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Yuri Trifonov writes a story about the right of ownership of a house, lost during the revolution and the civil war (in the city of Novocherkassk). A humorous literary essay

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    Yuri Trifonov writes a story about the right of ownership of a house, lost during the revolution and the civil war (in the city of Novocherkassk). A humorous literary essay.

  Yuri Trifonov writes a story about the right of ownership of a house, lost during the revolution and the civil war (in the city of Novocherkassk). A humorous literary essay.
  Yuri Trifonov collected a huge array of materials when writing the documentary story "The Campfire Glow".
  "The Campfire Glow" is a documentary literary work. May be to write a work of fiction - based on fantasy?
  The Bolsheviks took away the house from Matilda Kshesinskaya even before October 1917 - after the February Revolution, they occupied her palace. Matilda (a person of European outlook, she believed in the law) received a court decision, came with a court decision to the Bolsheviks. But Vladimir Ilyich is a law school graduate, and the husband of Lenin's sister had extensive experience in the insurance company. They found a clue, a hook. They quoted the Code of Laws ... After October 1917, Matilda went abroad - and the situation settled by itself.
  The plot is interesting, but how to use the material collected for the 'The Campfire Glow'?
  The family roots of Yuri Valentinovich Trifonov are in Novocherkassk.
  Yuri Valentinovich creates in his creative imagination the image of a homeowner living in Novocherkassk.
  In this city, after the revolution (during the civil war), revolutionary committees and committees of the poor were created.
  Serious people come to the homeowner and hand him the paper. It begins with the words "In the name of the Russial Soviet ...".
  The homeowner realizes that he has forfeited the right of ownership of own house...
  What to do?
  To demand the house back?
  The homeowner remembers the story of the Kshesinskaya mansion ...
  Maybe get a some compensation?
  The homeowner writes applications to the Ministry of Finance (People's Commissariat) and to Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin.
  One of the high-ranking employees of the Minister of Finance Skvortsov (Stepanova), forwards the homeowner's appeal from the Ministry of Finance to the Novocherkassk city department for real estate accounting. Local office staff explaining to the homeowner his right to re-apply for the right of ownership of his house...
  There is a contract of sale, it is registered by the city authorities. The second copy of the contract is stored in the city archive. To submit again? - to re-apply? Something wrong...
  Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin responds to the citizen's appeal with a recommendation.
  Kalinin recommends to a citizen from Novocherkassk to apply to the Revolutionary Tribunal for a decision on payment of compensation.
  Again, the citizen has doubts. In the revolutionary tribunal, the most common option is an execution (through a shooting) ... The revolutionary tribunal is not suitable.
  The homeowner writes to Sverdlov. Sverdlov is busy (apparently). Doesn't answer.
  Necessary to wait. Kshesinskaya managed to leave, but most of the tsar family did not. You can't rush Sverdlov...
  And as for Lenin - before receiving a response from Sverdlov - it's too early to write to him ...
   Yuri Valentinovich repeatedly discusses the story at a meeting of the historical section of the Union of Soviet Literary Persons, consults with the Society of Political Prisoners, takes advices of Tvardovsky ('I agree to receive a medal!' - Vasily Terkin).
  Recently Solzhenitsyn ran through the stairs. He looked at Yuri Trifonov: "This is what he is, our Yura.... ...". A researcher in the field of mathematics ... Acquires a real estate in the USA ... Kshesinskaya wasn't able to guess ...
  It's nessecary to consult with Alexander Fadeev - how to complete the story ... He knows how to write about heroic people ...
  November 3, 2022 13:06
  Translation from Russian into English: November 3, 2022 14:58.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Юрий Трифонов пишет рассказ об утраченном во время революции и гражданской войны праве собственности на дом (в городе Новочеркасске). Юмористическое литературное эссе'.
  { 3235. Юрий Трифонов пишет рассказ об утраченном во время революции и гражданской войны праве собственности на дом (в городе Новочеркасске). Юмористическое литературное эссе.
  MMMCCVI. Yuri Trifonov writes a story about the right of ownership of a house, lost during the revolution and the civil war (in the city of Novocherkassk). A humorous literary essay.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
  https : // bonzon . ru / items / dvuhtomnik _ yuriya _ trifonova _ s _ povestyu _ otblesk _ kostra _ 832053
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