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The Super-quick Review on two articles by Paul Luzin on the foreign policy of Russia

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    The Super-quick review on two articles by Paul Luzin on the foreign policy of Russia

  The Super-quick Review on two articles by Paul Luzin on the foreign policy of Russia
  By coincidence, Sergei Sergeyevich read the article by Pavel Luzin of Russian foreign policy (http://intersectionproject.eu/ru/article/security/ramzan-kadyrov-vo-vneshney-politike-rossii).
  What is the central point of this article? - The word-combination "the role of troublemaker".
  Further curiosity led (on the Internet link) to the article by Dr Mark Galeotti (https://inmoscowsshadows.wordpress.com/2008/09/01/blood-brotherhood-chechen-organised-crime/).
  Article in English. So Sergei Sergeyevich had to read a part without the help of an online translator and dictionary. And a part with the help of an online translation program.
  Sergei Sergeyevich doubted something.
  Abreg? Maybe the correct spelling - abrek?
  Mark Galeotti is a doctor and professor. He knows better.
  And who is this Pavel Luzin?
  Sergei Sergeyevich clicked on the surname (that is, the link), opened the biographical reference, and in it - the list of articles by this author.
  All to read - time there is no.
  But he opened another article by respected Paul Luzin about foreign policy (http://intersectionproject.eu/ru/article/russia-europe/kavkaz-imperskaya-realpolitik-ili-istoricheskoe-otstuplenie).
  He read up to the phrase "the main [trade partners of Azerbaijan] are the Italy (over $5 billion) and the Germany ($2.63 billion). And Russia's place can be compared with Indonesia (over $2 billion).)..."
  Everything is clear... But he was patient, he looked through the article completely.
  Both articles by Pavel Luzin demonstrate the author's "personal inventions": in both cases, the article ends with three scenarios-forecasts (how events can develop).
  And a brain is Paul Luzin...
  So what? "Troublemaker" plus "place (position) of Indonesia"?
  All articles of Pavel Luzin if to read, then, maybe, it will become more clear. But time ... time ...
  With Mark Galeotti - there somehow there are less questions ... ... albeit in English...
  On August 4, 2019 13:03
  Translation from Russian into English: August 4, 2019 14:52.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Супер-краткий отзыв на две статьи Павла Лузина о внешней политике России".
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