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About the Mikoyans - another radio program about Russial dynasties. Plus two words about Sergei Yesenin and Leon Trotsky. A culturological essay

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    MMMDLXXXVI. About the Mikoyans - another radio program about "Russial dynasties". Plus two words about Sergei Yesenin and Leon Trotsky. A culturological essay. - December 16, 2024.

  About the Mikoyans - another radio program about "Russial dynasties". Plus two words about Sergei Yesenin and Leon Trotsky. A culturological essay.
  Twice I heard fragments of a radio program about the Mikoyans - the cycle "Russial dynasties".
  The first time there was no time to listen. I turned radio on the second time before the newscast, so I listened until the news started.
  It turns out that one of the Mikoyans was an aircraft designer. If I understood correctly, he was in charge of the design bureau (DB).
  Design bureaus (DB) were a "bread places" during the Soviet period - they were generously funded by the state.
  But how the (received) funds were spent - it is another matter.
  For example, the Design Bureau (DB) under the leadership of Bolkhovitinov did not become famous for any obvious achievements: one of Sergei Korolev's associates (Chertok) wrote about this in his memoirs. However, this Design Bureau functioned properly, received huge government money, and the head of the Design Bureau (DB) himself had the opportunity to dissect the waters of the reservoir near Moscow on a yacht (even before the war, when an ordinary car in personal use caused increased attention).
  As follows from various kinds of historical materials, members of the Politburo and their relatives did not leave the DB without their attention.
  In one of the books, it is mentioned very succinctly that after the death of Sergei Korolev (rather unexpected death), a relative of one of the members of the Politburo came to the leadership of the DB.
  Other memoirs describe in more detail the work of relatives of Politburo members in various Design Bureaus.
  In general, it is very convenient.
  For example, Sergei Korolev wrote a memo where he drew attention to the strange use of public funds. He was soon removed from office. After a while, he was sent to places not so remote.
  But Sergei Korolev enjoyed the support of Tukhachevsky, Korolev was appointed one of the heads of the Design Bureau: he could know about the financial details, he could assess the spending of funds as rational or as not rational. There are only a few persons with a such competence.
  But who will write something unpleasant about spending money in the DB, which is headed by a relative of a member of the Politburo?
  Of course, it is not necessary to suspect all employees of the scientific Soviet industry of participating in mercenary financial schemes.
  Let's say the woman-secretary asked Vladimir Vasilievich Zalessky to make a gift to the boss: to give a good leather wallet (billfold). But this is a wallet, not a bag of money! It's (only) something like a New Year's gift.
  He didn't make such a gift, that's not how he was brought up (by his parents). He believed in truthfulness both of the Soviet power and of its sweet talk (slogans). Perhaps he was not pleased with the Oriental custom of appeasing the authorities with a tribute. It was not because of such views, it was not because of lack of a New Year's gift his scientific business was taken away from him.
  In general, the Bolkhovitinov Design Bureau is some kind of interesting (illustrative) example of the Soviet (non-cannibalistic) scientific business. There was a benefit from this DB, although relatively small. The money was constantly flowing. Bolkhovitinov did not offend anyone, did not take anything away from anyone (only the pilot Levanevsky, - "Stalin's favorite", - died on an airplane designed by the Design Bureau of Bolkhovitinov). If I understood correctly, none of the aircraft designed by the Bolkhovitinov Design Bureau was produced in a more or less wide series. (However, "intermediate" models are also useful for the movement of technical thought, although to varying degrees ...).
  I have not found any separate historical material about the Bolkhovitinov Design Bureau, and from the biographical materials about Bolkhovitinov, it can be concluded that he completed the management of the Design Bureau in 1946.
  I was wondering: Who dropped out of the Politburo in 1946? It seems to be only Kalinin (who died).
  Kalinin - with his beard and glasses - looked like a pre-revolutionary doctor (he was similar to doctor Preobrazhensky from the movie "Heart of a Dog" (1988 film)). There were rumors that he was not indifferent to ballerinas. So, we are all proud of the Russian ballet.
  Many members of the Politburo carried an "additional semantic burden." For example, any citizen, any Party and Soviet employee, getting acquainted with the biographies of members of the Politburo, could understand that in the Caucasus it was customary to begin the path of a revolutionary in a theological educational institution. He, Stalin, was not the only one who came from a religious educational institution (from the Caucasus) to the revolution and who took one of the highest posts in the USSR.
  Bolkhovitinov became the head of the Design Bureau in 1933. It was a period of active industrialization, rapid development of science and technology in the USSR.
  And in the 20s? Did they need the money?
  In another radio program, a modern near-literary figure talked about Sergei Yesenin. Soon it will be 100 years (?) since the death of Sergei Yesenin, there will be publications as about him and so of his poems, - all will recall him, - it is necessary that the common people have the right thoughts about Sergei Yesenin.
  Sergei Yesenin was not killed! (It must be understood correctly!) He had suicidal tendencies.
  (Nobody killed the most famous Russial historian either. Phone pranksters called him, somebody broke his e-mail, threatened him, threw rats under the apartment door, wrote bad inscriptions in his entrance, insulted him and his de-facto wife - in general, he was under the press of a baiting. His life became unbearable ... But no one killed him, he was the one who sat in the Paris archives until the age of sixty, read French archival papers about Napoleon, wrote scientific papers about him, engaged in historical reconstructions, and after sixty he committed a bad deed and got to places not very pleasant. So it's him, he's himself, not somebody else! Nobody killed him and his de-facto wife (from among the third parties)!).
  I liked such detail from this radio-story about Yesenin. Leon Trotsky suggested that Yesenin publish his own literary magazine - the Soviet state could to generously finance the publication of this magazine. But Yesenin refused (was he not smart enough? And he had a possibility to live perfectly well under Soviet rule, he could to outlive both Trotsky and Kalinin). But the imaginists (members of avant-garde poetic movement), with whom Yesenin was familiar, they somehow miraculously were able to find a paper (for a printing) in a poor country, publishing facilities and these imaginists made profitable publications of their books (works) - and no one touched them. These were such the invulnerable imaginists. And 16 criminal cases were initiated against Yesenin - as I could understood it from this radio broadcast. After all, it was very, very strict - the Soviet state!
  In general, if you want to live, be able to spin. It is especially useful to spinning closer to the members of the Politburo and to their relatives. There you can profitably use (exploit) your talents and live comfortably.
  December 16, 2024 12:58
  Translation from Russian into English: December 15, 2024 03:06
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' О Микоянах - очередная радиопередача насчет российских династий. Плюс два слова о Сергее Есенине и о Льве Троцком. Культурологический очерк. '.
  { 3615. О Микоянах - очередная радиопередача насчет российских династий. Плюс два слова о Сергее Есенине и о Льве Троцком. Культурологический очерк. - 16 декабря 2024 г.
  MMMDLXXXVI. About the Mikoyans - another radio program about "Russial dynasties". Plus two words about Sergei Yesenin and Leon Trotsky. A culturological essay. - December 16, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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