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A great desire to find Vechorka. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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    MMMDCXXVII. A great desire to find Vechorka. A story. - March 8, 2025.

  A great desire to find Vechorka. A story.
  Sergei Sergeevich learned that the tanker, which ran aground near the Kerch Strait, was cut into pieces and evacuated. However, fuel oil continues to appear on the Black Sea coast.
  It's nesessary to find a peace mind and a confidence!
  Sergei Sergeevich began to remember with concern: is the sculpture group, previously placed near the editorial office of the Vecherniy Rostov newspaper, still in place?
  On a bench near the entrance to the office of the newspaper "Vecherniy Rostov" ("Evening Rostov") (the name "for common people" is Vechorka), a man with a very cultured face was sitting and reading the newspaper named. The man is dressed very neatly. His face is stern, a little distrustful, independent. The image of a "cultural citizen of Rostov"?
  Next to the man is a dog of some rare breed. It is clear from the clothes, from the face, and from the dog that the reader of the Vechorka is a fairly wealthy man.
  It was nice to see this sculpture group while the walking along the main street of Rostov-on-Don.
  Sergei Sergeevich began to remember: had he seen this sculpture group during visits to the main street of the city, a week ago?
  It seems, he did not see this sculptural group (a week ago).
  And the action "Vechorka up to (for) a tea party"!
  Over evening tea, subscribers could read the newspaper and find themselves into a good mood.
  Are trees, and sometimes groves, cut down ? A spot construction process of multi-storey buildings in the city center? You may to read the right newspaper and to got (to came) into a normal mood.
  Previously, the reservoir had a beach and a grove where those citizens who tried to have a rest in the city in the summer could change clothes. And now you need to change clothes in a smelly locker room, almost in front of those who live in private houses that have appeared. Previously, many citizen of Rostov (from all over the city) swam and rested there in the summer. But now there are several dozen private houses on the shore of the reservoir, - in the borders of the city. Read a good newspaper! Get in a good mood!
  The construction of Volgodonsk (Rostov) NPP came to finish ? Read the right newspaper with information about children's contests and get in a good mood!
  And the situation with journalists in the homeland of the Pesnyary ensemble! A good newspaper is very useful! If there is a Vechorka, then the Vechorka will tell you the right course of actions. If there are no fresh issues, then you need to find a binder with previously released issues.
  Sergei Sergeevich really wants to find Vechorka - to make a life better, to make a life very good!
  Sergei Sergeevich plans to approach the newspaper stands when visiting the supermarket and to try to find Vechorka. He really needs Vechorka for the evening tea! He needs things to get better!
  March 8, 2025, 09:39 (09:39 a.m.)
  Translation from Russian into English: March 8, 2025 11:01
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Очень хочется найти Вечорку. Рассказ. ".
  { 3656. Очень хочется найти Вечорку. Рассказ. - 8 марта 2025 г.
  MMMDCXXVII. A great desire to find Vechorka. A story. - March 8, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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