A lot of interesting things: pyramids, Sphinx, temple complexes...
The program of the visit includes a short walk by a camel and photography.
Nikita Sergeyevich ride on a camel. "Better on a tachanka...".
People approaches. Accompanying persons explain: a very historic man. Remembers still Napoleon. "Forty centuries are looking at you, soldiers!". He personally heard.
This historical man is not just silent. He says nice things: "you ride a camel better than Napoleon's marshals."
Someone from the Russian companions of Nikita Sergeyevich began to worry: "Turn situation into a joke. This man is talking nonsense".
Nikita Sergeyevich is not inclined to listen to advices. But he said jokingly: "Oh troika, winged troika, tell me who invented you?!"
All lovely smiled. And Nikita Sergeyevich went back to Russia.
Reporters are interviewing him. Among themselves, exchange views: "He ride a camel better than Napoleon's marshals!"...
Pleasant country - Egypt... Perhaps, in it even there live people who remember Napoleon's marshals riding camels..
March 8, 2019 10:19
Translation from Russian into English: March 8, 2019 10:44.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о египетском верблюде'.