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Furgal and Degtyarev. What did Novak talk with Degtyarev about on the night of July 25, 2020, and what did he not discuss with Furgal? The experimental essay - an attempt of the reconstruction of a historical event

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    Furgal and Degtyarev. What did Novak talk with Degtyarev about on the night of July 25, 2020, and what did he not discuss with Furgal? The experimental essay - an attempt of the reconstruction of a historical event.

  Furgal and Degtyarev. What did Novak talk with Degtyarev about on the night of July 25, 2020, and what did he not discuss with Furgal? The experimental essay - an attempt of the reconstruction of a historical event.
  By a historical event, we mean in this essay a meeting that took place on the night of July 25, 2020 at the airport between Alexander Novak and Mikhail Degtyarev ( ).
  This meeting, quite possibly, had a background [pre-history].
  'JULY 22, 2020, 10:00 am Separately, the participants discussed the issue of gas supply - the region [Khabarovsk Krai] buys gas from the American company Exxon, the contract was signed until 2025, and the transition to fuel supplies from Gazprom and the development of the pipeline project should be started today. Also, using the example of a public utility from the Solnechny District, to which people and enterprises owed about 600 million rubles, the issue of tariffs was raised.
  - I understand people, the tariff is unacceptable for many, how to pay here ... And here we need to think - maybe turn to the management for additional subsidies, - suggested Mikhail Degtyarev. - They prepared information for me, in 2018 we took the 72nd place out of 85 in terms of the share of the population's expenses for housing and communal services, we need to look and try to reduce the tariff for the population by applying to the federal center for subsidies. (...) As regards tariffs, the population has non-payments solely because of high tariffs, people simply have no money for living. If we can help people and introduce additional subsidies, we must do it. " (
  On the night of July 25, 2020, Alexander Novak arrives.
  After reading the biography of Arthur Conan Doyle and being a fan of Conan Doyle's character Sherlock Holmes, we are trying to reconstruct the events. We assume that Alexander Novak may have touched on the history of the 2005 treaty.
  'In 2005, an agreement was signed between the Far Eastern Generating Company (DGK) and Exxon Neftegas, the operator of the Sakhalin-1 project, for a period of 20 years, with the gas price pegged to the dollar rate. For a long time everything went well, but three years ago the issue was aggravated by the depreciation of the ruble. And if the population did not feel the leap, since the state subsidizes tariffs for the population, then industrial consumers had a hard time '(
  The agreement was signed under the governor of the Khabarovsk Krai Viktor Ishayev - 2005.
  Governor Vyacheslav Shport [succeeder of Viktor Ishayev ] turned on his Moscow connections and secured subsidies from the federal budget so that the population would not get an oak tree [that is, would not stretch foots].
  But subsidies are apparently not an easy matter.
  We did not find information about Sergei Furgal's attention to the 2005 treaty. He is a brave man, but life in the taiga teaches caution.
  He approached the subject from the leeward side. But the laws of the jungle (of the taiga) are cruel ...
  Sergey Furgal fussed around the state debt of the Khabarovsk Krai - why is it so big and where did it come from? A meeting of the great scientists of the Khabarovsk Krai was gathered( The united minds tried to get to the truth ...
  '- We do not make new borrowings, but we extinguish old ones <...> The amount of the state debt was 52 billion, now 49.1 billion is left. In five years, we need to increase our own revenues by 30-35 billion, we expect to reduce the national debt to 28-30 billion - this is comfortable for us, - said Furgal in February 2019. " (
  In a bringing the problem of the state debt of the Khabarovsk Krai by Sergei Furgal to public attention, we see elements of both a statesmanship [a level of a state man] and a kind of despair ...
  We begin a long quote for several paragraphs from 'By May 1, 2019, the state debt of the Khabarovsk Krai increased to 52 billion 749 million rubles. However, a month later, it dropped to 52 billion 089 million rubles. The authorities of the Khabarovsk Krai and the media equally reported: 'The volume of the state debt of the Khabarovsk Krai has decreased by 660 million rubles. Thanks to this, the region ceased to be the worst in this indicator in the Far Eastern Federal District. It should be noted that the reduction of the national debt is one of the foundations of the policy of the Governor Sergei Furgal. "
  At the same time, as we can see, the regional national debt has objectively grown in comparison with Shport's times by almost 2.5 billion rubles. But who of the journalists and experts is interested in understanding the details, analyzing economic information in dynamics ?!
  Move on. As of January 1 of this year, the volume of the state debt of the Khabarovsk Krai is already 54 billion 926 million rubles, and by July 1 it has grown to 57 billion 926 million! Therefore, Mikhail Degtyarev was mistaken by almost 2 billion rubles, telling Vladimir Solovyov that now the state debt of the region is 56 billion rubles, for six months of 2020 it increased not by 6 billion, as Degtyarev said, but by 3 billion rubles.
  In general, under the 'people's governor' Furgal, 'one of the foundations' of whom was the reduction of the state debt of the region, this very public debt increased by 8 billion 291 million rubles!
  In general, memorize these numbers: on October 1, 2018, the state debt of the Khabarovsk Krai was 49 billion 635 million rubles; July 1, 2020 - 57 billion 926 million rubles. Here is a "reduction". " (
  'According to and. about. Minister of Finance of the Krai Valentin Kostyushin, since the beginning of the year regional budget revenues amounted to 63.5 billion rubles, which is 7.4% higher compared to the same period last year. Despite the fact that during this period there was an increase in expenses, the regional government fulfilled all social obligations. " (
  'The budget of the Khabarovsk Krai for 2020 was adopted with a revenues of 108.2 billion rubles, expenditures - 115.4 billion rubles and a deficit of 7.2 billion rubles. According to the Ministry of Finance of the Khabarovsk Krai, as of June 1, the state debt of the region exceeds 57.9 billion rubles. At the beginning of the year, it amounted to more than 51.9 billion rubles '(
  Before meeting with Alexander Novak, Mikhail Degtyarev gave the above interview, where the topic of debts was discussed.
  Having enjoyed intellectual communication, Novak and Degtyarev made a logical break in the conversation and drank aromatic tea.
  After drinking tea and thanking, Alexander Novak said (this is our guess) that Rosneft and Exxon, partners in the Sakhalin-1 project, are planning to build their own gas pipeline to a future LNG plant on the mainland in the De-Kastri region of the Ulchsky district of the Khabarovsk the edges." ( The site for the plant is already being prepared. (
  Having told all this information, Alexander Novak carefully looked at Mikhail Degtyarev, made a good pause, got on the plane and flew away.
  Naturally, for obvious reasons, Alexander Novak did not talk to Sergei Furgal on these topics.
  A difficult topic, not clear to many Khabarovsk residents. Only, the wallets are empty.
  July 31, 2020 12:08
  Translation from Russian into English: August 1, 2020 17:26. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Фургал и Дегтярев. О чем Новак беседовал с Дегтяревым в ночь на 25 июля 2020 года, и что он не обсуждал с Фургалом? Очерк реконструкции исторического события'.
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