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The Sock Hub (in a special historical period). A prognosis story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Sock Hub (in a special historical period). A prognosis story.

  The Sock Hub (in a special historical period). A prognosis story.
  At first, a powerful rumble is heard in the sky.
  Then a dozens of passenger and transport aircraft are arriving.
  Everything is well organized.
  Fifteen minutes later, columns of shiny black cars (the most modern and expensive brands) rush to the city of Antropolis, located not far from the Line of Interaction.
  According to the plan agreed upon in the international organization, international observers will pass through city of Andropolis at 10:00 to the local nuclear power plant. (Several tens of millions of euros have already been directed to the organization's funds).
  09-50. Black cars arrive in Andropolis. Special traffic controllers (solemnly dressed), are lined up along the route. They ensure the unhindered passage of automobile columns to the parade ground for parades and ceremonial events.
  Patriotic citizens are lined up here, who are ready to sacrifice everything to protect a high values.
  The oligarchs and the retinues accompanying them get out of the cars.
  "Antropolis! Founded by Grigory according the order of ... "- the comments of some oligarchs who studied in childhood in Moscow schools are sounded.
  Oligarchs approach patriotic citizens.
  The retinues are left a little behind.
  Some oligarchs are surrounded by models, who are mobilized (or are volunteered) to work as secretaries and assistants.
  - Hello, guys!
  - Hello, boys!
  Handshakes, friendly half-hugs.
  A bottles of Russian vodka, glasses, are visible.
  The atmosphere is become a more warm.
  The sounds of the song are heard from the shiny black cars: "Moscow! The bells are ringing!"
  Birch sap from packages is poured into glasses. An anti-alcohol rules! Vodka will be used later - for rubbing (massage) of the bodies (when cold weather sets in).
  - Are you good here? Are you settled well?
  - Everything is fine! The toilet and shower have recently been refurbished. It would be nice to have more warm socks ...
  - It's not a question!
  The oligarchs make decisive gestures towards their retinues, which are disposed a little behind.
  The escorts rush to the cars, take out bales of warm socks from the salons and trunks, carry the bales towards ordinary citizens and oligarchs who are talking.
  Joyful excitement. No queues. No crowding. There will be enough warm socks for everyone and in any quantities.
  However, the time is up. 10-10, already.
  - Good luck, guys! Drive the evil spirits into tritararu!
  "Moscow! The bells are ringing!" changes to "My thoughts are my galloping horses!"
  The oligarchs are returning to the machines. Cars at top speed return back to the airfield. Oligarchs and shiny black cars are loaded into aircraft of modern brands.
  Three hours later, the same cars pass through the Famous Gate in the Heart of the Capital.
  - I warned you! Do not think that abroad is good. Here, at us, is good... But let's talk about current issues. What offers of help will you put forward at this critical moment in history?
  - We propose to arrange a Socks International Hub! To provide all patriotic citizens with warm socks without political accents and predilections! With the determination of the prices of socks on a fair basis.
  - It"s a good offer! I will give instructions to work it out quickly, without excessive bureaucracy... Let them connect artificial intelligence... create a digital platform... correct the identified shortcomings...
  A fresh breeze rushes over the earth. There is such a period - the pre-winter season ...
  The Socks Hub will be established soon. Thanks to the Socks Hub, all citizens will be provided with warm socks.
  Now is a special historical period. A lot is being decided these days...
  October 16, 2022 08:10
  Translation from Russian into English: October 16, 2022 09:00.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Носковый Хаб (в особый исторический период). Прогностический рассказ".
  { 3206. Носковый Хаб (в особый исторический период). Прогностический рассказ.
  MMMCLXXVII. The Sock Hub (in a special historical period). A prognosis story.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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