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On the question of the origin of Xenia Vincentini, the first wife of Sergei Korolev. Biographical version with an application - with a biographical fairy tale

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    On the question of the origin of Xenia Vincentini, the first wife of Sergei Korolev. Biographical version with an application - with a biographical fairy tale.

  On the question of the origin of Xenia Vincentini, the first wife of Sergei Korolev. Biographical version with an application - with a biographical fairy tale.
  All biographers of Sergei Korolev are extremely laconic on the issue of the origin of Xenia Vincentini, the first wife of Sergei Korolev.
  Moreover, in some cases, there is a shade, element, piece of denial - the idea is slightly promoted that the Vincentini are not Italian by origin.
  This is quite natural, if we take into account the origin of Sergei Korolev.
  If you pay good money to some modern Russial cultural observer, he can make a transparent hint to the origin of Sergei Korolev from the Polish nobleman Simon Fursan Podchashy-Parnavsky. And behind this hint, the "Polish occupiers" quietly float out.
  So after all, Italian troops also visited the territory of Russia, for example, during the wars of 1853-1856 and of 1941-1945.
  It already turns out "occupiers" in double volume.
  In the book by Natalia Koroleva 'Sergei Korolev. Father' there are lines that Sergei Korolev said that his wife Xenia Vincentini looks like a marchioness (marquise).
  This mention made me not to be hurry to reject the Italian origin of Vincentini. Neither Russia, nor Poland, nor the Grand Duchy of Lithuania had the title "marquess" ("marchioness" "marquise").
  What else could I do - in the conditions of the almost complete absence of biographical information about Vincentini?
  I decided to put forward a biographical hypothesis. But a hypothesis requires an information base.
  Step one. I am translating the surname Vincentini from Russian into Italian.
  Step two. I search in the Italian Wikipedia for the surname "Vincentini".
  Step three. I see three surnames.
  Giuseppe Vincentini - arcivescovo cattolico, funzionario e diplomatico italiano (Catholic archbishop, Italian official and diplomat)
  Isabella Vincentini - poetessa, critica letteraria e saggista italiana (Italian poet, literary critic and publicist)
  Marcantonio Vincentini - vescovo cattolico e diplomatico italiano (Catholic bishop and Italian diplomat)
  All three Vincentini found on the Italian Wikipedia were born in different centuries.
  But all three Vincentini come from the Italian city of Rieti.
  In addition, in Italian texts one can find the stable phrase 'noble families of Rieti' (famiglie nobili reatine).
  So, with almost one hundred percent probability, we can assume that the ancestors of Xenia Vincentini were Italians, that they came from the Italian city of Rieti, from the noble families of Rieti.
  With less certainty, based on the biographies of the three Vincentini, on the information about the city of Rieti, it can be argued that the envoy of the Holy See Vincentini was sent to Poland, to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on a mission.
  In Poland, in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, his descendants remained to live - with his surname. After the division of the Commonwealth (1795) representatives of Vincentini family became subjects of the Russian Empire.
  At this point, I will complete the presentation of biographical hypotheses and will pass on to the fairy tale-app.
  Fairy tale-application.
  A dream of Sergei Korolev (a biographical fairy tale).
  The boy Seryozha Korolev liked Xenia Vincentini very much.
  Seryozha was fascinated by by Ksana. But he was keen, even more, by the idea of man's flight in the atmosphere and higher.
  The Vincentini family was not like anyone - from those whom the boy Serezha knew.
  He returned from the Vincentini family house. Sergei was filled with delightful emotions and with love to Ksana.
  "I'm going to marry Xenia Vincentini!" - Serezha said. It was a firm decision.
  That evening Seryozha fell asleep early and had a dream.
  Leonardo da Vinci appeared next to him and looked intently at Seryozha.
  Then, Leonardo da Vinci put a scroll on the table and disappeared.
  Seryozha opened the scroll and saw several drawings and pictures.
  After this moment the other events from the dream were not remained in Sergei's memory.
  The next day, after swimming on a wild beach in the Black Sea with Ksana, Serezha came home.
  Stepfather - Grigory Mikhailovich Balanin - handed Seryozha a new book in German.
  Seryozha began leafing through this book, and suddenly saw a drawing that he had never seen, but which he had recently seen.
  He remembered a dream, and he remembered Leonardo da Vinci.
  'He will help me, and I will become such outstanding as Nicolaus Copernicus and as Leonardo da Vinci,' Serezha realized.
  - Thanks, - Seryozha said.
  September 8, 2021 13:30
  Translation from Russian into English: September 8, 2021 15:17.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'К вопросу о происхождении Ксении Винцентини, первой супруги Сергея Королева. Биографическая версия с приложением - с биографической сказкой'.
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