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Pavel Krisevich and a knowledge of social languages. A sociological note

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    Pavel Krisevich and a knowledge of social languages. A sociological note.

  Pavel Krisevich and a knowledge of social languages. A sociological note.
  In one of the previous miniatures, we mentioned Pavel Krisevich.
  Why did he get our attention?
  He is (as journalists write) the "triumphant" of the TV show "Clever and Positive Pupils" [телешоу "Умники и умницы"]. He - the one who grabbed the bird of happiness by the tail - became a student of the famous MGIMO.
  Pavel Krisevich somehow succinctly describes his studies at MGIMO and the completion of this stage of his biography.
  Option one.
  "- So you was an excellent student?
  - In 2018, I became the winner of the Television Olympiad "Clever and Positive Pupils" ["Умники и умницы"]. I won the final, the rector of MGIMO signed an order on my admission to the institute right in the studio.
  - Why don't you study there?
  - I am more interested in history and philosophy, and at MGIMO there was only a foreign direction. Plus I had to start learning Danish language, which I don't need. I quickly realized that it wasn"t mine, and refused [of study in MGIMO]. I went to the army. I returned, entered the RUDN University at the Faculty of Economics, chose the direction of "foreign regional studies."
  Option two.
  "Several years ago you participated in the well-known program "Clever and Positive Pupils" ["Умники и умницы"], which aired on Channel One. How did you get there?
  - Accidentally. There was a selection of schoolchildren in St. Petersburg, I won the regional stage. I was told that I would go to Moscow to star in the program. I came and won. It's done! (He laughs.) And so I entered at MGIMO. For a year I studied there. [After a year of study] I took the documents back.
  - "Clever and Positive Pupils" ["Умники и умницы"] was a mostly historical Olympiad, and at MGIMO all directions are international. And my knowledge of languages is zero. I didn"t think at all that I had the prerequisites for such a movement. I sat and thought what I wanted. I took the documents back, I went to the army. "
  What do I like about Pavel Krisevich's tonality? It's his self-criticism.
  He may seem like a rebel in some matters. But when it comes to completing his studies at MGIMO, then Pavel Krissevich demonstrates, it seems to us, a humility and a adequate self-esteem.
  Whom can he blame for being unsuccessful in learning Danish language?
  We will digress from the Danish language for a second and will look at some of Pavel Krisevich's photographs.
  A decent jacket and a neat shirt, checkered trousers, red socks. Language of images of fashionable person? The face of an intellectual.
  But for some reason, the Danish language attracts, brings back attention to himself.
  General reflections begin firstly.
  For example: a former student comes to study after winning a competition. He, of course, does not know a foreign language. A foreign language can be learned either by the Schliemann method - through tremendous perseverance and colossal self-discipline. And even then, to be honest, we doubt the result.
  The young (clerk, employee) Heinrich Schliemann, seems, to have proven his knowledge of the Russian language by writing a business letter to the Russian merchant Ponomarev.
  If Krisevich were given the task of writing a business letter to a native Danish speaker, and Kisevich would had possibility to think a one day or two, then I think he would show knowledge of the Danish language.
  In fact, learning a language means practically communicating with native speakers.
  And, nevertheless, if we are talking about English, then almost certainly many students did attempts to learn this language at school, and (besides a school) there are also T-shirts with inscriptions in English, The Beatles songs, etc.
  In general, it is quite logical for a recent student and winner of the competition to be given the opportunity to learn English. May be he will find a native English speaker in huge Moscow, a person with a desire to master the Russian language? And things will move forward - they will learn languages together. One (Krisevich) will be successful to master English and the other (his study partner) will be successful to master Russian?
  But thought moves from general reasoning to materials from dictionaries and encyclopedias.
  We look at this phrase "Danish language - is divided into many dialects, grouped into 3 main dialects: Western (Jutland) - in Jutland and Schleswig with the nearest islands; insular (Zealand) - in Zealand and on most of the islands; eastern (Skon) - on the island of Bornholm, and earlier in the present Swedish provinces - Skåne, Halland and Blekinge. ", and for some reason the suspicion arises that learning Danish is an almost impossible task. "Many dialects" can be mastered for decades. And all the same, there will be remained the unlearned material.
  And to this is added information from the encyclopedia about the Danish language. You read and become convinced of the enormity of the task of learning Danish. Particularly inspiring is the information that Danish is spoken by an estimated 5 million people. You need to "put" half your life (or more) on mastering the Danish language, and after such achievement where to speak it? At the Russian embassy in Denmark? Something there are doubts about the fact that Pavel Krisevich would have the prospects after MGIMO to be in Denmark. For example, Mali is a good country. There is also Western Sahara.
  In general, it is possible to adhere to oppositional sentiments and wear red socks, but without knowing Danish, it is useful to reflect on the lexical units of the social language. Somehow inappropriate here is the mentioning of the story of Robert Louis Stevenson "Treasure Island", but for some reason he persistently climbs into the memory. In this story, various social languages are indirectly mentioned ...
  Still, it's nice to watch young geniuses on TV ...
  [MMСCLXXXVIII. Daring thoughts turned into educational and scientific achievements. A story. - July 28, 2021.
  MMСCLXXXIX. Schwartz's grants for the study of the laws of scientific mechanics. Scientific corporations, mega-grants, new scientific centers. The note. - July 29, 2021.].
  July 30, 2021 23:02
  Translation from Russian into English: July 31, 2021 06:57.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Павел Крисевич и знание социальных языков. Социологическая заметка".
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