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Troubadours, minstrels, duelists and slippery puddles of sunflower oil spilled in modern urban markets. An essay on the psychology of the interaction of the opposite sexes

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    MMMDXCVII. Troubadours, minstrels, duelists and slippery puddles of sunflower oil spilled in modern urban markets. An essay on the psychology of the interaction of the opposite sexes. - January 7, 2025.

  Troubadours, minstrels, duelists and slippery puddles of sunflower oil spilled in modern urban markets. An essay on the psychology of the interaction of the opposite sexes.
  According to one version, Alexander Pushkin, who was heading to a fatal duel with d'Anthès, met a sleigh in which his, Pushkin's, wife was going (about her plans).
  If this case really took place, then Russian public can have a pity: why don't the spouses stop and talk about their family affairs? ... Maybe the duel would not have taken place? But, according to the mentioned version, the wife did not recognize her husband, did not stop, and Pushkin continued his way to the place of the famous duel on the Chornaya rechka (Black River).
  Vladimir Vysotsky and his first wife were aspiring actors. They had no position, no fame, no influence.
  As aspiring actors, as graduates of a theater educational institution, they were assigned to different cities.
  Vysotsky tried to "catch on" in Moscow. Having received an invitation from one of the capital's theaters, Vysotsky set a condition: he starts working only if his wife is accepted into the same theater.
  When the head of the theater was carrying of inspection (screening) of the Vysotsky's wife, an unpleasant situation happened: this director made salty jokes, behaved himself somewhat obscenely. Vysotsky's wife spoke rather rudely about the director and left this inspection (screening). Her employment at this theater did not take place. Interestingly, Vysotsky (personally) was present at this screening.
  It would seem that the husband should have followed his wife and refused to work in this theater. But there were no other opportunities, no other job places in Moscow (at that moment), no other prospects, no money.
  Vysotsky had to agree to work in this theater. The marriage gradually broke up. Vysotsky's first wife left Moscow. She worked in various provincial theaters, and she, seems, ended her theatrical career at a theater of Nizhny Tagil. She kept the surname "Vysotskaya" for herself.
  While working in law sphere, I happened to meet a middle-aged woman who had the remnants of her youthful beauty visible (of about fifty percent). She drove a very nice foreign-made car. Her relatives were quite wealthy people. She was divorced. Several times, we sat in her car (but not in any business premises) for an hour or two to discuss her problems. At the same time, for some reason, she took out large amounts of money from the glove compartment. As I learned from scattered pieces of information, she and her ex-husband once went to the Left Bank of the Don River for a pleasant stay in a cafe. (I don't know what's particularly pleasant there? Well, to have some kebabs? Swimming in the modern Don River? Sunbathing on the coastal sand?).
  Naturally, the cafe wasn't empty: it was summer, and people needed somewhere to spend their time....
  By chance, or semi-accidentally, or not at all by chance, her ex-husband found himself in conflict with one of men - the cafe's customers. But if her ex-husband was just a wealthy businessman with means, then the conflicting cafe visitor turned out to be a slightly different character.
  The situation was developing, and the ex-husband of a wealthy woman saw ahead a pleasant prospect of confrontation with superior (in numbers) (and in terms of physical interaction skills) opponents.
  Her ex-husband had to get out of an unpleasant situation in a humiliating style for him.
  The situation was not much like Pushkin's duel with d'Anthès. Perhaps the wife took the wrong tone.
  After the divorce, the ex-husband began to live in a civil marriage with an eighteen-year-old girl, and the ex-wife - alone - devoured kilometers in an excellent foreign-made car.
  When I was in graduate school, admission to a theater-type circle (club) was opened, in which everyone (according to advertising) could improve their diction and master public speaking techniques.
  In this circle (club), I met a charming girl from Novorossiysk, who for some reason lived in Rostov in the summer. She had a rare German surname (historical; from the Baltic barons? from the German immigrants of the last centuries?), and she (the girl) felt sympathy for me (and I for her).
  One day we were walking through the Central Market, - through the part where the hardware stores are located. We went to some shops.
  Then we went outside. And we went on. During our walk, the girl said that when she was passing through premises of the some hardware store, the locals slapped (patted) by a palm on the part of her body that is located below the back.
  Considering that we together (as a couple) went into the shops, it was obvious that the action indicated not only interest for the girl, but was an obvious provocation.
  My father was friends with one of the detectives who had the Central Market in his sphere of attention, I heard the stories (very different) from this man, and I could more or less roughly simulate the situation that would arise if I returned and tried to defend the principles of polite behavior towards girls. (Half jokingly, this man claimed that decent people don't go for a walk in Gorky Park, but that was almost forty years ago.)
  I had to continue our walk (without going back (without returning) to the hardware store), even though the girl-my companion felt offended. This insult wasn't washed away. Alas, the duel did not take place.
  Now I think that if she had held my hand, or if she had walked a little ahead of me, no one would have offended her.
  We have not made any joint plans for the future.
  She moved from Novorossiysk to another city, closer to the western borders of the USSR (maybe it was a woman's intuition - or a calculation - that directed her closer to the Germany, which was imperceptibly preparing for Gorbachev and for unification?), and we exchanged letters for a while. Gradually, the correspondence faded away.
  She had a beautiful, unusual handwriting.
  I don't know if she visited hardware stores in the city markets in a men's company after moving (from Novorossiysk), did she hold her companion's hand, or walked a little ahead of him?
  January 7, 2025 01:47
  Translation from Russian into English: January 7, 2025 04:23
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Трубадуры, менестрели, дуэлянты и скользкие лужи подсолнечного масла, пролитого на современных городских рынках. Очерк психологии взаимодействия противоположных полов. ".
  { 3626. Трубадуры, менестрели, дуэлянты и скользкие лужи подсолнечного масла, пролитого на современных городских рынках. Очерк психологии взаимодействия противоположных полов. - 7 января 2025 г.
  MMMDXCVII. Troubadours, minstrels, duelists and slippery puddles of sunflower oil spilled in modern urban markets. An essay on the psychology of the interaction of the opposite sexes. - January 7, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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