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A sketch about the 30 minutes of military radio program

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    A sketch about the 30 minutes of military radio program

  A sketch about the 30 minutes of military radio program
  Sergei Sergeevich periodically listened to the radio.
  In the news, the radio reported on an air battle that happened, by coincidence, between the aircraft of two Asian states.
  After the news, a military radio program began.
  "The planes that entered the battle belonged to states that are not so far away. What kind of planes do they have? What kind of armed forces? Yes, in general, what and how do they have in the military sphere?" thought Sergei Sergeievich. - "Now either one of the radio listeners will ask, or the presenters themselves will tell something."
  The program really began with a story about military aircraft, but for some reason about the aircraft that are in service with the Swedish Air Force.
  "In general, it's interesting ...", - thought Sergei Sergeevich, - "but Sweden has been on the road of neutrality for centuries ..."
  After a relatively long story about Swedish aircraft, questions from the radio audience began.
  It seems that two questions were about Sakhalin.
  Someone asked about a pilot who flew away to Japan in the Soviet years. Everything is clear with him - he drinks himself on the ranch.
  The second question concerned a businessman (criminal?) who flew away from Sakhalin in a private jet. Why didn't they shoot it down?
  Next: Israel (does it have nuclear weapons or not? It's not exactly known, but...); female general (why general?...)...
  Some listener made a laudatory tirade to the presenters. They thanked him modestly.
  Someone was interested in Kvachkov. Listened in the car, behind the wheel. I still can't come to my senses... Yes... I have questions...
  A new congratulations. Memorial day. The presenters congratulated the heroes...
  Somehow the conversation turned to brilliant scientists from Baumanka.
  "They are" such "guys ...", one of the presenters explained. "I'll write about them..."
  "A story... A work of art...", Sergei Sergeevich automatically added to himself. But the host did not say these words.
  And then was announced the break for news release.
  Sergei Sergeyevich rubbed his forehead.
  "Who knows what these 'young scientists from Baumanka' can come up with," Sergei Sergeevich thought. Just in case, he drank some tea...
  February 27, 2019 16:54
  Translation from Russian into English: May 20, 2022 21:47.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч о 30 минутах военной радио программы".
  { 661. Скетч о 30 минутах военной радио программы.
  MMCMLXXIV. A sketch about the 30 minutes of military radio program. ).
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