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A lattice square. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    A lattice square. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.

  A lattice square. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  I am very interested in the topic of contemporary Belarusian painting. Some months ago I suggested to organize more or less regular exhibitions of works by Belarusian artists in Western Europe.
  Today I got acquainted with the material about the organization of an exhibition (in Hamburg) of works by the Belarusian artist Stasia Mironova. This exhibition is organized by Kristina Savutina. Kristina Savutina, according to media reports, is also from Belarus, but she now lives in Hamburg.
  Unfortunately, my efforts to find (on the Internet) works by Stasia Mironova or Kristina Savutina were unsuccessful.
  What is left for me to do?
  If I cannot look at the work of other artists and write a note about them, then I have to draw a picture myself and to publish it for everyone have the possibility to see it.
  However, my methods of my artistic expression (at the moment) is limited by the computer keyboard.
  It"s necessary to accept these restrictions.
  Which theme could be choosen?
  Now the topic of a closing of web site of one of the largest media holdings is very relevant.
  So, the closed site sets the general style of the painting.
  The picture has a logical center - the lattice.
  Around the lattice there are decorations: (1) warnings, (2) shouts of those arrested, (3) crosses, (4) barriers and fences.
  At the base of the "square" is the letter "O". It symbolizes a famous institution.
  At the top of the "square" - the letter "B". This is the memory of a famous, kidnapped and innocently murdered person.
  The letters "P" and "S" allow to direct attention of viewers towards some passengers of the famous air flight.
  The title of the Internet painting: "The Lattice Square" ("The Lattician Square").
  !!!!!!!!!!! B !!!!!!!!!!!
  P @@@ # @@@ S
  I consider this "square" to be a new visual (creative) genre - a fine Internet-art, a visual Internet work.
  The work is based on the traditions of the East-Republican and Great-Lithuanian art.
  [MDCCCLXXXIV. Forward, Anna! From "lubok style" pictures up to Botticelli. A super-brief review of Anna Redko's paintings. - December 7, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXV. Dark colors, overcrowded spaces, distorted images. A super-brief review of Vladislav Stalmakhov's drawings. - December 7, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXVI. A sadness, a beautness, a something from Dostoevsky (Drawings from the House of the Dead) ... A super-brief review of Nadezhda Sayapina's drawings. - January 14, 2021.
  MCMLI. Belarusian artist Shchemelev and the leader of the uprising Kalinowski. An essay. - January 14, 2021.
  MCMLXXXIII. A super-short review of the film "Boris Zaborov. In A Search of the Lost Time" (2015). - February 1, 2021.
  MMI. A cultured people of Evgeny Kharitonenko with some kind of secret; Ivan IV Vasilyevich and "Baltarusia". The note. - February 9, 2021.
  MMСXХ. No combinations of red and white colors. "Spring in Lida". Trends in Belarusian fine arts under the Lukashenko's regime. The note. - April 17, 2021.
  MMСCXIV. A dream of a kind paradise. Regarding the exhibition "Big Dreams of Little People" by Belarusian artist Valentin Gubarev. The note. - June 13, 2021.].
  October 7, 2021 10:00
  Translation from Russian into English: October 7, 2021 12:11.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Решетчатый квадрат. Произведение восточно-республиканского изобразительного интернет-искусства".
  { 2441. Решетчатый квадрат. Произведение восточно-республиканского изобразительного интернет-искусства.
  MMСCCСXI. A lattice square. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art. (English). }
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