Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Where is the truth? The note

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Where is the truth? The note.

  Where is the truth? The note.
  An employee of an opposition organization was suddenly drafted into orderly ranks (with a great discipline), was sent to the distant northern islands. Now he lives on a remote helipad at a great distance from settlements (someone in the publication used the term "barrel" - what does this mean? Diogenes? Allegedly, he is deprived of constant communication with the outside world). This oppositional person somehow comments on his new position, new place of life, and seems to be very unhappy ...
  A large foreign media corporation has prepared a report on a certain monastery, which is now actually headed by one of its builders (he participated in the construction of five monasteries?), A builder whom a one of high clergyman called a charismatic personality.
  In the photographs, a place from a fairy tale appears before the readers ... But can a reader believe the photographs? ... Who knows what is hidden behind the walls of the monastery? ...
  Somehow through the lines of the journalist material appears a huge, regularly functioning monastery household, which is in excellent order and managed by a skillful firm hand ...
  But, nevertheless, in the report we see two visitors to this monastery who have lived there for a long time (in childhood), and now comment on their life in the monastery from a critical point of view ...
  Is it possible to educate children in such a way as not to provoke criticism? Perhaps in individual families, of which there are not so many left ... And what is left? We are all surrounded by streams of negative information, consumption of various bad substances, deviant behavior ... It is not so easy (impossible?) to re-educate a person who was boiling in such an environment. And the environment of the monastery, with all its shortcomings, is after all not the worst option in a number of cases (and for many people it is just a salvation ...).
  A lot of news came over the course of a few days. For example, about the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, about the corresponding statement of the US State Department ...
  Someone was deprived of spiritual dignity, and someone was awarded the (military) rank [title] ...
  It is difficult to understand all this and draw appropriate conclusions ... Where is the truth?
  In one of the biographies of Margaret Thatcher, it is reported that she, the daughter of a Protestant pastor, personally read sermons ... Perhaps she had an understanding of moral values and a confidence in the correctness of own understanding ...
  However, the text of the sermon read by Margaret Thatcher is not given in her biography.
  So the question remains. Where is the truth?
  July 25, 2020 7:45
  Translation from Russian into English: July 25, 2020 08:35.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Где истина? Заметка'.
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