Усков Святослав Александрович : другие произведения.

Father John

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Помню в 10 классе учительница по английскому задала написать сочинение The horror story. Получился рассказ, читать, который смогут многие, он написан Simple English языком.

  Chapter 1. Human zoo.
  ONE night, when there's a new moon, a terrible unhuman cry was heard from the old remote castle near the cemetery. It was the 13-th of November, Friday.
  5 minutes later a cart drove up to the place and a young man went out and directed his steps to the castles doors. The cart immediately dashed away. The castles doors were opened widely.
  I recognise my uncle, - murmured young man,- He is always so hospitable.
  Lights were all over the castle but no one was inside. Young man was calling for a long time but in vain.
  -That is not hospitable! - he muttered.
  - Not hospitable at all... - he concluded after the two-hour long search for his uncle.This search brought a young man to the cellar. And suddenly a horrible, strange, inexplicable thing opened to his eyes: along the walls of the cellar were staying metallic cages. In each of them was either man or woman with strange expression of the face, without any clothes.
  - Good Heavens, a human zoo...
  Young man was striked and staggered, he didn't know what to think what to do...
  Suddenly he heard that somebody was walking downstairs directly to the cellar. Young man hid himself in the darkness of the corner and extracted the six-shot revolver from his pocket.
  Chapter 2. A Warlock.
  He was ready to see that. A tall strong man came in the cellar. That was his uncle himself. Uncle led a beutifull, handsome man after him. He pushed that man into empty cage, closed it and began to read aloud magic invocations.
  - Damned Warlock! I kill you...- whispered young man prerparing to start shooting. But his uncle was not alone, he spoke with someone, who was upstairs.
  Young man decided not to reveal his presence till the suitable moment.
  His uncle ended reading of invocations and went out. Young man went from the corner and stoped, thinkig what to do. Suddenly he felt that he's loosing his conscience, at the same moment he heard a low hypnotizing voice, calling him;
  - Come to me, human...
  Young man came to the cage obediently.
  A beautiful marvellous man was looking at him with sadness and somewhat of contempt. A small tattoo was across his forehead: 3 small figures: "666". A silver knife was thrusted into his heart.
  - Obey me, slave... take it out of my breast..
  Young man took the haft of the knife and pulled it out, falling into swoon.
  Chapter 3. Battle for the Earth.
  First what saw young man when he woke up was the face of his uncle.
  - Lucky you are, nephew that you stayed alive.
  Young man startled.
  - Get out of me, damned warlock!
  - I'm not a warlock.
  - What are you doing with all this people downstairs?..
  - We were healing them.
  - Who "we" ?
  - I and Father John.
  - Who is this Father John?
  - He is a Warlock... oh... I don't mean to say he is a warlock, he is a magician merely, but a good one.
  - I see, I got into the house full of warlocks.
  At this moment an old man in ecclesiastical vestments appeared in the room. Inspite of his age his hairs were quite black.
  - Shame on you, my son. I and your uncle struggle against evil. We are hunting witches and catching werewolfes. Then we try to cure them. But all this went to hell. You have set The Main Demon free and now all cages are empty. Mankind is in danger, my son. Take this.
  Father John stretched him out a long crook.
  Young man seemed to hesitated.
  - What is this stick needed for? I have no idea...
  - This is a voodoo crook, my son. The most powerfull weapon in this world. Just give him the order and he destroy everything you will look at. And now the time for Great Battle has come! The Army of Evil headed by the Main Demon surrounded our castle. Another Army from the cemetery is going to lend a helping hand. Let's go on the roof.
  5 minutes later they were staing on the roof of the castle and looking around. There was a large red Moon on the sky. And the place near the castle was swarm with creatures of Inferno. Witches, werewolfes, zombies, vampires, dragons, skeletons, monsteres of all sizes, demons of all kinds, they all were ready to attack the castle. And they began to attack.
  Dragons, witchess and blood-sucking bats were assaulting from the air, all the others attacked from all sides.
  After one hour of the battle, the losses in killed and wounded were only from the side of Evil. Voodoo crooks destroyed hundreds, thousands of terrible monsters and gave no chance to hurt their masters.
  Young man was so carried away destroying the pack of werewolves that didn't noticed how he became separated from his uncle and Father John. Suddenly small size pig-like demon ran up to young man stealthily and bit his leg. At such suddenness young man droped voodoo crook out of his hands. The same demon grabbed the crook and went away. Young man was disarmed and confused. He slowly turned back and met face to face with beautiful marvelous handsome man with tattooed figures across the forehead.
  Young man seized his revolver and shot immediately 5 times. There was no result. After a short while, that seemed to him like eternity-long he made the 6-th shot in his own head and fell down, he was dead.
  The Main Demon came closer to him, bend forward and bit his head off. At the same moment the voodoo crook stabbed the Demon. The uncle of young man with tears on his eyes was stabbing the Demon over and over again. He can do nothing for his nephew but revenged. When the 13-th time crook stabbed the monster, Demon fell in agony and whispered: "Master, help me..." and then he shattered into the dust. The ground became quiver but it wasn't an earth-quake. A monstrous-size horned creature was coming out from under the ground. When it climbed out it easily swallowed the whole castle and was going to move back. But at this moment the first light ray of the rising sun struck it and effect was amazing. Devil gave such a horrible groan of agony that people in the nearest village that was 40 miles far, woke up but were frightened to went out from their houses. Monster gave this Groan and exploded as an atomic bomb. Everything 20-ty miles round this place was flooded with blood. Blood was every where. There was no water but blood. There were no grass or flowers but blooding slime. On the top of the high hill near the cemetery was staying Father John, a great magician. Only god knows how he survived and remained undamaged. His hairs was quite grey. He was 2000 years old but turned grey only 5 minutes before... THE END.
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