Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya and the auto extreme

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and the auto extreme

  Senya and the auto extreme. The story.
  Senya 's car gradually fell into disrepair. Semi-literate, but cunning, auto mechanics examined Senya 's car, took huge amounts of money from Senya, and made compliments that resembled toast at a large welcoming table:
  "Maharajas drive such cars!"
  Senya was on top of bliss from such opinions.
  The car, at last, came into a state of a complete malfunction.
  When Senya was driving home, one wheel fell off, then the second.
  Senya thought with sadness that he would appear in the yard with the car, from which the wheels had fallen off.
  Do Maharajas have a cars with a falling off wheels?
  However, Senya managed to notice that the wheels fell off the left side. And on the right side the wheels exist, for now, they 're spinning.
  Senya remembered how the auto stuntmen are racing on two wheels.
  On the wave of emotions and intuition Senya did something, and his car became on two wheels.
  Into the yard of the house Senya entered on two wheels and made several circles around the yard, pressing the car signal.
  Kids ran out. Neighbors approached.
  Senya parked to a some sawn tree and looked at the public victoriously.
  The kids were thrilled. They clapped their hands and looked with pleasure.
  The neighbors looked at Senya with surprise and with a some respect.
  No one paid attention to the fallen off wheels. Not "Maharaja," but, also, is a pleasent attitude.
  Senya with a happy view patted by palm on the body of the car and with a light superiority repeated:
  - Auto extreme!...
  Before, in prehistoric times, Senya imitated others. Now others will emulate to Senya...
  January 15, 2020 22:59
  Translation from Russian into English: January 15, 2020 23:34.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и автоэкстрим'.
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