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The Story about the Tam-Tams and about two versions of the march towards Pristina

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    The Story about the Tam-Tams and about two versions of the march towards Pristina

  The Story about the Tam-Tams and about two versions of the march towards Pristina
  Sergei Sergeyevich since epoch of "Ochakov and conquest of Crimea" heard about the six hundred kilometer march of Russian paratroopers towards Pristina.
  Sergei Sergeyevich realized that from "ordinary" soldier and "ordinary" officer, this march requires great strength, courage and perseverance. They're people who follow orders...
  At the same time, Sergei Sergeyevich understood that this was not just a complex "military maneuver", but also a foreign policy and information-domestic political event.
  In fact, Sergei Sergeyevich was distant off the theme of this "march". He was indifferent to it, but he felt for him some intuitive light ironic distrust.
  It would seem - how much water has flowed from the time of this march... But again Tam-Tams began to make a noisy sounds ...
  New personnel appointment... Of course, officially - no information... For what to people, to voters have a knowledge about the reasons of an appointment...
  However, radio personalities (who are existing, including, on a budget money) hurry up. They started mentioning "the march-throw"again and again...
  At some point, Sergei Sergeyevich decided to reduce the amount of his historical lack of awareness and opened Wikipedia.
  Article "March towards Pristina" ("Марш-бросок на Приштину").
  Some points were not clear in this article.
  For example, "As a result, of March 24, 1999 NATO troops began the military operation concerning Yugoslavia continuing from March to June.
  During the operation, NATO aircraft bombed strategic military and civilian targets in Serbia. On June 12, the NATO ground forces was scheduled to enter from Macedonia. The main strategic object to be captured in the first place was the international airport "Slatina", located 15 km South-East of the city of Pristina - the only airport with a runway that can take any type of aircraft, including heavy military transport."
  This point is unclear! From March to June 1999, there were bombings. June 12 - land forces are planned to be deployed...
  In this matter there is a lack of information!...
  After a long walk through the various links, moving from Russian-language articles to English-language ones and back, Sergei Sergeyevich finds, for example, "Kumanov Military-technical agreement - a Treaty signed on June 9, 1999 in Kumanov representatives of the Army of Yugoslavia and NATO." ("Кумановское военно-техническое соглашение - договор, подписанный 9 июня 1999 года в Куманове представителями Армии Югославии и блока НАТО").
  Why not write about this agreement?
  "June 3 [1999]- Slobodan Milosevic agreed with the plan for a peaceful settlement of the conflict."
  June 9, 1999 - Kumanov Agreement.
  (Resolution of the UN Security Council No. 1244 was adopted on 4011 meeting, on 10 June 1999.)
  "On June 12, the NATO ground forces was scheduled to enter from Macedonia."
  The logic is built, though with some effort, with some difficulties...
  Sergei Sergeyevich almost got confused.
  After the speeches of the "radio" he had the impression that one of the famous people led a column of paratroopers.
  However, this was not quite true, or rather, the events looked different.
  "In may 1999, major Yunus-Bek Evkurov, who was at that time part of the international peacekeeping contingent in Bosnia and Herzegovina, received from the Supreme military command of the Russian Federation a top secret mission: as part of a group of 18 soldiers of the special forces of the GRU (of the Russian armed forces) secretly penetrate into the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, take control of the strategic object - the airport "Slatina" and prepare for the arrival of the main forces of the Russian contingent.
  The task was accomplished, and the group of Eukurov, acting under various "legends", secretly to the surrounding Serbs and Albanians in late May 1999 took full control of the airport "Slatina". The detailed circumstances of this operation are still classified."
  Again, it is not clear - under whose control was the airport before 'full control'? Under the control of the Yugoslav Army? Of the Yugoslav Forces?
  Sergei Sergeevich didn't found information on this issue in Russian-language article. Could there have been any obstacles in the process of transferring control from the Yugoslav Army to the representatives of Russia? On the one hand, the situation was difficult at that time. On the other hand, the Yugoslav Army traditionally was showing a positive attitude towards Russia and her representatives...
  In the article "Kosovo war" ("Косовская война") Sergei Sergeyevich finds the phrase: "In early March 1999, the Yugoslav forces launched an offensive and by the beginning of April of the same year were able to capture most of the positions of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)".
  If NATO forces planned to "enter" on 12 June 1999, and the Yugoslav army (Yugoslav forces) seized most of the KLA positions, then logically, was Pristina airport under the control of Yugoslav forces at the time of the arrival of the group of 18 soldiers?
  Yugoslav forces did not want to transfer control?..
  "On the night of June 12, 1999 paratroopers of the Russian peacekeeping forces, ahead of NATO troops, entered the territory of Yugoslavia. They marched from Bosnia and Herzegovina and occupied the Slatina airfield near Pristina, and a few hours later other foreign army units arrived there."
  Yes... By the way... What were the results of voting in the UN security Council?
  Sergei Sergeyevich gets acquainted with the Russian-language article about the UN security Council Resolution No. 1244 of June 10, 1999... There is no information about the results of voting... Why such brevity?
  It is necessary to look at the corresponding English-language article...
  "Resolution 1244 was adopted by 14 votes to none against. China abstained despite being critical of the NATO offensive, particularly the bombing of its embassy."
  The mood of Sergei Sergeyevich spoiled.
  He briefly looks, in addition, at the English text of the article "Incident at Pristina airport".
  "They proved to be real gentlemen, friends of the whole civilized world, friends of the "Western world", friends of those who consider themselves Europeans, friends, also, of Russia."
  Sergei Sergeyevich feels that he has no desire to continue reading on the topic of the glorious "March towards Pristina". If we evaluate the actions of "ordinary" soldiers and "ordinary" officers, this march was a difficult and successful event...
  Further Sergei Sergeyevich believes for the best not to argue, not to discuss...
  He switches to other topics...
  On July 1, 2019 11:14
  Translation from Russian into English: July 1, 2019 12:24.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о там-тамах и о двух версиях марш-броска на Приштину'.
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