 1985: 5.7%
Debt $47.5 bn; 1985: $51.0 bn
Def bdg*: 1985/6: S kr 25.50 ($3.239 bn)**
1986/7: Skr 25.70 ($3.306 bn)
(* Def bdgt incl about 7% allocated to civil defence and economic defence. Additional funding for a defence development plan of kr 2.2 bn for 1984-7.)
(** The exchange rate used here for this dollar conversion is an average for the fiscal year.)
$1=kr (1984): 8.2718 (1985): 8.6039; (1986): 7.1680
kr = kronor
Regular: 64,650 (49,600 conscripts): mobilizable to about 800,000 in 72 hours, 850,000 maximum excl 500,000 auxiliary orgs.
25,000 civilians provide spt services.
Terms of Service. Army and Navy 7.5-15 months, Air Force 8-12 months.
Reserves (ail services; obligation to age 47): 709,000; Army 550,000, Navy 102,000, Air 57,000; voluntary auxiliary organizations 500,000.
(* There are normally some 95,000 more conscripts (70,000 Army, 4,500 Navy, 6,000 Air Force) plus 15,000 officer and NCO reservists doing 11-40 days refresher training at some time in the year. Obligation is 5 times per reservist between ages 20 and 47.)
ARMY: 47,000 (38,000 conscripts).*
6 Military commands; 26 Defence districts (Laens).
Peace establishment:
50 armd, cav, inf, arty, AA, engr, sig, spt regts (local defence, cadre for mobilization, basic conscript plus refresher trg).
War establishment (700,000 on mobilization, incl 100,000 Home Guard):
4 armd bdes.
1 mech bde.
19 inf, 4 Norrland, 1 Gotland bdes.
60 indep armd, inf, arty and AA arty bns.
1 army aviation bn (4 coys; 40 hel).
11 arty aviation platoons (66 ac and hel).
Local Defence Districts: 100 indep bns, 400-500 indep coys and Home Guard units.
Tks: 340 Strv-101, Strv-102/-104 (Centurion), 330 Strv-103B. lt: 200 Ikv-91.
APC: 1,000 Pbv-302.
Arty: guns: 155mm: BK-1A SP. how: 105mm: Type-40; 150mm: M-39; 155mm: FH-77-A and (SP)-B. mor: 81mm, 120mm.
ATK: RCL: 74mm: Minirnan; 84mm: Carl Gustav, 90mm: PV-1110. ATGW: RB-53 (Bantam), RB-55 (TOW).
AD: guns: 20mm, 40mm. SAM: RB-69 (Redeye), RBS-70 (incl Lvrbv SP), RB-77 (Improved HAWK).
Avn: ac: 66 SK-61C (BAe Bulldog) observation, Dornier Do-27 tpt.
hel: 15 HKP-3 (Agusta-Bell AB-204B) tpt, 10 HKP-5 (Hughes 300C) trg, 24 HKP-6 (Bell-206) utility.
(On order: Pvrbv 551 TOW veh; 20 MBB BO-105 (HKP-9A) hel with TOW ATK, RBS-56 Bill ATGW).
TOTAL ARMED FORCES (Air Corps forms part of the Army):
Regular: about 1,500 regular and 18,500 recruits* (mobilizable to some 1,100,000, incl Civil Defence, in 48 hours).
(* Two recruit intakes a year (Feb/Jul) each of 17,000. Some 400,000 reservists a year do refresher training.)
Terms of service: 17 weeks recruit training followed by reservist refresher training of 3 weeks over an 8-year period between ages 20-32 for Auszug,
2 weeks over 3-year period (33-42) for Landwehr, 1 week over 2-year period (43-50) for Landsturm.
Reserves (all services): 625,000 (45,000 officers, 110,000 NCOs, 3,000 women auxiliaries).
AIR FORCE: 45,000 on mobilization (maintenance by civilians); 297 combat ac.
3 air regts.
FGA: 9 sqns with 139 BAe Hunter F-58/T-68.
Ftrs: 6 sqns with 98 Northrop F-5E, 12 F-5F.
Interceptors: 2 sqns with 30 Dassault Mirage IIIS/BS.
Recce: 1 sqn with 18 Mirage IIIRS.
Liaison/SAR: 4 sqns with 16 Pilatus PC-6 Porter, 24 PC-6A Turbo-Porter, 6 Domier Do-27, 3 Beech Twin Bonanza.
Hel: 4 sqns with 21 SA-315 Alouette II, 76 SA-316 Alouette III.
Trg: incl 40 PC-7 Turbo-Trainer, 37 DH-100 Vampire T-55, 65 Vampire Mk 6, 4 Mirage IIIBS, 68 Pilatus P-3.
AAM: Sidewinder, AIM-26B Falcon.
ASM: AS-30.
1 air force fd bde (3 fd regts, 1 para coy, 1 lt ac wing).
1 airbase bde with 3 AA arty regts, each with 4 batteries of 20mm and 35mm guns.
1 AD bde with 1 SAM regt (2 bns, each of 2 btys; 64 B/L-64 (Bloodhound), 60 Rapier SAM);
7AA arty regts (each of 3 btys; 20mm and 35mm guns, Skyguard fire control).
3 comd and comms, 1 log regts.
(On order: 500 AGM-65 Maverick ASM.)
Civil Defence: 480,000 (300,000 fully trained).
Shelter programme for 5,500,000; emergency supplies and medical facilities.
Regular: 210,000 (123,000 conscripts).
Terms of service. 12 months.
Reserves: Army 500,000 (to age 55, officers 60; mobilization troops to complete units to war establishment), Navy 45,000, Air 30,000.
Bilateral Agreements with External Powers The Soviet Union signed a twenty-year Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation with Iraq in April 1972 and a further agreement in December 1978. A similar treaty was signed with Syria on 8 October 1980. A Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation with South Yemen was ratified in February 1980, and an agreement for Joint Co-operation was signed in January 1983. Soviet units continue to use some of Aden's naval and air facilities but there is uncertainty over the status of Khormaksar air base. All three countries have received significant Soviet arms deliveries. Despite this, Iraq has tried to broaden its contacts with the West, particularly with France and Italy. In November 1979 Iran unilaterally abrogated two paragraphs of a 1921 treaty under which the USSR reserves the right to intervene in Iran's internal affairs if a third country threatens to attack it from Iranian territory; the USSR has refused to accept this abrogation. A 20-year Treaty of Friendship between the USSR and North Yemen was signed in October 1984; details are not known.
Bulgaria and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY; South Yemen) signed a Protocol for Co-operation in April 1980 and a Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation on 14 November 1981. Similar agreements with Hungary were reported in April and November 1981. Libya signed treaties of Friendship and Co-operation with Bulgaria and Romania in January 1983. Sudan and Romania signed an agreement providing technical co-operation and training in November 1982.
The United States concluded a mutual defence agreement with Israel in July 1952. A subsequent strategic co-operation understanding, reported in early 1982, led in March 1984 to a series of agreements covering aid and support, details of which have still not been published. A 1981 agreement enables the US to use Egyptian bases, but only under strict conditions. A similar agreement was reached with Morocco in May 1982. An agreement has been concluded with Oman to provide economic and military aid in exchange for permission conditionally to use Salalah and Masirah as staging bases. An agreement with Bahrain permits the US Navy to use port facilities. In November 1981, a strategic co-operation agreement was signed with Tunisia.
Britain concluded Treaties of Friendship with Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in August 1971 and a Defence Co-operation Agreement with Oman in June 1985. lt has supplied arms to Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and the UAE. France has continuing arms-supply arrangements with Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia. West Germany provided technical training assistance to Sudan under a 1982 agreement. Spain has reached a defence agreement with Morocco enabling its navy to use Moroccan ports; the benefits to Morocco have not been identified. China signed a Treaty of Friendship with North Yemen in 1964, under which minor arms were provided. Arms and spare parts have been sent to Egypt under agreements signed in 1978/9 and 1983. A military co-operation agreement was signed with Sudan in January 1982 and arms supplied. North Korea and Libya signed a Treaty of Alliance or Friendship and Co-operation in November 1982 which permits exchanges of military data, specialists and supplies.
Peace-Keeping Forces The United Nations (UN) withdrew the 4,000-man Emergency Force (UNEF) from the Sinai on 24 July 1979; its duties were temporarily assumed by the Truce Supervisory Organization (UNTSO), 298 officers (including Observer Group Beirut of some 50 officers). It has monitored the cease-fire on Israel's northern border since 1949. The Egyptian-Israeli border is now patrolled by the 2,642-man Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) under the Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty; contingents come from the US (1,186), Australia (which is being replaced by Canada in 1986) (109), Britain (37), Colombia (500), Fiji (500), France (43), Italy (90), the Netherlands (102) and Uruguay (75).
The UN also deploys in the Golan Heights the 1,317-man Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), made up of contingents from Austria (532), Canada (226), Finland (402) and Poland (157).
The UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) consists of some 5,827 men from France (1,391), Fiji (627), Finland (514), Ghana (690), Ireland (746), Italy (51), Nepal (800), Norway (864) and Sweden (144).
Arrangements Within the Region Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and North and South Yemen are members of the League of Arab States (Egypt's membership was suspended in March 1979). Among its subsidiary bodies are the Arab Supreme Defence Council, comprising Foreign and Defence Ministers (set up in 1950), the Permanent Military Committee of Army General Staffs (1950), which is an advisory body, and the Unified Arab Command (1964).
Syrian and Palestine Liberation Army forces, initially deployed as the Arab Deterrent Force, remain in parts of northern Lebanon. Syria has reinforced its component and maintains a measure of control over the Arab guerrilla group elements in the Beqa'a Valley and northern Lebanon. Israeli forces, supported by a Lebanese Christian militia and a Home Guard, exercise a measure of control over a strip of territory in the south of Lebanon.
Algeria and Libya signed a defence agreement in 1975. Egypt and Sudan signed a joint defence agreement in 1977. The Egyptian-Sudanese Joint Defence Council's minutes of December 1981 were tantamount to another agreement, and in October 1982 an 'Integration Charter' was signed covering, inter alia, military policy; these are probably no longer in effect. Saudi Arabia has long supported Morocco against Polisario guerrillas; the two countries signed a security pact in February 1982. A Mutual Defence Agreement between Libya and Morocco was ratified in September 1984; no change in Saudi policy is reported. Libya signed a 'Strategic Agreement' with Iran in June 1985; no details have been released. An understanding between Saudi Arabia and Iraq is believed to have been signed in 1979. Jordan and Iraq ratified a defence agreement in March 1981. The Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC), created in May 1981 by Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, is developing a mutual defence structure to include a joint 'rapid deployment' force, air defence, transport and procurement. lt is being reinforced by internal security pacts between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, Qatar, Oman (1982) and the UAE. A draft Gulf security agreement is being considered.
Morocco has loaned forces to the UAE. Libya, South Yemen and Ethiopia formed the Aden Treaty Tripartite Alliance in 1981; it included a joint defence commitment but nothing has since been reported, and the commitment has probably lapsed. North and South Yemen have agreed in principle to a merger (1981, 1986); the details remain obscure. Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and North Yemen have announced the departure of unspecified numbers of 'volunteers' to assist Iraq in the war against Iran, but no formed units have been despatched. Iraq has stated that multinational composite units have been formed; their roles are obscure. Sudan and Ethiopia agreed a regime of security, stability and non interference in each other's internal affairs in July 1982. Actions since the coup in Sudan in April 1985 suggest the possibility that this agreement is being implemented.
Arms movements in the region are peculiarly complex. Egypt has supplied arms to Morocco, Sudan and Iraq. Algeria and Libya have supplied arms to Polisario, and most Arab countries have supplied Palestinian guerrillas with arms. In some cases a third nation funds the recipient's foreign arms purchases. Iran has reportedly received arms, supplies and spares from, inter alia, Israel, North Korea and Eastern Europe and is also buying material on the open market in Western Europe. Some Chinese weapons have been identified in Iranian service, and more are reported as being delivered. Iraq has apparently recently received arms from Egypt, the USSR, China, North Korea, France, Portugal and Brazil.
In 1975 an Arab Organization for Industrialization (AOI) was set up in Egypt, under the aegis of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE and Sudan, to encourage indigenous Arab arms production. Arab involvement ended in 1979 following Egypt's rapprochement with Israel. Egypt replaced the AOI with an existing Egyptian Arab Military Industries Organization and with foreign aid. Some of this aid is from Saudi Arabia for limited specific projects. Egypt also has been entering into co-production agreements with Britain, France, the US and Yugoslavia. For their part, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE agreed in 1979 to replace the AOI with an $8-billion arms industry in the UAE. This proposal is still before the GCC and may now be moribund.
Military Developments North Africa has been a main area of conflict over the past year, with combat in Libya, Western Sahara, Chad and the Sudan. Libya received Soviet SA-5 SAM late in 1985. These were being installed at the time of the US air strikes against Libya but were inadequate to protect Libyan airspace. lt is not known whether they are fully operational, nor whether these systems have been modified to bring them to the latest specifications. Libyan actions in Chad were intermittent and not very successful. Polisario continues to operate in Western Sahara; the Moroccan defensive wall limits those operations to hit-and-run raids which are being contained. Losses occur on both sides and there are indications that budgetary constraints have delayed some of the purchases of replacements by the Moroccan Forces. The civil war in the Sudan continues to frustrate national development and any improvement of military capability. The transfer from interim military rule to a civil administration has not brought with it the hoped-for reconciliation between the North and South. No major arms purchases have been noted.
The Gulf War continues, with no apparent change in the balance between Iranian numerical superiority on the one hand and Iraqi material superiority on the other. Reports of losses and confusing indications of resupply make evaluations of strength difficult and of limited reliability. The 'Tanker War' also goes on but without any major impact on exports. The Iraq-based Kurds have taken advantage of the War to strengthen their position. The apparent increase in total Iranian personnel strength stems largely from our inclusion this year of the Revolutionary Guards as Regulars, reflecting their actual position.
Israeli financial constraints appear to have caused delays in naval equipment programmes and may interfere with the export sales plans for the indigenously-designed Lavi fighter. Despite financial constraints, Saudi Arabia has gone, ahead with its order for Tornado FGA and air defence aircraft and Hawk and Pilatus trainers. Oman, on the other hand, has postponed the delivery of Tornado - presumably for financial reasons. Decisions by the United States Congress and Senate to oppose further orders for equipment has Saudi Arabia seeking alternative sources. The political conflict in Southern Yemen resulted in bitter fighting and the destruction of a considerable proportion of its military equipment; reports on replacement continue to be inconclusive and conflicting.
Economic Factors The Middle East is experiencing the worst economic recession in recent history. After dramatic economic growth on the part of the oil-exporting countries, and substantial economic improvements in many non-oil-producing states (e.g Jordan) during the 1970s, all states of the region are now having to come to terms with economic difficulties until recently confined to the western hemisphere and Africa: large external debts, a drastic reduction in income; and massive trade deficits and deficit financing, which is being partially offset by drawing down reserves. Moreover, the Middle East and North Africa are experiencing significant population growth and urbanization which may have unforeseeable economic consequences and serious implications for regional security, especially in the Gulf.
The drastic decline of oil prices (in many cases by over 50%), an equally drastic fall in petroleum output, due to conservation measures by the consumer countries and the worldwide recession, are only some of the reasons for this economic malaise. The Iraq-Iran War (and its concomitant economic effects on the GCC), the continuing crisis in the Lebanon and Syria's expensive involvement there, the instability of Sudan, Egypt's expensive modernization of the military, and Libyan and Moroccan military involvement in the Saharan belt are also contributing factors. Moreover, massive infrastructure development projects over the past decade, especially in the major oil-producing countries, have committed these states to their upkeep, forcing them to abandon, or at least to curtail, further development projects. Finally, due to the severe manpower shortage in the Gulf states, Iraq and Libya, many regional states with surplus manpower (e.g. Egypt and Pakistan) have become dependent on hard-currency remittances, and during the past two years these have been drastically reduced.
Regional debt, excluding Iran, Iraq and Israel, is estimated to amount to about $110 bn. Iran's debt is negligible in comparison to those of other Middle Eastern states, amounting to well under $1 bn. Iraq's debt, on the other hand, is somewhere between $65 bn and $85 bn (three times its GDP), $50-60 bn of which is owed to the GCC states and probably will have been written off; the rest consists of debts to western and Asian creditors and especially to its arms suppliers: the USSR, France and Brazil. Israel's debt -one of the highest in percentage terms of GDP and servicing ratios -amounts to over $30 bn. Of the other states, Sudan, Egypt and Morocco continue to have the highest total national debts, but Jordan, Tunisia, and the Yemen Arab Republic are also dangerously over-exposed (with debts representing about 70% of GDP).
Regional GDP growth for 1984 was expected to be about 2.5%; in reality, however, it fell to under 1%, while in 1985 GDP actually declined by at least 1.6%, or probably more. With the oil price collapse in 1986, the region will have entered a steep decline (probably around -10%) in terms of GDP output. While the rich oil producers (especially members of the GCC) have sufficient capital reserves to deal with the fall in income in the short run, the poorer states (Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, etc.) will have to find other means to finance their budget deficits.
With some of the world's highest population increases (between 3 and 5%), economic progress is constantly being eroded; there has been a constant annual rate of decline, ranging from 3% to 5%, in real per capita GDP in the 1980s. The seriousness of the economic situation is further indicated by the decline in trade. Regional exports declined from $253 bn in 1980 to $131 bn in 1985, while imports remained more or less unchanged (falling from $129 bn in 1980 to $116 bn in 1985), and this has caused serious balance-of-payments difficulties in some countries (e.g. Libya, Egypt and Sudan). Some countries, such as Sudan, are near financial collapse, while Israel, with the highest inflation rate and debt exposure, has to be supported financially by Western powers, especially the United States. Their burdens are accentuated by involvement in external conflicts (Morocco, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Israel and Libya) or by serious internal problems (Sudan). Political and military insecurity, and high population growth, therefore remain the greatest obstacles to economic advancement in the Middle East.
Двусторонние соглашения с внешними державами Советский Союз подписал двадцатилетний договор о дружбе и сотрудничестве с Ираком в апреле 1972 года и еще одно соглашение в декабре 1978 года. Аналогичный договор был подписан с Сирией 8 октября 1980 года. В феврале 1980 года был ратифицирован Договор о дружбе и сотрудничестве с Южным Йеменом, а в январе 1983 года было подписано соглашение о совместном сотрудничестве. Советские подразделения продолжают использовать некоторые военно-морские и воздушные объекты Адена, но есть неопределенность в отношении статуса авиабазы Хормаксар. Все три страны получили значительные поставки советского оружия. Несмотря на это, Ирак пытался расширить свои контакты с Западом, в частности с Францией и Италией. В ноябре 1979 года Иран в одностороннем порядке отменил два пункта договора 1921 года, согласно которым СССР оставляет за собой право вмешиваться во внутренние дела Ирана, если третья страна угрожает напасть на него с иранской территории. 20-летний договор о дружбе между СССР и Северным Йеменом был подписан в октябре 1984 года; подробности не известны.
В апреле 1980 года Болгария и Йеменская Народно-Демократическая Республика подписали Протокол о сотрудничестве, а 14 ноября 1981 года - Договор о дружбе и сотрудничестве. Аналогичные соглашения с Венгрией были заключены в апреле и ноябре 1981 года. Ливия подписала договоры о дружбе и сотрудничестве с Болгарией и Румынией в январе 1983 года. В ноябре 1982 года Судан и Румыния подписали соглашение о техническом сотрудничестве и подготовке кадров.
В июле 1952 года Соединенные Штаты заключили с Израилем соглашение о взаимной обороне. Последующее соглашение о стратегическом сотрудничестве, о котором сообщалось в начале 1982 года, привело в марте 1984 года к заключению ряда соглашений, охватывающих помощь и поддержку, подробности которых до сих пор не опубликованы. Соглашение 1981 года позволяет США использовать египетские базы, но только на жестких условиях. Аналогичное соглашение было достигнуто с Марокко в мае 1982 года. С Оманом заключено соглашение об оказании экономической и военной помощи в обмен на разрешение использовать Салалу и Масиру в качестве плацдармов. Соглашение с Бахрейном позволяет ВМС США использовать портовые сооружения. В ноябре 1981 года было подписано соглашение о стратегическом сотрудничестве с Тунисом.
В августе 1971 года Великобритания заключила договоры о дружбе с Бахрейном, Катаром и Объединенными Арабскими Эмиратами (ОАЭ), а в июне 1985 года - соглашение о сотрудничестве в области обороны с Оманом. Она поставляла оружие в Бахрейн, Египет, Иорданию, Кувейт, Оман, Катар, Саудовскую Аравию, Судан и ОАЭ. Франция продолжает заключать соглашения о поставках оружия с Египтом, Ираком, Ливией, Ливией, Марокко, Суданом и Тунисом. Западная Германия оказала Судану техническую помощь в подготовке кадров в соответствии с соглашением 1982 года. Испания достигла оборонного соглашения с Марокко, позволяющего ее военно-морским силам использовать марокканские порты; выгоды для Марокко не определены. В 1964 году Китай подписал договор о дружбе с Северным Йеменом, в соответствии с которым предоставлялось незначительное количество оружия. Оружие и запасные части были направлены Египту в соответствии с соглашениями, подписанными в 1978/9 и 1983 годах. В январе 1982 года с Суданом было подписано соглашение о военном сотрудничестве и поставках оружия. В ноябре 1982 года Северная Корея и Ливия подписали Договор о Союзе или дружбе и сотрудничестве, который разрешает обмен военными данными, специалистами и поставками.
Миротворческие силы 24 июля 1979 года Организация Объединенных Наций (ООН) вывела с Синайского полуострова чрезвычайные силы в составе 4000 человек (ЧВС ООН); их функции временно взяла на себя организация по наблюдению за выполнением условий перемирия (ОНВУП), насчитывающая 298 сотрудников (включая группу наблюдателей в Бейруте, насчитывающую около 50 сотрудников). Он следит за прекращением огня на северной границе Израиля с 1949 года. Египетско-израильская граница в настоящее время патрулируется 2642-мя многонациональными силами и наблюдателями (МНС) в соответствии с израильско-египетским мирным договором; контингенты прибывают из США (1186), Австралии (которая в 1986 году была заменена Канадой) (109), Великобритании (37), Колумбии (500), Фиджи (500), Франции (43), Италии (90), Нидерландов (102) и Уругвая (75).
Организация Объединенных Наций также развертывает на Голанских высотах силы по наблюдению за разъединением (СООННР) численностью 1317 человек в составе контингентов из Австрии (532), Канады (226), Финляндии (402) и Польши (157).
Временные силы Организации Объединенных Наций в Ливане (ВСООНЛ) состоят примерно из 5827 человек из Франции (1391), Фиджи (627), Финляндии (514), Ганы (690), Ирландии (746), Италии (51), Непала (800), Норвегии (864) и Швеции (144).
Договоренности в регионе Алжир, Бахрейн, Джибути, Иордания, Ирак, Йемен, Катар, Кувейт, Ливан, Ливия, Мавритания, Марокко, Оман, Организация освобождения Палестины (ООП), Саудовская Аравия, Сирия, Сомали, Судан, Тунис и Северный и Южный Йемен являются членами Лиги арабских государств (членство Египта было приостановлено в марте 1979 года). К числу его вспомогательных органов относятся арабский Высший совет обороны в составе министров иностранных дел и обороны (учрежденный в 1950 году), постоянный военный комитет Генерального штаба армии (1950 год), являющийся консультативным органом, и Объединенное арабское командование (1964 год).
Силы сирийской и Палестинской освободительной армии, первоначально развернутые в качестве арабских сил сдерживания, остаются в некоторых районах Северного Ливана. Сирия усилила свой компонент и сохраняет определенный контроль над элементами арабской партизанской группы в долине Бекаа и на севере Ливана. Израильские силы при поддержке ливанского христианского ополчения и Национальной гвардии осуществляют определенный контроль над полосой территории на юге Ливана.
Алжир и Ливия подписали соглашение об обороне в 1975 году. Египет и Судан подписали совместное соглашение об обороне в 1977 году. Протокол совместного Совета обороны Египта и Судана от декабря 1981 года был приравнен к другому соглашению, а в октябре 1982 года была подписана "Хартия интеграции", охватывающая, в частности, военную политику; вероятно, они больше не действуют. Саудовская Аравия давно поддерживает Марокко в борьбе с партизанами Полисарио; в феврале 1982 года обе страны подписали пакт о безопасности. Соглашение о взаимной обороне между Ливией и Марокко было ратифицировано в сентябре 1984 года; никаких изменений в политике Саудовской Аравии не сообщается. Ливия подписала "стратегическое соглашение" с Ираном в июне 1985 года; подробности не разглашаются. Считается, что соглашение между Саудовской Аравией и Ираком было подписано в 1979 году. Иордания и Ирак ратифицировал соглашение об обороне в марте 1981 года. Совет сотрудничества стран Залива (ССЗ), созданный в мае 1981 года Бахрейном, Катаром, Кувейтом, Оманом, Саудовской Аравией и ОАЭ, разрабатывает структуру взаимной обороны, включающую совместные силы быстрого развертывания, противовоздушную оборону, транспорт и закупки. Он подкрепляется пактами о внутренней безопасности между Саудовской Аравией и Бахрейном, Катаром, Оманом (1982 год) и ОАЭ. В настоящее время рассматривается проект соглашения о безопасности в заливе.
Марокко предоставило силы ОАЭ. Ливия, Южный Йемен и Эфиопия сформировали трехсторонний альянс по Аденскому договору в 1981 году; он включал совместное оборонное обязательство, но с тех пор ничего не сообщалось, и это обязательство, вероятно, утратило силу. Север и Юг Йемена в принципе согласились на слияние (1981, 1986 годы); подробности остаются неясными. Египет, Иордания, Марокко и Северный Йемен объявили об отъезде неопределенного числа "добровольцев" для оказания помощи Ираку в войне против Ирана, однако сформированных подразделений отправлено не было. Ирак заявил, что были сформированы многонациональные составные подразделения; их роли неясны. Судан и Эфиопия договорились о режиме безопасности, стабильности и невмешательства во внутренние дела друг друга, в июле 1982 года. Действия, предпринятые после переворота в Судане в апреле 1985 года, указывают на возможность осуществления этого соглашения.
Движение оружия в регионе является особенно сложным. Египет поставляет оружие Марокко, Судану и Ираку. Алжир и Ливия поставляли оружие Полисарио, а большинство арабских стран поставляли оружие палестинским партизанам. В некоторых случаях иностранное оружие, закупаемое получателем, финансируется третьим государством. Согласно сообщениям, Иран получает оружие, поставки и запасные части, в частности, от Израиля, Северной Кореи и Восточной Европы, а также закупает материалы на открытом рынке в Западной Европе. Некоторые китайские вооружения были идентифицированы на иранской службе, и сообщается, что еще больше было доставлено. Ирак, по-видимому, недавно получил оружие из Египта, СССР, Китая, Северной Кореи, Франции, Португалии и Бразилии.
В 1975 году в Египте под эгидой Саудовской Аравии, Катара, ОАЭ и Судана была создана арабская организация по индустриализации (АОИ) для поощрения производства оружия арабскими народами. Арабские участие закончилось в 1979 году после сближения Египта с Израилем. Египет заменил АОИ существующей египетской Арабской организацией военной промышленности и иностранной помощью. Часть этой помощи поступает из Саудовской Аравии для осуществления ограниченных конкретных проектов. Египет также заключает соглашения о совместном производстве с Великобританией, Францией, США и Югославией. Со своей стороны, Саудовская Аравия, Ирак, Кувейт, Катар и ОАЭ договорились в 1979 году заменить АОИ на 8-миллиардную оружейную промышленность в ОАЭ. Это предложение все еще находится на рассмотрении ССЗ и, возможно, в настоящее время умирает.
Военные события Северная Африка была основным районом конфликта в течение последнего года, с боевыми действиями в Ливии, Западной Сахаре, Чаде и Судане. Ливия получила Советский ЗРК SA-5 в конце 1985 года. Они были установлены во время авиаударов США против Ливии, но были недостаточны для защиты воздушного пространства Ливии. неизвестно, полностью ли они функционируют и были ли эти системы модифицированы с целью приведения их в соответствие с последними техническими требованиями. Ливийские действия в Чаде были периодическими и не очень успешными. ПОЛИСАРИО продолжает действовать в Западной Сахаре; марокканская оборонительная стена ограничивает эти операции рейдами, которые сдерживаются. Потери происходят с обеих сторон, и есть признаки того, что бюджетные ограничения задерживают некоторые закупки марокканскими силами запасных частей. Гражданская война в Судане продолжает подрывать национальное развитие и любое укрепление военного потенциала. Переход от временного военного правления к гражданской администрации не принес с собой ожидаемого примирения между Севером и Югом. Крупных закупок оружия отмечено не было.
Война в Персидском заливе продолжается без видимых изменений в балансе между численным превосходством Ирана, с одной стороны, и материальным превосходством Ирака - с другой. Сообщения о потерях и путаные указания на пополнение запасов затрудняют оценку сил и ограниченной надежности. "Танкерная война" также продолжается, но не оказывает существенного влияния на экспорт. Иракские курды воспользовались войной для укрепления своих позиций. Очевидное увеличение общей численности иранского личного состава объясняется главным образом тем, что в этом году мы включили в состав регулярной армии стражей исламской революции, что отражает их фактическое положение.
Как представляется, финансовые трудности Израиля привели к задержкам в осуществлении программ по оснащению военно-морского флота и могут помешать осуществлению планов экспортных продаж истребителя Lavi, сконструированного на местном уровне. Несмотря на финансовые трудности, Саудовская Аравия выполнила свой заказ на самолеты Tornado ударный и ПВО, а также на учебные Hawk и Pilatus. Оман, с другой стороны, отложил доставку Tornado - предположительно по финансовым причинам. Решения Конгресса и Сената США выступить против дальнейших заказов на оборудование заставили Саудовскую Аравию искать альтернативные источники. Политический конфликт на юге Йемена привел к ожесточенным боевым действиям и уничтожению значительной части его военной техники; сообщения о замене по-прежнему являются неубедительными и противоречивыми.
Экономические факторы Ближний Восток переживает самый тяжелый экономический кризис в новейшей истории. После резкого экономического роста со стороны стран-экспортеров нефти и существенного улучшения экономического положения во многих государствах, не являющихся производителями нефти (т.к. Иордания) в 70-е годы все государства региона в настоящее время вынуждены мириться с экономическими трудностями, которые до недавнего времени ограничивались Западным полушарием и Африкой: большой внешней задолженностью, резким сокращением доходов; и массовым торговым дефицитом и финансированием дефицита, который частично компенсируется сокращением резервов. Кроме того, на Ближнем Востоке и в Северной Африке наблюдается значительный рост населения и урбанизация, которые могут иметь непредсказуемые экономические последствия и серьезные последствия для региональной безопасности, особенно в заливе.
Резкое снижение цен на нефть (во многих случаях более чем на 50%), столь же резкое падение добычи нефти из-за мер по ее сохранению странами-потребителями и мировой рецессии - лишь некоторые из причин этого экономического недуга. Иракско-иранская война (и ее сопутствующие экономические последствия для ССАГПЗ), продолжающийся кризис в Ливане и дорогостоящее участие Сирии в нем, нестабильность Судана, дорогостоящая модернизация вооруженных сил Египта и Ливийское и марокканское военное участие в Сахарском поясе также являются факторами, способствующими этому. Кроме того, масштабные проекты развития инфраструктуры за последнее десятилетие, особенно в крупных нефтедобывающих странах, обязали эти государства поддерживать их, заставив их отказаться или, по крайней мере, свернуть дальнейшие проекты развития. Наконец, из-за острой нехватки рабочей силы в государствах Персидского залива, Ираке и Ливии многие региональные государства с избытком рабочей силы (например, Египет и Пакистан) стали зависеть от денежных переводов в твердой валюте, и в течение последних двух лет они были резко сокращены.
Региональный долг, за исключением Ирана, Ирака и Израиля, оценивается примерно в $110 млрд. Долг Ирана ничтожно мал по сравнению с долгами других ближневосточных государств и составляет менее $ 1 млрд. С другой стороны, задолженность Ирака составляет где-то от 65 до 85 млрд. долл.США (втрое больше ВВП), из которых 50-60 млрд. долл. США причитаются государствам ССЗ и, вероятно, будут списаны; остальная часть состоит из долгов западным и Азиатским кредиторам и особенно поставщикам оружия: СССР, Франции и Бразилии. Долг Израиля - один из самых высоких в процентном отношении к ВВП и коэффициентам обслуживания - составляет более $30 млрд. Из других государств Судан, Египет и Марокко по-прежнему имеют самый высокий общий национальный долг, но Иордания, Тунис и Йеменская Арабская Республика также опасно чрезмерно подвержены (с долгами, составляющими около 70% ВВП).
Ожидалось, что рост регионального ВВП в 1984 году составит около 2,5%; в действительности, однако, он упал до менее 1%, в то время как в 1985 году ВВП фактически снизился по крайней мере на 1,6%, или, возможно, больше. С обвалом цен на нефть в 1986 году регион вступит в резкое снижение (вероятно, около -10%) объема производства ВВП. В то время как богатые производители нефти (особенно члены ССЗ) имеют достаточные запасы капитала, чтобы справиться с падением доходов в краткосрочной перспективе, более бедные государства (Иордания, Египет, Судан и т. д.) придется изыскивать другие средства для финансирования своего бюджетного дефицита.
С некоторыми из самых высоких в мире темпов прироста населения (от 3 до 5%) экономический прогресс постоянно подрывается; в 1980-х годах наблюдался постоянный ежегодный спад реального ВВП на душу населения в диапазоне от 3% до 5%. О серьезности экономической ситуации свидетельствует также спад в торговле. Региональный экспорт сократился с 253 млрд. долл.США в 1980 году до 131 млрд. долл. США в 1985 году, в то время как импорт остался более или менее неизменным (снизившись со 129 млрд. долл. США в 1980 году до 116 млрд. долл. США в 1985 году), что вызвало серьезные трудности с платежным балансом в некоторых странах (например, Ливии, Египте и Судане). Некоторые страны, такие как Судан, близки к финансовому краху, в то время как Израиль, с самыми высокими темпами инфляции и долговыми обязательствами, должен получать финансовую поддержку со стороны западных держав, особенно Соединенных Штатов. Их бремя усугубляется участием во внешних конфликтах (Марокко, Сирия, Ирак, Иран, Израиль и Ливия) или серьезными внутренними проблемами (Судан). Поэтому отсутствие политической и военной безопасности и высокие темпы роста населения по-прежнему являются самыми серьезными препятствиями на пути экономического прогресса на Ближнем Востоке.
ALGERIA GDP 1984: D 230.3 bn ($46,213 bn); 1985e: D 250.0 bn ($49,723 bn)
growth 1984: 3.7% 1985: 5%
Inflation 1984: 4.6% 1985: 6.6%
Debt 1984: $15.8 bn 1985: $17.2 bn
Def bdgt* 1985: D 4.793 bn ($953,300 m); 1986: D 5.459 bn ($1,114 bn) (*Excl eqpt and internal security costs.)
$1=D (1983): 4.7888 (1984): 4.9834 (1985): 5.0278 (1986): 4.9000
D =dinar
Regular: 169,000 (70,000 conscripts).
Terms of service. 2 years Army only; 6 months basic, 18 months 'National Service' = civil engineering.
Reserves: Army: up to 150,000.
AIR FORCE: 12,000; some 363 combat ac, some 35 armed hel.
FGA: 10 sqns:
1 with 12 Sukhoi Su-7BM;
4 with 60 Mikoyan-Guryevich MiG-17;
4 with some 80 MiG-23BM;
1 with some 18 Su-20 (Fitter C).
Interceptors: 9 sqns:
8 with 125 MiG-21MF/F;
1 with 15 MiG-25 Foxbat A.
Recce: 1 sqn with 6 MiG-25R Foxbat B.
MR: 1 sqn with 8 Fokker F-27-400 (Navy assigned), 2 Beech Super King Air T-200T.
Tpt: 1 sqn with 8 Antonov An-12, 11 C-130H Hercules, 6 C-130H-30, 1 Ilyushin I1-18, 1 Dassault Mystere-Falcon 20,
2 Aerospatiale Caravelle Super B.
Hel: 9 sqns.
attack: 3 sqns with 35 Mil Mi-24;
tpt (hy): 3 sqns with 30 Mi-8 (some may be armed), 4 Mi-6; (med): 2 sqns with 28 Mi-4, 5 SA-330 Puma;
(lt): 6 Hughes 269A, 4 SA-318C Alouette II.
Misc: 2 Canadair CL-215 SAR, 27 Beech (12 King Air, 12 Sierra 200, 3 Queen Air).
Trg: combat 25 MiG-17/-21UTI, 3 Su-7U, 6 MiG-23U, 3 MiG-25U, 5 MiG-15U, 6 Beech T-34C; basic: 25 CM-170 Magister,
41 Gumhuriya (Bucker-181 type).
AD: guns: 3 bdes+: 85mm, 100mm, 130mm; SAM: 1 regt: 30 SA-2 (96 msls), some 20 SA-3.
AAM: AA-2 Atoll.
PARA-MILITARY: (Ministry of Interior): Gendarmerie 30,000; 44 Panhard AML-60/M-3 APC.
BAHRAIN GDP 1984: D 1.89 bn ($5.027 bn); 1985e: D 1.68 bn ($4.468 bn)
growth 1984: 3.0% 1985: 2.4%
Inflation 1984: 0.3% 1985: 0.5%
Debt 1983: $420.0 m; 1984: $330.0 m
Def bdgt* 1986: D 50.70 m ($134.518 m); 1987: D 51.50 m ($136.641 m)
(*Excl eqpt expenditures and a $1.0-bn GCC subsidy shared between Bahrain and Oman. Also excl internal security costs,
est at D35 m for 1986 and 1987.)
$1=D (1983): 0.3760 (1984): 0.3760; (1985): 0.3760 (1986): 0.3769
D = dinar
Population: 420,000e (excl some 150,000 non-Bahrainis)
Regular 2,800.
Terms of service: voluntary.
Regular. 445,000 (some 250,000 conscripts).
Terms of service.3 years (selective).
Reserves: 604,000; Army 500,000, Navy 14,000, Air Force 20,000, AD 70,000.
ARMY: 320,000 (perhaps 180,000 conscripts).
2 Army HQ:
4 armd divs (each with 2 armd, 1 mech bdes).
5 mech inf divs (type: 2 mech, 1 armd bdes).
3 inf divs (each with 2 inf, 1 mech bdes).
1 Republican Guard bde.
1 indep armd bde.
3 indep inf bdes.
2 airmobile, 1 para bdes.
3 indep arty bdes (2 more to form).
2 hy mor bdes.
7 cdo gps (l,000men).
2 SSM regts (1 with FROG-7, 1 with Scud B).
Tks*: MBT: 2,250: 900 T-54/-55, 600 T-62, 753 M-60A3. lt: 15 PT-76.
(*Most Soviet eqpt now in reserve, incl MBT, some combat aircraft. Some shown as Soviet has been rebuilt with Western, Chinese and
domestically-produced components.)
AFV: recce: 300 BRDM-2. MICV: 200 BMP-1, some 230 BMR-600P.
APC: 2,500: OT-62, Walid (to National Guard), Fahd (being introduced), BTR-50; 1,200 M-113A2.
Arty: guns: 85mm: 1,500 D-44; 100mm: M-1944 towed, 200 SU-100 SP; 122mm: M-31/37; 130mm: M-46. gun/how: 152mm: M-1937, D-20.
how: 122mm: M-1938, D-30 (some SP); 155mm: some 100 M-109A2 SP.
MRL: about 300: 80mm: VAP-80-12; 122mm: BM-21/Sakr-18/-30; 130mm: M-51/Praga V3S; 132mm: BM-13-16; 140mm: BM-14-16;
240mm: BM-24.
SSM: 12 FROG-7, 9 Scud B.
mor: 400: 120mm: M-43; 160mm: M-43; 240mm: M-1953.
ATK: RCL: 900: 82mm: B-10; 107mm: B-11. guns: 900 57mm: M-1943; 76mm: M-1942; 100mm: T-12.
ATGW: 1,000 AT-1 Snapper, AT-2 Swatter, AT-3 Sagger, Milan; Swingfire, 480 TOW (incl 52 on M-901 (M-113) SP).
AD: guns: 1,000: 14.5mm: ZPU-4; 23mm: ZU-23-2, ZSU-23-4 SP; 57mm: S-60, 254 ZSU-57-2 SP.
SAM: 75 SA-6, SA-7/as-Saqr, SA-9, 20 Crotale.
(On order some 325 BMR-600P, some 100 M-109A2 155mm SP how; 2,000 Swingfire ATGW; as-Saqr (SA-7), 25 btys (384 msls) Chaparral SAM.)
NAVY: 20,000 (10,000 conscripts).*
Bases: Alexandria, Port Said, Mersa Matruh, Port Tewfig, Hurghada, Safaqa.
Subs: 12: 10 R-class (6 Ch Type-O-33); 2 Sov W-class.
Destroyers: 3: 2 Sov Skory (1 with 1 twin Styx SSM); 1 Br Z-class (trg).
Frigates: 6:
FFG: 4: 2 Ch Jianghu with 4 Hai Ying-2 SSM; 2 Spanish F-30 (Descubierta) with 2 quad Harpoon; FF: 2 Br (1 Black Swan, 1 Hunt).
FAC(G): 32: 6 Ramadan with 4 Otomat SSM; 8 Sov Osa-I with 4 Styx SSM, SA-7 SAM; 8 October-6 (P-6)< with 2 Otomat;
6 Hegu (Komar-type)< with 2 Hai Ying-2 SSM; 4 Komar< with 2 SS-N-2A SSM.
FAC(T): 13: 3 Shershen, 10 P-6<.
FAC: 21: 3 Shershen BM-21 (8-tube) 122mm or 1 BM-24 (12-tube) 240mm MRL, 1 SA-7 SAM; 12 P-6( with 1 octuple BM-21; 6 Shanghai II.
Patrol craft: 39 large: 12 Sov SO-1 (6 with 1 BM-21 (8-tube) 122mm MRL, some with SA-7 SAM), 8 Ch Hainan, 12 Timsah, 4 Swift 93-ft,
3 SRN-6 hovercraft.
MCMV: 12 minesweepers: 10 ocean (6 T-43, 4 Yurka), 2 T-301, 2 K-8 inshore.
Minelayers: 3 SRN-6 hovercraft.
Amph: LSM: 3 Polnocny, LCU: 13(9 Vydra, 4 SMB1).
Coastal defence unit (Army tps, Navy control): guns: SSM-4-1 130mm. SSM: 30 Otomat and Samlet.
(On order 4 Luda DDG; 6 Cormoran FAC(G); 2 Tripartite MCMV (1986), 5 Swift, 10 Timsah, 3 Hyundai patrol boats; 11 SRN-6 hovercraft; 6 LST; Stingray torpedoes; 16 Harpoon, Otomat SSM.)
Central Security Forces 300,000.
National Guard 60,000 (getting Walid APC).
Frontier Corps 12,000. Defence and Security 60,000.
Coast Guard 7,000; 3 Nisr, 6 Crestitalia, 6 Bertram patrol boats, 34 rescue launches.
IRAN GDP 1983/4: r 13,750.0 bn ($157.632 bn); 1984/5: r 15.030 bn ($163.544 bn)
growth 1984/5: 0% 1985/6: -10.0%
Inflation 1984: 9.0% 1985: 4.4%
Def exp 1985/66: r 1,295 bn ($14.091 bn)
Def bdgt 1986/7e: r 465.0 bn ($5.894 bn)
$1=r (1983/4): 87.228 (1984/5): 91.902 (1985/6): 87.733 (1986): 78.889
r = rial
Population: 45,200,000*(* Figures do not account for war losses.)
25-30 31-45 Men: 5,200,000 3,500,000
Women: 5,151,400 3,400,000
Regular: 704,500.
Terms of service. 24 months.
Reserves: Army: 350,000, ex-service volunteers.
ARMY: 305,000 (perhaps 200,000 conscripts).
(?3) Army HQ.
3 mech divs (each 3 bdes: 9 armd, 18 mech bns).
7 inf divs.
1 AB bde.
1 Special Forces div (4 bdes).
Some indep armd, inf bdes (incl 'coastal force').
12 SAM bns with HAWK.
Ground Forces Air Support units.
Reserve: 'Qocfa' bns (ex-service).
Equipment. (*Losses and incomplete reporting of resupply makes eqpt estimates very tentative. Reports of Chinese tk and ac deliveries possible but unconfirmed; MRL identified. Operational status of US-source eqpt impossible to confirm.)
Tks: MBT perhaps 1,000: T-54/-55, Ch T-59, T-62, T-72, Chieftain Mk 3/5, M-47/-48, M-60A1. lt: 50 Scorpion.
AFV: recce: 130 EE-9 Cascavel. MICV: 180 BMP-1. APC: 500 BTR-50/-60, perhaps 250 M-113, perhaps 300 EE-11 Urutu.
Arty: some 600+: guns: 130mm: M-46 towed, 175mm: 30 M-107 SP. how: 105mm: M-101; 155mm: M-109A1 SP; 203mm: 10 M-110 SP.
MRL: 12x107mm: Ch Type-63; 40x122mm: 65 BM-21. mor: 81mm, M-30 4.2-in. (107mm), 3,000 120mm. SSM: Scud.
ATK: RCL: 57mm, 75mm, M-40A/C 106mm. ATGW: ENTAC, SS-11/-12, M-47 Dragon, BGM-71A TOW.
AD: guns: 1,500: 23mm: ZU-23 towed, ZSU-23-4 SP; 57mm: ZSU-57-2 SP. SAM: HAWK/Improved HAWK, SA-7, RBS-70.
Avn: ac incl 56 Cessna (185, 310,0-2A), 2 Fokker F-27, 5 Rockwell Shrike Commander, 2 Dassault Mystere-Falcon; hel: (attack): AH-1 Cobra; (hy tpt): CH-47C Chinook. (270 Bell 214A, 35 AB-205A, 15 AB-206 were also held.)
(Captured Iraqi eqpt in service.)
(On order: no confirmed information.)
REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS (Pasdaran): some 350,000; still independent of the Army. Perhaps 8 divs and many indep bdes, which may incl inf, armd, para, arty, engr, AD and border defence units, serve indep or with Army; small arms, spt weapons from Army, Naval elm; some Air.
NAVY: 14,500, incl naval air and marines. t
Bases: Bandar Abbas, Bushehr, Kharg, Bandare-Anzelli, Bandar-e-Khomeini, Chah Bahar (building).
Destroyers: 3: 1 Br Battle with 2 quad Standard SSM, 1 quad Seacat SAM; 2 US Sumner.
Frigates: 4 Saam with 1 quintuple Seakiller SSM, 1 triple Seacat SAM (2? non-operational).
Corvettes: 2 US PF-103.
FAC(G): 8 Kaman (La Combattante II) with a total of 7 Harpoon SSM (?3 serviceable).
Patrol craft: large: 7: 3 Improved PGM-71, 4 Cape, 2 BH-7 hovercraft?.
MCMV: 2 US MSC 292/268 coastal.
Amph: LST: 4 Hengam; LCT: 4 Neth.
Spt: 1 replenishment, 2 fleet supply, 1 repair ship.
Regular: 845,000.
Terms of service: basic 21-24 months, extended for war.
ARMY: 800,000 (incl perhaps 230,000 active reserves).
7 corps HQ.
5 armd divs ('Type': 1 armd, 1 mech bde; varies).
3 mech/mot inf divs.
10 inf divs.
1 Presidential Guard Force (3 armd, 1 inf, 1 cdo bdes).
2 special forces divs (6 bdes).
9 Reserve bdes. All on active duty.
15 Peoples Army. Strength perhaps sufficient volunteer inf bdes J for a further 8 divs.
Equipment*: (*Losses and incomplete reporting of resupply makes eqpt estimates very tentative.)
Tks: MBT : some 4,500: T-54/-55/-62/-72, 1,500 T-59/-69 II, 150 Chieftain Mk 3/5, M-60, M-47. lt: 100 PT-76.
AFV: about 4,000: recce: incl BRDM-2, FUG-70, ERC-90, MOWAG Roland, EE-9 Cascavel, EE-3 Jararaca. MICV: 1,000 BMP.
APC: BTR-50/-60/-152, OT-62/-64, VC-TH (with HOT ATGW), M-113A1, Panhard M-3, EE-11 Urutu.
Arty: 5,500: guns: 122mm: D-74; 130mm: M-46, Type 59-1; 155mm: some 5 GCT SP. gun/how: 152mm: M-1974.
how: 105mm: M-56 pack, M-102; 122mm: D-30 towed, M-1938, M-1974 SP; 152mm: M-1943, M-1973 SP,
155mm: AMX-30 GCT, M-114/M-109SP.
MRL: 200: incl 122mm: BM-21; 127mm: 60 ASTROS II; 132mm: BM-13/-16. SSM: 30 FROG-7, 20 Scud B.
mor: 120mm, 160mm.
ATK: RCL: 73mm: SPG-9; 82mm: B-10; 107mm. guns: 85mm; 100mm towed; 105mm: 100 JPz SK-105SP.
ATGW: AT-3 Sagger, SS-11, Milan, HOT.
Avn (Army Air Corps): (7150) armd hel.
attack (?40) Mil Mi-24 Hind; 50 SA-342 Gazelle (some with HOT); 10 SA-321 Super Frelon, some with Exocet AM-38 ASM;
some 30 SA-316B Alouette III with AS-12 ASM; some 44 MBB BO-105 with SS-11 ATGW.
tpt: (hy): 10 Mi-6 Hook, (med): 100 Mi-8, 20 Mi-4, 10 SA-330 Puma.
ATGW: 360 HOT, AS-11/-12, AT-2 Swatter.
AD: guns: 4,000: 23mm, ZSU-23-4 SP, M-1939 and twin 37mm, 57mm incl ZSU-57-2 SP, 85mm, 100mm, 130mm.
SAM: 120 SA-2, 150 SA-3, SA-6, SA-7, SA-9, 60 Roland.
(Captured Iranian eqpt in service.)
(On order: no confirmed information.)
NAVY: 5,000* (*Losses and incomplete reporting of resupply makes eqpt estimates very tentative.)
Bases: Basra, Umm Qasr.
Frigates: 2: 1 Lupo with 8 Otomat-2 SSM, 1 octuple Albatros/Aspide SAM, 1 hel; 1 Yug (trg).
Corvettes: 6 (?5) Assad with 1 quad Albatros/Aspide SAM; 2 with 2 Otomat-2 SSM, 1 hel; 4 with 6 Otomat-2.
FAC(G): 10 Osa with 4 Styx SSM.
FAC(T): 5 P-6<.
Patrol craft: large: 3SO-1; coastal: 8: Poluchat, Nyryat II, PO-2, Zhuk<.
Minesweepers: ocean: 2 Sov T-43 3 Yevgenya<; inshore: 3 Nestin<.
Amph: LSM: 4 Polnocny, LST: 3.
Spt ship: 1.
(On order 3 Lupo FFG, 1 Stromboli (reported commissioned but undelivered); 1 Agnadeen tanker, 1 tpt.)
AIR FORCE: 40,000 incl 10,000 AD personnel; some 500 combat ac*
(*Losses and incomplete reporting of resupply makes eqpt estimates very tentative.)
Bbrs: 2 sqns: 1 with perhaps 7 Tupolev Tu-22, 1 with 8 Tu-16.
FGA: 11 sqns:
4 with some 40 Mikoyan-Guryevich MiG-23BM;
4 with 20 Dassault Mirage F-1EQ5 (Exocet equipped), 23 Mirage F-1EQ-200;
3 with Sukhoi Su-7 and Su-20.
Interceptors: 5 sqns: Some 25 MiG-25, some 40 MiG-19, some 200 MiG-21, 30 Mirage F-1EQ.
Recce: 1 sqn with 5 MiG-25.
Tpt: ac: 2 sqns: 10 Antonov An-2 Colt, 10 An-12 Cub, 6 An-24 Coke (retiring); 2 An-26 Curl, 13 Ilyushin I1-76 Candid, 2 Tu-134 Crusty,
13 I1-14 Crate, 1 DH Heron.
Trg: incl MiG-15/-21/-23U, Su-7U, BAe Hunter T-69; 16 Mirage F-1BQ; 50 L-29 Delfin, 40 L-39 Albatros, 50 PC-7 Turbo Trainer,
11 EMB-312 Tucano.
AAM: R-530, R-550 Magic, AA-2/-6/-7/-8.
ASM: AS-30 Laser, Armat, Exocet AM-39, AS-4 Kitchen, AS-5 Kelt.
(On order, no confirmed information.)
Frontier Guards.
Security troops 4,800.
People's Army 650,000.
Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP): 10,000 (20,000 more in militia); small arms, some Iranian lt arty reported.
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) 10,000.
ISRAEL GDP 1984: NS 7.069 bn ($24.110 bn); 1985: NS 25.966 bn ($22.027 bn)
growth 1984: 0.9% 1985: 1.7%
Inflation 1984: 373.0% 1985: 304.0%
Debt 1984: $30.0 bn 1985: $30.2 bn
Def bdgt 1985/6: NS 4.980 bn ($4.225 bn); 1986/7: NS 8.030 bn ($5.378 bn)
FMA* 1985: $1.4 bn 1986: $1.723 bn (*US military aid has so far reached a total of $21.4 bn, of which $11.2 bn is to be repaid.)
$1=NS (1983): 0.0562 (1984): 0.2932; (1985): 1.1788 (1986): 1.4930
NS = new shekel
Regular 149,000 (93,300 male and female conscripts).
Terms of Service, officers 48 months, men 36 months, women 24 months (Jews, Druze only; Christians and Arabs may volunteer).
Annual training as reservists thereafter to age 54 for men, 34 (or marriage) for women.
Reserves: 554,000 (all services) Army 494,000; Navy 10,000, 1,000 immediate recall; Air Force 50,000, 9,000 immediate recall.
NAVY: 9,000 (3,300 conscripts), 19,000 on mobilization.
Bases: Haifa, Ashdod, Eilat.
Subs: 3 Type 206.
Corvettes: 6 Aliya (Sa'ar 4.5) with 4 Gabriel II and 4 Harpoon SSM, 2 with 1 Bell 206 Kiowa ASW hel.
FAC(G): 23:
8 Reshef (Sa'ar 4) with 5 Gabriel III, 4 Harpoon SSM;
6 Sa'ar 3 with 3 Gabriel III, 1 twin Harpoon; 6 Sa'ar 2 with up to 5 Gabriel II;
1 Dvora with 2 Gabriel III;
hydrofoil: 3 Shimrit (Flagstaff 2) with 2 Gabriel III, 4 Harpoon SSM.
Patrol craft: 41 coastal<: 32 PCBR Mk 1 Dabur, 9 Yatush.
Amph: LSM: 3; LCT: 6; LCM: 3.
MR: ac: 7 Seascan 1124N.
Spt: 1 tender, 2 armed tpts, 2 trg ships (1<), 4 coastal patrol auxiliaries<.
Naval cdo: (300), 1 Firefish III attack craft.
AIR FORCE: 28,000 (2,000 conscripts, in AD), 78,000 on mobilization; some 629 combat ac (perhaps 90 stored), 58 armed hel.
FGA/interceptor: 15 sqns:
2 with some 50 McDonnell Douglas F/TF-15;
5 with 131 McDonnell Douglas F-4E;
5 with 150 IAI Kfir C1/C2/C7;
3 with 67 General Dynamics F-16A, 8-B.
FGA: 4 sqns with 130 A-4N/J Skyhawk.
Recce: 13 RF-4E.
AEW: 4 Grumman E-2C.
ECM: 4 Boeing 707 (some comd), 2 C-130 Hercules.
Tpt: l wing: incl 7 Boeing 707 (2 tanker mod), 20 C-130E/H, 18 C-47 (Douglas DC-3), 2 KC-130H.
Liaison: 1 BN-2 Islander, 19 Dornier (5 Do-27, 14 Do-28D); 22 Cessna (18 U-206C, 2 T-41D, 2 180); 12 Beech Queen Air 80; 2 IAI Westwind;
20 Piper Super Cub.
Trg: incl 20 TA-4E/H Skyhawk, 50 Kfir (incl TC-2), 85 CM-170 Magister/Tzugit.
Hel: attack: 1 sqn with 30 Bell AH-1G/S, 1 with 28 Hughes 500MD; ECM/SAR: 1 sqn with 70 Bell 206, 212;
tpt: (hy): 17 Sikorsky CH-53A/D; (med): 8 SA-321 Super Frelon, 17 Bell UH-1D; (lt): 2 sqns with 50 Bell 206A, 212.
Drones: Mastiff 3, Scout, Teledyne Ryan 124R, MQM-74C Chukar II.
SAM: 15 bns with MIM-23B HAWK/Improved HAWK.
AAM: AIM-9/-9L Sidewinder, AIM-7E/F Sparrow, Shafrir, Python III.
ASM: Luz, AGM-65 Maverick, AGM-45 Shrike, AGM-62A Walleye, AGM-12 Bullpup, Gabriel III (mod).
(On order 75 F-16 ftrs; 60 Kfir-Cll-TC-2 trg ac; 12 AS-365 Dauphin hel; 200 Improved HAWK SAM; 200 Sidewinder AAM.)
Forces Abroad: Lebanon (e 500).
Border Guards 4,500; BTR-152 APC.
Arab Militia; small arms.
Coast guard; 3 US PBR, 3 other patrol craft.
Gadna (youth bns), volunteers 15-18, paramilitary service trg by Defence Force.
JORDAN GDP 1984: D 1.523 bn ($3,965 bn); 1985e: D 1.675 bn ($4,252 bn)
growth 1984: 2.3% 1985: 4.8%
Inflation 1984: 3.8% 1985: 5.5%
Debt 1984: $2.9 bn 1985: $4.2 bn
Def bdgt 1985: D 206.0 m ($522.807 m) 1986: D 243.7 m ($735.365 m)
FMA 1984: $400.0 m
$1=D (1983): 0.3630 (1984): 0.3841 (1985): 0.3940 (1986): 0.3314
D = dinar
Regular: 70,200.
Terms of service, voluntary conscription, 2 years authorized.
Reserves (all services): 35,000. Army 30,000 (obligation to age 40).
LEBANON Given the continuing conflict in the Lebanon, the development of at least two economies, the political impotence of the President and the National Assembly, and the existence of several armed forces, it is no longer possible to provide macro-economic, population or meaningful defence economic data. There are no longer any truly 'national' forces. Even the respective sectarian militia forces vary in their degrees of cohesion. They all have small regular cadres, rapidly expanded by mobilizing reserves. Much of the equipment of the former national forces is held by these groups; some is stored unserviceable. The militias have their own ources of supply, and it has not been possible to determine types and quantities accurately.
Lebanese Arab Army: Lebanese Army deserters; pro-Syrian (numbers decreasing).
Lebanese National Resistance Front: umbrella for anti-Israeli forces in South Lebanon.
LIBYA GDP 1984e: D 6,700 bn ($22.627 bn) 1985K D 5.900 bn ($19.926 bn)
growth 1983: -21.0% 1984: -4%
Inflation 1983: 9.0% 1984: 11.0%
Debt 1984e: $2.0 bn 1985e: $4.0 bn
Def exp 1982e: D 210.0 m ($709.338 m)
$1=D (1982/3/4/5): 0.2961
D = dinar
NAVY: 6,500. Bases: Tarabulus, Benghazi, Darnah, Tubruq, Bardiyah, Al Khums.
Subs: 6 Sov F-class; 2 R-2 'Mala'-class submersible.
Frigates: 2: 1 Vosper Mk 7 with 4 Otomat SSM, 4 Albatros/Aspide SAM;
1 Koni-class with 4 SS-N-2C SSM.
Corvettes: 7: 4 Assad with 4 Otomat SSM (1 with 1 quad Aspide SAM);
3 Sov Nanuchka II with 4 SS-N-2C SSM, 1 twin SA-N-4 SAM.
FAC(G): 24: 9 Sharara (La Combattante II) with 4 Otomat SSM;
12 Sov Osa-II with 4 SS-N-2C SSM;
3 Susa with 8 SS-12M SSM.
Patrol craft: 8: 4 Garian, 3 100-ft Benina large; 1 78-ft coastal.
MCMV: 7 Sov Natya.
Amph: LST: 2 PS-700; LSM: 3 Polnocny, LCU: 20 C-107.
Misc: 1 tpt (could use as minelayer).
Drone craft: 50.
(On order 2 Rade Koncar-type FAC(G), 1 Benina patrol craft.)
AIR FORCE: 10,000; some 489 combat ac, 60 armed hel.*
(* Much eqpt, incl 1,200 MBT, 450 combat ac (Tu-22, MiG-21/-23/-25, Su-22) in storage.
Syrian pilots also reportedly fly Libyan ac, while some Soviet, Korean and Pakistani personnel act as instructors.
Some 2,000 Soviet personnel reportedly man the SA-5 complexes. Expatriates form a large proportion of the technical support staff.)
Bbrs: 1 sqn with 7 Tupolev Tu-22.
Interceptors: 3 sqns and 1 OCU:
some 26 Dassault Mirage F-1ED, 6 F-1BD,
135 Mikoyan-Guryevich MiG-23 Flogger E, 50 MiG-25 Foxbat A, 50 MiG-21, 5 MiG-25U.
FGA: 5 sqns and 1 OCU:
45 Mirage 5D/DE, 13 5DD, 14 Mirage F-1 AD,
40 MiG-23BM Flogger F, 14 MiG-23U,
some 50 Sukhoi Su-20/-22 Fitter E/F/J.
COIN: 1 sqn with 30 Soko J-1 Jastreb.
Recce: 1 sqn with 2 Mirage 5DR.
Tpt: 2 sqns: 20 Antonov An-26 Curl, 8 C-130H Hercules, 2 Boeing 707, 17 Aeritalia G-222, 2 Dassault Mystere-Falcon-20, 2 C-140 Lockheed Jetstar,
2 Canadair CL-44, 15 Ilyushin I1-76 Candid, 1 Aerospatiale Corvette 200, 2 Beech King Air, 6 Fokker F-27-600, 16 Turbolet L-410.
Hel: 9 sqns: attack: 2 with 30 Mil Mi-24 Hind; ASW: 2 with 30 Mi-14 Haze, SAR: 1 with 8 SA-321 Super Frelon.
tpt: (hy): 1 with 19 CH-47C Chinook, (med): 1 with Mi-8, 2 Agusta-Bell AB-212;
(lt): 1 with 5 AB-206, 1 with 10 SA-316B Alouette III, 9 AB-47.
Trg: 4 sqns: 2 with 61 Soko G-2 Galeb ac; 2 with 20 Mi-2 (Hoplite) hel; 2 Tu-22 Blinder D, 100 Aero L-39ZO, 12 CM-170 Magister,
139 SIAI-Marchetti SF-260WL.
AAM: AA-2 Atoll, AA-6 Acrid, AA-7 Apex, AA-8 Aphid, R-550 Magic. ASM: Swatter ATGW (hel-borne).
AD Comd: (13,000).
3 SA-5A bdes: each 2 bns of 6 launchers, some 4 AA gun bns; radar coys, 2 AD schools.
3 Regional Sections: 2 bdes each 18 SA-2, 2-3 bdes each 12 twin SA-3, ?3 bdes each 20/24 SA-6/-8.
(On order MiG-25, MiG-23 ftrs; 25 EMB-121 Xingu tpt, 50 SF-260M trg ac; SA-342 Gazelle, 2 Agusta A-109 hel; Super 530 AAM.)
OMAN GDP 1984: R 3.047 bn ($8.822 bn); 1985: R 3.400 bn ($9.844 bn)
growth 1984: 11.0% 1985: 2%
Inflation 1984: -2.0% 1985: -1.1%
Debt 1984: $2.0 bn 1985: $2.0 bn
Def bdgt 1985: R 717.0 m ($2.076 bn); 1986E: R 601.0 m ($1.561 bn)
FMA see note* (* $1.8 bn military subsidy from GCC between 1984 and 1994.)
$1=R (1983/4/5): 0.3454 (1986): 0.3850
Population: 1,000,000- 1,600,000* (* Breakdown based on World Bank projections and total population of 1.3 m.)
18-30 31-45 Men: 135,000 118,000
Women: 120,000 92,000
Regular 21,500 (excl Royal Household tps, but incl some 3,700 foreign personnel).
Terms of service, voluntary.
Reserves: National Volunteer Reserve Force (Army): 1,000; obligation to age 35-45.
AIR FORCE: 3,000; 35 combat ac (*Eqpt serviceability questionable.)
FGA/interceptor 1 sqn with some 8 Mikoyan-Guryevich MiG-21.
FGA: 1 sqn with 8 Shenyang J-5 (MiG-17 type), 6 Shenyang J-6 (MiG-19 type), 10 MiG-17.
COIN: 1 sqn with 3 BAe/BAC-167 Strikemaster (forming).
MR: 2 CASA C-212.
Tpt: 1 sqn with 6 C-130H Hercules, 1 Dassault Mystere-Falcon, 3 DHC-5D Buffalo, 8 PC-6A Turbo-Porter, 6 EMB-110P2 Bandeirante.
Hel: 1 sqn with 8 IAR/SA-330 Puma, 10 MBB BO-105, 5 Bell 212.
Trg: incl 3 BAe Jet Provost Mk 55,3 MiG-15UTI, 2 MiG-21U, 2 JJ-5 (2-seat J-5), 2 JJ-6 (2-seat J-6).
AAM: AA-2 Atoll.
(On order some 8 Northrop F-5E, 6 J-6 ftr, 4 C-212 (1985/6), 2 C-130 tpt ac; 10 IAR-330, 6 Bell 212 hel.)
PARA-MILITARY: 3,000: National Guard 500; Border Guard 2,500.
OPPOSITION: Sudanese People's Liberation Army (SPIW): est 12,500 org in bns; mainly small arms; arty reported; operating only in southern Sudan.
* Due to the internal security problems and the economic situation it is difficult to arrive at an accurate economic and defence profile.)
GDP 1982/3e: ?S 6.600 bn ($9.400 bn) 1983/4e: ?S 8.500 bn ($7.299 bn
t Official figures. Actual 1984/5 expenditure - i.e. incl eqt and internal security expenditure - est as high as $500 m; 1985/6 budget est as high as ?S 875.0m.
NAVY: 2,500.
Basesr. Latakia, Tartus, Minet el-Baida.
Subs: 2 Romeo.
Frigates: 2 Petya II.
Corvettes: 2 Nanuchka II with 2 triple SA-N-6 Siren SSM.
FAC(G): 24 with SS-N-2A/C SSM; 6 Osa -I, 12 Osa -II (4 msls); 6 Komar< (2 msls);
FAC(T): 8 P-4<.
Patrol craft: 7: 1 CH large, 6 Zhuk coastal<.
MCMV: 9: 1 Natya, 1 T-43 ocean; 2 Vanya coastal; 5 Yevgenya inshore.
Amph: LSM: 2 Polnocny.
(On order 1981: 2 Nanuchka II corvettes.)
AIR FORCE: 70,000; some 483 combat ac; some 100 armed hel.* (*Some aircraft believed to be in storage.)
FGA: 9 sqns:
4 with 85 Mikoyan-Guryevich MiG-17;
1 with 18 Sukhoi Su-7;
2 with 40 Su-20;
2 with 50 MiG-23BM Flogger F.
Recce: perhaps 10 MiG-25R.
Interceptor: 15 sqns:
2 with 30 MiG-25 Foxbat E;
10 with 180 MiG-21PF/MF;
3 with 70 MiG-23 Flogger E/G.
Tpt: 2 sqns: 3 Antonov An-24 Coke, 6 An-26 Curl, 4 Ilyushin I1-76 Candid, 4 Tupolev Tu-134 Crusty, 2 Dassault Mystere-Falcon- 20F.
Trg: incl 150 Aero (90 L-39, 60 L-29), 50 MBB-223 Flamingo.
Hel: attack: 40 Mil Mi-24 Hind, 35 SA-342 Gazelle (ATK), perhaps 25 armed Mi-8; tpt 100 Mi-8, 30 Mi-17 (mod-8), 10 Mi-2 Hoplite, ASW(Navy-assigned): 3 Kamov Ka-25 Hormone, 20 Mi-14 Haze.
AAM: AA-2 Atoll, AA-6 Acrid, AA-7 Apex. ASM: AT-2 Swatter ATGW.
(On order MiG-29 ac; 12 SA-342 Gazelle hel; AAM.)
20 AD bdes (some 95 SAM btys): 11 (some 60 btys) with some 392 SA-2/-3;
9 (27 btys) with some 200 SA-6, AA arty and radar.
2 AD regts (each 2 bns of 2 btys) with some 48 SA-5.
Forces Abroad: Lebanon: 2-3 indep bdes (?a div eqivalent) plus 1 def coy bde: 12,500.
Ministry of Defence: Saraya ad-Difer (Defence Coys): 25,000: 4 armd, 3 mech bdes:
Internal Security Force incl Republican Guard Desert Guard (Frontier Force) 1,800.
Palestine Liberation Army 4,500: 3 bdes (in Syria/Lebanon, some Syrian officers, nominally under PLO);
Eqpt: 90 T-54/-55 MBT, 105mm, 122mm, 152mm how, MRL; AT-3 Sagger ATGW; SA-7 SAM.
Ministry of Interior Gendarmerie 8,000.
Ba'ath Party: Workers Militia (People's Army).
TUNISIA GDP 1984: D 6.235 bn ($8.027 bn) 1985e D 6.860 bn($8.220 bn)
growth 1984: 4.5% 1985: 4.0%
Inflation 1984: 8.3% 1985: 5.0%
Debt 1984: $4.9 bn 1985: $5.5 bn
Def bdgt 1985: D 347.60 m ($416.537 m) 1986: D 413.57 m ($547.775 m)
FMA 1984: $112.0 m 1985: $65.0 m
$1=D (1984): 0.7768 (1985): 0.8345 (1986): 0.7550
D = dinar
TOTAL ARMED FORCES: * (* The Union Defence Force and the armed forces of the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ras Al Khaimah and Shaijah) were formally merged in 1976; Abu Dhabi and Dubai still maintain a degree of independence. Non-nationals incl some 500 Moroccans.)
Regular: 43,000 (perhaps 30% foreign)
Terms of service, voluntary.
AIR FORCE 2,500,113 combat ac, some 15 armed hel*
FGA: 4 sqns:
2 with 40 Mikoyan-Guryevich MiG-17F;
1 with 12 MiG-21;
1 with 25 Sukhoi Su-20/-21
Interceptor: 3 sqns with 36 MiG-21F.
Tpt: 1 sqn with 3 Antonov An-24, 3 C-47 (Douglas DC-3).
Hel: 1 sqn with 15 Mil Mi-24, 30 Mi-8.
SAM: 1 regt with 48 SA-2.
Trg: 3 MiG-15UTL
AAM: AA-2 Atoll. ASM: AT-2 Sagger.
People's Militia 15,000.
Public Security Force 30,000 (increasing); 1 Tracker 2, 4 Spear, 1 Interceptor patrol craft.
(* Reports suggest that 145 tanks and up to 80% of Naval and 90% of Air eqpts were destroyed or seriously damaged as a result of the civil war. Data on resupply is inadequate. Some eqpt believed in storage; some ac believed flown by Soviet and Cuban crews.)
Bilateral External Agreements The US has mutual defence and assistance agreements with Kenya (February 1980) and Somalia (August 1980) which give the US limited access to naval and air facilities and Somalia some military aid.
The Soviet Union has Treaties of Friendship and Co-operation with Angola (October 1976), Mozambique (March 1977) and Ethiopia (November 1978, ratified April 1979). Relations with the Congo Republic are close but no such agreement is known to exist. Military aid has been given to Angola (under additional Military Co-operation Agreements, including one signed in May 1983), Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Somalia, Uganda and Zambia (1980). The Soviet Navy has facilities in the Dahlak Islands, Ethiopia. Reports of a Soviet facility in Sao Tome and Principe have been received.
China has military assistance agreements with Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, Mali and Tanzania, and has provided aid to Mozambique and Zaire (under a 1982 sales credit).
Britain maintains overflying, training and defence agreements with Kenya, helps Zimbabwe form and train her forces, and heads a Commonwealth Training Team (Australia, Britain, Canada, Guyana, Jamaica, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Tanzania) which is helping to rebuild the Ugandan defence forces.
France has signed defence agreements with Cameroon (February 1974), the Central African Republic (August 1960), the Comoro Islands (October 1978), Djibouti (June 1977, including permission to deploy forces), Gabon (August 1974, 1985), Ivory Coast (April 1961), Senegal (March 1974) and Togo (July 1963). Agreements with Chad have led temporarily to French military deployment and continued support. France has signed technical military assistance agreements with 23 countries, including the above.
Belgium has a military co-operation agreement with Zaire. Spain has a military agreement with Equatorial Guinea (1981) and has provided training since 1979 and some equipment.
Portugal signed a Protocol on Military Co-operation with Mozambique in April 1982.
Cuba has some 27,000 men in Angola, training the Angolan armed forces and assisting with internal security, and 5,000 in Ethiopia. Cuban, Soviet and East German advisers are present in a number of other African countries.
Some military links exist between Israel and both South Africa and Zaire, and between both Mozambique and Angola on the one hand, and East Germany, Bulgaria, Romania (1982) and Yugoslavia (1982) on the other. Hungary signed a Friendship Treaty with Ethiopia and with Mozambique in September 1980. North Korea signed a Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation with Togo in October 1981 and supplied a 100-man training team to Zimbabwe (1981-84) and a 6-man team in 1985; reports persist of North Korean teams in Angola and seven other countries (Benin, Congo, Malagasy, Mozambique, Seychelles, Tanzania, Zambia), and a 200-man training team is in Uganda. Ethiopia signed a Treaty of Friendship with Libya and South Yemen in 1981.
Multilateral Regional Agreements The Organization of African Unity (OAU), constituted in May 1963 to include all internationally-recognized independent African states except South Africa, has a Defence Commission - responsible for defence and security co-operation and the defence of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of its members. In 1979 this approved in principle an African Intervention Force and ordered planning for its formation, funding and equipping, but little progress has been reported. lt did agree in 1981 on an Inter-African Force for Chad, with troops from Nigeria, Senegal and Zaire. OAU financing was inadequate
and the Force was withdrawn in June 1982.
In 1961 the Central African Republic, Chad, the Congo and Gabon formed the Defence Council of Equatorial Africa, with French help. Chad's present position in relation to the Council is unclear.
In May 1981 the Economic Community of Western African States (ECOWAS) adopted a Protocol on Mutual Assistance on Defence Matters calling for a joint Defence Commission, comprising Defence Ministers and their Chiefs of Defence Staff, and a Defence Council of the Heads of State. lt is intended to create a joint force, using assigned units of the national armies, which could serve as an intervention or peace-keeping force. Of the then 16 ECOWAS members (Benin, Cape Verde, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo and Upper Volta), 12 have signed; Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Mali declined, and Mauritania signed only after the Protocol was amended to call for the withdrawal of foreign troops once ECOWAS could guarantee mutual defence.
Bilateral Regional Arrangements Kenya signed a defence agreement with Ethiopia in November 1963 and a Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation in January 1979; Kenya and Somalia agreed in 1981 to control border incursions. Sierra Leone and Guinea signed a Defence Agreement in 1971 and a Mutual Defence Pact in August 1981. In December 1981 Senegal and The Gambia signed a confeder