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The Sketch about a digital economy and an electric shutdown

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Sketch about a digital economy and an electric shutdown

  The Sketch about a digital economy and an electric shutdown
  Alex looked at the electric scooter. The scooter was a means of delivering pizza to customers and therefore a means of earning a living.
  There was a number on the scooter. But there was no charge in his batteries.
  The more local lawmakers invented tiresome and inconvenient rules, the less reasonable people wanted to live in this country ... But it did not disturb lawmakers ... They are great people, lords ...
  The electric scooter didn't work.
  Alex looked at the gadget. The communicator was without an electric charge too. In the gadget there were both a business, and private life, and money, and the identity card and a different other things ...
  A lot of things was thought up by local lawmakers. They are rulers, great people.
  Alex looked on adapter, included into the socket. The warning light was off. There was no electricity in the socket.
  Instead of vigorous and reasonable people in the country remained lawmakers and those who were forced to be reconciled with their rough activity. The remains of the intellectual layer, although were put by lawmakers in a heavy situation, but didn't wish to justify the hopes of lawmakers. The role of harnessed horses did not suit them.
  There was a noise from the stairwell. Alex looked out the door. Neighbors were coming out.
  - When will switch on? - Alex asked.
  - Never, - neighbors joked. Then seriously added: - By the remains of batteries heard on radio that electricity in ambassadorial quarter and at the airport was disconnected. Some humanitarian evacuations are theoretically possible. Let's try to wait for something in ambassadorial quarter. We leave a bit more earlier. Subway's down.
  - How so? Alex was amazed. - Where to me to go? Neither passport, nor documents, nor money. Where am I?
  Alex sadly showed his Communicator without any electric charge.
  - Do not worry - reassured Alex neighbors. - Humanitarian aid has accumulated at the borders. Food. Plus generators and solar panels are delivering. But this is not important. Smart people who have previously emigrated are preparing to return to the country. They'll fix everything. Well, if not the digital economy, then - the electricity supply. So, keep calm and hope.
  The neighbors headed for the exit.
  Alex felt thirsty. He turned the faucet. There was no water in the water supply system...
  March 10, 2019 7:18
  Translation from Russian into English: March 10, 2019 07:59.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч о цифровой экономике и об электрическом шатдауне".
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