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My room is lightened...в горнице моей светло...(из Рубцова)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    второй вариант написан в соавторстве с моим сыном Степаном:)

Translation of Nikolay Rubtsov's poem.

My room is lightened
By the night star.
Mommy will take a bucket,
To bring some water in silence.
My red flowers in the garden
Are all wilted.
The boat on a river bank
Is rotten.

The willow lace shade
Is fading on the window.
I will have a busy day 
Under it tomorrow.
I will be watering flowers,
Thinking about my fate.
I will be fixing the boat
Till the night star...

Март 2007.

My quiet room is lit so well
By the glowing midnight star.
My mom is silent by the well -
She fills a water jar.

My flowers were so scarlet red-
They're wilting day by day.
A river bank looks very sad-
My boat is in decay.

A willow under my window stays,
As always, bent with sorrow-
I'm bound to have a busy day
Right under it tomorrow.

I'll water flowers from a jar,
While pondering my fate,
I'll build the boat until the star-
Perhaps it's not too late...

May 2011

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