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A possible topic to start bilateral talks. A note by a diplomatic volunteer

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    MMMDXCV. A possible topic to start bilateral talks. A note by a diplomatic volunteer. - January 3, 2025.

  A possible topic to start bilateral talks. A note by a diplomatic volunteer.
  "30.12.2024, 02:19 Lavrov announced Russia's refusal to participate in the "peace summit". Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia does not plan to participate in the "peace summit" in any format. According to him, Ukraine wants to invite Russian representatives in order to give Moscow an ultimatum. "I have clarified many times that we are not going to take part in the 'peace summit' even if we receive an invitation," the foreign minister told TASS. (...)" (https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/7420267) [unofficial translation]
  To this statement is added the discussion of the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the state bodies of Ukraine.
  If to speculate logically, it turns out that one of the likely options is bilateral negotiations between Russia and the United States.
  What topic would be appropriate to start such bilateral talks with?
  Territorial issues ("taking into account the real situation "on the ground") [unofficial translation], sanctions issues are very complex, have many nuances, and affect the interests of different countries.
  The simplest topic is the discussion of a document that is formally in the sphere of bilateral relations - the "Crimea Declaration ("Crimea Declaration; Press Statement Michael R. Pompeo Secretary of State Washington, DC July 25, 2018").
  Such a topic is the easiest and most convenient for starting bilateral negotiations, - since from the formal point of view this document can be canceled by an official of the same level as the level of official who approved (adopted) this Declaration.
  Achievement of success in discussing this topic may be a positive signal for solving the whole sum of issues (territorial issues ("taking into account the real situation "on the ground"), sanctions issues and others).
  January 3, 2025. 12:04
  Translation from Russian into English: January 3, 2025 12:42
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Возможная тема для начала двусторонних переговоров. Заметка дипломатического волонтера. ".
  { 3624. Возможная тема для начала двусторонних переговоров. Заметка дипломатического волонтера. - 3 января 2025 г.
  MMMDXCV. A possible topic to start bilateral talks. A note by a diplomatic volunteer. - January 3, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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