Забигайло Александр Олегович : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
Оценка: 7.79*50  Ваша оценка:
  • Аннотация:
    Стихи к танго "Oblivion" Астора Пьяццолы.

                 "Forget everything, everybody, everybody."
                  Joseph Conrad "Lord Jim"

Forget, anything forget.
You memorize the set 
of images and dates,
sounds and footsteps.
Oh! Everything forgets.
 Now time for fade.
Nothing is as wet
as oblivion tear.

Oblivion as gear
makes your minde forget
images and date,
And every little step.
Memory is net
Net is spider web.
You are trapped fly.
Memories are lie.
Let's  to be  in sooth,
Oblivion is truth.

Lies are memories 
ache for absent tooth.
Oblivion is wise!
Oblivion is truth!
Let's sure all in smooth,
Oblivion is truth.
You are trapped fly.
Memories are lie.
Let's  to be  in sooth,
Oblivion is truth.

Forget, everything forget:
images and dates,
morning and sunset.
wasted times decay.
Senses are away.
 Every night and day.
 Let's  to be  in sooth,
Oblivion is truth.

Forget, anything forget.
You memorize the set 
of images and dates,
sounds and footsteps.
Oh! Everything forgets.
 Now time for fade.
Nothing is as wet
as oblivion tear.

Оblivion as gear
makes your minde forget
images and date,
And every little step.
Memory is net
Net is spider web.
You are trapped fly.
Memories are lie.
Let's  to be  in sooth,
Oblivion is truth.

Lies are memories 
ache for absent tooth.
Oblivion is wise!
Oblivion is truth!
Let's sure all in smooth,
Oblivion is truth.
You are trapped fly.
Memories are lie.
Let's  to be  in sooth,
Oblivion is truth.

Forget, everything forget:
images and dates,
morning and sunset.
wasted times decay.
Senses are away.
 Every night and day.
 Let's  to be  in sooth,
Oblivion is truth.

Оценка: 7.79*50  Ваша оценка:

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