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Словарь английских переводческих терминов

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    Толковый словарь переводческих терминов См. словарь on-line: http://www.geocities.com/bible_translation/glossary.htm

   Translation glossary
   compiled by Wayne Leman
  -- Accuracy
  -- Addressee
  -- Alliteration
  -- Allusion
  -- Alphabet
  -- Anachronism
  -- Anaphora
  -- Anthropomorphism
  -- Antithetical parallelism
  -- Aphorism
  -- Apocalyptic
  -- Apocrypha
  -- Apostrophe
  -- Aramaic
  -- Archaism
  -- Artificial construction
  -- Audience
  -- Authorial intention
  -- Autographs
  -- Back translation (BT)
  -- Base text
  -- Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS)
  -- Biblical languages
  -- Biblish
  -- Borrowing
  -- Calque
  -- Canon
  -- Causal relation
  -- Chiasmus
  -- Choppy
  -- Clarity
  -- Clear
  -- Cliche
  -- Closest natural equivalent
  -- Coherence
  -- Cohesion
  -- Collocational clash
  -- Colloquialism
  -- Commentary
  -- Committee translation
  -- Common language translation (CLT)
  -- Communicative accuracy
  -- Community testing
  -- Complete equivalence (CE)
  -- Comprehension check
  -- Concordance
  -- Connotation
  -- Construct relationship
  -- Construction
  -- Context
  -- Critical apparatus
  -- Critical text
  -- Cultural clash
  -- Cultural substitute
  -- Denotation
  -- Descriptive grammar
  -- Deuterocanonical
  -- Dictionary
  -- Discourse
  -- Discourse analysis
  -- Disjointed
  -- Donor language
  -- Doublet
  -- Dynamic
  -- Dynamic equivalence (DE)
  -- Eclectic text
  -- Ellipsis
  -- Epistle
  -- Epistolary
  -- Equivalent
  -- Eschatology
  -- Essentially literal translation
  -- Etymology
  -- Euphemism
  -- Exact equivalence
  -- Exclusive language
  -- Exegesis
  -- Exegete
  -- Exegetical accuracy
  -- Explicit information
  -- Expository
  -- Extended metaphor
  -- Extraneous information
  -- Faithfulness
  -- Fidelity
  -- Field testing
  -- Figure of speech
  -- Form
  -- Formal equivalence translation (FE)
  -- Form-equivalent translation
  -- Free translation
  -- Front translation
  -- Fullness of meaning
  -- Function
  -- Functional equivalence
  -- Functional linguistics
  -- Gender
  -- Gender accuracy (inclusive language)
  -- Genitives
  -- Genre
  -- Gist
  -- Gloss
  -- Grammar
  -- Greek
  -- Hearer
  -- Hebraism
  -- Hebrew
  -- Hebrew Bible
  -- Hellenistic Greek
  -- Hendiadys
  -- Hermeneutics
  -- Higher criticism
  -- Historical anachronism
  -- Hortatory
  -- Hyperbole
  -- Idiom
  -- Idiomatic translation
  -- Illocutionary force
  -- Implicature
  -- Implied information
  -- Implicit information
  -- Inadequate meaning
  -- Inclusive language
  -- Inspiration
  -- Intention
  -- Interlinear translation
  -- Interpretation
  -- Interpretive translation
  -- Interpropositional relation (IPR)
  -- Irony
  -- Jargon
  -- KJV-Onlyism
  -- Koine Greek
  -- Language
  -- Lexicography
  -- Lexicon
  -- Linguistically possible translation
  -- Linguistics
  -- Literacy
  -- Literal translation
  -- Literal-idiomatic translation
  -- Litotes
  -- Loan translation
  -- Loan word
  -- Logical relation
  -- Lower criticism
  -- LXX
  -- Macrostructure
  -- Majority Text (MT)
  -- Manuscript
  -- Masoretic text (MT)
  -- Meaning
  -- Meaning-based translation (MB)
  -- Meiosis
  -- Metaphor
  -- Metonymy
  -- Model text
  -- Morpheme
  -- Morphology
  -- Mother tongue translator (MTT)
  -- Multivalence
  -- Narrative
  -- Native translator
  -- Natural
  -- Neologism
  -- Nestle-Aland text
  -- Obsolescent
  -- Onomatopoeia
  -- Oral language
  -- Original texts
  -- Orthography
  -- Other Tongue Translator (OTT)
  -- Parable
  -- Parallelism
  -- Paraphrase
  -- Partial meaning
  -- Periphrasis
  -- Perlocutionary force
  -- Personification
  -- Perspicuity
  -- Phrase
  -- Plain English
  -- Polyvalence
  -- Possession
  -- Pragmatics
  -- Prйcis
  -- Prescriptive grammar
  -- Readability
  -- Reading level
  -- Received Text
  -- Receptor language (RL)
  -- Regionalism
  -- Register
  -- Relevance theory (RT)
  -- Repartee
  -- Repetition
  -- Rhetorical impact
  -- Rhetorical parallelism
  -- Rhetorical question
  -- Rhythm
  -- Sarcasm
  -- Schoolbook grammar
  -- Semantics
  -- Semiotics
  -- Semiticism
  -- Septuagint
  -- Simile
  -- Source language (SL)
  -- Synecdoche
  -- Synonym
  -- Synonymous
  -- Synonymous parallelism
  -- Syntactic function
  -- Syntax
  -- Tanakh
  -- Target language (TL)
  -- Text
  -- Textual criticism
  -- Textus Receptus (TR)
  -- Theological terms
  -- Thought-for-thought translation
  -- Transculturation
  -- Translation
  -- Translation theory
  -- Translationese
  -- Transliteration
  -- Trope
  -- UBS text
  -- Understandable
  -- Understatement
  -- Utterance
  -- Vernacular translation
  -- Vulgar
  -- Vulgate
  -- Word
  -- Word-for-word translation
  -- Word order
  -- Written language
  -- Wrong meaning
  -- Zero meaning

(The webpage English Bibles has a key to the Bible version abbreviations used in this glossary.)

   Other websites with related glossaries
  -- Bible Studies
  -- The Catholic Encyclopedia
  -- Department of Theology On-Line Glossary Project of the University of Notre Dame
  -- A Dictionary of Special and Technical Terms for Hebrew and Greek Studies
  -- Elements of Persuasion in the Bible
  -- Fields of Linguistics (larger articles)
  -- Figures of Speech
  -- The Forest of Rhetoric
  -- Glossary
  -- Glossary of Linguistics and Rhetoric
  -- Glossary of Linguistics Terms
  -- A Glossary of Literary Terms and A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices
  -- Glossary of Terms
  -- Glossary of Translation and Interpreting Terminology
  -- Idioms of the Bible
  -- Lexicon of Linguistics
  -- Linguistic glossary (SIL site)
  -- Linguistic Phenomena/Devices
  -- Literary Features
  -- Rhetoric Resources
  -- A Site Inspired By The Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism
  -- Translation theory (glossary)
  -- Dictionary of Translation Studies, edited by Mark Shuttleworth and Moira Cowie, 1997. (amazon.com, to order)
  -- Translation Problems From A to Z, by Richard C. Blight

Return to the main Bible translation page
Return to the Translation Information website


Latest glossary update: September 9, 2006

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Glossary first posted on November 11, 1998
Latest update: May 1, 2005

Send additions, comments, or corrections to email address:
wayne-leman at netzero.com

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