Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Dialogue between the author and the system administrator of the Internet platform

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    The Dialogue between the author and the system administrator of the Internet platform

  The Dialogue between the author and the system administrator of the Internet platform
  - It's good!
  - I know!
  - I mean: it is good to be an author!
  - I know!
  - For example. There is a lot of publishing houses. And each publishing house tries to find the interesting book for a publication, to print, to get profit.
  - I know!
  - And the book trade network has spread its "points" throughout the "social space", - so that any real lover of a reading or potential lover of a reading easily in his spare minute comes to a book store - or to see, or to buy books.
  - I know!
  - There are certain authors. Neither the enormous network of the publishing houses competing among themselves, nor the public system of book trade interest them in any way. They place the works on the Internet platforms intended for literary publications.
  - I know!
  - Internet platforms want "to eat" too!
  - I know!
  - They are placing an advertising.
  - I know!
  - So and authors exist of a very popular level. Like "those" bloggers.
  - What "those"?
  - Well, those, which are very popular. And they live off the fact that they place advertizing on their Internet pages.
  - Authors are different.
  - For example, there are an influential authors.
  - In what sense - "influential"?
  - You, suppose, fulfill the placement of your literary works on the Internet platform.
  - Why not?
  - Periodically you look: what number of readers, what number of readings.
  - Naturally. Periodically you look.
  - Suddenly you find out that the number of readers has decreased at some point.
  - The number of readers has decreased?
  - Has decreased exactly by ten percent. And has decreased when to "round" figure remained only 3 - three mathematical units (3997) (3997-3634=363; 3634:363=10). Mathematical paradoxes?
  - There is a wish "to eat".
  - Or you are looking at the number of readings of literary works. You have more than one work. They, works, in the form of a ranked table were placed more than a year. On top was work with the most quantity of literary readings. And further - according the principle of sequence - depending of amount of readings.
  - It is quite logical and technologically.
  - At first at you ten percent of readers "have wrung out".
  - Where now the "wring out" process not exists?
  - Then you find, as in the table of quantity of readings of literary works there have occurred changes: that, for example, figure 674 is followed by figure 509, further 516, and then 648 ...
  - It is good to be the author!
  - I know!
  - Internet platforms want "to eat" too!
  - I know!
  - They are placing an advertising.
  - I know!
  - So and authors exist influential.
  - In what sense - "influential"?
  - Rulers of digits! You, suppose, fulfill the placement of your literary works on the Internet platform.
  - Why not?
  - Periodically you look: what number of readers, what number of readings.
  - Naturally. Periodically.
  - Suddenly you find out that the number of readers has decreased at some point.
  - The number of readers has decreased?
  - Has decreased exactly by ten percent. Mathematical paradoxes?
  - There is a wish "to eat". It is quite logical and technologically. Where now the "wring out" process not exists?
  - Yes! It is good to be the author! Like "the very bloggers" who are very popular. And they live off the fact that they place advertizing on their Internet pages.
  - It's good!..
  August 3, 2018 02:34
  Translation from Russian into English: August 3, 2018 19:24. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Диалог автора и системного администратора интернет-платформы".
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