Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Dialogue Belinsky and Gogol about warm sweet rolls

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    The Dialogue Belinsky and Gogol about warm sweet rolls

  The Dialogue Belinsky and Gogol about warm sweet rolls
  Belinsky to Gogol comes and says:
  - What does it happen?
  - I am a reliable writer Yanovsky, - Gogol answers. - I received pension from the Emperor.
  - Well and that that pension, - Belinsky comments. - Especially as you "received". It in past tense. Now you have other situation.
  - For you personally. Under a big secret to you, mister Belinsky, I will explain: while mister Paskevich "solves problems", there is no sense "to fuss" and "worry". You sit quietly. When Ivan Fyodorovich begins to leave a scene, and Nikolay Pavlovich will begin to resolve issues independently then events will go.
  - Yes you that, Nikolai Vasilyevich, don't get acquainted with news? This, according your opinion, not events?
  - I am busy with preparation of "Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends"!
  - I to you in response will quote Krylov:
  'There'll be trouble if the cobbler starts making pies,
  And to stitch boots a pieman,
  And business won't take a turn for the better.
  And it is noticed a hundred times,
  That who likes to undertake craft of others,
  They are always more stubborn and cantankerous:
  They are better will ruin all the business...'
  - Krylov wrote about pies. He didn't mention other products from flour! Pies will be baked by a cobbler. And to stitch boots - a pieman will be. Well, it seems as a pieman ... Will solve problems - Paskevich.
  - Do you, probably, joke?
  - What jokes? Even if Paskevich will grow old, then Nakhimov will appear ... So, maybe, they will also slip through the Crimean war ...
  The indignant Belinsky left the room.
  Because of a back Belinsky has heard Gogol's words: "Then they will find Witte ... And to stitch boots - a pieman will be".
  Belinsky has gone to a bakery to buy warm sweet rolls.
  October 21, 2018 19:53
  Translation from Russian into English: October 21, 2018 20:34.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог Белинского и Гоголя о тёплых булочках'.
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