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The history textbook and the generator of fluctuations

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    MMMDCXXIX. The history textbook and the generator of fluctuations. A fantastic story. - March 10, 2025.

  The history textbook and the generator of fluctuations. A fantastic story.
  Nikola Tesla fed the birds in the city park. On foot, he returns to the hotel where he permanently resides.
  He recently bought a history textbook. It turns out that Broz Tito provided assistance to the armed groups that were fighting against the French troops in Algeria. Algeria was a French territory at that time.
  Nikola Tesla sighs sadly: What would his, Tesla's, ancestor, who served in Napoleon's army and was awarded the Legion of Honor, to say?
  As a result (of the armed confrontation), about one million French citizens were evacuated from Algeria.
  On his way to the hotel, Tesla sees an advertisement: a famous woman-singer with a unique voice is performing in a widely-known concert hall.
  Nikola Tesla decides to listen to the woman-singer. He goes to the concert hall, buys a ticket, enters the building, goes to his chair in the concert hall.
  Tesla has a few free minutes before the start of the famous singer's performance. Tesla takes a history textbook out of his pocket and flips through the pages. After Broz Tito, new people came to power... And ... now ... here ... the Slatina airport has been handed over - in good and usable condition...
  The concert begins.
  The woman-singer's voice is really unique. A strange sound! Tesla turns his head. A man in pince-nez is sitting next to him. The glass of the pince-nez burst. Apparently, this is a resonance effect.
  Tesla is interested. He, a graduate of a powerful technical higher educational institution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, is familiar with the patterns of resonance, and he, Tesla, is very interested in this phenomenon.
  The woman-singer has a great voice. But Tesla's thoughts turned to a resonance effect.
  During the intermission, Tesla leaves the building where the concert is taking place and heads to the hotel where he lives.
  Maybe take a taxi for a few blocks?
  Tesla stops a taxi and gets in the car. The history textbook (in his pocket) reminds Tesla of it's existence.
  Tesla takes out (the pocket) the textbook for a few minutes. His gaze stops at the lines about the parade. His compatriots in military uniforms marched at the parade. People (in military uniforms) from Burma marched in the same parade. Tesla is trying to understand the subtext... The 1740s? Thanlyin? The 1893 crisis? A subtle (thin) subtext!...
  Tesla gets out of the taxi. He enters the hotel building and goes up to his room.
  In his imagination, a scheme appears. He had invented original, newest the interaction scheme of generators of fluctuations (of several devices simultaneously operating and mutually reinforcing each other) .
  A few minutes... and the generators are arranged according to the invented scheme. Tesla turns them on and starts the experiment.
  A few more minutes pass. The guests are running out of the hotel in a panic.
  The resonance effect has been achieved. Great! Tesla slaps (upon) his jacket. The history textbook (in his pocket) reminds him of itself. It's necessary to move the experiments outside the city borders! There, in nature, in the fresh air, Tesla will continue reading the history textbook.
  March 10, 2025, 09:16 (09:16 a.m.)
  Translation from Russian into English: March 10, 2025 20:23
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Учебник истории и генератор колебаний. Фантастический рассказ. '.
  { 3658. Учебник истории и генератор колебаний. Фантастический рассказ. - 10 марта 2025 г.
  MMMDCXXIX. The history textbook and the generator of fluctuations. A fantastic story. - March 10, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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