Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

It is better to be the boss and to be in friendly relations with the theater environment. Story

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    It is better to be the boss and to be in friendly relations with the theater environment. Story

  It is better to be the boss and to be in friendly relations with the theater environment. Story
  Sergei Sergeyevich read the essay "A Classical school of Dramaturgy, a theater criticism and a creative market"; he is walking down the street and thinks:
  "It's good to be a boss. There is a budget financing in favor the theater environment. "
  He just came to a public transport stop. There is a trolley bus at the stop.
  Sergei Sergeyevich enters a trolley bus.
  In a trolleybus next to him is a man. A man is talking to someone on the phone.
  You wish or not wish, but you hear what the person standing next to speaks about.
  "- What am I doing now? I am a blogger. I speak out, I write on interesting topics ... "
  "- How is my personal life? ...
  - What to say?
  Somehow I met a young woman. She seems pretty. He works in a semi-budget institution. We went to some event. Then I invited her to my house - we ate ice cream. It seems she liked it. She is divorced, two children ... Salary - minimum ... Again we went somewhere... I escorted her home, till the door .. Evening. I look - seems - a surveillance, a shadowing ... Pretty strange ... Evening time, darkly. It is difficult to draw definite conclusions ... Then ... Then, it was no possibility to connect with her, to upphone to her ... Finally, she picked up the phone: "A car was sent for me ... I'm waiting now...".
  A strange story. Earlier she sat month after month in her budget institution and was engaged in children. After our acquaintance she became especially popular - does not answer calls. ""A car was sent for me ... I'm waiting now..."! ".
  Sergei Sergeyevich let to pass the passenger heading towards the exit of the trolleybus. And he continued the involuntary listening to the story from the neighbor in trolleybus.
  "I am visiting a store. In one place on the street, trees are densely planted. Kind of a minipark. Some young woman is walking regularly. We found a reason, talked. Meeting after meeting. We began to smile at each other. After another meeting, she comes home, and her neighbor (apparently a former actress) with theatrical horror says: "Do not be friends with him! Do not be friends!" The people are now intimidated. "What, if she (this her neighbor) knows something? ... Better to be careful ..." The young woman stopped appearing in the minipark. Where did she now? "
  The trolley bus picked up speed and during the last seconds of the green light crossed the intersection.
  The story continued.
  "Recently I see in a big store - the saleswoman smiles. Well, I smiled back ... Once, after smiles, we agreed to meet in the evening. In the evening I called her to turn the preliminary arrangement into a specific meeting. She is scared. Lives in a large apartment building. Today, when she was returning home to her apartment, she found a company of five male citizens near her front door. They did nothing wrong with her. But she never met such companies not only at the door of the apartment, but even in the entrance or near the entrance. Even in the yard. She is scared. Our meeting did not take place. Acquaintance did not go, somehow ... "
  Sergei Sergeyevich saw that the necessary stop was approaching. What else could the passenger-neighbor to tell? Sergey Sergeyevich got out of the trolleybus and thinks:
  "It"s better to be not a blogger writing on topical issues, but a boss who demonstrates loyalty. Theatrical environment - she is on a budget financing ... Thus, somehow easier with a personal life ...". "It"s necessary apply for the competition for a career advancement ... And to ride not in a trolleybus, but in a social elevator ..."
  October 20, 2019 11:16
  Translation from Russian into English: October 20, 2019 21:02.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Лучше быть начальником и дружить с театральной средой. Рассказ".
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