When in Germany they greet sportsmen, winners, they are used to shout: Heil! Heil! Heil! (in English: Hail! Hail! Hail!). And it`s nothing to do with Hitlerian Germany. So Zig Heil means Long live Zig! (i.e., Sigmund, in this very case Dr. Freud). By the way, the Nazi greeting is ...
`Once in presence of Irakliy Luarsabovich Andronikov I called a popular poet a genius. He immediately objected: `He`s too complicated to be considered a genius. All great is simple and clear. It is `I am going out on the road ...` that`s great. That sort of poems seems to contain ...
When Sasha Pushkin was just six years old, he wrote his first play l"Escamateur in the French language and staged it for his sister Olga. The sister did not appreciate it, and Sasha wrote the epigram and made fun of himself in a self-derogatory way.
ЛИРИЧЕСКОЕ ОТСТУПЛЕНИЕ из Глава 28 "Вдоводел Непокорный" Третьего тома "Вдоводела Непокорного" Александра Резникова. A LYRICAL DIGRESSION from THE Chapter 28 `The Rebellious Widow-maker` of the Third Volume of the THE REBELLIOUS WIDOW-MAKER by Alexandre Reznikov http://artofwar.ru/r/reznikov_ ...
Oh, yeah! The Feodor Dostoyevsky School`s Republic ("Республика ШКИД")(1926) by Grigori Belykh & LEONID Panteleyev (also true is ALEXEY Panteleyev, as his real name was Alexey Yeremeyev) is a classical book for teenagers in Russia. Their pupils once played in the Revolution and Civil ...
Стихотворение от лица Джакомо Казановы (Giacomo Casanova) как главного героя возможного в будущем сериала. Не обращайте внимание, я так прикалываюсь! Ведь это - чистое сю-сю! Разве мужчине можно так? Он должен быть добрым и ... свирепым! Впрочем, этот стих можно использовать как ...
HEARTBRREAKING IDA Boris Pasternak fell in love for the first time rather late when he was 20 years old. He fell in love with Ida Wissotzkaya, the daughter of a wealthy Moscow merchant. It was love at first sight. The parents sent Ida to learn abroad. By that reason Pasternak asked ...
Мира Шамвэй ХОЧЕШЬ, ПОДАРЮ ЗВЕЗДУ? THE STAR GIFT by Myra Shumway. Myra Shumway is a character of the novel `Miss Shumway Waves a Wand` (1944) by British writer James Hadley Chase.