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"Victory Day. Before. And after. Miniatures" [publisher]

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    [publisher] На некоторое время размещается в Интернете Сборник ""Victory Day. Before. And after. Miniatures"". The collection ""Victory Day. Before. And after. Miniatures"" is placed on the Internet for some time. The miniatures published in this collection are the translations from Russian into English. Some miniatures are presented in "Russian and English" option. A certain quantity of miniatures from this collection were published in other collections. Victory Day - the generalizing notion of the Victory in May, 1945. 2 мая 2018 г. May 2, 2018 03:42.

[publisher] [publisher]
  "Victory Day. Before. And after. Miniatures"
  1. Dialogue about the Peace Treaties of Tilsit (1807).
  2. The tale of the Congress of Vienna (1814 -1815).
  3. The Tale of Six Percent.
  4. Leo Tolstoy. The debtors and creditors. Essay.
  5. Dialogue about Gorchakov.
  6. The Tale of October 17.
  7. Dialogue about the general baron von Taube.
  8. The Tale of the Kuropatkin Patience.
  9. The Tale about Daladier
  10. The Fairy Tale about Literary Connoisseurs.
  11. The Short Story about reading historical books.
  12. The Fairy Tale about monologue of Hindenburg.
  13. The Tale of lists.
  14. The Tale about two awards.
  15. The Fairy Tale about October 10, 1941.
  16. The Short Story about the Navy of railways.
  17. The Short Story about Artillery.
  18. The Tale about the Academician Tarle.
  19. A Monologue about the French Tricolor and about the Stavka.
  20. The Tale of new songs.
  21. The Tale of the Elderly Man.
  22. The Tale of the Lermontov's walk on an art gallery.
  23. Dialogue about an adventure literature.
  24. Dialogue of the pilotless aircrafts.
  25. The Short Story of Monocles.
  24 марта 2018 г.
  March 24, 2018
   The Collection was composed April 7, 2018, May 2, 2018.
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