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Kremidovka. An essay on geographical and historical associations

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    Kremidovka. An essay on geographical and historical associations.

  Kremidovka. An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  Kremidovka (Krimidovka) [Кремидiвка] [Кремидовка]. Today it is the most unusual geographical name.
  What word did it come from? From "крем" "cream" ? From "кремень" "flint"?
  There is something in this word, in this name, that is Greek...
  I can't find a place with that name on the map.
  The Dictionary by Vladimir Dal tries to help with the word "criminal". It is unlikely that this word can help in this case. Dahl's dictionary also offers "крем" "cream", "кремальер" "kremalier", "кремль" "kremlin" ...
  The Toponymic Dictionary by E.M. Pospelov, it seems, offers nothing.
  The Dictionary by Max Vasmer: "крем" "cream", "кремень" "flint"", "кремль" "kremlin" ...
  Approximately the same variants - in the Etymological Dictionary by A. Preobrazhensky. But with an interesting addition: "не может быть и речи" there can be no question of borrowing the words "крутизна" "steepness", "крутой берег реки" "steep bank of the river" - from the Greek language.
  There is an interesting word in the Ancient Turkic Dictionary. It starts with three letters, three consonants: KRM..., and means "прощение" "forgiveness".
  The Dictionary by P.Ya. Chernykh: "крем" "cream", "кремация" "cremation".
  The most abundant in [regarding] the proposed options is the Dictionary of the ancient Slavic language, compiled by A.V. Starchevsky.
  Judging by the spelling and the "translation" of ancient words, the vowel that followed the КР seemed to be swallowed. Instead of a swallowed vowel, a sign was put in which a modern person is ready to recognize a solid sign from the modern Russian language.
  Here we find both "кормление" "feeding" (food), and "управление" "management", and those who feed ("кормилец" "breadwinner", "дядька" "uncle", "кормилица" "nurse" ...), and those who are fed ("воспитанница" "pupil" ...).
  The word "руль, кормило" "rudder, helm" adjoins the terms related to management.
  A beautiful, but unrealistic option - the settlement got its name from the profile works - rudders for ships and boats were made in it.
  Here - in "this" series - you can add Kanatnoye, and those geographical names that (may be) associated with the construction and equipment of ships.
  We have to admit that the existence of a settlement where once there was a specialized production of rudders - is not realistic.
  And here is the word that catches my attention: it begins with four letters that look something like this: КРЪМ ... This word means "кормчая книга, заключающая в себе греческое каноническое право" "a helmsman book that contains Greek canon law."
  The origin of Krimidovka (Kremidovka) from a book describing Greek canon law seems to me very likely.
  A special (perhaps in Greek?) (manuscript?) book among mostly illiterate people, in an environment where even the Bible was a rarity, attracted everyone's attention (and respect) as a kind of special circumstance that distinguishes the settlement from among other settlements.
  The local population could consider such a book as a memory (as a memorable thing), directing attention to Greece or to the place of birth of ancestors, to the "past" homeland.
  After considering various options, I give priority to the variant of the origin of the geographical name Kremidovka (Krimidovka) [Кремидiвка] from a book describing Greek canon law.
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  May 26, 2022 14:18
  Translation from Russian into English: May 26, 2022 15:21.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Кремидовка. Очерк географических и исторических ассоциаций".
  { 3017. Кремидовка. Очерк географических и исторических ассоциаций.
  MMCMLXXXVIII. Kremidovka. An essay on geographical and historical associations. }
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