A poem by a Russian artist and poet Marat Samsonov. A GOOD NEWS! AUTUMN WON`T COME BACK AGAIN! The song sung by Chinese pop star Wang Qiang (People`s Republic of China) What a beautiful song! Where`s my handkerchief, girls? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLL8329B7x0&feature=player_ ...
A GIRL PUZZLE ЗАГАДОЧНАЯ ДЕВУШКА A marble sculpture Die grosse Liegende (A big girl in a reclining position) by Willi Schmidt (1924-2011) in a pedestrian zone of Frankfurt am Mein, Germany. Her legs are enveloped in woolen leg warmers. Partially, it"s a result of pity and compassion, ...
A LITTLE HOUSE IN KOLOMNA ДОМИК В КОЛОМНЕ A strophe from Alexandre Pushkin`s `A Little House in Kolomna` written in ottava rima, an eight-line stanza developed in Italy. The Ottava rima is usually associated in English with Byron, and in Russian with Pushkin and Lermontov. The standard ...
Yaroslav Smelyakov was a `small` classical poet of Russia. His poetic career and success reached their climax in the 60s of the 20c. The youth of that time accepted him as one of their mouthpieces despite he belonged to the generation of their parents. Yevgeniy Yevtushenko, #1 in ...
One of Pushkin`s uncles came from Moscow to see little Pushkin for the first time. The uncle was red-haired and pocky. After glancing at his nephew he couldn"t help exclaiming: `O my! He is a real little blackamore!` The five-year-old Pushkin was quick to answer: `Yeah! Not like you, ...
The waltz `Autumn Dream` by a British composer Archibald Joyce (1873-1963) the Russian consider to be their own, because it sounds in a very Russian way. `Autumn dream` sounds as the best illustration of the Chekhovian epoch. Listening to it you feel like reading Anton Chekhov or ...
Berem kramle (Melting into thin air). A music video fragment from the Czech feature film `Kouř ` (`Smoke&Steam`) https://youtu.be/4h-eGQa-REc (The Tomáš Vorel landmark feature film `Kouř` (`Smoke & Steam`) (Czech Republic), 1991)
This poem has been written by a Russian author whose pen name is Andryukha, i.e., informal from Andrei, but his real name is Andrei TROKHIN (Андрей ТРОХИН), born 1971. Interestingly, the author considers his poem to be `weak`. I wish I could write such a `weak` poem! Andryukha ...
BRITTLE BEAUTY By Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey Генри Ховард, Граф Суррей "ХРУПКОСТЬ КРАСОТЫ" Японо-мать, неужели этот перевод сделал я? А то! Ни фига-се! Шакеспир! Ну, раз пошла такая пьянка, режь последний огурец! Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey Two Sonnets "Set Me Whereas the Sun Doth ...
Mikołaj Rej or Mikołaj Rey of Nagłowice (1505-1569) was a Polish poet and writer of the Renaissance in Poland, as well as a politician and musician. He was the first Polish author to write exclusively in the Polish language, and is considered (with Biernat of Lublin ...
JOY AND FIRE! WOW! Chinese pop star and beauty Ms. Jeannie Hsieh (Republic of China, Island of Taiwan) came upon a snag during her performance. That `snag` was ... see above! It`s really funny! I would hire him as a dance backup for me if I were a singer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHyvcIaPVpQ&list=PL12018C86ED451608 ...
In the Stance XXI of the 1st Chapter of the `Eugene Onegin` Alexandre Pushkin depicts the exact morals and manners of his time. The democratic public claps demanding to start the show. As to gentlemen the then theatrical good tone (bon ton) required to enter the hall at the last ...
Humbert Wolfe was an Italian-born English poet. He was one of the most popular authors of the 1920s.He was also a translator of Heinrich Heine. His career was in in the Ministry of Labour. By 1940 he had a position of high responsibility. Wolfe's verses have been set to music by ...
Juan Eugenio de Hartzenbusch (Мадрид, 6 сентября 1806 г. - 2 августа 1880 г.) - австрийская кровь испанской поэзии. В испанском произношении Хуан Антонио Арсенбуч (а не Харценбуш)
Selene, the goddess of the moon, loved the mortal Endymion. She asked Endymion"s father, Zeus, to grant him eternal youth so that he would never leave her. Zeus granted her wish and put him into an eternal sleep. Every night, Selene visited him where he slept.
Joaquin Maria Bartrina y de Aixemus (Хоакин Мария Бартрина)(Реус, 1850 - Барселона, 1880)- двуязычный испано-каталонский поэт и драматург, предшественник испанского литературного авангарда. Чудак Бартрина хотел примирить физику и лирику. Он выдумывал и вставлял в стихи странные формулы: ...
FIRM EVIDENCE This is a parody of a poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky about the Soviet passport. It"s its substandard, lower, folksy variant. It"s a doppelganger. In Russia many classical and iconic poems and songs cast the obscene shadows sometimes more durable and lasting, but sometimes ...
FOUR VARIATIONS ON A THEME OF A POEM BY ТА САМАЯ ТАНУКА Original: http://www.stihi.ru/2011/02/10/9319 Translation: http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/gothdress.shtml
GOTHIC LOLITA`S DRESS КОСТЮМ ЛОЛИТКИ By Та самая Танука (That very Tanooka). Source: http://www.stihi.ru/2011/02/10/9319 (See also http://zhurnal.lib.ru/p/prjahin_a_a/fourvarlol.shtml). Gothic Lolita Transformation https://youtu.be/sfCRfb1Hbms Modern Princess Gothic Lolita https://youtu.be/- ... ...
HEY, DUDE! A poem by a Russian author! I doubt my being that author, but who knows? I wish I`d been! At night woman picked up a man just to spend a night together, but he fell in love at dawn and got ready to marry her! The woman behaves as a tough man, and it makes the whole bed ...
Hokku by Basho Matsuo. It makes me remind a Russian funny story. A farmer`s yard. Night. Famer`s wife on the porch hearing a sound of wild pissing in the dark and asking rather terribly: -Who is pissing over there like a cow? -It`s me, mommy! Farmer`s wife (endearingly: ...
Personally, I find his poems very amusing and entertaining. Julien Stebeau is an Indie poet from Magnitogorsk, Siberia born as Andrei Yevgeniyevich Mantel in 1965. Mr. Mantel is a physician by profession. Strictly speaking, he is Doc Mantel (Docteur Manteau). As a gifted humorous ...
HOW THE DANCE TOOK ITS TOLL. A `Scottish` poem by Andrei Khabrov. The Litsedeyi - Theatre of Clowns led by Slava Polunin, Moscow, Russia. The comic (and comical) Celtic Dance https://youtu.be/yWw-ScF7msg
How to grasp the volatile temper? Mikhaïl Lermontov - To a portrait. Recited by a Russian movie and theatre star Alyona Babenko https://youtu.be/TnuC-0HJn4U
Yaroslav Smelyakov wrote many iconic poetic texts that made him immortal as a classical Russian poet. The Soviet hippies and yuppies of the 60s loved not only his `Lida` but also his poem `If I ever fall ill ...`. `If I ever fall ill ...` (Если я заболею...) excellently recited by ...
Igor Vasiliyevich Shenshin-Lotaryov (1887-1941)(penname Igor Severianin) is a poet of the Silver Age of the Russian poetry (first decades of the 20 c. before the Revolution). Igor Severianin preferred to write his pen name like Igor the Severianin (lit. Igor the Northener) ...
БОГАТЫРЬ СВЯТОГОР И ТЯГА ЗЕМНАЯ KNIGHT SVYATOGOR AND THE EARTH GRAVITATION I know two ancient texts that use terms of the modern physics. The first is the New Testament, the second is a collection of the ancient Russian `true stories` (shaped as folk ballads). Light, force and vector ...
LAVERNOCK by Saunders Lewis A poem in Welsh Стихотворение С. Льюиса на валлийском (языке Уэльса) с переводом на русский, китайский и японский (разумеется, с разной степенью успешности). Но английский перевод не мой, а Harry Gilonis`а. Bonus!Чайковский П. И. "Детский альбом", Љ 22, ...
LE PRINTEMPS ET L"AUTOMNE Par Pierre-Jean de Béranger (1780-1857) SPRING AND AUTUMN By Pierre-Jean de Béranger Пьер-Жан Беранже ПРОЩАЙ, ВИНО, В НАЧАЛЕ МАЯ `Aria of Béranger` from the musicle `The Heart of a Poet` (from the Pierre-Jean de Béranger`s poem `Le ...
A frequently suppressed, droppable fragment of `A Lyrical Digression` by lieutenant Pavel Davidovich Kogan (1918-1942), young Russian knight and poet, Soviet Russian patriot, author of the eternal `Brigantine`. He was a commander of the reconnaissance party in the WW2 (the second ...
NIKITA`S TVERSE The word of `tverse` (`t` plus `verse`) is a parody for the word `twerk` in choreography. The poem consists of Nikita`s unexpected self-describing phrases during the U.S.B. Shows on TV.
Vadim Stepantsov has been one of the biggest modernists of the Russian literature, author of the quasi-naive and simple, but rather sophisticated and elegant erotic poems in a style of the courtly mannerism. (The poems written in that manner are supposed to be a combination of refinement ...
The song `OH, YOU CHILLING FROST` is a main table song in Russia. It`s a story about a guy coming home in a severe snowstorm in the Russian steppe. It seems to have been existing for ages. But it was created in 1954 and became the national hit in 1968. https://youtu.be/ywGebiBjJr8 ...
The poem `On perishability (To transience)` (На тленность) by Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin (Гаврила Романович Державин) had been written three days before the last day of the Russian poet. While writing it the poet was looking at the then famous emblematic picture `The river of time`(`Der ...
The iconic poem `Overture` (`Ananas au champagne!`) by Igor` Severyanin (Игорь-Сѣверянинъ) `Overture` Recided by Valeriy Zolotukhin (from 0:40) AnMComm: Пожалуй, лучшее чтение этого стиха, что я слышал. Очень хорошо передаёт суть истероидного стиха. Maybe, the best reciting ...
Charles Ives (1874-1954) `The Circus Band` (Michael Tilson Thomas, San Francisco Symphony & San Francisco Symphony Chorus) https://youtu.be/gGHi4WWreOw
Alexandre Pushkin is a great Ruissian poet. To be be exact, the greatest one. Yet he was a famous bedhopper, and as every single male slut he was morbidly jealous. He was killed by a Horse Guardsman, young French man Georges d'Anthès whom Pushkin after receiving an anonymous ...
Испанский баснописец из страны Басков. В баснях Саманьего, как и в баснях Ивана Крылова, чувствуется влияние (и напрямую заимствуются сюжеты) античных (Эзоп, др.), французских (Лафонтен ( La Fontaine) и др.) и английских ( J. Gay и др.) баснописцев, что, тем не менее, как и в случае ...
SEE MORE GLASS! Agniya (ἁγνὴ) Lvovna Barteaux (born Ethel Leibovna Volova (1906-1981)) was an outstanding Russian children`s author, satirist, excellent screenwriter, influential presenter. She was born in a Jewish family before the Russian revolution. ... ...
Стихотворение Александра Викторовича Фаустова A Russian author`s poem. A poem by Alexandre Viktorovich Faustov. A good addition to a sci-fi drama like the Aelita by Alexei Tolstoy. https://www.stihi.ru/2010/10/09/5795
The poem which is in the Russian school curriculum relates to a plot and some characters of the Russian fairy tales. The plot is the same as is in the Sleeping Beauty, as to the characters they are noble Prince Ivan and ordinary Ivan the Fool whose traditional roles were reconsidered ...
THE BELLE OF THE ROAD The author`s original title is "Блондинка за рулём - это обезьяна за рулём". See http://www.hohmodrom.ru/project.php?prid=39056. I didn`t like it. Therefore I changed it. As a Russian uncle Vanya would say, `И вагина рулём!"
Vadim Stepantsov THE FALLEN ANGEL Вадим Степанцов ПАДШИЙ АНГЕЛ Замечательная стилизация Вадима Степанцова под подростковую лирику и неумелый, но искренний стих. Исповедь хулигана! Позволяя себе быть хулиганом, он надеется встретить ангела. И это ангел, представьте себе, в его понимании ...
THE GIRL FROM NAGASAKI A Russian Shanty Girl from Nagasaki Sung by Gemma Khalid https://youtu.be/DjTv2cv_yto The girl from Nagasaki . Sung by actress Paulene Agureyeva https://youtu.be/qApesSgbPCI I love both covers, both by Gemma Khalid (Джемма Халид) and Pauline Agureyeva (Полина ...
A door to a woman`s bedroom has been opened by a cockscrew! Cock-a-doodle-doo! A nice poem by a Russian artist and poet Marat Samsonov (Марат Самсонов)http://maratsamsonov.ru/, https://www.stihi.ru/avtor/werro1
Svetlana Plakhutina lived in Vladivostok before she`d moved to Moscow. This is her poem from the collection of poems `An Apple on my Palm` issued in Vladivostok in 2002
In 1945 Yara wrote a poem `Sweet Beauties of Russia` ("Милые красавицы России") where he expressed his gratitude to all the women of the USSR who sacrificed everything to victory. Yeah, he was a true gentleman, and he never joined men who several times after the war attempted to defame ...
`E la nave va` is an allusion of a Federico Fellini`s feature film of the same name that translates into English as `And the Ship Sails On` (1983) https://youtu.be/PIFxpgg6A1Q
The poem by Evgeniy Yevtushenko that I dared to translate has got an alliteration of `sh-sh` in the original that I replaced with the sound of `w-w` in English.
Taffy was extraordinarily famous in Russia for her short stories full of humour. Fewer knows as well that she was a poetess. Of course, she was not as great as her sister Mirra (Maria) Lokhvitskaya-Gibert who was an immediate predecessor of Anna Akhmatova, Xenaida Gippius and Marina ...
There shows up white a sail so lonely ... Белеет парус одинокий ... The most famous poem by Mikhail Lermontov in Russia. It was put to music several times. In 19 c. it was done by a Russian composer Alexandre Varlamov. Sung by Sergei Lemeshev (record of 1942) https://youtu.be/4FKEsTZuNKY ...
I`ve kept untouched the old vocabulary of the original text and chose the equivalent, intelligible words in Old Slavonic that are still being used in the Russian poetry.
Хотя сие стихотворение и подразумевает не просто каменщиков, а кивает на "вольных каменщиков" и имеет политический подтекст, на самом деле к масонству имеет малое отношение, и в большей степени связано с реалиями русской общественной борьбы начала 20 в.
Евгений Евтушенко "Со мною вот что происходит" (Evgeny Yevtushenko `What`s wrong with me, I don`t know` The poem was set to music by Mikael Tariverdiyev. It`s sung by Sergei Nikitin https://youtu.be/fZV4Ga0N_Jw