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Thanks to the Lyuber for the review (for a fascinating review from a lucky person on some of my miniatures). The response to the review

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    MMMDCXXX. Thanks to the Lyuber for the review (for a fascinating review from a lucky person on some of my miniatures). The response to the review. - March 11, 2025.

  Thanks to the Lyuber for the review (for a fascinating review from a lucky person on some of my miniatures). The response to the review.
  I found out that the current head of Rosvolontyozh gave an interview. And at that moment, I remembered the noticeable media noise in connection with the interview of the ex-head of Rosvolontyozh (the name of the federal government agency was slightly changed due to caution).
  I was not interested in this famous interview. What don't I know? - After I, a citizen of the Russian Federation, was deprived of the constitutional right of ownership of a real estate object, and the huge state apparatus did not take any legally significant actions to protect my constitutional interests?
  (MMCMXII. Application to the Government of the Russian Federation sent by e-mail. A diary note. - On April 27, 2022.
  MMMDXXXIII. A new application has been sent to the Government of the Russian Federation by e-mail. A diary note. - On August 24, 2024.)
  The honorable right to correct the results of actions committed by the Russian Federation (officials acting on behalf of the Russian Federation) - the results of actions to deprive me of ownership of a real estate object - such honorable right is offered to an ordinary citizen, that is, to me. I need to become somebody like Prometheus (Sisyphus - ?) in order to execute this task.
  In front of me are the words "head of the [name of the state federal agency], interview."
  This makes the situation much easier. The information is almost on a silver saucer (platter) with a blue border.
  A few movements of the computer mouse, search, refinement of the search and ... in front of me are several Internet materials outlining the contents of that famous interview that made so much noise.
  Who is the author of this interview? (I call "the author of the interview" not the interviewer , but the one (the person) who gave the interview - the one (the person) who provided interesting information about himself).
  He has become a very big actor (official) at the federal level (his level is additionally confirmed by numerous photographs where he is present with very, very significant people).
  And who was he before he ascended to the higher realms?
  There is an interesting information effect here.
  Those wise men who have an access to the most powerful media, who know how the whole world will develop, what the future of Russia is, what are the essence and strength of Russia, - those wise men turn out to be very little informed.
  For example, the author of the interview explains why some people are successful and other people are not successful. As example, he cites a situation, he cites a situation: a 16-year-old boy finds himself in one (same) bed with his beautiful sister (then a philosophy is following). The idea about the sister or is a fiction, or a fact that really took place.
  So does the author of the interview have a sister or he has no sister?
  No one can answer for sure. It turns out that this is a mystery? A secret?
  Nevertheless, one of the materials - uncertainly - outlines his biography.
  He was allegedly born into the family of an aircraft designer, the head of a design bureau. His mother worked at the same design bureau as a translator.
  If these data is the truth, then his (the author of the interview) information about himself and about his views and about his life path is an excellent confirmation of my miniatures, where I outlined my ideas about the situation in the field of science (namely, real scientists are almost (with) 100 percent probability are getting a hole from a bagel. Those who receive a bagel are few inclined to (little interested in) science).
  So, he was born. What's next? (As I understood from the materials of the media wise men (pundits)).
  He is a simple luber (luber - a guy from Lyubertsy [a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia]). He goes to the kachalka (a gym with a certain touch of criminality), he communicates with criminals and other subjects, he is fond of beautiful women.
  Next is the army service (communications troops).
  After the army, he started doing business. While doing business, he receives (in absentia) a diploma of higher education.
  At some point, he attracted the attention of the higher realms and managed to become useful.
  Career take-off. He is in the higher spheres.
  They (some persons) carry for him money in bags ("bags" are specifically mentioned). He uses this money (huge sums) to buy gold and real estate objects (apparently abroad).
  At the collective (common) meetings of a serious state body, where he is ex officio, he is bored: he thinks about women and money.
  Then he gets fired. He ends up abroad. After ten years out of state service (in retirement), he gives his famous interview.
  His activities in higher spheres confirm what I was already aware: after the story of the Russian Federation depriving me of ownership of a real estate object and after subsequent events.
  So, I received a (entertaining, fascinating, and unusual) review of my miniatures: of my miniatures devoted to (1) the situation in the field of science, (2) the effectiveness of protecting the constitutional rights of citizens, and (3) the Politburo.
  Thanks to the Lyuber for the review.
  What else did I find very interesting?
  A man without abilities, without talents, without a positive family upbringing, without a real education did not sink to the bottom, did not turn into a villain.
  With the help of his luckiness (due to the coincidence of events?) he gets a position (a chair) where he can become incredibly rich (and to get a lot of other pleasures in addition).
  I remember Talleyrand: when he, through the mistress of the head of the French Directory, Barras, received the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, he, overcome with joy, repeated: "The position is mine! There's a huge fortune to be made here! A huge fortune! A huge fortune!"
  (Yevgeny Tarle "Talleyrand": "As if he had forgotten about the existence of the audience, he repeated the same phrase all the way, like a madman: "The chair is mine! I need to make a huge fortune on it, a huge fortune, a huge fortune!" ("Nous tenons la place! Il faut y faire une fortune immense, une fortune immense, une fortune immense!")")
  The author of the interview evaluates himself (his own personality) adequately: he names himself a "degenerate."
  But he is not without caution and without a sense of self-preservation.
  In a veiled form, he gives political advices. He understands that "the hat is not for Senka," that is, that he is taking the inappropriate chair, that he should resign from his position on time.
  Indeed, he retired from the higher realms on time and without any problems, retaining all his wealth. He seems to have escaped any sanctions.
  It seems that he did not cause significant harm to any particular person, skillfully used the opportunities that opened up before him, managed to adequately assess himself and outlined the right trajectory for his (future) life.
  A man without abilities, without positive family upbringing, without real education, without substantial start-up capital, but with the ability to adequately assess himself, with a sense of caution and self-preservation, with considerable luck, a lover of women and money, he managed to get a pleasant life without a noticeable damage to his karma.
  I hope, his interview won't cause him any significant harm. Maybe he will even present the material in more detail (but in the same interesting form) and in thirty years (so as not to put himself in danger) he will write a book about himself and his activities.
  This man says that he is actively reading books now, which he has not done before. Well, it's not the worst thing to do.
  I remembered Talleyrand above, and I can also recall Sulla, who more or less voluntarily gave up power and began growing cabbages.
  ("... Sulla moved to his villa, where he hunted, fished, and also wrote 22 books [volumes] of his memoirs ...").
  In terms of sincerity and free style of presentation, this interview occupies an outstanding place; future experts in the field of art will say whether this interview can be put on a par with the personal moralistic diary of Marcus Aurelius, the diaries of Nicholas II, the works (diaries and memoirs) of other high-ranking officials, and whether there are grounds for the thesis of a forming of an independent (separate) literary genre.
  March 11, 2025 01:22
  Translation from Russian into English: March 11, 2025 10:20
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Спасибо люберу за ревью (за рецензию в увлекательной форме от удачливого человека на некоторые мои миниатюры). Ответ на рецензию. ".
  { 3659. Спасибо люберу за ревью (за рецензию в увлекательной форме от удачливого человека на некоторые мои миниатюры). Ответ на рецензию. - 11 марта 2025 г.
  MMMDCXXX. Thanks to the Lyuber for the review (for a fascinating review from a lucky person on some of my miniatures). The response to the review. - March 11, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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