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Modern people of the future. A joking diary note

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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    MMMDXCIX. Modern people of the future. A joking diary note. - January 9, 2025.

  Modern people of the future. A joking diary note.
  In the morning I came out my home to go according my plans. I had a bag with a garbage in my hand.
  I walked over to the dumpster containers.
  Two people were swarming around these containers.
  One of them did not attract any attention: he was wearing a jacket and trousers. It was obvious that his clothes had not been washed for a long time.
  The second man standing by the dumpsters was dressed unusually: apparently, he got either discarded items from some theater, or he got clothes after some New Year's carnival. This man was wearing a cocked hat, an antique caftan, and he was leaning on a dummy of a huge antique musket.
  In addition, he had a (fake -?) wooden leg and a black bandage across his face.
  Throwing away a bag of trash is a one second. But I was interested in the conversation between these two characters, and I pretended to choose an empty trash container.
  A man in an unwashed jacket asked the one-legged pirate, "Did you find anything?"
  The pirate replied: "I have developed a plan: in 2032, I will launch a personal robot to search for garbage, and in 2054, I will search in garbage containers using artificial intelligence!"
  The man in the unwashed jacket looked respectfully at the one-legged pirate and continued his search in the trash container.
  From the container, his hand pulled out a black spring-autumn jacket with stylish shoulder straps. He began to pull this jacket over his clothes.
  I was looking at him. He turned his gaze to me: "What, did you order your jacket online? Are you going to Greenland?" (While shopping I was choosing a jacket for myself "for hiking" with some special properties - actually for walkings around the city; somehow my jacket "for hiking" caught his attention).
  I replied that I don't use a smartphone. So, I shop in stores.
  "You're quite ancient!" the man said to me.
  I was amazed at his insight. I pay compliments to pretty girls from time to time: "I haven't met such a beautiful girl in a thousand years!" (They smile in response).
  At this time, a flying bird dropped on the astute man some kind of clot resembling a lump of black mazut (fuel oil). A black stain began to spread on his clothes.
  I decided that I needed to move on. I threw the garbage bag into the nearest container and walked to the bus stop.
  The people who interested me continued their searches in the trash containers.
  January 9, 2025, 23:52
  Translation from Russian into English: January 10 2025 00:50
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Современные люди будущего. Шуточная дневниковая заметка. ".
  { 3628. Современные люди будущего. Шуточная дневниковая заметка. - 9 января 2025 г.
  MMMDXCIX. Modern people of the future. A joking diary note. - January 9, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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