Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

The Fairy Tale of the Flying Dutchman in the Maxim Gorky's cafe-library

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    The Fairy Tale of the Flying Dutchman in the Maxim Gorky's cafe-library

  The Fairy Tale of the Flying Dutchman in the Maxim Gorky's cafe-library
  Gorky looked attentively at the readers of the library. Their behavior was a bit odd. None of them read books, no one approached Gorky and did not ask for new books to read.
  "Should I be worried?" - Gorky has thought. - "Spring day... a lot of communication, a lot of impressions... Quite a natural desire to discuss the emotions of the day...'
  Gorky took out his cell phone and lifted it toward his ear.
  - Hallo!. Every day?.. Starting a swimming tours?.. In the ocean of the Moscow's streets?. - he has said in a low voice.
  Someone from readers has accidentally heard Gorky's words and has begun to listen.
  Gorky pressed the button and put the phone in his pocket.
  - The new book about swimmings? - someone from readers has become interested.
  - The phone call from the Flying Dutchman has come! - Gorky announced.
  The interested readers surrounded him, waiting for an explanation.
  - He lived in forests and steppes. He did the orientation according the Sun position, by a moss, growing on trees, - explained Gorky. - He liked the life in the forests and steppes . But someway he formed the own belief that he is able to surf the seas and oceans. That some the yacht already is sailing across the ocean, the sailboat, on which he will make sea marches. Remained only to meet at some moment the caravelle at some place of a sea coast, to climb on her. And after that a long voyage will be ahead.
  Once he on the country road has found the newspaper left by someone. In the newspaper a city life was fascinatingly described ... An urban life was described so interesting that our hero went to the city and walked through its streets.
  At some point he has paid attention that people on streets became more and more. Someone from these people talked. Someone was silent. But he couldn't understand what was told by these people. He also couldn't to understand whereto they (and he among them) were moving. He had also no opportunity to change the direction of the movement , - people were moving quite closely.
  Our hero has begun to be nervous. First, he hasn't got used to walk among such large number of the closely moving people. Secondly, his life in steppes and the woods was rather simple. In any case, he before the arrival to the city could always answer to himself whereto and why he goes. Thirdly, because of high houses and lack of trees he had no opportunity to do the orientation according the Sun position, by a moss, growing on trees.
  As a result, a city's legend appeared about the person, which was walking along streets among the people unfamiliar to him.
  Gorky with a smile has looked at listeners.
  - Excuse me, Alexei Maximovich! - one of the readers has expressed opinion. - Somehow inconsistently at you it has turned out! You have begun the story with the fact that some person has been convinced of the own abilities of the seafarer! And instead of going towards the seashore and to begin sea campaigns, he has gone to the city, and walked along the streets among people unfamiliar to him. Somehow not harmoniously it turns out?
  Gorky has thoughtfully looked at readers:
  - That's the point! The yacht couldn't to wait up for the arrival of her seafarer!
  Gorky has made a pause. Readers expected the continuation.
  - And about an impression of an illogicality ... - Gorky has again smiled. - Are we, gentlemen, in the library now?
  - Yes, - the listeners have politely confirmed.
  - How many pages today were read over in our library? How many books you have read up today?
  After the general pause Gorky has jokingly said: "A day will be! And a books will be!.."
  Gorky pulled out a mobile phone from a pocket, has brought it to his ear and has jokingly said in the microphone: "An unnecessary judgments are cancelled!". Then he again put the phone in his pocket.
  - The good song! - someone from readers has responded.
  The life in library came back to the usual course.
  May 13, 2018 12:24
  Translation from Russian into English: May 13, 2018 16:43. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Летучем голландце в кафе-библиотеке М. Горького'.
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