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The Tale-"comment" upon "comment" of the educated donkey

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    The Tale-"comment" upon "comment" of the educated donkey

  The Tale-"comment" upon "comment" of the educated donkey
  The donkey was serving regularly. He transported both bags, and the owner. The donkey was lucky. Freights were not the heaviest, and the owner was a person good-natured.
  The donkey had enough strength to observations and reflections.
  In the North, as we know, use not donkeys, but deer. Therefore the donkey "served" in the South.
  It's hot in the South, the windows are open. The donkey heard and listened to the sounds coming to him: from the windows of a school, a college, from a functioning radio, from a reading aloud.
  Information was accumulated. And forty years after the beginning of work, the donkey formed the opinion that donkeys own a respectful public sympathy at the, so-called, West.
  For example, in one of the countries a symbol of large political party is a donkey.
  And in memoirs of the famous politician the analogy with the use of notions of a bear, a bison and a donkey is carried out.
  Once the owner left the donkey at an entrance to a some private house. The bench stood nearby. And on a bench a notepad lay. The owner of a notepad entered the Internet, but some things distracted him, he put a notepad on the bench and went off to somewhere for a couple of minutes.
  The donkey has looked at a notepad screen. "There are a lot of different words!" The donkey saw the word 'comment'.
  Scientist donkey decided to write a comment. But what to write? The donkey not possessed nor logically consistent thoughts, nor clear plan of action.
  But "comment" - it sounds like a scientific word!
  "I will write the comment!!!"
  There was nothing to write. Yielding to an irresistible desire to show his the interconnection with the word "comment", the donkey began to knock on a touchscreen.
  It turned out: "Ia - Ia - Ia... Hasn't passed also forty five years ... development will be?".
  The owner has come back. The scientist donkey didn't just go back to business. He felt himself like an author of the comment. The owner felt himself like an owner of a scientist donkey.
  "Comment" was posted on the Internet.
  September 12, 2018 23:48
  Translation from Russian into English: September 13, 2018 05:54.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка-'комментарий' на 'комментарий' ученого осла'.
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