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The right (proper) dervish. A brief decoding of three media products (a general on vacation, a family-loving uncle, an intermediary for the communication between objects of the material and spiritual worlds). A culturological essay on quasi-doubles

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    MMMDXXXVIII. The right (proper) dervish. A brief decoding of three media products (a general on vacation, a family-loving uncle, an intermediary in the communication between objects of the material and spiritual worlds). A culturological essay on quasi-doubles. - September 11, 2024.

  The right (proper) dervish. A brief decoding of three media products (a general on vacation, a family-loving uncle, an intermediary in the communication between objects of the material and spiritual worlds). A culturological essay on quasi-doubles.
  I. In April 1995, (military) general Alexander Lebed began to actively engage in politics. The premiere screening of the film "Peculiarities of the National hunt" ("Особенности национальной охоты") took place on June 15, 1995 at one of the film festivals.
  ("Peculiarities of national hunting" (1995)
  "Peculiarities of national fishing" (1998)
  "Peculiarities of national hunting in winter" (2001)
  "Peculiarities of national policy" (2003) ...).
  But (only) to comparing the images of the general (of the main character of the film) and one of the main characters of the political processes of 1995 (years previous and subsequent) is too simple a thinking algorithm.
  Let's list some of the characters in the film "Peculiarities of national hunting" :
  the (military) General
  Jaeger (huntsman) Kuzmich
  criminal investigation officer
  a Count
  Jaeger (...)
  Especially expressive is the appearance of the jaeger (huntsman) Kuzmich. "He wears a thick beard and mustache, a hat with earflaps or a military type cap with a cockade." (Let's add a military type overcoat of a peculiar style).
  How can we decipher a thick beard, a hat with earflaps, a cockade?
  All this subtly resembles a soldier of the pre-revolutionary border guard.
  This is a kind of "out of this world" character, subject to "scrapping".
  It was impossible to supplement the idle general, who had too noticeable a concentration on strong drinks, with an environment of modern representatives of the civil and military bureaucracy. Someone could feel discomfort and to react incorrectly.
  And when collecting (when summing) indirect symbols, an opinion is formed (imperceptibly) - this whole company is outdated, it's time to find a replacement for such people.
  II. In October 1998, after receiving information from Swiss Prosecutor General (procureur général de la Confédération suisse) Carla Del Ponte about money laundering at Banca del Gottardo, according Skuratov's instructions, a criminal case was opened (started) against officials of the Office of the President of Russia on suspicion of abuse in concluding contracts for the reconstruction of the Moscow Kremlin (this criminal investigation became known as the Mabetex case (дело Mabetex)).
  And on November 7, 1999, the premiere of the film "Voroshilov Sharpshooter" ("Ворошиловский стрелок") took place on one of the TV channels.
  There is one of the characters in this film, the prosecutor.
  But there is another character - this is a respectable sad man who defends (albeit not in a quite legal way) the honor of the young representative of his family - of the girl.
  III. As you know, Russia is located both in Europe and in Asia.
  If somebody is interested in Oriental specifics, then such a person has heard mentions of shamans.
  Some shamans (of Yakut origin) even became very famous personalities. Some characters were involved in a pedestrian walks in 2018 and 2019.
  But let's get away from the Yakut shamans.
  In 2020, Yaroslav Yuryevich Dronov (Ярослав Юрьевич Дронов) took the stage name 'Shaman' (according to one of the electronic encyclopedias).
  On July 22, 2022, a single "I am Russian" ('Я русский') of Russian singer Shaman is released.
  If anyone is interested in Oriental specifics, in shamans - here, for you: Shaman.
  IV. A brief decoding of the three media products will be a step on the way of the development of culturological knowledge.
  September 11, 2024 12:33
  Translation from Russian into English: September 12, 2024 01:44
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Правильный дервиш. Краткое декодирование трех медиа-продуктов (генерал на отдыхе, чадолюбивый дядя, посредник в общении объектов материального и духовного миров). Культурологический очерк о квази-двойниках '.
  { 3567. Правильный дервиш. Краткое декодирование трех медиа-продуктов (генерал на отдыхе, чадолюбивый дядя, посредник в общении объектов материального и духовного миров). Культурологический очерк о квази-двойниках. - 11 сентября 2024 г.
  MMMDXXXVIII. The right (proper) dervish. A brief decoding of three media products (a general on vacation, a family-loving uncle, an intermediary in the communication between objects of the material and spiritual worlds). A culturological essay on quasi-doubles. - September 11, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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